Good Life Journal – 2 Timothy 1

Scripture :

2 Timothy 1:12 which is why I suffer as I do. But I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed, and I am convinced that he is able to guard until that day what has been entrusted to me. 


Paul, though imprisoned and treated as a criminal, shares that his conscience is clear and that he isn’t ashamed. How? How can he have a clear conscience when everyone else is condemning him? He tells us. He knows who he believes in and is convinced that what has been entrusted to him will be guarded until the day of the Lord. 


It’s hard to do the right thing, especially when the environment around you does/believes the opposite. I am in a city today that is over 90% non-believer/unchurched. Being a Christian in many parts of Canada is considered silly and small minded. The men and women I will be a part of assessing today feel a calling to be a part of the great commission in this tough/cold spiritual climate. So how do they stand strong when many around them ridicule them and shame them. 

Two things:

-Know who you believe in. Know who you live for in the first place. Know why you are living and doing life the way you are doing it. Know why you take risks, live uniquely and share the gospel with your life and actions. Jesus is our all in all. 

-Be sure, that no matter what, your security is found in Christ. No one can take away the Spirit He placed in you or revoke the call to follow Jesus. When the whole world turns against you, rest in the grip of Jesus. He is able to hold us secure in even the most difficult of environments. 


I need this word today. Father, thank you for reminding me and revealing your love and security to me again. May I stand secure, regardless of my surroundings.


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