Scripture :
Psalm 68:20 “Our God is a God of salvation, and to God, the Lord, belong deliverances from death.”
Observation :
Psalm 68 recalls the power of the Lord. The psalmist writes of the magnitude of God and inspires worship by calling the listener to consider the might of God. His power and might are unrivaled yet He is a God of salvation. He is in the business of saving.
Application :
How often do I step back and consider the magnitude of salvation? It is inspiring to consider the strength and might of God yet He acts in love towards His people. Today, in light of salvation I should live a life of inspired worship to the One who holds all power and is salvation.
Prayer :
God thank You for Your love and salvation. I give You honor and glory for Your power and might. Help me live today in light of Your salvation and be a light to others.