You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
Melissa Royce
Please pray that God would stop deterioration and heal as only he can heal my right foot as the heel fat pad is deteriorating after a steroid injection for planter fasciitis. I got the shot last December to the doctor so that doesn’t make any sense thar it’s deteriorating just now so we need God to intervene please. There’s nothing the doctors can do about it he said.
Received: February 23, 2017
I met two ladies at work this week that are pregnant. One woman was pregnant with twin boys and they were her first kids another lady is pregnant with a baby girl I want to pray for them and their families that they would have save deliveries and raise them with God.
Received: February 22, 2017
Our oldest son is traveling here from college on the 11th and want to pray for his safe travels.
Received: February 22, 2017
For my dads health and restoration with my son Devin. Thank you and God bless
Received: February 22, 2017
Dan J
Praise God for healing in our friend Stephanie! She was very ill in icu and has had great recovery. Had tumor removed that was compressing her airway and vocal cords. It looks like she has recovered to the point that she will be singing solos for Easter at her church.
Received: February 21, 2017
Please continue to pray fir my cousin, LuAnn. After starting treatment and release to home she was struggling with communication and memory. Back to the RR to find she has had a few minor strokes. Keeping her in hospital until they feel she is through this.
Her body is weary and she is fighting with her faith in God.
The family references Exodus 17:11-14 where Joshua is fighting the Amalekites. Where Moses had his hands raised to God, the Israelites would win. When his arms dropped, they began to lose the battle. When he grew weary he sat on a stone and Aatin and Hur held his hands up through sunset. Joshua won the battle.
Please help raise LuAnns arms up in prayer…help her through this battle. Whatever His will be, so be it.
Thank you.
Received: February 21, 2017
1) Going to a very unique job interview at 2:00 today. Please pray for the people I’m meeting with (T and L) and for me – clear communication and understanding, and for me to know God’s will. This is a second interview.
2) feeling lead to take another person to address brokenness in a close relationship, as we learned about this morning in the sermon. Guidance and clarity regarding God’s goals for this conversation..
restoration…healing…at this point there seems to be a lot of confusion and woundedness.
Received: February 19, 2017
Prayers are going out to Melissa Modderman I only know her name through my Daughter, Prayers For Healing! God Touch Her and give she and her Family Strength.
Received: February 17, 2017
Dan J
Alex my nephew is struggling with depression. Pray for peace as he struggles through this.
Received: February 16, 2017
Pray for graduating seniors and their upcoming plans! Safety to all those who will be moving from home.
Received: February 16, 2017
Denise J
God, I want you to have control over every area of my life! Bless Devin my son with the desire to seek Jesus.
Received: February 16, 2017
Courtney G
Please keep my grandfather in Ohio in your prayers. His battle with diabetes has worsened and they’ve amputated both legs within the last few months, the most recent surgery being yesterday. Prayers for comfort during his tough days and prayers for those in our family taking care of him. Thank you.
Received: February 16, 2017
Pray for the family of Barbara Smith in Philadelphia. Barbara Has A lung condition as well as Cancer cells detected in the lung fluids. Doctor has already told her that this battle will more than likely not be a victory for her. She is strong in her faith and despite the diagnosis has remained strong.
Received: February 16, 2017
Please pray for Linda Clark. Grandmother to Josh Clark. Health problems and in the hospital. Praying for healing and for restoration. She is a believer. Pray for the family.
Received: February 15, 2017
Please pray for my cousin LuAnn Self. Just found out her cancer has returned….tumors in her spine and a new one in her brain. Also found in her spinal fluid. She and her family are asking for a strong prayer from everyone to get her through this fight. The first round was tough and through prayer she made it through. This one is going to be a harder battle so please lift her up in prayer for peace, comfort and healing.
You can follow her family’s strong faith through the last and this fight on and look up her name. Their faith is amazing and strong! Thank you
Received: February 11, 2017
Pray for the Gonzalez family. The mother had a stroke yesterday. Pray for healing, comfort and strength.
Received: February 2, 2017
Please pray for Melissa Modderman, she is battling stage 4 breast cancer and had a report last Friday that the cancer around her lung has had “significant growth”. They will be consulting oncology on Monday. Thank you for praying for Melissa. She is asking for strength to be faithful to the finish line.
Received: February 1, 2017
Peace in our home. Light to reveal & push out the darkness. Follow His teaching on our roles in our family. To love as He loves.
Received: February 1, 2017
God’s favor for custody hearing on Feb. 6th, 2017. Continue my growth with God keeping my eyes on Him and Him only.
Received: February 1, 2017
For Gods guidance and leadership in all I do! For Him to be with me and KEEP me. I just praise Him for all He is doing and for Him to soften Devin, Derek, my brothers and fathers hearts. Thank you-God bless you!
Received: February 1, 2017
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