Author: Good Life

  • Good Life Journal – 1 Peter 4


    Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. Show hospitality to one another without grumbling.10 As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace: 11 whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.


    Peter is chatting throughout this chapter about suffering. These people, this audience was suffering and needing to be taught how to do it, why it was happening, etc. And yet in the middle of this, Peter encourages them with this verse above. Even in suffering, Peter is calling them to share life and to be hospitable and serve each other within this local body, this local church.


    That is a huge takeaway for me and I would imagine for our church body at large. It is so easy to want to share life, or to make time to share life when it is convenient. 

    “Ok, this week our schedule is pretty free, so let’s spend time serving or sharing…”

    But I would imagine that in the midst of suffering it isn’t all too convenient to share with others, or to show hospitality.

    But what would it look like as a body if we lived this as a reality? We serve one another with the gifts God has given us because we couldn’t help it. What if it was our joy? What if, by God’s grace, it was just what we did and who we are? What if it was our only hope?

    Peter is encouraging us to see that living this way, sharing life is not a “when you can” sort of a thing, it is the very fabric of what it means to be a believer in the local body. I hope to live this out together and by God’s grace we will.


    I pray for my own heart when it wants to slam my front door when I get home and forget about the world outside of it, when I want to “turn off” the gospel in my mind & heart and just veg. That isn’t the gospel, it isn’t even the best thing for me. You are better. Loving others & sharing life is better. I pray that we would fall in love with this & get it as a body. Do this work in us Lord.



  • Good Life Journal – Peter 3


    “Likewise husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life—so that your prayers may not be hindered….but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy—always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you YET do it with gentleness and respect, having a good conscience… 1 Peter 3:7 and 15-16a


    Husbands.  Wives.  Relationships.  Minefields to walk through in our generation.  It was the same then as it is today.  Main issue?  Honoring Christ in everything that we do…


    God is so good to allow me the opportunity to address this.  I could have selected a less controversial passage to write about, but nooooo—the Holy Spirit had other ideas today.

    This passage (and the related one in Ephesians) is something I have walked through all my years as an adult and married man—a significant part of my life getting my head and heart straight concerning the Scriptures and then being able to: 1) Defend my position and; 2) Try to relate the Word of God to others objectively and without trying to have a personal benefit clouding my judgment.

    So what is the Word of God and what is my position?  The Word stands without explanation or a need to defend it—it says what it says; no interpretation necessary to change it to something less provocative.  My position though?  That is another kettle of fish…

    Long ago (like this morning) I read this section and immediately went to thinking about “weaker vessels.”  From there I went to Eph 4 and “respect your husband.”  My selfish and self-absorbed nature rode my bohunkas right into that mindset like the Lone Ranger—“Hi Ho Sinful, Away!!”

    The truth of the matter is not that the Holy Spirit is denigrating wives or women—it is slapping husbands and men in the chops to “wise up!!”  I am called to serve Jesus my Lord in a specific manner—showing and treating my wife with the Grace with I am shown by my Lord.  If I honor Jesus as holy and the reason for my Hope, then in the same manner I must treat my wife.

    Words.  Words are cheap.  Do I want to know how mature I am as a Christian?  Ask my wife.

    Self-examination is good; it ought to be done often.  The Word says “Test yourself!  See if you are in the faith.”  This self-examination is about whether or not I am walking in functional unbelief.  James says (paraphrased) if I say I believe but do not exhibit works testifying to my belief then perhaps I don’t believe.

    Do I treat my wife with love AND respect?  Do I show her honor?  Do I consistently treat her with gentleness and respect and patience and add all the Fruit of the Spirit here…If I fail (and I often do) do I confess with detail my sin; digging into the depths of my wicked heart type of confessions?  Do I short change or soft pedal my “mistake?”  If I offend publicly do I confess publicly?  And etc. etc. etc.

    I have come to this conviction (and this from Eph 5): The only person I will specifically have to answer for is my wife.  Maybe I will have to answer about other people like my children and others.  Scripture isn’t real clear about that.  But my wife?  I will be expected to present her before the Lord of Hosts—there isn’t any question about that from the Bible.

