Deb Sutton
Some updates: I passed one of my two kidney stones this week. Thank you Jesus I was trying to avoid a hospital visit for a year. God I’d soooo good.
Ricks parents are slowly adjusting to their assisted living home. They are both in pretty rough shape. Mom has Parkinson’s and can’t swallow without choking. She has lost so much weight it is heartbreaking. Dad has dementia and probably into the beginnings of Alzheimer’s .
Thank you for continued prayers.
Rick is working hard on his health issues although under a major amount of stress. Please pray he will lean in to the word and develop Godly male friendships. He is retiring May 31st,
Our adult kids, all 8 of them, seem to be in a place Rick and I never imagined along with the rest of the troubled world. God has a plan though, and we are holding tight to that.
Thanks Goodlife we hope to be back in attendance real soon.
Received: January 5, 2022
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