Good Life Journal – Acts 14


Vs 8-10 [8] In Lystra there sat a man who was lame. He had been that way from birth and had never walked. [9] He listened to Paul as he was speaking. Paul looked directly at him, saw that he had faith to be healed [10] and called out, “Stand up on your feet!” At that, the man jumped up and began to walk.


Paul had discernment – enough to know that the lame man had faith and that Jesus would heal him. Paul allowed himself to be used by Jesus

Jesus enabled Paul – He showed his power and authority through Paul

The man listened – step 1

The man had faith – step 2

The man obeyed and acted – step 3

Jesus did not necessarily heal him because of his faith and obedience but certainly without his faith and obedience Jesus would not have healed him.


Applications from two different perspectives – one from the Apostle Paul’s perspective and one from lame man’s.

From Apostle Paul’s perspective:

Know that, as believers, the we have the same power that raised Jesus from the grave living within us.

We may never be used by Jesus to directly heal a faithful lame man to walk, but certainly that same power is enough to get us through our rough times and circumstances, and enough to help someone else who desperately needs it.

From the lame man’s perspective:

As we face our battles (social issues, sickness, financial, and so on..) we need to act as the lame man did.

Listen – read the Word, pray, worship, live life with other believers and go to them for advice.

Have faith – have faith that Jesus is who He says He is, that He is omnipotent and omnipresent, that He loves us..

Obey and act – when we hear from God (Word, worship, Godly counsel, or however we hear from Him) we must obey.  There will always be an action step we must follow, even if the action is to be still, know that He is God and let Him handle it.

Having faith and exercising obedience doesn’t guarantee a life without pain, stress, and strife, in fact, we are guaranteed to have trials.  Listen, obey and act through the trials and use them as the Lord will have us use them.


Lord I love You and believe in your promises.  Let me have the faith and obedience of of the lame man.  Help me remember that Your power lives in me and that with that power, I can overcome my fears and trials of this life. Let me use these for Your good.  Amen