Author: Good Life

  • Good Life Journal – Mark 15


    Mark 15:43 – Joseph of Arimathea, a respected member of the council, who was also himself looking for the kingdom of God, took courage and went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus.   


    Joseph of Arimathea was seeking the kingdom of God.  Joseph was courageous and put kingdom work above his own safety.  Jesus was crucified, dead and buried in an identifiable tomb cut into rock.  


    I need to be seeking Jesus and the kingdom of God.  When pursuing the kingdom of God, it will be countercultural to the norm of the world. Therefore, I can expect resistance and need to rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to give me strength and encouragement. Joseph of Arimathea sought the kingdom of God without knowing how the story would end but be the greatest beginning the world has ever known! It is not a small fact to be overlooked that Jesus was buried. Jesus overcame the grave and defeated sin/death so that we can have a relationship with the Father.



    Thank you for your love, grace and mercy in Jesus’ atoning death for mankind.  Help me to live a life to seek your kingdom. Let the power of the Holy Spirit give me strength and courage to follow you.

  • Good Life Journal – Mark 14


    And as they were eating, he took bread, and after blessing it broke it and gave it to them, and said, “Take; this is my body.” And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them, and they all drank of it. And he said to them, “This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many.”

    And when they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives. And Jesus said to them, “You will all fall away, for it is written, ‘I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered.’ But after I am raised up, I will go before you to Galilee.”


    Jesus knows what is about to happen. He knows his body is about to be broken, his blood spilled. He also knows that the very men who have been right at his side don’t know what is really going on. Not only that, they will all leave him. Some deny him. Some will run. Some will betray him.

    Jesus doesn’t go to the cross because we are worth it. He doesn’t get broken because we are good. He doesn’t pour his blood out for those who get it. He dies for the least of these.


    Our application is simple: rejoice. If there is hope for the disciples, there is hope for you. These men walked with Jesus. Touched him. Smelt him. Talked with him. Ate the Passover with him. He even told them about what was going to happen but they were too dumb to get it, they couldn’t see it.

    And after all of this they denied even knowing him. They couldn’t pray with him. They couldn’t be there for him. They left him. And Jesus sees it coming. He tells them it will happen but also says, “Don’t worry. You are going to scatter but I will meet you in Galilee. I will forgive you. We will be reconciled.”

    We feel like we have done too much. But we haven’t. The broken body & blood poured out is done for the worst, the least, the dirties, for you & me. Rejoice. He is enough for you. He has made you right. He became nothing, so you would be worthy before the Holy of Holies. He didn’t die because you were worth it. He died to make you worth it.


    Thank you. I pray that would be seared into our hearts at Good Life, that we would be a people who rejoice always in our weakness & your strength.

  • Good Life Journal – Mark 13

    Scripture:   Peter and James and John and Andrew asked him privately, “Tell us when will these things be and what will be the sign when all these things are about to be accomplished?”  And Jesus began to say to them, “See that no one leads you astray.  Many will come in my name saying ‘I am he!’ and they will lead many astray.  And when you hear of wars and rumors of wars do not be alarmed.  This must take place but the end is not yet.”  Mark 13:3-7

    Observation:  End time stuff—maybe the one subject that gets all our generation all aquiver.  Why?  Because it is a mystery and we all love mysteries… 

    But, without employing the guardrails that Jesus gives us, is pursuing this “mystery” healthy?

    Application:   “Do not be alarmed.”  “Be on your guard.”  “Do not be anxious.”  “Keep awake.”

    These warnings, directives, or imperatives in some sense are repeated approximately a dozen times in this chapter alone.  Basically the Word of God is saying “Be aware, pay attention.”

    There was a time in my life where I got into all of this stuff to map out the timelines, find the clues, break down current events, etc. and apply them to the subject of End Times.  It was a lot of effort reading, going to conferences, buying books, and studying scripture. 

    I would say that it was somewhat profitable to learn to the extent that I gained knowledge—I wouldn’t do it differently.  However I wonder what I missed in a prioritized way?  I cannot beat myself up about that—I learned what God wanted me to learn I suppose. 

    So, a few decades later, what can I glean?  Signs are just that—signs.  Like billboards, we can be aware, be cognizant, but pay attention to the road that you are driving on.  What day is The Day?  We don’t know.  I can add all the clues up, take the signs and pile them one on the other like a deck of cards, shuffle them, deal the cards and what do I get?  Only the Father knows the day and time—not even the Son knows.  So I think I can figure it out?  Really?

