Author: Good Life Church

  • Good Life Journal – 1 Corinthians 1


    1 Corinthians 1:10

    10 I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment.




    Paul is writing to people who just can’t get along. Remind them of the two responses to the Gospel and how we have made it complicated. Paul is thankful for the people he writing to and at the same to challenged to correct them.




    Our differences and difference of opinion and beliefs is what people thrive off of. People travel the world to debate each other. The bad thing is we travel the world to debate people of the same denomination, same church, and same belief system. Why? Why do we thrive and desire to not agree? Would that mean we have nothing to make us different? Paul’s encouragement is to agree….agree on the main things of God. Agree on the mission of God. Agree agree agree. So in conversations not try and find out what we don’t agree on, but spend time praising God what we do agree on. Same judgement, we should view ourselves and OTHERS in the same way. Wow, this is so not true of the church today. We view people how we think they should be according to the theology and moral standard we have placed on them. May we be of one judgement and that be what Jesus has given us. John 8!!!! No condemnation and only love and grace!




    Father may I be of one heart and mind with my brothers and sisters in Christ. May I not judge myself based on me but on your word and your spirit! Help me Lord Jesus live and lead a life that honors you!

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 72


      “Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, who alone does wondrous things.  Blessed be his glorious Name forever; may the whole earth be filled with His Glory!  Amen and Amen!” Ps 72:18-19


     Psalms 72 starts off as a plea to God for the king and through 17 verses asks God for support to the king while additionally praying for the king to deliver godly results to those he rules.  Why should I pray like this?  And how do I remember to end up with my heart inclined towards You, O Lord?


     I don’t know about you but I read this 3 times, slowing down each time, trying to find the jewel, the nugget of gold, the “aha” moment in Ps 72.  Then I slowly came to realize that no matter what else was being said this is a text book example of how to pray.

    I don’t pray like this often.  I get lazy.  I seem to say the same lazy prayer pattern every time I open my mouth.  Not that it is bad, but candidly as I am writing I see it as lazy or perhaps the better description is “under developed.”

    I am just like a bunch of folks in my Christian walk: Up and down, slow and fast, faithful at times but way more unfaithful than faithful and disciplined.

    Trying to detect it in my daily life is difficult.  I can “do” good things, biblical things, all day long.  Kind to folks?  Check.  Patient?  Check.  Do loving things for my family?  Check.  Do acts of grace and mercy to strangers?  Check, check, and double check: I can check off the punch list with the best of them.

    Where I can tell how deep my well runs is when I pray.  If I pray shallowly I can tell.  If I pray without speaking out loud to God, even though He knows my heart and thoughts, it is an indicator of my “well.”  If I pray without conscious thought of the Scriptures or sound doctrine is that being “under developed?”  It is in my life.

    The Scriptures indicate that I am to renew my mind, change my life, to imitate Him who went before me.  How am I to do that?  One way I remember is to read the Scriptures out loud and with feeling.  By doing that I can begin the process of embedding the Word in my heart.  Confession: reading the Scriptures silently doesn’t have as much impact for me.



    Father, thank You for all that You do—to change me into the image of the Son, my Lord.  I have begun to understand this isn’t a process of osmosis but it demands of me effort.  “Take all I am and all that I cling to; You are my Savior I owe everything to…”  AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 68

    Scripture :

    Psalm 68:20 “Our God is a God of salvation, and to God, the Lord, belong deliverances from death.”


    Observation :

    Psalm 68 recalls the power of the Lord. The psalmist writes of the magnitude of God and inspires worship by calling the listener to consider the might of God. His power and might are unrivaled yet He is a God of salvation. He is in the business of saving.


    Application :

    How often do I step back and consider the magnitude of salvation? It is inspiring to consider the strength and might of God yet He acts in love towards His people. Today, in light of salvation I should live a life of inspired worship to the One who holds all power and is salvation.


    Prayer :

    God thank You for Your love and salvation. I give You honor and glory for Your power and might. Help me live today in light of Your salvation and be a light to others.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 70


    Psalm 70:4-5 May all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you!  May those who love your salvation say evermore, “God is great!”  But I am poor and needy; hasten to me O God!  You are my help and my deliverer; O Lord, do not delay!


