Good Life Journal – Acts 9


Acts 9:31 –   So the church throughout all Judea and Galilee and Samaria had peace and was being built up.  And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, it multiplied.

Observation –

The early first century believers were living in fear of God and walking in His ways following Him.  The Christians were being led by the Spirit and believers were in that sweet spot of obeying.  Having fear of the Lord and following the Spirit are traits of spiritual maturity that are encouraging to build up and grow the church.


As I reflect on the 21st century church in America and guidance to have a healthy church, I gain insight from verse 31 to apply in my daily walk.  Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.  I must work to be in correct relation to God by humbly submitting myself before Him.  If I am submitted before God, I am in position to walk with wisdom and discernment along His path not wavering on my own way.  I need to fear the Lord not man or any of his constructs. Step 1 fear God, then I have to be receptive to both look for and follow the prompting of the Holy Spirit to lead and guide me. When I allow the Spirit to guide me there is encouragement I get from following Jesus.  If I am doing just these two things, I am in a position to build up and disciple others to then have them do that in turn thereby expanding the Kingdom.




Thank you for sending the Holy Spirit to lead and guide me.  Let me humbly and fearfully submit myself before you to follow you.  Use me to encourage, disciple others to know you.