Ezra 8:23– So we fasted and implored our God for this, and he listened to our entreaty.
Ezra is leading a group of Israelites out of exile back into Judah. Ezra, stops at the river Ahava for three days and humbles himself before the Lord. Ezra fasted and appealed to God for safe travel in route back to Judah. God listened to the humble prayers of Ezra for protection.
Application –
I can’t rely on my own wisdom or plans to provide safe passage. Rather, I must humbly submit before God and appeal to God who listens to our prayers to Him. Trust God in prayer and He will have his hand on me and deliver me from situations I didn’t know even know were present or that I would encounter.
Prayer –
Let me humbly submit before you in prayer that you would guide our steps and keep your protective hands on your servants in Jesus name.