Good Life Journal – Revelation 14

Scripture –

Revelation 14:12- 13 – Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus. And I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Write this:  Blessed are the dead, who die in the Lord from now on.”  “Blessed indeed,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them!”

Observation –

John is revealing a call to fear God and follow Him as is the time of judgement. The world will be deceived and follow the beast and receive the mark of the beast to engage in commerce. The Spirt tells John for believers in spite of persecution to have faith in Jesus and persevere.  Believers endure in the Lord will be blessed with rest from their labor for the Kingdom.

Application –

We are living in a time where a secular worldview is becoming more prominent and we are seeing a moral revolution contrary to God’s created order snowball before our eyes.  The sanctity of human life is being challenged as it is deceitfully being perpetrated as women’s healthcare/reproductive rights.  We are in this time and the world is telling us we need to follow it to be right.  Good is being mocked as evil and evil is being celebrated as good.  I have to draw near to God by being in His Word and prayer.  I must trust in the Lord and lean not on my own feelings or worldly understanding.  My trust, faith and love of Jesus needs to stronger than ever for eternal consequences are at stake.  An eternal rest in heaven with the Father is waiting for those in the Lord versus eternal separation and torment.

Prayer –


Thank you for your truth in the revelation from John.  Let the power of the Holy Spirit be with me to guide me and give me strength, encouragement in Jesus to endure in faith as I live to know you and share your love with others to glorify you.