Good Life Journal – Proverbs 7

Journal Prov 7 (all references are from the ESV; changes in punctuation are mine)

 Scripture:    “…treasure up my commandments with you…”  (Prov 7:1b”

Observation:   There can be so much awesomeness found in a single word…

 Application:   I have written on being diligent and intentional towards becoming a Disciple, that sometimes the determination of “doing” overshadows the core of what that means.

“Treasure up my commandments…”  Treasure:  What a significant word.

I am reminded that Jesus talked about what I treasure as a measure.  The parable of the Pearl illustrates the depths and lengths of apprehending something of great value.  I think normally I hear speakers and read books where that “great value” is our Lord himself—and that is so true.  Nothing compares with the value of knowing Him (see Phil 3:8-10).

Knowing Jesus is the pinnacle of my treasure.  But here is the additional kicker: “If you love Me, you will keep my commandments.”  (John 14:15)

Therefore it is not too great a stretch to think “if I treasure Jesus, I should treasure His Word (commandments).”

I have seen over the years the emphasis being on a “relationship”—which is a kind of “soft” idea.  I take a look at my earthly relationships and see that example extends to Jesus in practice—I don’t treasure (in the firm sense of that word), rather I am content with the status quo of knowing He is around.

How do I change that?  I think by really wringing out the word “treasure” and nailing it consistently and firmly in my heart.

Treasuring something can be very easy.  After all, the world has a bunch of things that are hung out in the marketplace to entice me to “treasure.”

Treasuring His commandments?  Treasuring something that is counter to the ways of this world?  Well, anything worth having is worth putting a hand to the plow for.

Prayer:   Lord God, I am grateful for the persistence You have gifted me with over the decades.  Usually I recall it seems like 5 steps back, 2 steps forward at times but every time You push me forward in seeking You with a gentle hand on my back and, frankly speaking, a two by four in the other hand.  You discipline whom You love—I am grateful for Your love.  Make treasuring You and Your Word erupt in celebration in me more and more.  If I sing of Your Love, I sing of Your Word.  AMEN.