Author: Good Life Church

  • Good Life Journal – Mark 6

    Scripture:  “And on the Sabbath he (Jesus) began to teach in the synagogue and many who heard him were astonished, saying “Where did this man get these things?  What is the wisdom given to him?  How are such mighty works done by his hands?”

    “And he (Jesus) marveled at their unbelief.  And he went about among the villages teaching.” 

    “So they (the disciples) went out an proclaimed that people should repent.”  Excerpts from Mark 6:2, 6, and 12) 

    Observation:  Mark 6 has something for everybody.  There is a little action, conspiracy, political intrigue, and conniving.  It also has hopefulness, a beacon of light in a corrupt world being developed.  What was the message that Jesus was teaching the disciples?  How was Jesus training these guys and in what?

    Application:  Jesus was an irritant.

    I have to think about that.  Jesus wasn’t welcomed everywhere he went.  Sure, crowds gathered to hear him speak and to get a healing or other miracle or two.  I wonder how many people went to the local Jesus Gathering to be entertained or somehow comforted without serious repentance on the mind—kind of like our Sundays.

    Jesus wasn’t welcomed in a lot of places but boy did he bring astonishment, marvel, and wonder wherever he went!  His words were from a wisdom that was beyond the teachers of the day.  Jesus brought clarity to not only the obscure parts of scripture but even the better known parts of scripture.  He taught with authority.

    So what did he teach the disciples?  Various passages in the scriptures indicate “the Kingdom of God.”  Perhaps it was more precisely he taught about God.  Why would this distinction be important?

    The importance of this distinction is that “the Kingdom” is sort of impersonal, kind of like talking about America rather than an American.  From my POV as a Christian I don’t have a relationship with “the Kingdom.”  Instead I have a relationship with the number one inhabitant.  That being said, did Jesus teach the disciples about primarily a place or a Person? 

    The Gospel doesn’t make sense without some sort of understanding about God (specifically the Trinity but I will leave that for another time).  That focused pursuit (for that is what it must be—a focused pursuit) takes time and deliberate effort.  It could be years—it is that for me—and is never complete.

    What thumped in the disciple’s chest?  What tries to thump in mine?  It is the Gospel, the never should be taken for granted Gospel.  Who is the Gospel about?  The Triune God—nothing more, nothing less.

    Prayer:  Father.  I grind this out today, stirring my mind with your word—knowing my heart is pretty distant.  That’s ok.  A little valley now and then keeps me sharp.  I confess my anger—it is dishonoring to You.  I ask for your help in not being a victim to my emotions—to grab my heart and speak words of life to it.  You see that I am struggling—I need a spiritual egg beater to stir this stony heart today.  AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – Mark 5


    No one had the strength to subdue him. V4

    This entire passage is about this reality. We see people who are overwhelmed and imprisoned by things that are too strong for them. Things that the tried to fight but couldn’t overcome.
    The man could not be subdued. The demon was too strong.
    Jairus’ daughter was basically dead. There was nothing that could be done. They had tried everything. Death was too strong. They couldn’t subdue it.
    The woman with the blood. She had tried everything. There was no change. She only got worse. This sickness could not be subdued.
    Look to Jesus the one who subdues all those things that have subdued you.
    The strongest things, demons & death itself, cannot even stand to fight with him. Immediately they are subdued by Jesus. The very thing that couldn’t be subdued Jesus overcomes with just a word.
    This is the Jesus we follow and look to. We cannot fear. There is nothing that can subdue us for long because the one who created all things with a word can save us with a word.
    Thank you. Give me the grace and power to remember that when I am overwhelmed by the sin and death that pursued me that you cannot fail. You will not be beat.