    How well do I want that to go?  Pay more attention to how I act and perform as a Husband honoring God and less about forcing my Wife into a mold of my own un-Biblical pre-conceptions.


    Lord God.  There is a benefit from this section of Scripture I don’t want to lose: I want my prayers to be unhindered.  I want You to hear my prayers all the time, no speed bumps, no barriers.  I want to hear from You in the same manner.  Change whatever needs to be changed in me that I can treat and conduct myself before and with my wife in honor in and of You.  “Let my life be a prayer to you; I want to do what you want me to; no empty words, no white lies, no token prayers, no compromise…” (Keith Green) AMEN and forever AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – 1 Peter 1


    “Concerning this salvation the prophets who prophesied about the grace that was to be yours searched and inquired carefully inquiring what person or time the Spirit of Christ in them was indicating when he (the prophets?) predicted the sufferings of Christ and the subsequent glories. 

    It was revealed to them that they were serving not themselves but you—in the things that have now been announced to you through those who preached the good news to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven, (by the way) things into which angels long to look.

    Therefore, (prepare) your minds for action…” (Excerpt from 1 Pete 1:10-13a)


    The Gospel—prophesied by the prophets and searched through the scriptures for validation—and we are the recipients of such largess by God.


    At times it is good for me to step back and contemplate the enormity and majesty of the Gospel.

    I am guilty from time to time of thinking the Gospel is a message only for salvation.  Once the salvation box is checked off, go to another biblical topic.

    How shortsighted I can be.  For hundreds of years Prophets of God saw and were vaguely aware of the Gospel—this through the Spirit of Christ bubbling and percolating in their heart.  According to the Word they sort of knew when a Gospel prophecy was spoken and then they dug and dug and wrote and wrote so that the generations to come would know and could validate the Christ when He appeared.

    I wonder if they went through periods of frustrated joy: frustration that this Grace wasn’t to be theirs until a time in the future bookended by joy knowing that were serving generations yet to come.  How faithful these guys were.  Totally faithful.

    I need to contemplate the mystery of the Gospel more.  How mysterious is the Gospel?   The scripture is blunt in saying “angels long to look into” this Mystery—they couldn’t understand it.  I can imagine angels around the kitchen table eating (of course) Angel Food cake and saying “I just don’t get it?  Tell me; explain one more time what is up with the Son becoming Man?  What does that accomplish?  Why is that needed anyway?” and all the same questions I should be asking the man in the mirror.  Astounding.  Inconceivable.

    It is on this explanation that calls me to seriousness: “Therefore (because of this Salvation, the depth and breadth affecting through all Creation) —prepare my mind for action…

    Lucy, I have some ‘splaining to do…


    Lord—grip me with the Majesty of the Gospel.  Allow me to grow in perception of the pervasiveness of this Mystery wherever I am.  AMEN.   

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 35


    vs 1 – 4

    [1] Contend, Lord, with those who contend with me; fight against those who fight against me.
    [2] Take up shield and armor; arise and come to my aid.
    [3] Brandish spear and javelin against those who pursue me. Say to me, “I am your salvation.”


    In this psalm, David thinks of the Lord as a great warrior, brandishing shield, armor, spear, and javelin.
    David, being chased by armies, has faith that the Lord can protect him and ruin his enemies.

    David relies on the Lord to protect him.

    Even though David knows the Lord is his salvation, he prays for the Lord to personally remind him of that truth by telling him “I am your salvation.”


    As He was a great warrior for David, God is a great warrior for us as well.  He also gives us His power living in us, through the Holy Spirit.

    In the midst of the attacks, have faith that, with the power of the Holy Spirit, we can brandish the full Armor of God and crush the evil one as he attacks us.

    Rely on Him when the devil uses circumstances or other people to attack us. Rely on Him even when situations and circumstances seem hopeless.

