Author: Good Life

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 69


    [5] O God, you know my folly;
    the wrongs I have done are not hidden from you.
    [6] Let not those who hope in you be put to shame through me,
    O Lord God of hosts;
    let not those who seek you be brought to dishonor through me,
    O God of Israel.


    David knows that God knows of all the small things he’s done wrong and of all the big things as well.  He is confessing his sins and knows that God knows about them already, but that God also knows his heart.  There is nothing he can hide, nor is there anything he chooses to hide.

    As he later in this same psalm asks for deliverance from his enemies, here he is expressing his deep desire that none of his previous actions cause other believers to be shamed or in any way dishonored.

    David knows he is used as an example to others.


    When the world seems to cave in around us, or when we feel like someone or everyone is out to get us, we will certainly pray that God help us through the situations. Before we do that though, we need to repent and ask God for forgiveness of our sins.  Guess what?  God knows we are not perfect and have sinful desires.  He already knows anyway so there is no point in keeping it inside.  In fact, not only is it pointless, it is damaging to us mentally and spiritually to do so.

    As we live our daily lives, know that we are the light on the hill.  We are the saints speaking for Christ in this world.  We are known for what people see in us and coming from us.  When we commit outright sin, or even just folly, we are seen as examples of our Christian brothers and sisters.  Like it or not, our actions as Christians can actually lead others away from Christ.  We should hold that thought for the next time we are tempted with a bad decision. It doesn’t just hurt us or our families, it can hurt the whole body.


    Lord, thank you for Scripture to guide us.  With David being a man after Your own heart we thank You for examples and expressions from David’s heart that we can apply to our own lives in this world.

    We know that as you continued to use David after his sins and backsliding, You will continue to use us as we recognize our sin and repent.

    In Your Holy Name we pray, Amen.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 49, 110


    “Truly no man can ransom another or give to God the price of his life; for the ransom of their life is costly and can never suffice that he should live on forever and never see the pit.

    This is the path of those who have foolish confidence…”  Ps 49:7-9 and v12a. 


    The unsurpassed sufficiency of Scripture: Every so often, no matter how much is read of Scripture, something pops up and blows me away.  The above is a key point of Salvation, clearly stated, and yet so foolishly ignored. 


    One of the biggest struggles that man has is any idea that he can atone for himself; that somehow there is a value he can bring to the table to trade with God for good favor. 

    “God: I promise You my life, only take care of me in my ways; let me in heaven.  I will do good, worship You, etc. etc, all my days…”  “Wow, what an offer”, He says tongue in cheek.  “Let me review: I created you, I think I already have sovereignty over your life?  What can you really offer Me that I don’t have?  I don’t NEED your worship for I am sufficient in myself.” 

    This is the basis of this kind of foolish confidence: that I have something God wants; that I have something to trade with Him.  It can be distilled to a kind of word equation: “If I, then You…” 

    Easter is in a couple of days.  The celebration is that God loved the World; Jesus is the Lamb slain for the salvation of the World (Cosmos).  Period.  Stop.  There are other facts that cascade from this but the core from where we stand is that Salvation is a one-way covenant; it is all of the Trinitarian initiative from before time began.

    Man’s responsibility?  One way or another man will recognize this, either now in recognizing redemption or at the End of Days recognizing judgment, condemnation, and His Holy Wrath towards sin. 

    So what am I supposed to do?  Is this a confused message?  Don’t I get a choice?  How do I respond and maybe a better question is “why should I respond?”

    From my perspective it is as it was for me as a youngster presented with the facts of the matter: God is God and Creator; I am created.  I can serve Him as I was designed to…or not.  If I am going to serve Him, recognize He is my Creator then go all in; serve and bow before Him with all my heart and all that I am and…just all—nothing half way

    Sounds pretty good, right?  Disclaimer: Once I started down his Path nothing turned out like what I wrote above.  Why?  Because I started with an idea in mind…which turned out to be not hardly close to what He wanted to make me.

