Good Life Journal – 1 Corinthians 1


1 Corinthians 1:10

10 I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment.




Paul is writing to people who just can’t get along. Remind them of the two responses to the Gospel and how we have made it complicated. Paul is thankful for the people he writing to and at the same to challenged to correct them.




Our differences and difference of opinion and beliefs is what people thrive off of. People travel the world to debate each other. The bad thing is we travel the world to debate people of the same denomination, same church, and same belief system. Why? Why do we thrive and desire to not agree? Would that mean we have nothing to make us different? Paul’s encouragement is to agree….agree on the main things of God. Agree on the mission of God. Agree agree agree. So in conversations not try and find out what we don’t agree on, but spend time praising God what we do agree on. Same judgement, we should view ourselves and OTHERS in the same way. Wow, this is so not true of the church today. We view people how we think they should be according to the theology and moral standard we have placed on them. May we be of one judgement and that be what Jesus has given us. John 8!!!! No condemnation and only love and grace!




Father may I be of one heart and mind with my brothers and sisters in Christ. May I not judge myself based on me but on your word and your spirit! Help me Lord Jesus live and lead a life that honors you!


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