    Pray and ask God for reassurance – for a reminder that He is our salvation, for the peace in knowing that as we are filled with the Holy Spirit we have full power to fight back against evil, and that there is no room for the evil one in our lives.


    Lord thank you for our salvation.  Thank you for providing us with essentials everyday of our lives.  Protect us from the enemy.   Lord as the enemy attacks through the words and actions of other people and through circumstances that seem beyond our control, remind us that you are there for us.  That you are our rock.  Help us put on Your full armor to defend ourselves and to actively destroy the enemy.  In the mighty name of Jesus we pray this.  Amen.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 33


    “Shout for joy in the Lord O you righteous!  Praise befits the upright…For the word of the Lord is upright and all his work is done in faithfulness.  He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the steadfast love of the Lord.

    By the word of the Lord the heavens were made and by the breath of his mouth all their host.

    Our soul waits for the Lord; he is our help and our shield…For our heart is glad in him because we trust his holy name.

    Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us even as we hope in you.”  (Excerpts from Ps 33:1; 4-6; 20-22)


    I notice that the Psalmist seems to be “assembly focused”; that is, I might say he is “preaching to the choir.”  From my own experience (focusing on myself) there is plenty of functional unbelief to preach to the face in the mirror…


    During the past few years I have been thinking, analyzing, and imagining the purpose and function of Worship—not for any reason other than pursuing God and the health of the local church.  Maybe this sounds uppity but it is the way I am wired—and the Holy Spirit has been faithful in these meditations.

    So far I have categorized Worship in 4 ways:

    • To God in praise and inquiry;
    • To my heart in exhortation and remembering;
    • To my brothers and sisters in encouragement to remember, and finally;
    • To unbelievers in declaring the majesty and glory of God.

    These feel unfinished but…I will see how God fleshes them out for me in the future.

    In Psalms 33 it appears that the Psalmist is making a strong point concerning the Word of the Lord and then what the consequences are, both calling for a personal response and a corporate response.  There is also an active response for me (“Shout for joy) and a passive response (“Our soul waits for the Lord”).  Both perhaps should be considered active I suppose, but…

    And that is where I am contemplating this morning: Praise befits the upright; Let your love be upon (me) as (I) hope in you.  How can I integrate these two into my life?  Active praise… Hoping…

    Two words come to mind: Remembering and Practice.  Remember the Gospel and all of the things that God has done with His works and His ways to bring the fact of the Gospel to us.  Practice remembering, contemplation, meditation, STUDY, fellowship, worship.  Let these things be in the forefront of my mind always.

    How?  I have to figure that out but my guess it involves a nose and a grindstone…


    Lord, as the prophet Micah has written, I want to walk humbly before You.  I don’t want to be pharisaical in my heart and attitude.  Please keep me from arrogance; make me walk humbly before You and to love Your word.  AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 32


    Psalms 32:10– Many are the sorrows of the wicked, but steadfast love surrounds the one who trusts in the Lord.


    When we place our faith and trust in the Lord, we are surrounded by His never changing steadfast love for us.  In contrast, those who turn from the Lord will face many sorrows.


    I must trust in the Lord, with all of my life.  I need to seek the Lord and take refuge in His love.  The love of God can only be found by trusting Jesus Christ who paid for our sins so we can repent, be reconciled and have relationship with the Father.  The cross is the greatest example of love the world will ever know and is the only thing that has the power to change death to life.



    Let me trust you completely, receive your love, share your love to further your Kingdom and glorify you.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 27-29


    When evildoers assail me to eat up my flesh, my adversaries and foes, it is they who stumble & fall. Though an army encamp against me, my heart shall not fear; though war arise against me, yet I will be confident. V2-3


    It could be easy to read this & think, “Well, I am not in war & turmoil like the Psalmist was, so this doesn’t apply to me.” But man, we miss the Christian life if we don’t realize that we are in war every day.

    Or another mistake would be, “I am in war, with all those people who disagree with me or don’t believe or …” But in Ephesians we are told that our war is not against flesh & blood but our spiritual enemy.