    The way of a disciple is a marathon, not a race.  My vision is not the next road but what lies over the horizon.  The way of a disciple is not “what have you done for Me lately” but “Father: Help me finish the race!”


    Lord God, as it was under that awning way back when, this moment I freshly surrender.  In fact I put no confidence in that day but only and every day rejoice in Your atonement for my sin.  Your grace, your mercy is astounding and inconceivable.  Why You would give yourself, why you would be the payment for my debt is unimaginable.  Thank you is never enough but it is all you look for.  Keep me from the sin of thinking I have to “add” to the Cross so to multiply the effectiveness of your Love.  Keep me from stinking thinking.  AMEN

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 34


    Psalm 34:22 – The Lord redeems the life of his servants; none of those who take refuge in him will be condemned.


    David writes this Psalm after escaping death at the hands of Abimelech.  David opens by saying he will bless the Lord at all times and the Lord will hear the cries of the brokenhearted.  In verse 22, the last verse of the Psalm, he tells us that the Lord will buy back the life of his servants. No one who seeks shelter in the Lord will be condemned.


    I must remember the gospel of Jesus daily and never get past what God did for me. The Lord redeemed the life of all who believe through the substitutionary life, death on the cross and resurrection of Jesus.  Jesus paid for my sins and the sins of the whole world so I can repent, be reconciled and have a relationship with the Father. There is only one way to the Father, through the son. The cross at Calvary provides the bridge to cross from death in sin to life everlasting with the holy, righteous God of creation.  Paul writes of this in his letter to the Romans 8:33-34, “Who shall bring any charges against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died – more than that, who was raised – who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us.” This is the most important thing and everyone’s greatest need.  As I trust God for my salvation, I need to trust him will all aspects of my life.



    Thank you for redeeming my life through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.  Let me seek shelter in you, love you and serve you so others can see you through me.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 22


    22:1, 7-8, 16

    1 – My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, from the words of my groaning?

    7 – All who see me mock me; they make mouths at me; they wag their heads;

    8 – “He trusts in the Lord; let him deliver him let him rescue him, for he delights in him!”

    16 – For dogs encompass me; a company of evildoers encircles me; they have pierced my hands and feet


    The opening words are recited from Jesus Christ while he hung, dying on the cross.  Jesus was mocked just as David is being mocked. Jesus’s hands and feet were pierced just as David’s were. The death of our savior was not only predicted by the words in the Old Testament, the death of our savior was foreshadowed and lived out in the life of King David so that we, as the readers, would see this foreknown and perfect plan for King Jesus to be “forsaken” “mocked” and “pierced” for His glory and our good.


    As we hear the pain in king David’s voice let us be reminded of the sweet, yet painful voice of our savior, king Jesus. God’s plan was not for Him to wave a magical wand over the universe and cure us from this disease called sin, God’s plan was to sacrifice His son, His only son. David felt pain, real pain. Jesus felt pain, real pain. Do we feel pain at the sight of our sin? Jesus didn’t feel pain for sake of feeling pain, He felt it on our behalf. Let us be reminded of this truth as we head into a new week: We have no access to Jesus without the words “My God, My God, why have you forsake me” and because of those words we hear the promise from God say to us “I will never leave you nor forsake you”

    If you are in Christ, remind yourself the price of your sin, remind yourself the pain of your sin, but don’t stop there. Rest. Rest in the promise that He does not leave whom He chooses to call His.


    Jesus please remind me the pain that my sin caused. Give me a heart of flesh, remove this heart of stone. Break us for what breaks you. Help us rest in your work. Remind our souls that you called us, you choose us, and you’ll keep us, because you’re good and because it’s FOR your good to do so. Thank you Jesus.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalms 16


    “I say to the Lord, “You are my Lord: I have NO good apart from you.”” Ps 16:1b


    How tremendously difficult it is to surrender to this level.  This kind of statement isn’t just a theoretical, theological, objective statement of the facts of the Scriptures—I am speaking of making this the subjective, overriding, predominate attitude of my heart, soul, mind, and CONDUCT. 


