Good Life Journal – John 19


John 19:11 11 Jesus answered him, “You would have no authority over me at all unless it had been given you from above. Therefore he who delivered me over to you has the greater sin


Jesus is in the last days of his life. He knows his outcome and he knows the people that are fulfilling his fate. Even at the end of his life he is doing ministry. He is still choosing words with purposeful intent so that people may know the Father is and that he had sent him. These words to Pilate were intentional.


Having authority and leadership in the world is not earned by man yet given by God. Regardless of how hard we work the acclaim can never be to me or to my “achievements”. It has to he attested to the grace, love, and hand of God that has given me what I have. The authority of Pilate is only real because God gave him the authority. Now, what interesting is that just because I don’t acknowledge it from God doesn’t change the fact that it is from God. Pilate never stops and praises God for the authority, he actually takes him out for one more chance of freedom before turning him over. The realization for me that places me to my knees is two things;

1. My boss, my accountability partner, the one who gives all I have is God. My life must be in realization that my authority, power, and influence is given by God for God. I must diligently serve and love people so they know God. It’s from him anyways.

2. God must see something in me that he can use. This is humbling as I battle so much with feeling unworthy and useless. God loves me and loves people and my position and sole purpose in life is to show people that in my life and words. It’s given by God so I pray it all return to him through worship and salvation.


God forgive me for thinking it’s all about me and what I can do for you. Forgive me for my pride and selfishness. Help me realize all I had is from you and for you and lead my words, feet, and hands today for your Glory.