    The last mistake I see so many make would be to believe that every little bad things is the devil, and he is a strong foe that may get one over on God from time to time.


    Just as David was in war, we are in war. We are in war with our flesh, and the devil and all that works against God & his will. But, just as the Psalmist says here, all of our enemies will fall & stumble. And most importantly, our biggest enemy is our own heart. 

    The Bible refers to it as wicked above all things. That is the illustration here. Just as David fought real wars, you & I fight our flesh, our heart, that is deceitful each and every day as the enemy uses this flesh to tempt us, to lead us away from our God & our hope in Jesus, our confidence.

    But like David, we fight by being confident. We fight by trusting in the God who causes our enemies to stumble & fall. And these enemies are not people, they are not other religions, or political parties. They are within us, they are our sinful desires & nature. They are the enemy and his demons.

    But most importantly, we remember to not fear. This enemy within & without is no match to our King Jesus. He will destroy them just as he destroyed the enemies of David. This is a promise. Hold fast to it. Be confident in the Lord.


    Give us confidence Lord. Give us the grace to hold fast & to not over spiritualize or give more power to the enemy that he actually has. Give us clarity of mind and theology. Be with us. Fight our enemies. And give us spiritual vigor to fight the most important thing: our flesh in our pursuit of you and holiness.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 24-26


    “Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord?  And who shall stand in his holy place?  He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to what is false and does not swear deceitfully.  He will receive blessing from the Lord and righteousness from the God of his salvation. 

    Such is the generation of those who seek him; who seek the face of the God of Jacob.  Selah.

    Prove me O Lord and try me; test my heart and my mind; for your steadfast love is before my eyes and I walk in your faithfulness.  (Ps 24:3-6 and Ps 26:2-3)


    The neat thing about Psalms is how much the Psalmist is speaking to the face in the mirror.  Basically I can read this and know I am speaking to myself and not to others. 

    That being said I have to reflect if I am a part of “the generation of those who seek him…”


    Being a Christian is slippery at times.

    Not the Redemption part—that is the Doctrine of Justification and all of God’s doing; I can do zip to influence that.

    It is the Sanctification part—where my Human Responsibility meets God’s Sovereignty in cooperation with the Holy Spirit to (frankly speaking) pursue walking worthy of the Gospel.

    And that is where I think that Ps 24-26 is whispering to me.

    This is the Psalmist telling of the whispers of the Holy Spirit in his soul.  In a large way these are rhetorical questions meant to stir my heart up; to have a vision and a goal.  How do I “set my face like flint” and pursue the Kingdom?  Being an active disciple isn’t primarily what is done for the world around me—it is wrapped up first in seeking His face and then being an instrument in the Redeemer’s hand.

    I could do worse by ignoring the example of the Psalmist.  


    Lord God, how do I seek you?  Haphazardly I think.  Today it is a struggle to put You in front of my concerns, my fears, my anxiousness.  Please help me to persevere through these troubles and concerns and lay them all down at the foot of the Cross—and not snatch them back again like a child playing “keep away.”  After being able to rest in Your Salvation, following You Lord Jesus is hard work.  Thank you for being faithful in your objective concerning me.  AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 23


    He makes me lie down in green pastures.
    He leads me…
    He restores me…


    He does.

    God is the doer. God is the one who leads me & restores me & who comforts me. He does the work. Not me. Our God is a sovereign God & that means that he has taken it upon himself to do the work of saving us, of carrying us to quiet waters. He does the leading, the saving, the purifying, the sanctifying, all the work necessary for saving me. I don’t, can’t help him save me. He does 100%. I simply rest in it.

    He is King over my life & my salvation. I have no need to fear that I will fall away, or be lost, he has me. He does.


    Rest in the Sovereignty of our God. Look to Him as the author & perfecter of our faith. We don’t have to work in such a way hoping that we will be saved or hoping that we will make it to the end. He has us. He is the one who has taken it upon himself to do the saving & the carrying. And thank God for that, because if it was up to us, we would have no hope.


