2 Cor. 5:18-19 All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation.
Salvation is from God; it was His idea. The story of salvation is the story of reconciliation. In order to be reconciled we first had to be separated. The understanding that we were separated from God before the work of Christ is essential to understanding the gospel. The gospel is that God no longer counts the trespasses of men against them because the payment for their trespasses was paid through Christ’s sacrifice. A believer not only receives this but spends his life with the entrusted responsibility of sharing this message and life with the world around them.
I can’t ever forget that apart from Christ I would be separated from God. I did not woo God over to my side, but rather through Christ, I have been won back to God. I have been both purchased and adopted through the work of Christ. I have been reconciled. This is my life. This is my story as well. As a follower of Christ I have the privilege of being reconciled to God and the responsibility to share this with the world. I have been entrusted with this new life and with this message of reconciliation. I don’t have the freedom to be selfish with the story. I must share it with my life and with my words. We have but one story to share and it is a great honor to share it!
Father don’t let me think that the message of reconciliation you have both saved me with and entrusted to me is only “my story”. Remind me it is my song as well. May my life and words sing the ministry of reconciliation to the world around me. Thank you for reconciling me back to Yourself!
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