Good Life Journal – Hebrews 10

9/23/20 Wednesday

Journal Heb 10 (all references are from the ESV; changes in punctuation are mine)

Scripture:  “Therefore, brothers, SINCE we have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus, by the new and living way that he opened for us through the curtain (that is, through his flesh), and SINCE we have a great priest over the house of God, (because of this) let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.


And let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for (because) he who promised is faithful.


And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together (as is the habit of some), but encouraging one another and all the more (because) as you see the Day drawing near.”  Heb 10:19-25


Observation:  I think I see the exclusion of the word “Because…”  It is implied, of course, but is easily forgotten…

The Writer of Hebrews lays out a case on “why” things are done throughout Chapter 1 through 9.  Something to remember for me to embrace…

Analysis:  It is easy to skip over the hard parts and go right to the “greeting card” quote of stirring one another up, etc.

I did (and am still doing) that very same thing all…. the…… time.  Every day.  It is what I remember; way more than the teaching about the Old Covenant practices vs. the New Covenant explanation found earlier in Hebrews.

But I shouldn’t rest on finding the “greeting card” quotes and stopping there.  The Holy Spirit wrote all of Hebrews that I would have and understand the profound basis of my Faith.

I look at “hold fast the confession of (my) hope without wavering” and see why for so long I confessed my faith as an act of stubbornness—because I didn’t spend time to check out the “Therefore’s” and “Since’s” and all of the various “because’s” in v19.  Shucks, I conveniently and actively forget Chapters 1-9 which leads up to v19 and beyond.

Why am I reminding myself of this?  It is because I can get lazy and forget the width and breadth of what Christ has done and the surpassing greatness of his work on the Cross.

Sounds like Christianese, right?  That “Christian speak” that people can lapse into when they want to sound impressive.  I am far from impressive, but I desperately want to THINK like this—because, if I do, then maybe, just maybe I have a chance of remembering, not “why did You do it?” but “WHY did you do it for me?”

Prayer:  Father, I appreciate that journaling isn’t like teaching.  It is pulling up my own thoughts and feelings and putting them on e-paper.  It is a method for reflection, meditation, and review—especially for the future when I can reflect on my thinking and reasoning about You and Your Word.

I have dreams and aspirations, less than what I had as a youth, but no less burning in me today.  Please guide me and take me to the places You want me to be, according to Your wisdom and purpose.  AMEN