    Thank you Lord for making it your mission, for your name sake to save me until it is complete. You didn’t half way save me, you, like a Good father will not rest until it is complete. Thank you Lord, I pray that as a church this would be a beautiful truth that we believe and live in & through! Do this work in our hearts.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 19


    Vs 7 The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul;
    the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple;

    Vs 8 the precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart;
    the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes;

    Vs 9 the fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever;
    the rules of the Lord are true, and righteous altogether.

    Vs 10 More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold;
    sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb.


    The psalmist is effusive in his compliments for the Word of God.
    They revive His soul … make him wise … rejoice his heart … enlighten his eyes.
    The Lord is to be feared more than anything because he endures forever.
    His Word is to be desired more than anything because it is true, worthy, and sweet.


    Do I want to be revived? Do I want wisdom? Do I want rejoicing? Do I want to see clearly?
    If the obvious answer is, “YES!”, then why don’t I want the Word of God more than anything?
    If I am seeking something from a different source, I must think I will get want I want from that different source.
    When I am seeking these things, but not engaging the Word of God, it’s because …
    I think I’ll get wisdom from another author, or pundit, or latest “podcast”.
    I think I’ll get rejoicing (“joy” … “happiness”) from entertainment … Netflix, etc.
    I think I’ll see more clearly from another person … someone who’s been down that road.
    And maybe I will get all those things.

    There’s nothing inherently wrong with podcasts, entertainment, or other people …
    But what do I seek first? … Is it the Word of God? … Or is it the other sources?
    Why would I go to other sources than the Word of God? … Because I choose distraction!
    The distractions provide as sort of escapism from the pressing issues of the day.

    Ultimately … it’s idolatry.

    I desire answers I want more than the answer I know the Word of God provides.
    I desire to live frivolously rather than intentionally.
    I desire the escape of the world rather than the refuge of the Word.

    But I must “taste and see that the Lord is good”.
    Even when I don’t desire it, I must know that nothing is truer and more righteous than the Word of God.
    I must keep going back to it … more than anything else I may consider as a “sweet treat”.

    And the more I do … the more I will see “laws, precepts, testimonies, commandments, and rules”, not as a bunch of “do’s and don’ts”, but as the voice of the One who loves me more than I can comprehend.


    Thank You, Father, for your Word
    Help me crave it more than anything
    Help me see your truth more clearly
    Help me rejoice in your goodness

    In Jesus name


  • Good Life Journal – Acts 28


    vs 3, 5-6, 17-19

    [3] Paul gathered a pile of brushwood and, as he put it on the fire, a viper, driven out by the heat, fastened itself on his hand.
    [5] But Paul shook the snake off into the fire and suffered no ill effects. [6] The people expected him to swell up or suddenly fall dead..
    [17] ..I was arrested in Jerusalem and handed over to the Romans. [18] They examined me and wanted to release me, because I was not guilty of any crime deserving death. [19] The Jews objected, so I was compelled to make an appeal to Caesar.


    God was using Paul to fulfill His plan.
    God made a promise earlier to Paul about going to Rome.

    In keeping His promise, God protected Paul. He did not allow Paul to be killed by the guards, drown at sea from a storm, or die from a viper bite.

    Paul did his part, led by the Holy Spirit, he spread the Gospel all along the way to Rome – to the guards, to the other prisoners, and to the people he met along the way.


    Our Heavenly Father has made promises to us as he did to Paul.  The most significant being that we will spend eternity with Him.

    As we head to our final destination with Him, we need to do our part. We need to allow ourselves to be led by the Holy Spirit, to be used to fulfill God’s plan and tell others of the Good News every chance we get all along the way, just as Paul did on his way to Rome.

    As Paul found, you may find a form of persecution along the way because Satan is at work, and many people with a world-view and hardened heart just can’t handle the Truth.  God’s promise doesn’t change though and He will use us along the way if our free will allows Him to do so.


