Good Life Journal – Matthew 4



[1] Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.


[10] Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.”




He was not tempted by the Spirit but He was actually led by the Spirit to a desolate location in order to be tempted by Satan – not by his minions but by the devil himself.


He was led to a place where he would be broken down and certainly tempted. Being fully human, this was a necessary part of Jesus’ ministry.


Of course Jesus, being perfect in humanity and divinity, could not sin. He summoned the power within Him to remove Satan and his temptations.




Jesus was not tempted by the Spirit, He was tempted by Satan. With a purpose, the Spirit simply led Him to a place where He would be tempted. There, Satan tested Jesus but He stayed strong.


Neither does God tempt us, but he will certainly allow us to be tempted. We can be tempted in may ways, whether by Satan himself or by his minions. Satan’s minions can put thoughts in our heads from the shows we watch, the books we read, the people we talk with, or seemingly out of the blue. We are in a constant spiritual battle and need to always be prepared with the armor of God. We need to use the power of the Spirit within us to remove Satan or his minions from our path.


The result of our temptations should be for our growth, for fuller understanding of the Lord and for total reliance on Him and Him alone.  When our eyes are no longer fixed on Him; when we drift from that reliance on Him; when our humility is lost and we think we can do it own our own, it shouldn’t surprise us that the Spirit will lead us to a place of temptation. What we do when we are tempted – how we react and who we turn to, defines us.




Lord, I pray for your wisdom and discernment. Help me keep my eyes on you and realize when I’m straying from your will. Help me put on the full armor you provide me in order to fight the spiritual battles I will constantly be confronted with. In the mighty name of Jesus I pray, amen.