    David cries out to the Lord for help with a sense of urgency in Psalm 70.  In verse 4 David tells us that all who seek God should rejoice, be glad in you, love your salvation and say forever, “God is great!”  Transition to verse 5, where David is poor and needy and asks God, his deliverer, to come to his aid quickly.


    This is an example of competing desires between the flesh and the Spirit that I know I experience as I would think many believers do.  After praising God and thanking Him for His goodness and salvation, my flesh will lead me think that whatever situation I am facing I need to run from the difficulty. Whereas, in the Spirit in can remain faithful and have the strength of Christ allow me face anything as I know my greatest need has already been met on the cross and resurrection of Jesus.  



    Thank you for sending your Spirit to dwell within us.  Help me to remain faithful to you and not rely on my flesh to guide me.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 63


    Psalm 63:6 when I remember you upon my bed, and meditate on you in the watches of the night;


    David writes this Psalm while he is in the wilderness being pursued by one on his enemies. The wilderness of Judah was a desolate place without many comforts. It was a dry and probably lonely place to be, hiding and running from people that wanted to harm him. Yet, in this verse we see that no matter the circumstance, Dave emphasizes the importance of being in prayer to our Father. David’s bed was probably a different location each night. It was a place of some fear and uncertainty but now, in bed, there was time to rest and think of God. At night is when he may have been most vulnerable being unable to see in darkness anything or anyone approaching. Yet that is when he found time to meditate on God.


    When I am in vulnerable places or situations, I need to think of God first. Whether I put myself in the situation or find myself in one, I must mediate on Him. He can provide peace and rest. There is power in meditation and thinking of God and His word no matter what the circumstance or the time of day. David remembered God at night while resting and while he was on watch. It did not matter where his bed was, what mattered was that he took that time to meditate on God. It doesn’t matter where I am or where I call home, God is with me and God is there for me.

     David didn’t just think of God, he meditated on God. Meditation is more than just a brief thought or passing prayer. It is time spend purposely focused on God and His word, His will and His being. I thought of the time I spend. It stinks. I spend more time focused on self than focused on God. I need to spend more of it meditating on Him.


     Wherever I am, let me rest and meditate on You. Let me never forget you and what you have done for me.  Remind me that is not the circumstance that matters but that you are there for me always.


  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 62


    Psalm 62

    Vs 1 from (God) comes my salvation.

    Vs 2 He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken.

    Vs 5 for my hope is from (God).

    Vs 6 He only is my rock and my salvation,

    my fortress; I shall not be shaken.

    Vs 8 Trust in him at all times, O people;

    pour out your heart before him;

    God is a refuge for us. Selah

    Vs 11 … power belongs to God,

    Vs 12 and to you, O Lord, belongs steadfast love.


    The psalmist is stating plainly where his hope and his salvation come from: God!

    He also makes cleats that ONLY God is his hope or salvation.

    And because of this, the psalmist does not need to worry or “be shaken”.

    The psalmist also focuses at first on the good from God for him personally: “my” hope, my salvation, my rock, my fortress …

    But with his own security in God, the psalmist now pleads with others … God is a refuge for “us” 

    “O people” trust God!

    And it makes complete sense to do so, because the things we so often put out trust in, namely, “power” and “love”, actually belong to God!



    Do I worry? How often do I feel “shaken”?

    l am a rather calm individual.

    I really am not a “worrier”.

    But what about “those times”? The times when i need to step up … a crucial or critical decision needs to be made … my words, my thoughts, my actions are going to impact those around me.

    There will be a ripple effect.

    Do I worry then? Am I shaken?

    If so, I need to refocus my attention.

    What am I leaning on?

    What am I trusting in?

    My thoughts, my words, and my actions?

    Or my rock, my salvation, and my fortress?

    One path leads to worry.

    The other path leads to worship.

    And it’s only after my worry shifts to worship, then I can lead others …

    I can plead for others: “O people”.

    I can tell them what brought calm to me: “trust in Him”.

    I can tell them when to do so: “at all times”.

    When I feel shaken, I must go back to my rock, my God.

    When I see others shaken, I must encourage them to “pour out their heart” to God.

