Revelation 14:7 – And he said with a loud voice, “Fear God and give him glory, because the hour has come, and worship him who made heaven and earth, the sea and the springs of water.”
Observation –
John is describing what an angel with an eternal gospel was proclaiming in strong warning. The time is here where Jesus will judge everyone on earth. The creator of heaven, earth, sea, springs of water and all creatures in it is to be worshipped. The redeemed are to fear God and glorify him.
Application –
At our present time we are experiencing massive cultural shifts, immorality, taking of innocent unborn life under the guise of choice. There is fear of the virus and fear of violence from social unrest and uncertainty of government. The gospel is, was and will be the only truth to believe in that has eternal consequences. The warning from the angel needs to be heeded as to we are to fear God not man or anything of man’s construct. I must remain focused that God holds our soul and eternity in his hand. I need to be humbly submitted before our creator God giving him the glory that he deserves through worship, prayer and outreach.
Prayer –
Thank you for creating me in your image and sending Jesus so I can believe in him to know you and make you known. Let the Holy Spirit guide me to fear you not man and glorify you.