    There are two distinct theological principles (or doctrines—get used to this terminology) in this scripture reference: 

    1.       God is Sovereign, and;
    2.       Man is not. 

    Another way to look at this is the Creator vs. the created.

    Really embracing this is digging against our ingrained sin nature.  The basis of Sin from Adam is that I can figure things out for myself, I have a “self-interest” that (in my wildest imagination) equals (or even surpasses) God’s interest in me.  That was Adam’s sin: God said “no”, the serpent said “really?”, and Adam said to himself “the serpent might have a point here.”  And like Jean Luc Picard said on the bridge of the Enterprise “Number One, Engage.”

    And Adam did; that DNA imprint of Sin carries to all of Adam’s descendants; and every moment if I really pay attention I can feel and sense that embedded rebellion to the Most High God. 

    It is why I know I need a Savior. 

    Nevertheless, ever so often I revert to “aww, I have some good, I know I do—I am not all bad.”  What is happening when I do this is comparing myself to my imagined persona and not comparing myself to the Triune God.

    I think that the current leaning to “I am made in the Image” and hanging on that as something special is not really looking at the proper Biblical perspective.  I appreciate and am humbly honored how God thinks about me.  What I shouldn’t do (in my opinion) is to glory in myself with that perspective.  He looks upon me with Mercy and Grace but not pity. I think I need to understand my place of not deserving His Mercy and Grace and falling down before Him being full of gratefulness for His Mercy in His Propitiation for my redemption.  After all: Salvation is ALL of His doing, His one-sided covenant—I contribute not one bit of effort in that.

    With that the Bible gives direction: Renew my mind (Rom 8); Be thankful in ALL things (1st Thes 5); Confess sin regularly (James 5); Be a fount of encouragement (Heb 4); Express gratefulness every morning (Jer 3); Pull out my soul and talk to it regularly (Ps 42), and other things. 

    At the End of Days Revelation says this:  “Then I looked and I heard around the throne…”Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing!!”  And I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the seas, and all that is in them: “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor and glory and might forever and ever!”” excerpts from Rev 5:11-13


    Lord Jesus, help me to cultivate this attitude for the rest of my days.  Help me to communicate this to my wife, my family, my fellowship, my work, my grandchildren and their children.  You alone are worthy O God.  You alone.  AMEN

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 8


    Psalm 8 v. 3-4
    When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?


    When we consider the things that the Lord created, it humbles us. David is describing the Lord hand placing the universe, the heavens, stars, & moon,  and it moves him to consider his own status before God. What is mankind that you are mindful of them? Why would the Ultimate Creator, the one who has control over the Universe pay much attention to humans and even more shocking- that He would care for them?


    Let’s take time to consider and meditate on who God is.

    Look around at His creation. Give thought to the vastness of God and His supremacy over all. Pausing long enough to examine these things, makes me feel small. It should.

    Then recall that He is mindful of us and cares for us. May that humble us, encourage us, and shape how we respond today in our call to glorify Jesus.


    Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!

    Your creation reveals your nature- beautiful in every detail. Forgive us Father, for how often we overlook the beauty of your creation. Be gracious with us when we miss it. Help us find joy in our “smallness” knowing that you are above all and still know us and care for us. Remind us that we were made by you and for you so that we may live to glorify you . Amen.