  • Good Life Journal – Mark 4

    Vs 37 And a great windstorm arose, and the waves were breaking into the boat …
    Vs 38 … And they woke him and said to him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?”
    Vs 39 And he awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.
    Vs 40 He said to them, “Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?”
    Vs 41 And they were filled with great fear and said to one another, “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?”
    The apostles were afraid when the storm came.
    They accused Jesus of not caring.
    Jesus rebuked the storm.
    The result was “great calm” in the seas.
    Jesus rebuked the apostles for their lack of faith.
    The result was “great fear” among the apostles.
    This is a fascinating experience of the apostles.
    Their “emotional” status didn’t change. It just shifted.
    They were fearful during the storm and still fearful after the storm.
    They thought it was their circumstances creating their fear.
    Worse, they blamed Jesus for the circumstances they were in!
    Yet, when their circumstances changed for the better, the apostles still were fearful.
    But now they feared the One they blamed.
    What stands out to me is the striking difference between “great calm” of the seas after hearing Jesus and the “great fear” of the apostles after hearing Jesus.
    So often I want the circumstances I find myself in to change.
    I think this is what will change my personal state, emotionally, financially, relationally, professionally …
    It’s easy to think, “If God would just Do Something, then everything would be ok!”
    This is simply wrong. God is always at work if I have eyes to see and ears to hear.
    And even if I do, I may just shift my fear or anxiety or frustration.
    I must not clamor for God to change my circumstances.
    I must ask God to change me in the midst of my circumstances.
    What does this take? FAITH!
    Jesus’ rebuke of the disciples was regarding their lack of faith.
    When I don’t have my Faith in who Jesus is, I can allow the quality of my circumstances to affect my thinking of who Jesus is! … “Do You not care that I am perishing?”
    I must understand that not only does Jesus care, but He is in control of the very circumstances I may be fearing.
    I must want my circumstances to change me more than I want to change my circumstances.
    There will always be storms.
    Will I always be faithful?
    Thank you God for your word
    Help me live faithfully to who you are and what it says
    Thank you for your forgiveness when I lack faith
    Help me Holy Spirit to see you at work in circumstances I want changed
    In Jesus name
  • Good Life Journal – Mark 3


    [2] Some of them were looking for a reason to accuse Jesus, so they watched him closely to see if he would heal him on the Sabbath. [3] Jesus said to the man with the shriveled hand, “Stand up in front of everyone.” [4] Then Jesus asked them, “Which is lawful on the Sabbath: to do good or to do evil, to save life or to kill?”But they remained silent.

    [5] He looked around at them in anger and, deeply distressed at their stubborn hearts, said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.”


    The Pharisees knew about Jesus and even believed WHAT He could do, but they didn’t really KNOW Him or believe IN Him.

    Jesus showed righteous anger here – anger at the hardened hearts and that they could know about Him and believe He could perform miracles, but they refused to recognize Him for who He said He was.


    I wonder.. even as much grace as Jesus gives us, are there times when He would be angry with us that we don’t trust Him, or.. we believe in Him and walk with Him but we think we have some problem too difficult for Him.  Really?  We know deep in our hearts there is no problem too difficult for Him.  It may be that He is just building our character and hope –
    “[3] ..we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; [4] perseverance, character; and character, hope.” (Rom 5:3-4, NIV)


    Lord let us all remember at ALL times that You are here for us. Keep us in your Word and aligned to Your will.  Remind us that while something may be too difficult for us to handle on our own, nothing is too difficult for You and that You will give us strength to handle all situations as we work within Your will for us.  Our hope is in You.

  • Good Life Journal – Mark 2


    Mark 2:15
    And as he reclined at table in his house, many tax collectors and sinners were reclining with Jesus and his disciples, for there were many who followed him.


    As Jesus’ ministry began to grow, so did the number of outsiders who followed Him. Tax collectors and sinners were also followers of Jesus. People who had been considered unclean and impure, ostracized by the religious leadership of the time, found a place of belonging with Jesus.


    There is something to be said for those who found themselves most at home with Jesus. The sick, not the well. The sinner, not the righteous. How? Why?

    Jesus taught with authority. Jesus didn’t water down the message of sin and repentance, or go out of his way to be politically correct. So how was it that people in sin, and labeled as sinners still wanted to be with Him? Love. Jesus’ message was not only that sin was damaging and dividing to a relationship with God but that God loved them enough to offer them forgiveness. Jesus exercised a power to forgive. This was unique from the scribes and Pharisees. They only pointed fingers. Jesus pointed people back to God. Sinners wanted to come home and Jesus offered them a way home.

    Why? This in fact was and still is His mission. The ministry of Jesus does start with identifying the greatest issue and problem in our lives. This is uncomfortable and difficult. We have issues. We have sin. We have fallen short. However, He doesn’t leave us there. His message identifies the problem but also offers the only solution that works. Forgiveness through Him. He is the only one with authority to forgive.

    A few things…

    -If my version of Jesus attracts religious people and repels sinners, something is wrong with my version of Jesus.

    -If my ministry points fingers instead of pointing to the Father, then I am pointing to the wrong thing.

    -Jesus has authority to forgive sin. I must not squander the chance to experience forgiveness by ignoring the sin in my life and the life of others.