    Lord thank You for the promise that we spend eternity with You.  Keep us always filled with Your Spirit to guide us on a daily basis.  Help us overcome any persecution we may face in this world.  Help us with the opportunities You present us with to share the Gospel to family, friends, and anyone we come in contact with.  Let us not feel like we aren’t strong enough or good enough or knowledgable enough to spread the Gospel.   Lord we know that it’s not us as individuals who bring any single person to know You.  Use us as one of the many small parts of having a person come to know You as Lord and Savior.   In Jesus mighty name we pray.  Amen.

  • Good Life Church – Acts 27


    Since they (the ship’s passengers) had been without food for a long time Paul stood up among them and said “Men, you should have listened to me and not have set sail from Crete…Yet now I urge you to take heart for there will be no loss of life, on the ship…So take heart, men, for I have faith in God that it will be exactly as I have been told…

    As day was about to dawn Paul urged them all to take some food saying: “Today is the fourteenth day that you have continued in suspense and without food…Therefore I urge you to take some food, for it will give you strength for not a hair is to perish from the head of any of you.”  And when (Paul) said these things he took bread and, giving thanks to God in the presence of all, he broke it and began to eat.  Then they were all encouraged and ate some food themselves.  We were in all 276 persons in the ship… (Excerpts from Acts 27 verses 21-25; 33-37) 


    Living the Gospel seamlessly is my objective—just like Paul is doing…


    Paul traveling on ship.  Paul senses a storm coming.  Paul warns ship’s company “Maybe we ought to stay right here for the winter.”  Ship’s captain “Nope we can make it fine.”  Storm comes; Paul is right; Captain is wrong.  God saves the day…

    What is interesting to me is to read about Paul adamantly, firmly, and consistently being faithful.  Paul isn’t just switching into Christian gear but having faith in God throughout—even when the ship’s company blows him and his suggestions off.

    Am I firm like that?  I don’t think I am but I want to be.  I want my religion to be on full display as an integrated part of my person—fully seamless.

    How to do that?  Have a plan, execute a plan—both in full faith in the Holy Spirit—practice, be persistent, and persevere to the End. 

    It’s called maturity.  If I were to pray for maturity do I think God will be pleased to answer a prayer like that?  You betcha and without a doubt and with enthusiasm.  “Finally”, He says, “a prayer I want to answer.  Took you long enough….”


    Thank you, Lord God.  Thank you for making my heart rejoice in your steadfast love (Ps 31).  You, O Lord, are great and your praise rises in my mouth, exulting in you.  It is neat that your objective with me is to make me into the image of the Son, my Lord Jesus.  Please help me walk

  • Good Life Journal – Acts 26


    Acts 26:16 18– But rise and stand upon your feet, for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to appoint you as a servant and witness to the things in which you have seen me and to those in which I will appear to you, delivering you from your people and from the Gentiles – to whom I am sending you to open their eyes, so they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive the forgiveness of sins and  a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.


    In his defense to King Agrippa, Paul shares from his conversion in Damascus, that Jesus called him to be a servant/witness for the gospel.  The gospel is the only thing has the power to transform darkness to light. By believing in the resurrection of Christ and placing your faith in Him you receive forgiveness for your sins.


    The gospel defense that Paul presented to King Agrippa 2000 years ago is the same gospel we need to proclaim today!  We are commissioned to share the Good News and make disciples in His name. Jesus is the light of the world and he defeated the domain of darkness and offers us a new life through our trust in him.   As believers, we should be prepared to give a defense for our hope of eternal life and forgiveness of sins through Jesus.



    Thank you for sending Jesus to bring light into the world and defeat darkness.  Let your Spirit guide me to be a witness and share my hope in the gospel.

  • Good Life Journal – Acts 25


    And the chief priests and the principal men of the Jews laid out their case against Paul, and they urged him, asking as a favor against Paul that he summon him to Jerusalem — because they were planning an ambush to kill him on the way. v2-3


    Paul is in prison PLUS he has this group of men looking to ambush him to kill him. He states later in the chapter that he isn’t seeking a way out of death, he is simply being obedient to Jesus and following this whole sage as it unfolds.