  • Good Life Journal – John 21

    Vs Simon Peter said to them, “I am going fishing.” They said to him, “We will go with you.”
    Vs (Jesus) said to them, “Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some.”
    Vs That disciple whom Jesus loved therefore said to Peter, “It is the Lord!”
    Vs 9 When they got out on land, they saw a charcoal fire in place, with fish laid out on it, and bread. Vs10 Jesus said to them, “Bring some of the fish that you have just caught.”
    Vs 12 Jesus said to them, “Come and have breakfast.” Now none of the disciples dared ask him, “Who are you?” They knew it was the Lord.
    Vs 17 … (Jesus asked Peter), “Do you love me?” and (Peter) said to him, “Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.” Jesus said to him, “Feed my sheep.”
    Vs 19 (Jesus) said to him, “Follow me.”
    The apostles are in an exasperated or somewhat bewildered mindset immediately after the resurrection.
    Peter does what he does best, go fishing. His friends join him.
    After seeing Jesus onshore they share a breakfast with him.
    Jesus has a serious conversation with Peter resulting in two commands, “Feed my sheep” and “Follow me”.
    One of my favorite verses on the bible is John 21:3 … “I’m going fishing!”
    It’s just so blunt and it creates such a picture of Peter so frustrated he doesn’t know what to do next!
    So what does he do? … what come naturally. What he’s good at? What he was used to doing.
    “Muscle memory” is funny like that.
    When I don’t know what to do I’ll just revert back to what comes easiest or what I’m good at or used to doing.
    And Jesus will still meet me there!
    Jesus shows up.
    He gives me an opportunity to declare, “It is the Lord!”
    Do I then run to Him? Focus on Him? … or the activity I was busying myself with?
    Am I willing to do maybe the same things but in a different way?
    “Throw my same nets from the same boat” … but throw them on the other side?
    Peter is not doing anything wrong. He was simply fishing.
    But when the Lord showed up, the Lord became the focus, not the activity.
    And it allowed the apostles to do the same activity in a different way … a way of obedience.
    And Jesus provided what was needed. Jesus has a breakfast prepared … with fish already there!
    But Jesus asked Peter to bring some of His fish.
    Do I bring my “busywork” to Jesus?
    Do I bring everything I do to Jesus?
    Not that Jesus needs it. He doesn’t need my “work”, but He is gracious enough to allow a participation in it.
    He allows me to see Him in it … share time in it.
    And then, as a result … love and serve Him by loving and serving others!
    Thank you God for this beautiful scene of Jesus and His apostles.
    Help me see you and listen to you and be obedient to you.
    Help me to serve and love you by loving and serving others
    In Jesus name
  • Good Life Journal – John 20


    [14] At this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not realize that it was Jesus.


    Mary Magnalene was following Jesus for a while and knew him well, yet in the state of mind she was in, when she turned to Him she didn’t recognize Him at first – by sight or by His voice.  Not until He called her by her name did she then recognize Him.


    No matter how well we know Jesus and how long we’ve walked with Him, there are times when we can be blinded by our sin, or by other things of this world, and not see Him even when he’s right in front of us.  We may be blinded by things like pride, grief, fear, or other circumstance.. who knows?  This is just a reminder that, regardless of our state of mind, we should always seek Him and His presence.  We need to pay attention to ways in which He speaks to us – through His Word, through circumstances, through prayer or worship, through His Spirit, or however you hear from him.


    Lord I know You’re always with me, even if for some reason I don’t feel Your presence as I should.  Help me to overcome any barriers to knowing You are with me, and help me to always listen and know it’s You.  In Jesus mighty name I pray, Amen.

  • Good Life Journal – John 19


    After this, Jesus, knowing that all was now finished said (to fulfill the Scripture) “I thirst.” 

    A jar full of sour wine stood there so they put a sponge full of the sour wine on a hyssop branch and held it to his mouth.  When Jesus had received the sour wine he said: “It is finished” and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.  John 19:28-30


    Beaten, tortured over a prolonged time; this beating known and insisted upon by the Jewish authorities and populous all the way to calling out for Jesus’ death by crucifixion.   The Roman governor, consistently saying “I find no fault in this man” bowed to political expediency and sent Jesus to be crucified.  And Jesus went “bearing his own cross.”

    Redemption of the world came at so great a cost—the Innocent gave his life to be the Atonement for the Defiled—Me.


    Innocent–Something that the progeny of Adam cannot ever claim.  

