Good Life Journal – Colossians 3


Colossians 3:2

Set your minds of the things that are above, not on things that are on earth.


Paul is assuming that the one is been renewed by Jesus Christ and his Gospel. If one has been saved and redeemed this should change our lives and it was true then as well. He makes this statement in verse 2 that shows that we have a choice to make. 


What is powerful about this passage is it starts off with the responsibility of the individual. “SET YOUR MIND” is a statement that says it is on you. Now, this is something that is only desired when one has the Spirit of God within them as that is what takes us from death to life upon the reception of the Gospel.  We have a choice though, two worlds to set our minds on, Above or below. Set your mind on Heaven or the earth and which one i set my mind on will dictate my actions as a human being. It will dictate whether I am obedient to Jesus or disobedient to Jesus. What do we set our mind on then? Kindness, Gentleness, humility, patience, compassionate heart or a couple listed a couple verses later in Colossians 3. We can continue to look at the heart of God through his Word and the fruit of the Spirit to see other things to set our mind too. The main heart that God has led us to is love. Love is humility, love is you go first for the benefit of the other and that is what we must set our mind to. 


God my Father, change my mind today. Let what I seek to from Heaven. Let what I desire be straight from your heart. Let my desires be transformed by your Spirit and let my life be richly in your Word and an extension of you on earth.