    Because He is not simply “my fortress”, but He is a refuge “for us”!


    Thanks you God that you are my rock, my fortress.

    And thank you that you are our refuge.

    Help me share your goodness with others.

    Help me encourage others to put out their hearts to you.

    When I start to worry lead me to worship.

    In Jesus name 


  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 58

    Psalm 56:8 – Your have kept count of my tossing; Put my tears in your bottle. Are they mot in your book?
    David is in a place of threat. He is threatened by his enemies and he is scared. People are trying to kill him, torture him, and annoy him in every sense of the word. What he says in verse 8 really just helps me see God so clearly. 
    My son has a monitor in his room and when we put him down we watch him. We ensure his safety, marvel at his cuteness, thank God as he sleeps, and even as he tosses and turns we wonder if he is ok. We watch and we do it out of love, wonder, awe, and also ensuring he is ok. We do go to sleep once bed time comes and he is unseen by us for a period of time. His tossing is unseen and not monitored or even recorded. Here is what is amazing about God, he never sleeps or slumbers. He counts my tossing and he knows and sees what distresses me. He sees what bothers me and he counts every time I toss and turn as I lay down to rest. When I cry for whatever reason, he catches my tears, and keep them. Here is what I hear from the Father this morning; I CARE…..I AM NEAR….I AM NOT ABSENT….I LOVE YOU!! So many times I feel like I’m not cared for by others and God says, I CARE FOR YOU…and I see you and I watch you and I am present. I catch your tears and count every time you are distressed, worried, stressed, scared, annoyed, and the list goes on. This is such a good Father and lover of my soul. He is a perfect Father and my action step today is to rest in the love and presence of the Father who sees and watches and IS NEAR!!
    Forgive me for not resting in you. Help me me know you are near and you care. Let me rest and trust in who you are and the care and love you have for me. Thank you for being near and a God who loves and truly cares for me.  
  • Good Life Journal – James 4


    James 4:8 – 10 Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.  Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double minded. Be wretched mourn and weep.  Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom.  Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you.  


    Here James is warning believers to not live in the ways of the world.  We must live by grace given to us by God through the gospel.  As we live in grace, this will change our thoughts then actions to be more like God and less like the world.  The gospel provides our cleansing and frees us from our sin.  James call for us to humble ourselves before the Lord and he will raise us.


    I must be humble and submit myself before the Lord in order to walk with Him.  This means laying down my pride, self-reliance and wants of this world.  Therefore, I can’t be rockin and rollin, living in the world and walking with God.  When I humble myself and place my faith in the finished work of Christ, I will receive his grace as I am a child close to the Father.



    Thank you for your love and grace in Jesus.  Help me to not try and walk a line to be friendly with the world, rather to humble myself before you in faith to walk closely with you.


  • Good Life Journal – James 5


     “Therefore: confess your sins to one another and pray for one another that you may be healed.”  James 5:16


    After all that James has written to us we need to look for certain key words.  “Therefore” is one of those words.  Why?  Because when we see the word “Therefore” we need to see what it is there for.  Confess my sin?  I think that I could be too embarrassed to do that…


     I can get all caught up with what I think being a Christian should be like that I can ignore the uncomfortable parts of being a Christian.  Things like “transparency” are right up there, top of the list.

    Confessing sin to one another is that kind of transparency Jesus is looking for from me.  How bad do I want to be a mature disciple, to grow in godliness?  The answer in the form of another question: “How ruthless am I prepared to be with myself?  What is the scope of my so-called “surrender” am I going to define?  Am I going to be “fierce” against my self-protection?

    I need to face this: I do not like to appear weak or flawed.  I want to stand up straight with my shoulders back and appear successful, wise, and mature to all who see me.  Even if I do not care how I appear outwardly I don’t want my inward heart exposed to others.  “How are you?”  “Fine-peachy-keen,” and I hide the hurts I am carrying.  Worse yet: I hide the sin I am carrying.

    I think the difference between “hurts” and “sin” has distinctions that I need to acknowledge.  “Hurts” and I am a victim-my inner Ricky is out of sorts, my “love-cup” is chipped.  I have to engage in reconciliation processes internally and externally.