    Deuteronomy 29:29 (one of my go-to verses lately) says “The secret things belong to God…” and that He has revealed what He wants us to know and immerse ourselves in and pursue.  Those things may not have “sizzle” like End Times stuff but they may be more profitable in living for the Kingdom and the Gospel.

    My question above “…is pursuing this “mystery” healthy?”  The extent of pursuit may call for employing a trusted friend to look over the shoulder to keep Jesus’ guardrails in place so as to keep it healthy and on the road to righteousness.  Outside the guardrails there may be a cliff…

    Prayer:  Lord Jesus, I hope that I am adequately framing this subject up.  I know what I have come to grips with in You concerning That Day.  I am aware that if I read the Scriptures clinically and not try to fill in the gaps with my imagination, there are more things that cannot be answered that can.


    I can’t say that I have completely arrived in this but it seems daily I am a little more comfortable with mystery in You.  AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – Mark 12


    Jesus said to them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” And they marveled at him.


    There is so much in this chapter. We’re going to see this a lot in Marks Gospel. Mark does a really good job of giving us the information of what happens with Jesus. He is really concerned with just telling us what happens. Nothing fancy. Just here it is.

    The verse I want to look more closely at is this one above. It has such a deep truth to it.

    The people see that what Jesus is saying and they see something so big in it that they marvel.


    So what is he saying?

    He is asked about whether or not they should pay taxes to Rome. See Jesus is being viewed as a political figure, one who might save the Jews from Roman occupation and rule.

    So he is trapped in this question. Should we pay Caesar taxes? If he says no – he will be arrested and killed. If he says yes, he is a sell out to Rome and not the Messiah everyone is hoping for.

    Jesus relies with a question: Who’s image is on your money?

    They reply: Caesar.

    He says: then give to him what is his.

    But then he adds this line: and give to God what is Gods.

    Then they marveled. Here is why they marvel. Because Jesus turns a trap into this amazing truth: just as Caesar’s image is on the money, Gods image is on us.

    Jesus is referencing when in Genesis, God says “let’s make man in our image”

    You and I are made with Gods image. The imago dei. Created in his image.

    What is reasonable then? We give to God what is Gods. We give our life to him because we are his. Whether we admit it or not. Whether we believe it or not. Whether we hate him or not. We are his.

    Our lives are his. And he came back to rescue the imago dei. He came back to reveal to us this truth.

    You are Gods. Give him what is his already.


    I pray that I would remember this truth. That our church would give to God what is already his. Make this a reality for us each and everyday.

  • Good Life Journal – Mark 11


    Vs 3 (Jesus said) … If anyone says to you, ‘Why are you doing this?’ say, ‘The Lord has need of it …”
    Vs 5 And some of those standing there said to (the disciples), “What are you doing…?”
    Vs 6 And (the disciples) told them what Jesus had said …
    Vs 27 As (Jesus) was walking in the temple, the chief priests and the scribes and the elders came to him,
    Vs 28 and they said to him, “By what authority are you doing these things, or who gave you this authority to do them?”
    Vs 33 And Jesus said to them, “Neither will I tell you by what authority I do these things.”


    Jesus gives guidance of how to respond when people ask questions of the disciples about what they are doing. Let the questioner know that the Lord needs them to do it. When Jesus, Himself, is later asked a question by the religious leaders, however, He does not provide an answer to their question.


    Jesus gave many examples of how to respond in various situations. I, as a Christian, should then try to live out His examples … I must be Christ-like.

    Why, in Mark 11, does Jesus seemingly act different from how He tells the disciples to act?

    Jesus tells us to give a clear answer when people ask why we are doing what we are doing. Jesus, Himself, though, denies an answer to the religious leaders when they ask a question to Jesus.

    This different response must be about the questioner, not the question. Jesus knew the people would ask questions.

    Jesus also knows the hearts of the questioner.

    Jesus is not opposed to questions. He was asked and answered them all the time. But He often redirected His answer or responded with a redirected question to get to the heart of the matter.