    Paul – the greatest missionary, one of the greatest Christians to ever walk the face of the earth, was persecuted, sent to prison, had men trying to kill him all while he followed Jesus.


    The prosperity gospel that says, “If you follow Jesus, your life will be good. You will be healthy, wealthy, and successful. God wants you to have your best life now..” So on, and so forth… that prosperity gospel is pure garbage. It has no place in real Christianity. Anyone that tells you otherwise doesn’t know the stories of Acts.

    Following Jesus has suffering, BUT it has all the joy in the world. We need to stop listening & settling for false teachers who tell otherwise, who try to get us to rejoice in Jesus because of his gifts, rather than just rejoicing in Jesus.

    Martin Luther said this, “I don’t want to go to heaven. I want to be with Jesus. If Jesus is in hell, send me there.” Jesus is so worth it, so amazing, that the circumstances don’t matter to us, similar to how they were of almost no value to Paul. Jesus was so big and beautiful that he couldn’t even feel the weight of the tough times.

    Run after Jesus until you see him like that.


    Make us a church like this Lord, remove all the nonsense that we hear and believe and make us a people who rejoice in you and only you!


  • Good Life Journal – Acts 24


    But Felix, having a rather accurate knowledge of the Way, put them off (for a while)…After some days Felix came with his wife Drusilla (who was Jewish) and he sent for Paul and heard him speak about faith in Christ Jesus.  And as he (Paul) reasoned about righteousness and self-control and the coming judgement, Felix was alarmed and said: “Go away for the present, when I get an opportunity I will summon you…” (And 2 years passed until a new proconsul took Felix’s place without another hearing)… (Excerpts from Acts 24:22-25) 


    I have noticed that Paul’s methodology stands out over all of Acts.  I wonder why my mental picture of me is demanding declaration and not a reasonable, persuasive follower of Christ. 


    I think this particular passage is kind of cool.

    Felix (Luke noted) was pretty knowledgeable about the Way of Christ.  Not just knowledgeable but accurately knowledgeable: the guy had some props…  It didn’t change his life though, just piling on sterile studies.

    So here is the scene: Felix wanted more one on one with Paul.  Why?  Beat’s me but perhaps Felix wanted to spar with Paul—after all, Felix is pretty smart about Christianity, maybe more than a match for Paul.  And, maybe preen before his wife, Drusilla?  A strong possibility…

    But then Paul speaks and checks out the subjects: Righteousness (check, I could do that), the coming Judgement (check, no brainer)—but the one in the middle, Self-Control (huh?  How did that one sneak in there?)…

    Have I ever, ever, thought about the Gospel and the Kingdom and Self-Control in the same sentence?  Try this: “And I proclaim the Gospel to you: Be self-controlled!!”  I am sure that Paul was way smoother and knitted Righteousness and the Coming Judgement in a coherent way.  But here is the cool part: After that discourse “Felix was alarmed…” and not only that sent Paul away to the prison cell for 2 more years, avoiding any more contact.

    So how does this apply to me, the face in the mirror?  A couple of ways:

    1.       I don’t have to be a particular caricature of a stereotypical preacher.  I can learn about the Gospel thoroughly and talk into the mirror to start: Learn how to preach/talk about the Gospel to myself.

    2.       Every subject found in the Word of God is interrelated with the Gospel—not “to” the Gospel but with the Gospel—like a beautiful tapestry.

    3.       To “reason” and be “persuading” takes more than being a verse quoter.  It takes familiarity with the precepts, principles, and doctrines of the Bible and of the Way—no little task. 

    Spurgeon: “The most important daily habit we can possess is to remind ourselves of the gospel.”  If I want to be prepared for telling about the Hope in me, there is no better place than talking about the Gospel to myself first.


    Lord God: Thank you for burning this precept into my heart.  I do not want to be the learner of sterile words, words that don’t have life pulsating through them.  Please answer my prayer…AMEN.