Good Life Journal – 1 Peter 1


“Concerning this salvation the prophets who prophesied about the grace that was to be yours searched and inquired carefully inquiring what person or time the Spirit of Christ in them was indicating when he (the prophets?) predicted the sufferings of Christ and the subsequent glories. 

It was revealed to them that they were serving not themselves but you—in the things that have now been announced to you through those who preached the good news to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven, (by the way) things into which angels long to look.

Therefore, (prepare) your minds for action…” (Excerpt from 1 Pete 1:10-13a)


The Gospel—prophesied by the prophets and searched through the scriptures for validation—and we are the recipients of such largess by God.


At times it is good for me to step back and contemplate the enormity and majesty of the Gospel.

I am guilty from time to time of thinking the Gospel is a message only for salvation.  Once the salvation box is checked off, go to another biblical topic.

How shortsighted I can be.  For hundreds of years Prophets of God saw and were vaguely aware of the Gospel—this through the Spirit of Christ bubbling and percolating in their heart.  According to the Word they sort of knew when a Gospel prophecy was spoken and then they dug and dug and wrote and wrote so that the generations to come would know and could validate the Christ when He appeared.

I wonder if they went through periods of frustrated joy: frustration that this Grace wasn’t to be theirs until a time in the future bookended by joy knowing that were serving generations yet to come.  How faithful these guys were.  Totally faithful.

I need to contemplate the mystery of the Gospel more.  How mysterious is the Gospel?   The scripture is blunt in saying “angels long to look into” this Mystery—they couldn’t understand it.  I can imagine angels around the kitchen table eating (of course) Angel Food cake and saying “I just don’t get it?  Tell me; explain one more time what is up with the Son becoming Man?  What does that accomplish?  Why is that needed anyway?” and all the same questions I should be asking the man in the mirror.  Astounding.  Inconceivable.

It is on this explanation that calls me to seriousness: “Therefore (because of this Salvation, the depth and breadth affecting through all Creation) —prepare my mind for action…

Lucy, I have some ‘splaining to do…


Lord—grip me with the Majesty of the Gospel.  Allow me to grow in perception of the pervasiveness of this Mystery wherever I am.  AMEN.