Good Life Journal – Matthew 24

Matthew 24:12-14 – And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold.  But the one who endures to the end will be saved.  And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations and then the end will come.

Observation –  

Jesus is speaking on the Mount of Olives to the disciples about signs of the end of the age.  Many believers are going to lose their love and faith as there is increasing propensity for violence and hate.  To be saved we will have to endure increasing persecution.  Once the gospel is proclaimed to all the nations, Jesus will triumphantly return!


Jesus also tells the disciples that only the Father knows the time of His return.  These are warnings and should give a sense of urgency to live for the Kingdom and be prepared for the return of the King.  Endurance means holding fast to my faith in spite of declining conditions in society and being unpopular.  Jesus loved first, therefore we must share the love of Christ with all.  I must pray for those who want to shut us down and persecute us.  Missionaries will continue to carry the gospel forth to the remaining unreached people groups and Jesus will return so I must stay focused on His eternal glory and be ready.



Thank you for the truth in your word and the warning you give us to stay  ready by thinking of heavenly things.  Let the power of the Spirit give me strength, courage to have unwavering faith for you.  Give me endurance to love you and others when evil appears to be in charge and persecution at hand.