    Father thank you for your word. Thank you for forgiveness. Thank you for using your authority to heal and rescue. May I find rest in you and not restrict other sinners from finding rest in following you as well.

  • Good Life Journal – Mark 1


    Mark 1: 17-18 – And Jesus said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men.”  And immediately they left their nets and followed him.


    Jesus begins his ministry by saying the time is fulfilled, the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.  Jesus then calls the first disciples by telling them to follow him.  He calls ordinary people, fisherman, to respond to his calling.   The disciples did not tell Jesus they had to finish with their days catch they responded by following him immediately.  Jesus told the disciples he would make them into people who call others to God. 


    January 1, 2019 New Year and the kingdom of God is at hand.  I am called to repent, leave my prior lifestyle and believe in the gospel.   As a believer in Christ, I must follow Jesus as he has kingdom authority.  God calls us to walk with Christ to bring humans back into relation with him.  As I walk with/follow Jesus, my life will change to be a witness for the gospel.     



    Thank you for your love, grace and mercy in sending Jesus to pay for my sins so I can repent, be reconciled and have a relationship with you.  Let me recognize the kingdom of God is at hand and follow Jesus.  Help the Spirit guide me to witness and disciple others.


  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 149-150


    Psalm 150:1-2
    Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens! Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his excellent greatness!


    The Lord deserves praise anywhere and everywhere and from everyone and everything with breath in its lungs.


    In a culture in which “worship wars” are a real thing, this scripture gives the clarity needed to stop the madness. A few things…

    -Our preference to certain types of songs, instruments, styles, etc. is totally irrelevant. Worship is not a subject to be picky about. Instead it is a subject to be urgent about. Worship Him with whatever you have and do it now!

    -Location is irrelevant. In a church building, in a school cafeteria, in a cathedral, under a tent, in my car. All of these places can become houses of worship. Instead of wasting so much time worrying about the buildings we worship in, our true attention should be on the temple we worship in; our bodies. If we are more interested in the chairs, set-up, and the sound than we are the purity of our hearts, we are way off!

    -The Lord will always deserve our worship for two things: Who He is and what He has done. This is the second time in a week this has been clarified to me. He deserves worship for both reasons. Choosing one or the other will skew my worship. I must worship Him for both, regardless of what is happening in my life.


    Father I am so grateful for your reminder this morning and for opening my eyes to the shallowness of my heart in regards to worship at times. You alone deserve my worship. May I worship with every breath I have and lead others to do the same.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 147-148


    “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. He determines the number of the stars; He gives to all of them their names. Great is our Lord and abundant in power; His understanding is beyond measure.” (Ps 147:3-5)


    Praise the Lord.  Sing to the Lord.  Praise Him some more—pretty standard stuff from the Psalms.  If I am not careful my eyes can glaze over and I will speed read right past some very interesting jewels and deposits of gold…I hate becoming jaded to the Scriptures, don’t you?

    Application:    I am always trying to read the Reading Plan and writing a Journal post for myself.  Sometimes it is a struggle.

    Above are three short verses in Psalm 147.  I almost missed them because my gaze just rapidly flew over the words.  But I saw something that struck me as a little out of place.

    The three verses deal with reminding me He heals the broken hearted.  Then it reminds me He hangs the stars and gives them names.  Then it reminds me He is powerful and unlimited in understanding and wisdom. 

    So God cares for me in the most tender and intimate of ways.

    So God cares for the universe in the most precise and majestic of ways demonstrating His power.

    God gives the smallest and careful touch to the most unimaginable exertion of power.  He can do both of these because of His might and understanding. 

    I forget this too often.  I do not stir myself to think about Him like this.  Even as I am writing this I almost wrote: “I am not stirred…” like being stirred to worship God isn’t something I can control and/or influence.  Goodness: If I waited on some “external force” to get me revved up, I would probably never worship God.

    Psalms gives me plenty of reasons and reminders of what I can worship God about.  I found three short sentences that carry some serious punch in meditation.

    Finding jewels in the Scriptures is so cool.


    Lord God.  Again and again You are astounding.  I read Your word and I find the most intricate statements to ponder upon; to engage my imagination and let it soar even reading the shortest of sentences.   It is the equivalent of reading Your whisper and how powerful is Your whisper!!  Keep me attentive—ears open, eyes seeing O God.  AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 144-146


    Psalm 144:3-4
     O Lord, what is man that you regard him, or the son of man that you think of him? Man is like a breath; his days are like a passing shadow.


