Good Life Journal – Matthew 26

Matt 26:47-75




Vs 47 … Judas came, one of the twelve, and with him a great crowd with swords and clubs …

VS 49 And he came up to Jesus at once and said, “Greetings, Rabbi!” And he kissed him.

Vs 50 Jesus said to him, “Friend, do what you came to do.”


Vs 56 But all this has taken place that the Scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled.” Then all the disciples left him and fled.




Jesus is betrayed by Judas, one of His apostles.

Judas comes close to Jesus, kisses Him, leads a crowd to Him, and even acknowledges who Jesus is.

It was all to pursue and accomplish his own deceitful plans, though.


Jesus is not surprised, however.

Jesus continues to display the fruit of the Spirit throughout this betrayal …

Kindness … Jesus calls his betrayer, “Friend”.

Gentleness … Jesus heals and eschews the violent reactions.

Self-Control … Jesus is largely silent and hardly presents a defense of Himself.


Jesus knew that Judas was “doing what he came to do”.

But Jesus also knew that He was doing what He came to do, as well.

“All this taking place” was part of a much bigger plan and picture … the fulfillment of Scripture.




Are my days filled with my plans or God’s plans?

Do I tackle each day with “what I came to do” or what God wants me to do?


My plans can look good on the surface.

I can acknowledge who Jesus is … come close to Jesus … show affection for Him …

Maybe even lead some others along the way.

But my plans ultimately betray Jesus if my motives are not Jesus’ motives.


Are my motives the Kingdom of God or the kingdom of me?

Do I want to “do what I came to do”?

OR do I want to “fulfill the Scriptures”?



If I understand that there is a grand story of God unfolding,

then I can gladly accept that my self-motivated plans are inferior, or even worse, ulterior.


God’s kingdom will come, and His will will be done.

Do I want to play a role in it?


The Holy Spirit will grant me peace in this regardless of my life’s circumstances if I accept the unfolding of His plan.



Thank you, God, for your grace when I am motivated by self.

Help me see your plans every day

Help me, Holy Spirit, accept whatever circumstances come my way

Help me live your plans and not my own

In Jesus name
