Lex Rupp
**update on Michael**. Whatever is going on with his left eye is now going on with his right eye but they caught it within a day and the drops are keeping it stable. He is now out of pain and that is a blessing from God and I know that all of your prayers have been instrumental. We do know what it is not: conjunctivitis with septal edema, bacterial infection. He now has cataracts in the left eye due to the damage and the Dr is keeping it dilated to reduce scarring, so no vision but medically induced at this time. Please continue to pray for the doctors to have the knowledge to diagnose and to treat whatever they need to. Bloodwork was completed on Thursday and no phone call yet so I take this as a good sign. Appt with Dr. tomorrow so hopefully we will have an idea of what is going on. I trust that God has a great plan for Michael whatever the outcome. Thank you Good Life family!
Received: January 10, 2021
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