    The psalmist has a healthy view of himself and all of mankind. When pondering this, he wonders why God takes the time to consider the lives of men at all. Our lives are finite and brief.


    This view needs to make its way back into the mainstream of our lives and faith in the church. Our culture has so tainted our faith that we have three main misconceptions that are damaging our effectiveness and health.

    -Our view of ourselves is too high. It’s not that we aren’t valuable or of worth, it’s just that we forget why. We aren’t valuable or worthy because of our talents, behavior or resources that we bring to the table. We are valuable and worthy because of the time that God takes to consider us and the price He paid to redeem us. (Humble myself and know where my value comes from)

    -Our timeline is skewed. We live our lives like we will live forever on earth. We are slow to speak life to people, lazy with our talents and selfish with our resources. Our time is limited. Our life is like a breath. Therefore we should wake up each day and live like we are dying, because, in fact, we are. And a whole lot quicker than we would like to think. (Live like I’m dying, because I am)

    -The brevity of life creates selfishness. When we finally figure out that our life is short (mid-life and beyond) we start to get selfish with our time. Some of the grumpiest people in the world are people who live like the world owes them something because their time is running short. Instead of engaging in the mission of Jesus, aging believers become grumpy and demand everything in the world (and the church) to cater to them. When we come face to face with the brevity of our time on earth, this should spark a fire for missional living and sacrificial service motivated by love for those in need. It should spur us on to take big risks to see those who are lost to be found, those who are sick to be healed, those who are spiritually dead to be alive. (Live like others are dying apart from Jesus, because they are)


    Father thank you for your clarity. Set my eyes on you and give me an urgency. An urgency to live faithfully and love sacrificially. What am I that you at mindful of me? Grateful you love me and paid my penalty. May I live in response to that truth today.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 141-143


    Psalm 141:4
    4 Do not let my heart incline to any evil,
    to busy myself with wicked deeds
    in company with men who work iniquity, and let me not eat of their delicacies!


    The psalmist describes an incredibly personal and intimate relationship with God. He asks God to guide his heart and to steer him from relationships that might lead him astray.


    It is easy to assume that God is far away and disconnected from our lives. I feel that way sometimes. In the heat of trouble or stress I will call out to Him as if He is far away, busy with bigger things. I want him to drop what He is doing, fix my issue and then get back to the other things so I can get on with my life. The psalmist prays and seeks God differently. A few things…

    -I need to recognize that the Spirit is within me. He couldn’t be nearer. This reality should stir two direct applications. (1-Act right. God is in my midst. 2-Don’t freak out, He is right here to help.)

    -Many of my prayers are extrinsic. Fix this issue, help that person, change that situation. However the psalmist prays, God Lead and guide my heart. He prays intrinsically. Lord I need you to fix me more than I need you to fix anything else. This is the best way to pray. God can change all my circumstances, but if my heart is the same, I will keep finding myself in the same messes. (Pray for my heart)

    -The psalmist doesn’t want dishonest gain or impure pleasures. This is a sign of maturity. When I trust in my five senses I desire a feeling, making the origin of the feeling irrelevant. This is immature. The psalmist doesn’t want to experience satisfaction of his senses if the origin is dishonest or evil. He defines the stark difference between living life to please God or living life to please self. We can’t do both. (May I choose wisely today)


    Father, thank you for this insight into what my relationship with you should look like. May I turn the knowledge into application. Spirit lead me, and may I please you Father.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 139-140


    Psalm 139:23-24
    23 Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts!
    24 And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!


    The psalmist expresses the reality that God is aware of even the smallest details of his life. That God was aware of his life being woven together in the womb. That God is aware of every nook and cranny of creation. There is no where to flee from the presence of God. Not the sky or the seas and not the heavens or hell. With this in mind, the psalmist asks God to search the deepest parts of his heart to find if there is any thought or attitude that is not pleasing to the Father. If there is, he asks God to lead him another way. Just before this prayer we find him expressing hatred and rage against the enemies of God.


    This song is a perfect depiction of the beautiful mess of humanity. In moments of this song it is clear that the writer has been touched deeply by the beauty and power of God. He has a deep understanding of the knowledge of God and has strong theology in regards to the omniscience and omnipresence of God. However in the middle of all this we see him express hate towards those who hate God. A desire to destroy those who are enemies of God. At first glance we can see this as deep loyalty, however, upon further inspection, it is clear there is a blind spot in the psalmist’s faith.