    There are so many metaphorical descriptions of Jesus but during this time coming into Easter one dominates: Lamb of God.

    In the OT sacrificial system, an unblemished Lamb was sacrificed once per year to atone for the sins of Israel.  Purpose?  Hopefully there were some who recognized that this kind of sacrifice was temporary—it needed to be renewed every year AND there were other sacrifices for different things that took place with different animals.

    Are animals innocent?  Sort of: they do not have knowledge of disobeying or being traitorous to the Most High God like Men have—so in that they are innocent.  Does Adam’s treason affect animals?  Scripture says that because of Adam the entire creation groans—until the revealing of the sons of God.

    “For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pain of childbirth until now.  And not only the creation but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies…” Rom 8:22-23

    I use the phrase “Preach the Gospel to myself” a lot.  I use the analogy of the “face in the mirror” a lot.  There is purpose behind hammering these two phrases all the time: It is because if I don’t hammer upon them, I candidly forget them. 

    I don’t really forget that Jesus died for my sins; I forget why he chose to. 

    Easter then becomes a celebration without depth—if I don’t review the “why did he die for me?” often, then I take his bearing the wrath of God (meant for me) flippantly.  If I vigorously affirm John 3:16 but don’t reflect “yeah, but why did He do that for me?” I think I won’t fully comprehend at the End of Days why I would enthusiastically with tears and loud cries throw my crowns at his feet saying “Worthy are You, O Lord, only You!!” 

    Jesus hung on a Cross, experiencing, enduring, and suffering physical pain.  That is in this temporal realm.  What did he suffer on the Eternal realm?  I write that because He bore the entire furious Wrath of the Holy God to atone for the Sin of the World.  I can’t imagine that a cross would have been so thorough for that.  Even so…as I finish this writing my head is bowed in shame and believe it or not, in grateful but somber celebration. 


    The repeated sin of Israel was they “soon forgot.”  Lord God, help me to remember your Mercy every day.  I can imagine to others it seems like dwelling on the somber side of things—but if I don’t remember the “whys” of Your Mercy, I fall away mentally and run into the shelter of my own self-sufficiency—where I don’t surrender to You daily.  I cannot remember on my own strength Holy Spirit—I need You.  AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – John 18


    John 18:4-6 – Then Jesus knowing all that would happen to him, came forward and said to them,
    “Whom do you seek?” They answered him, “Jesus of Nazareth.” Jesus said to them, “I am he.” Judas
    who betrayed him, was standing with them. When Jesus said to them, “I am he,” they drew back and
    fell to the ground.


    Jesus was ready to walk into suffering. He knew it was coming. But he also knew that God had a plan that was being accomplished through it all.


    There are many situations that we face, illness, death of a loved one, separation from someone we once
    loved that we may not understand why we are going through or the timing but God can use this
    situation for His glory. This can be an especially hard lesson if we have to wait on an outcome when we
    think we have an answer. Then we can use our story for God’s glory. We can know that the
    resurrection of Lazarus was a precursor to the resurrection of Jesus. Jesus loves us, cares for us and laid
    down his life, defeated death so that we may believe and live.


    Thank you for your love, grace and mercy you have for me. Help me to be patient in difficult
    circumstances to know you work things for your glory. Let me life my life answering yes to the question
    that I believe you are the resurrection and the life.

  • Good Life Journal – John 17


    When Jesus had spoken these words, he lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, “Father, the hour has come; glorify your Son that the Son may glorify you, 2 since you have given him authority over all flesh, to give eternal life to all whom you have given him. 3 And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.

    John 17:1-3


    After Jesus finishes speaking to the disciples he now turns to speak to the Father. “The hour has come” is not just the hour that Jesus’ physical life has boiled down to but the hour of all eternity. The hour that was planned and determined before the foundations of the world. This hour’s purpose was and is to glorify Jesus. “To GIVE eternal life to all whom you have GIVEN him” “that they might know Him” Part of God’s plan to glorify himself is through giving us himself.


