Good Life Journal – Luke 3



[8] Bear fruits in keeping with repentance. And do not begin to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father.’ For I tell you, God is able from these stones to raise up children for Abraham.




As a person repents from his sin and truly loves and honors God, his life will bear fruits that are apparent. Contrary to what the Jews believed at the time, it is not good enough to rest in the fact that they were descendants of Abraham. This will not bring salvation.




Just as the John the Baptist tells the Jews they do not automatically get salvation by being descendants of Abraham, neither are any of us given the gift of salvation because of our heritage or upbringing. It means nothing that our parents were Christians. It means nothing that we attended a Christian school. It means nothing that we hang out with Christians. It means everything that we accept Jesus as our Savior and begin our sanctification process with Him as our cornerstone.


As we repent our sins and follow Jesus Christ closely, we will strive to glorify Him. Good fruit will follow..




Lord thank you for my salvation. Thank you for the breath I take every single day. Thank you for the daily reminder of whose I am. As you put others with open hearts in my path, give me the words I need help them t know you. In Jesus holy name I pray, amen.