Good Life Journal – John 17

John 17:20-21 –“ I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so the world may believe that you have sent me.”

Observation –

Jesus is praying for the disciples to be kept from the evil one and be sanctified in the truth of the word.  Jesus asks this prayer not only for the disciples, but for all who will believe in Jesus through their testimony.   There will be people who believe through the witness of the disciples.  The prayer is also for unity in the Church when we praise God for his grace in sending Jesus as our only way of salvation and reconciliation with the Father when we live a life on mission to know Jesus and make him known the world will take notice and believe.


God’s word will go out and He will accomplish The Great Commission as Jesus tells us in verse 20.  It is humbling to think that Jesus prayed that prayer for all believers then and now that we have the opportunity to be a part of God’s plan to share the greatest news the world will ever know here in Bradenton with neighbors, family members and throughout the world.  As a Christian, one who truly believes in the resurrection of Jesus to overcome death, I need to live a life so others may see Jesus through me and believe also.  I must act in unity of the Church as an ambassador for Christ by sharing the gospel message of salvation through Jesus.

Prayer –


Thank you for the truth in your word and the prayer of Jesus for all believers that we are united through Christ to you.  Keep me steadfast in your word and protect me from the lies of Satan.   Let the power of the Holy Spirit lead me to live life on mission to follow you and fulfill the Great Commission.