    The townspeople wanted to know “Why?” …

    But the townspeople also had to be satisfied with the authority of the answer … “Because the Lord …”

    God is OK with my “Why” questions if I keep Him in the seat of authority … Jesus is Lord. This is how I show I have faith … This is lived faith …

    “Why?” … “Because the Lord …”

    The religious leaders, on the other hand, question the authority of Jesus. … They question his “Lordship”. Jesus is not OK with this. When I find myself questioning God, I need to question my own heart and mind first.

    Am I questioning why God is doing something or am I questioning who God is? “Why are you doing this God?” vs “Who do you think you are God?”

    What’s more is … only one posture leads to obedience. The disciples did “what Jesus had said”. When I maintain Jesus as Lord … in other words, when I trust who Jesus is … I will comply even if I don’t understand the “why”.

    When I question the Lordship of Jesus, I will make myself the authority … I will make myself lord.


    Thank you God for your word. Help me to see you and obey you as Lord Help me trust who you are always When I am asked why I am doing something, Help me to communicate you in it In Jesus name, Amen

  • Good Life Journal – Mark 10

    [6] “But at the beginning of creation God ‘made them male and female.’ [7] ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, [8] and the two will become one flesh.’1So they are no longer two, but one flesh. [9] Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”

    As they often tried to do, the Pharisees were trying to trick Jesus into answering in a way that would alienate Him.  Instead of answering the question directly, He totally deflects into focusing on what marriage IS, not how or when it should be torn apart:
    Marriage is God’s design..
    – God made us male and female
    – God created marriage
    – God said that in marriage, a man and wife should be united as if one flesh
    – One flesh is such a strong bond that no earthly power should be able to separate

    This is explicit with no room for confusion – marriage is a God created covenant between a man and woman, with a bond is stronger than any earthly force; even stronger than the bond between a man/woman and his/her parents/kids.

    Marriage is not always easy.  Men are commanded to love their wives as Christ loves the church and women are commanded to respect their husbands – see Eph 5:25-33.  Nowhere in the bible does it say you won’t have issues in marriage.  The reality we need to deal with in our flesh is that, this is not always easy and can be downright hard sometimes.

    But, if those who get married treat it as the covenant God intends it to be, understanding that there will be issues to overcome and don’t expect it to be trouble free, turning to Him for guidance and not worldly advice about abandoning the relationship when things get tough, not only would they be living more in God’s will, this in turn would lead to far less divorce, further leading to more stability in the family structure of our society.

    Lord, thank You for creating marriage as You have, and for making it abundantly clear in Your Word what that really means.  I pray I respect that covenant with my wife and that I love her even when times are tough.

  • Good Life Journal – Mark 9

    And when they came to the disciples [down from the mountain with Jesus as he was transfigured], they saw a great crowd around them, and scribes arguing with them. And immediately all the crowd, when they saw him, were greatly amazed and ran up to him and greet him. And he asked them, “What are you arguing about with them?”

    This chapter is extremely full. There is a ton happening:

    1. Jesus opens with, “Truly, I say to you, there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the kingdom of God after it has come with power.”

    — But wait Jesus, everyone who you tell this to dies before you have returned, before your kingdom comes with power? You still haven’t returned and it has been 2,000 years. A lot of us have died. What did you mean here?

    2. Next, Jesus turns into this burning white heavenly form of himself & God speaks audibly & people who are dead are standing on the mountain with Jesus, Peter, James & John. 

    If I am Peter, James & John my head is exploding at this moment. “I was a fisherman like 5 minutes ago, now this?” They would have needed a second to process what is going on. Also, is this maybe the point of Jesus’ comment about the kingdom coming with power, is this a glimpse of the kingdom coming with power. Is this why Jesus says some will see it before they die?

    3. After this amazing moment of seeing Jesus transfigured into this heavenly form & hearing God speak audibly, these disciples, who I am sure are totally reeling, they come down the mountain to what seems to be something close to a riot. A commotion of people frustrated with the disciples because they can’t do their job.

    “What are you doing?! Cast out this demon. Can’t you see this kid needs it!” I could just imagine the panic and fear in the disciples. They are thinking, “We aren’t prepared for this.” I could see them wanting to throw the towel in. They are probably really afraid and overwhelmed. On top of already feeling insecure that Jesus didn’t choose them to go on the mountain with him. These disciples are really feeling it and the crowd can smell the fear and they pounce.


    I really want to look at the forest, instead of the trees of this chapter. There isn’t one specific topic I want to touch on, there is so much. But there is a feeling or a reality I want to pull out from the whole chapter.