    I think we can often times forget that this “hour” was about Jesus not us. Jesus is “The Great I Am” and we are “The Great Am Nots”. This isn’t bad news, in fact it’s the best news. Why? Because God’s main goal and our deepest need collide under the name of Jesus.   As we head into another busy week I challenge us to ask ourselves this question each morning: Are my intentions behind my actions today to make people notice me or to make people notice Christ?

    Eternal life is that they may know Christ, not you.


    Lord I am thankful today that you have given me yourself. I thank you that eternal life is not earned but given. Father forgive us for being obsessed with ourselves, for always wanting to be know, would you do a work in our lives so that our hearts desire is for others to know you.

  • Good Life Journal – John 16


    “I have said all these things to you to keep you from falling away.”  John 16:1


    I wonder why the implication is that I have the possibility of falling away.  I thought “once saved, always saved?”  Why would Jesus say this? 


    The acronym OSAS is always a good argument starter. 

    I say it that way because there isn’t much good debate, much less conversation around it.  A person is either for it or against it; OSAS is true or it is false.  When it comes down to accurate, objective, biblical study the answer is somewhere right down the middle. 

    There is a substantial, experiential answer though and one that makes total sense; it drops the academic theology and has a simple, straight-forward definition:

    Jesus said, “But the one who endures to the end will be saved.” Matt 24:13.

    The writer of Hebrews clarified, “And we desire each one of you to show the same earnestness to have the full assurance of hope until the end.” Heb 6:11

    Paul told Timothy: “Practice these things, immerse yourself in them, so that all may see your progress.  Keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching.  Persist in this…” 1 Tim 4:15-16a

    I don’t think arguing/discussing OSAS is profitable.  I think that if a persistence on declaring that OSAS is right and the “law” of God, then maybe hope is placed on a slippery concept. 

    Hope is always on the Cross, where daily I must go.  Recognizing His Atonement for the face in the mirror is a daily task, never dependent on one day in my past.  “But this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning…” Lam 3:21-23a 

    Every morning.  Kind of puts pursuing God in perspective, doesn’t it?  And shoos the OSAS discussion out to right field…


    Father, it is a pleasure and a struggle to keep my feet on the straight and narrow path of righteousness—especially to remember and recognize that path isn’t just about works; it includes the focus of my heart.  I do not want to fall away.  I do want to pursue you all my days.  Keep me, sustain me, Lord, to do just that.  AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – John 15


    “Already you are clean because of the word that I have spoken to you. Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” v. 3-5

    “By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples.”

    v. 8


    In the last few moments and hours before His crucifixion Jesus is addressing his disciples, teaching once more about a vine analogy. Jesus knows His time is coming but there is an urgency in His disciples needing to know that He is and always will be the only source of life for which fruit can bear and God can be glorified.


    Jesus spends time really honing in on the fact that we are nothing and can do nothing worth bearing fruit without Him. When we abide in Jesus the fruit is beautiful and splendor. In this life we are constantly fed lies and taught that if WE ARE a good person, if WE ARE hard workers, if WE ARE (fill in the blank) then WE ARE worthy of being glorified for bearing earthly fruit. But that’s not what Jesus says. Jesus says it is through HIM that we are able to do good acts, it is through HIM that we work hard, it is through HIM that true life-giving fruit is bore in this world. When we see and understand that we are living for the King of Kings and that we are NOTHING without HIM because HE IS the vine and life source, then we can start to glorify God in everything we do. Finally, Jesus says abide in Him. When we abide in, or act in accordance with, Jesus He will abide in us. He will give us true life. We aren’t called to be self-righteous. We aren’t able to bear fruit on our own, but through Jesus we can bear the fruit that this world so desperately needs.


