Scripture –
Proverbs 15:3 – The eyes of the Lord are in everyplace, keeping watch on the evil and the good.
Observation –
God is all knowing, all powerful and all in control. God is soverign and knows what is happening everywhere at all times. God watches both the evil and the good and as we see those with wisdom fare well with the Lord. There is severe discipline for evil doers who forsake the way (Proverbs 15:10).
Application –
God knows everything I have ever done and will do including all of my sin. Yet, without deserving, God sent Jesus to pay for my sin debt in full so I can turn to Him, be reconciled and have a relationship with Him. The cross of Christ is the only way to the Father. I need to submit humbly before God and seek wisdom in His word to follow Jesus. God knows our intentions and He is not fooled if our actions don’t match His will when others aren’t watching. Verse 3 is a reminder to me that God is watching over the whole world at once judging good and evil. This makes me want to revere the Lord and follow His ways. It may appear that the wicked prosper but God is watching and it will be short lived leading to death.
Prayer –
Thank you for creating me in your image and sending Jesus so I can have a relationship with you. Let me seek you in wisdom and have the Spirit guide me on your path even when no one is watching because you are.