Good Life Journal – Psalms 4-5

Psalm 5
Vs 1 Give ear to my words, O Lord; consider my groaning.
Vs 2 Give attention to the sound of my cry, my King and my God,
for to you do I pray.
Vs 3 O Lord, in the morning you hear my voice;
Vs 7 … I, through the abundance of your steadfast love, will enter your house.
Vs 8 Lead me, O Lord, in your righteousness because of my enemies; make your way straight before me.
David expresses an incredible contrast between what he has and what God has.
What does David have?
“my” words, “my” groaning, “my” cry, and “my” voice.
What does God have?
“your” steadfast love, “your” house, “your” righteousness, and “your” way
This is a very humble description given that David is the king who has everything and can do what he wants.
David doesn’t want to do that, though.
David wants to enter the Lord’s house and to do things the Lord’s way.
This humble acknowledgement of who David is, however, is contrasted by the boldness with which David expresses himself to God.
David states plainly “give attention” and “lead me”.
David knows God will do so because of God’s “abundance of steadfast love”.
Where do I want to be lead?
“My” way or “Your” way, God?
How do I want to get there?
“My” righteousness or “Your” righteousness, God?
When do I go to You, God?
“In the morning”? Or later when I’m frustrated be the events of the day?
I need to follow the example of David recognizing I have nothing to offer God but my voice … even my groaning.
But because of Jesus I can experience His presence here.
And I can know that because of His steadfast love, He will hear me and He will lead me.
I must go to Him in the morning … each morning, to be lead into His righteousness.
How amazing is it that God will “give attention to the sound of my cry”!
And in His graciousness, He will show me His way!
I must be humble enough to acknowledge him as “my King and my God” and bold enough to follow Him “the way before me”.
Thank you God for your Word
Thank you that you hear me
Thank you that you lead me
Give me wisdom and boldness to follow your way and path
In Jesus name