Who We Are




Good Life Church is called to love God enough to share the Good News of Jesus Christ across the street and around the world and share our lives as well.




GATHER in Worship
GROW in Christ as we GROW in community
GO into the world sharing the Good News



GOSPEL-CENTERED – To be a people whose only hope is built on the Good News of Jesus Christ and His sacrifice on the cross for our sins and whose only purpose is to share the Good News with the world. 

SCRIPTURE-FOCUSED – Everything we sing and everything we teach is rooted in God’s Word. The Lord has provided in His word all that we need to point others to Him. 

WORSHIP-MINDED – Worship is not limited to the songs we sing. With every thought, attitude and action, we are worshipping something. Since God alone is worthy of our worship, we want every area of lives to focus on His worth and declare His glory.

DISCIPLE-MULTIPLYING – The fundamental mandate of the Great Commission is to make disciples who surrender every area of their lives to Christ. And as our lives conform to the image of Christ, we cannot help but make disciples who make disciples who make disciples. We were saved to multiply. 

COMMUNITY-BUILDING – We believe that life is better together, and we desire to connect people in authentic, Christian community where they can grow through prayer, Bible study, accountability and support. 

MISSIONALLY-ACTIVE – As followers of Jesus Christ, we are not only called to carry the Good News, but we are also compelled to join His mission of restoring broken things. Through the ministry of reconciliation He has entrusted to us, we live out the hope of the Gospel in our community and beyond by joining with Christ as He is making all things new.   

GENEROUSLY-GIVING – Out of the overflow of God’s gracious provision, we desire to be a people who are extravagantly generous with our time, talent and treasure. 




ABOUT the BIBLE – We believe God inspired the writing of every word of Scripture, and, therefore, we believe that it is without error.

ABOUT GOD – We believe there is one, living and true God. We believe He is Holy, ever present, all knowing and all powerful, and He exists in three persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. We believe we can come to know God through His creation, His Word, and the work of the Holy Spirit. God is most clearly seen in the life of His Son, Jesus Christ, and Jesus is the only means by which we can have relationship with Him.

ABOUT HUMANITY – We believe men and women were created in the image of God but that image has been tarnished because of sin. We believe there is a desire to know and be known by God written on every human heart, but because of sin, we do not possess the power to regain a right relationship with Him without salvation through Jesus Christ.

ABOUT SALVATION – We believe the wages of sin is death and all of humanity has a debt before God that we can never repay, but God sent His Son to bear His wrath for our sin so that we can be saved. The only means of salvation is to repent and believe on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This free gift can be received by anyone who is called by God to surrender their lives to Him by grace through faith in the complete work of Jesus at the cross. We can never earn salvation by how we live, but true salvation will result in a dramatic change in how we live.

ABOUT BAPTISM – We believe Jesus ordained baptism as the public profession of salvation by believers. We believe the Bible records that baptism should be by immersion and only after surrendering your life to God. Baptism does not save you from your sins, but it is a public proclamation that Jesus has saved you.

ABOUT the CHURCH – We believe the Church is the body of Christ connected to Jesus as the head. The members of the Church are those who have responded to God’s gracious call through faith in the finished work of Christ on the cross. The purpose of the Church is to worship God, equip believers for ministry and to evangelize the world.

GOOD LIFE CHURCH upholds and agrees with the Baptist Faith and Message 2000