    A few things…

    -There is no where to run from the presence of God, nor a place we can escape His love. Whether we sense God is pleased or displeased with us, the fact remains that we can’t escape Him. He is ever present and ever loving. I must rest in this. Every area of my life should include the understanding that He is right there and that He loves me in spite of my failures. (Surrender all areas to God)

    -God’s knowledge and plan for our lives should cause us to take serious the precious gift we have been given in life. God’s interest in us should cause us to have a high view of life and all people.
    God is aware, present and caring for all people. This must change the way I value life. My life, the life of those I love and the lives of those I struggle to love. (Value all people)

    -What is true for me is true for everyone. Therefore I can’t embrace an intimate and intense love from God for me and assume He doesn’t feel the same way about other people. His love for me isn’t based on my performance or the “religious” things I do. The Father doesn’t love me more because I read His word or journal. He doesn’t love me more because I am a pastor. He doesn’t love me more for the kingdom work I am a part of. He knew and loved me in my mother’s womb. He knew and loved me when I was lost. He knew and loved me in my deepest and darkest moments. Therefore, this Love is true for those who have yet to understand the gospel. This is true for the enemies of God. The people who kick against Him, His authority and His word. The closer I walk with God the more deeply I learn to love everyone, even those who don’t get it yet. The Lord did not have to search very deeply to find the psalmist anxious and disobedience thoughts. They were found in his hatred of those who hate God. We find in Jesus that the heart of the Father is love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. (Love my enemies and the enemies of God)


    Father, may I increase in love for others as I grow in my love for you. May I see all people as valued and loved and may I trust in your presence and power in all areas and relationships in this life.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 137-138


    Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life; you stretch out your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and your right hand delivers me. The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands. Psalm 138:7-8


    1. Even believers walk through trouble. 
    2. God preserves our life in trouble.
    3. God’s purposes will be fufilled. This is a promise.


    There is this really preverse thinking and teaching out in the church today that says,

    “God will save you from trouble.”
    “God wants you to be blessed & highly favored.”
    “If you speak it out, God will do wonderful things for you!”

    It is called the Prosperity Gospel. It is truly the thorn in the side of the American church today. This teaching is coming from the biggest churches in America. So we need to be careful & sober.

    They say, God wants to make you rich. 

    But unfortunately, this teaching fails to grasp passages like this: though I walk in the midst of trouble…

    We will walk through trouble in this life. There is no special prayer that can protect us. There is no special incantation or worship style or thing we can say that will make sure life is easy sailing. Look at Paul’s life! 

    God’s promise is never for life to be good or easy, He doesn’t promise us our “Best Life Now!” even though some pastors do. Instead he assures us, “I will keep you. Preserve you. Carry you THROUGH the trouble.”

    He doesn’t promise we won’t go through trouble, he promises to carry us through the trouble. That is what these prosperity teachers don’t like or understand about our God or Bible. Trouble is a good thing. Trouble is from God. Trouble is God ordained to teach & grow & make us into the people God is creating us to be. 

    Believe in this God, run from those teachers. 


    God, give me eyes to see what you are really like. Not who I want you to be. Not who these pastors are telling me you are like. Do a work in me to trust you in the midst of struggle, not to always complain and grumble but rather trust that you are doing a work in the struggle. Give me perserverance. 


  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 133-136


    For I know that the Lord is great, and that our Lord is above all gods. Whatever the Lord pleases, he does, in heaven and on earth, in the seas and all deeps. He it is who makes the clouds rise at the end of the earth, who makes lightnings for the rain and brings forth the wind from his storehouses… Psalm 134:5-7


    God does whatever he pleases. There has never been a time that something happened and God wasn’t able to do as he wished or wanted. Nothing stands in his way. Nothing holds back his hand. 


    This is one of my favorite verses in all the Bible. It is like a big boulder that is too heavy to lift. To heavy to move or to carry. This heavy rock of a truth is not something we can maneuver to fit what we want it to fit. It is. This truth is very simple & yet extremely complex. 

    God does what he wants. When he wants. How he wants. 

    God does whatever he pleases. There is nothing in the universe that can stop him from doing what he pleases. 

    This truth is the thing that we can rest our head on each night knowing that this day happened as God wanted it to happen. God did whatever he pleased today. God did not desire to do something and couldn’t because of us, or sin, or free will, or some other factor. 

    Nothing can stand in God’s way. He does whatever he pleases. 

    This God… This God, who can do whatever he pleases, he is FOR those who have trusted in him. The God who does whatever he pleases, he is doing whatever is necessary to get his people of faith to the finish line. 