    Ministry, living for Jesus, following Jesus & doing it well is really confusing at times, really overwhelming sometimes & you are going to want to throw in the towel.

    Sometimes when you need a break, you aren’t going to get it, like the disciples who saw Jesus transfigured. They are overwhelmed I am sure, but they don’t get two seconds to process it. Jesus even tells them not to talk about it with others. So they aren’t even allowed to process it with others, but before they could even think about it they are walking into a riot of people yelling & screaming at their friends, the rest of the disciples. No time to process. On to the next huge moment. That is how following Jesus often goes. That is OK. Trust him. Don’t always look for a release valve, or a time of rest, sometimes they don’t come. Sometimes we just rest in Jesus in the midst of the craziness.

    Lastly, as you are doing ministry you will feel completely and wholly the depth of your inadequacies. And sadly, people will point them out. They will tell you about them. They will want you to fix them. That is OK. It helps you grow. And it might even be really loving of them to rebuke you or to teach you or to disciple you. We need to grow & we need moments where we are asked, “Why can’t you cast this demon out? Isn’t this what you guys do? You need to do better.”

    The disciples felt really inadequate at the moment… because they are! We all are. But when Jesus comes he helps us. He teaches us. He shows us. But he doesn’t save us from feeling inadequate. He doesn’t save us from feeling the breath, the hot, sweat rolling down our face while the riot of people yell at us. 


    I pray that we would trust you, I would trust you, in the midst of ministry. I don’t want to be someone who always rolls his eyes when following you gets difficult. I don’t want to complain and look for an escape, to run from difficult situations or to assume that somehow walking with you saves me from those. I want to trust you. I want to see that you are who you say you are and that these same things happen to all of your disciples & followers. Give me, give us the grace to love you and to trust you each day of our lives, of our ministry, of our loving people enough.

  • Good Life Journal – Mark 8


    Mark 8: 34 – 38 –   And calling the crowd to him with his disciples, he said to them, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.  For whoever would save his life will lose it but, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel’s will save it. For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?  For what can a man give in return for his soul? For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him will the Son of Man also be ashamed when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.”


    After rebuking Peter about His death and resurrection, Jesus tells the disciples that to follow Him requires self-denial.  Those that submit everything to Jesus for the sake of the gospel will save their life. Conversely, those who try to hold on and save their life will actually lose it.

    You can have everything in this world but not have salvation and eternal life in heaven. Jesus gives a stern warning that if you are ashamed of Him and the gospel message, He will be ashamed of you when He returns in His glory with the angels.


    Only the love of the gospel has the power to change hearts and change lives.  God loves us so much that he sent Jesus to pay for our sins so we can repent and be reconciled to Him eternally.  As a follower of Christ, I have to realize my own inadequacy and impurity that is only made right and pure through the cross.  As such, I must submit all things small and large in all aspects of my life to come under Jesus. I heard it said this way:

    I must be under that which is to be over me
    To be over that which is to be under me

    As I walk with Christ, I pray that I follow His will and not my own.  The love of the gospel is the most powerful thing in the world and Paul tells us in Romans 1:16, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.”



    Thank you for your loving me so much that you sent Jesus to pay for my sin debt in full.  Let the power of the love of the gospel continue to change me daily. May I submit all things to you, live unashamed of the gospel and share your love and truth will all.  

  • Good Life Journal – Mark 7


    “‘This people honors me with their lips,
    but their heart is far from me;
    in vain do they worship me,
        teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’ 


    Honoring God is not enough. Believing in God is not enough. Worshipping God is not enough. Pointing others to God is not enough. Our hearts must also be near to him while we do these things.


    We must be vigilant with our heart. It isn’t enough to go through the motions. It isn’t enough to believe or to say all the right things. I don’t want to end up like these people, these religious Pharisees who were “close” to God with their words but weren’t actually close to him with their hearts.

    We must realize that God will not be mocked. We cannot pretend with God. We must fight to get our heart in under the control & love of God by constantly meditating on the things of God. We cannot take for granted that our heart is in the right place, we have to take stock of it, we have to put it under a microscope.

    In the Psalms, David tells God, “Search me!” He wanted God to look at his heart and all it’s depths. We must do the same with our hearts as to not be deceived like these Pharisees were.


    Lord, search me! Know me, let me know myself and my heart. Let me not be deceived. Let not my heart and my actions not be aligned.