Romans 4:16 – That is why it depends on faith, in order that the promise may rest on grace and be guaranteed to all his offspring- not only to the adherent of the law but also to the one who shares the faith of Abraham, who is father of us all
Observation –
Paul is explaining to the believers in Rome that the promise to Abraham did not come from the law but through faith by God’s gracious gift to all who believe. It is not the law that saves us rather the law shows sin. Abraham had faith and trusted in God and His promise to make him father of all nations. When we have the faith in God through Jesus, we are united to Abraham in our faith.
Application –
Jesus was around before creation and everything was created by and through Him. Therefore, Jesus knew Abraham and this is God’s gracious plan of salvation for mankind from the beginning. There is no amount of works, record for me to keep or thing I have to do to be united to Abraham. I have to trust the grace of God in His gift to send Jesus to save me from my sins and place my faith in the name of Jesus in the promise to redeem me. Faith is a complete trust in God and receiving a new life in Jesus and following his path for our life to tell and disciple others.
Prayer –
Thank you for your grace in sending Jesus so I can repent and have a relationship with you. Let me trust you completely, follow you faithfully to share your love and gospel to glorify you.