    This is the hope. We never have to worry that the God of the Universe is stuck or can’t do something to save us. We cannot get in his way. He does whatever he pleases. 


    Thank you God for your Sovereignty. I pray that I would get it, deep in my bones that you do whatever your please. Help me understand this truth. Help me not make excuses or try to explain away this verse. Give me the grace to let this sink into my bones. 


  • Good Life Journal – Revelation 22


    The Spirit and the Bride say, “Come.” And let the one who hears say, “Come.” And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who desires take the water of life without price. v17


    The thirsty can come. Those who desire can come to Jesus without any price to pay. It is an open door.


    Here we are at the end of Revelation. And with all the craziness & scariness & confusion of Revelation we are left with this beautiful nugget of truth to send us out: Come. 

    If you are thirsty, come!
    If you desire the water of life, come!

    It can feel like, especially with the weight of Revelation that the Gospel is somehow altered, or works become more valuable when we come up against the weight of God’s holiness. But that isn’t what Jesus wants to leave us with. 

    Instead, He says “Come.”

    If you feel dirty & wicked & far away, Come! Jesus is welcoming you. Until the end of time, he will never stop calling you to come. The end will come & when it does He will stop saying it, but now, until the very last second he will be calling the world to him to get living water for free.


    I pray I would never forget that you welcome me. And that you are calling the whole world to your side. I pray I would go out with that gospel while I drink it down myself. May we always rejoice in you!

  • Good LIfe Journal – Revelation 21


    John: “And I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.  And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying “Behold!  The dwelling place of God is with man.  He will dwell with them and they will be His people and God himself will be with them as their God.”

    Then came one of the seven angels…saying: “Come!  I will show you the Bride, the wife of the Lamb.”  And he (the angel) carried me away in the Spirit to a great, high mountain and showed me the holy city Jerusalem coming down from heaven from God—having the Glory of God, its radiance like a most rare jewel, like jasper, clear as crystal.”  Excerpts from Rev 21:2-3; 9-11

    Observation:  Hot dog!!  All the stuff that has come before in the Revelation of John was awesome, soberly awesome, dry up the mouth awesome.  It catches me in the deep part of my soul.  But now: the vision of all that God has planned through the Gospel is being presented: the Gospel is to prepare the Bride, the Church for the Groom, our Lord Jesus.  AMEN and AMEN!

    Application:   This is what the Gospel is about at the eternal macro level—the Bride, the Church.

    It is absolutely appropriate to relate the Gospel to individuals, but it is the accumulation of the Elect over the ages that comprises the Church.  It is the Church that is the Bride, it is the Church that has the radiance of the Glory of God clothing her like a rare jewel.

    While the Bride/Church in this context is a factual theorem (a convoluted phrase) our practical application is the Local Church (a shadow of the actual Church).  It is the Local Church where we get to practice and apply the lessons of becoming the Image of the Son (Ro 8:29).  It is the Local Church that is the testimony of the reality of our Lord Jesus to a lost, dying, and needy world.  It is the Local Church that becomes the crucible, being brother and sister sandpaper, on route to the human responsibility of pursuing holiness (by His Grace in His Sovereignty).

    So what is that to the man in the mirror?  A couple of things:


    1.       Studying the Gospel is a lifelong pursuit.  I study the Gospel so I can apply every nuance the Holy Spirit reveals for the construction of the Body, the Local Church.

    2.       Fellowship.  Fellowship, hospitality, phone calls, contact of any sort with Christians is important and maybe imperative…imperative for our growth in Him towards maturity.  I don’t do well here.  Selfishness reigns.  Phooey.

    3.       Encouragement, daily encouragement.  Here is a strange thing: Heb 3 on encouragement looks to be the only place in the Scriptures where I can take an active approach to helping others avoid temptation and sin.  But what do I do?  I whine about nobody encouraging me.  So what comes first: the chicken or the egg?  Get out there and look for evidences of Grace in others to point out and encourage on, selfish and self-absorbed person that I am…

    4.       Catch and cultivate the image of the Church that is the Bride of Jesus to put oomph in my life for and in the Local Church. 



    How can I praise you more, O God?  You have done what would be considered the impossible to just about anybody.  You have made a way for the Defiled to become the Beloved through the terrible price of the Cross.  I can only be in the dirt kind of humbled for that.  You, who I have been a traitor to, makes me a son—inconceivable but awesome.  Keep me persevering to the End, Father.  I look to You Lord Jesus, AMEN.