I prayed for this

Prayed for 19 times.


Please pray for my 18 year old step son who says he is transgender. He is in a really dark place right now & isn't coming around us at all. He has stayed away now for 2 months & recently on Facebook publicly lashed out at me saying "my step mom" & her family say they love me but don't support my lifestyle. He says we make him feel bad & it's just crazy to me...opposite of what he's claiming. My husband & I have been praying & really tried hard to show him Gods love & acceptance with out pushing religion on him. But instead by unconditionally loving him & being there & trying to live by example... not just preaching it to him, because I feel like that does more damage than good sometimes! & really I don't understand how much more support he could ask for?? We have never turned him away or any of what he's saying. He is upset with the political choice on who we are voting for & that's what set off his latest rant against us. He says for us to vote for who we are going to vote for that it's like we are spitting in his face. The transgender, LBGT & racial issues that are going on in the world are the only things he talks about & it consumes his thoughts. I'm just really really really hurt because I have seriously put so much time & energy into him and have ALWAYS tried to make him feel no different from my own biological kids. I know he's lost & confused etc...but this has been the case for so long now. Sometimes I feel like he uses it as an excuse to do what ever he wants. He's very manipulative & like a Chamaeleon (in where he can be whatever you want him to be...he changes for who he's around to fit in...he'll tell you what you want to hear just to get you off his back) he has major low self esteem issues. He has been extremely selfish & comes off as almost narcissistic. I feel like I don't know him anymore just in this last few months he has wandered off & had nothing to do with us. Please pray for God to pull him out of this bondage & set him free, to open his eyes & see himself as God sees him. Please pray that the seeds that have been planted would begin to grow. Pray for my husband, kids & extended family who are even involved to some extent emotionally & myself to have strength, & wisdom, & guidance from the Holy Spirit on what to do, say, & just everything!!! I feel weary & I know Satan is fighting for my stepson. We need every prayer we can get to come against Satan b/c I know our God is stronger, & nothing is to big for him to handle! So God we give it to you gladly & please rescue him! In Jesus name Amen! Thank you for the prayers church!

Received: November 7, 2016

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