    Lord thank you for who you are. Thank you that you are enough. Your love surpasses all things of this world. Today and every day forward let us cling to you, draw us near so that we can be reminded that our life source is nothing this world has to offer but EVERYTHING that you offer through your death. Let us be the branch which bears fruit today, fruit that is altogether glorifying to the Father. Send us and have your way.


  • Good Life Journal – John 14


    Vs 8 8 Philip said to him, “Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us.”
    Vs 9 Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and you still do not know me, Philip? … How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?
    13 Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
    14 If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.


    Jesus is having an incredibly intimate conversation about who He is and what is to take place.
    Jesus speaks of His departure, but their separation will not be permanent.
    And that Jesus and the Father are one.
    When Philip asks Jesus to reveal the Father to them, the reply from Jesus is heartbreaking …

    “Have I been with you so long, and you still do not know me, Philip? …
    How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?”

    This is toward the end of Jesus ministry time with the disciples, but Philip still didn’t … “get it”.

    Jesus does tell them, however, to ask “in His name” and Jesus will respond “that the Father may be glorified in the Son”.


    What a question to be posed by Jesus …. by name!
    “Have I been with you so long … and you still do not know Me?!”
    Quantity of time does not equal quality of time.
    Philip had seen Jesus up close and personal for 3 years …
    He had witnessed many miracles, heard the best teaching, and received unconditional love.

    Yet, who Jesus actually was still wasn’t known. “Have I been with you so long … and you still do not know Me?!”

    I’ve been following Jesus for decades, but how often could Jesus ask me the same question?

    In my moments, or days, or months of frustration ….
    When I want to cry out, “Lord, show me” … or more likely, “God, do something!”…
    His reply could easily be, “Do you still not know Me?”

    Philip wanted to be shown the Father, and said that would be “enough”.

    Jesus ultimately did reveal the Father to Philip.
    Jesus honored Philip’s request. It was a request Jesus wanted to fulfill!
    Philip’s request was in line with Jesus “conditions” …

    It was “in His name” and it was “that the Father may be glorified”.
    Jesus said He will do “whatever I ask” … but it’s so easy to forget those “conditions” of the ask.

    But these parameters of “in His name” and “that the Father may be glorified” aren’t really conditions as much as they are guardrails.

    I couldn’t handle it if Jesus did “whatever I ask”.
    An unlimited “whatever I ask” becomes turning Jesus into a genie.
    I will worship a “lamp” instead of the “Lamb”.

    Jesus’ “in my name” is a gracious protector against my “whatever”.
    The more I know Jesus … the more I grow in who He … the more my “whatever’s” will resemble “in His name”.

    The more I know Jesus, the more unreasonable, and even unconscionable, it would be to ask for anything outside of Who He is.


    Thank You, Father, that You are good
    Thank You that You reveal Yourself

    Guide me and help me to request your will and your glory

    In Jesus name


  • Good Life Journal – John 13


    [23] One of them, the disciple whom Jesus loved, was reclining next to him.
    [34] “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. [35] By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”


    1) This was John speaking of himself but each disciple could have said the same thing – I am the disciple whom Jesus loves.

    2) Jesus continually displayed His love for others.  Following the new commandment – to love one another as He loves us – shows that we are truly disciples of Christ, separating us from non-Christians and from those who hear the Word but the seed does not fall on fertile ground.


    1) This is beautiful because we can all say this too –  I am the one whom Jesus loves.  That’s a wonderful feeling!

    2) “Love one another. As I have loved you..” – This is not just loving others enough to share the Gospel and but lives, or loving others as we love ourselves, it’s a much higher standard of love – loving others as Christ loves us.  This love is a choice, it feels the pain of others, it is unconditional and it is sacrificial.  This is a high bar and speaking for myself, I can tell you that I sometimes find it difficult to live up to that standard.  Even with my failures, as I try to be more and more like Jesus, I’m committed to try and love others as He loves us.


    Lord thank you for loving us as You do.  Thank you that I can say I am one you love.  Help me to love others with the same consistent, comprehensive, sacrificial love You have for us.