    “Sin”: Oops, now I have to see myself as perpetrator.  I “sinned.”  I have to own it, be responsible for what I do—and is what James is talking about confessing.

    To be clear: These are very real differences and they are present in every believer for as long as we walk this earth.  I realize I am going to be hurt.  I also realize I am going to sin.  Both hurt and sin, from an eternal perspective, has been adequately addressed by the Atonement.  But, because the old man is a persistent cuss, we are fighting to put that creature away every day.

    The tool that James recommends?  Confess our sin to one another-so that effective healing can take place.  What does that take?  Nothing much-open my mouth in humbleness and transparency.  To be effective?  Determine to be more and more transparent, to be vulnerable, to be exposed-to open my heart to another person, digging down and being specific about my heart of hearts-to His Glory.

    This act is something Jesus treasures.  It shows we trust Him with all our hurts, fears, and tears.


    Father, I sort of remember when I decided to “go all in” for You.  It wasn’t to surrender my time, money, whatever I thought of as being radically Yours.  It was when I decided to open my life, my heart, and be ruthless with exposing my sin to other people.  I trust You to keep me safe, in Your hand, and to form me into a vessel pleasing to You, eager for good works.  AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – James 3

    Scripture :

    James 3:4-5 

    “Look at the ships also: though they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are guided by a very small rudder wherever the will of the pilot directs. So also the tongue is a small member, yet it boasts of great things.”

    Observation :

    In James chapter three the author stresses the importance and alos danger of the words that we speak. The tongue is compared to the rudder of a great ship and a small fire that sets a forest ablaze. James writes “who can tame the tongue?”

    Application :

    How do I use my words throughout the day? The call of James is that though small, there is great power in the words that I choose. Today, I desire to build others up, speak truth, and surrender my tongue to what God would have me say because otherwise my words will always default to my flesh.

    Prayer :

    God help me today to be a light to people with my words. Help my tongue give life and speak meaning to others.

  • Good Life Journal – James 2


     “What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works?  Can that faith save him…So faith by itself (if it does not have works) is dead.  But someone will say “You have faith and I have works.”  (James says) Show me your faith apart from your works and I will show you my faith by my works….Do you want to be shown (you foolish person) that faith apart from works is useless? Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered up his son Isaac on the alter?  You see (therefore) that faith was active along with his works and faith was completed by his works….You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone.”  James 2:14-24


      Sola Fide-By Faith alone: A pillar doctrine for the Church–except James is pointing out a different perspective to consider.  Focusing on either at the expense of the other can cause us to walk in a stumbling manner before our Lord Jesus.


     Pretty cool in a confusing way, isn’t it?  This wasn’t what I wanted to write about but I felt like I had to address it.

    We are saved by grace, not by works…

    We are saved by works, not by faith alone (key word)…

    Is James presenting a new and competing doctrine?  Nope, not at all.  James is, though, making sure that we understand that being a disciple is intentional and has expectations.

    Let me peel this apart: I am a Christian by faith in the Atonement.  My works could NEVER justify or forgive my guilt of being a traitor to the Most High.  However (and this is important) my Faith IS justified by my works.  Am I a Christian? Show me.  Really-show me.  Don’t tell me, show me.

    Harsh.  Abrupt.  Bopped on the noggin, smacked in the face.  James communicates a necessary reminder.  But the Believer can get out of focus to the Whole Council of God at the same time.

    Our innate tendency is to atone for ourselves.  What that means is that I stop trusting in Christ’s Atonement, replacing it with MY works as atonement.  I work for God, therefore I justify myself worthy of salvation.  That is not the intent of James’ directive.  What James is addressing is that some folks are content to rest on Christ’s work on the Cross and not do anything exhibiting a changed life in Christ.  “I have been born again…” What does that look like?  James says if you have Faith in the Cross for redemption, then there is something that should be seen, works of some kind.

    So what works should I be doing to exhibit my faith?  Also can be a stumbling block.  I can be triggered into “big works”, noticeable works, and advertisable works.  Not bad things, but by doing big works I can ignore the small, secret, but so very much more important works like: Loving wife or respecting husband; Practicing hospitality; Fruit of the Spirit stuff; controlling my tongue; recognizing evidences of Grace; encouraging (or exhorting) one another so others do not fall in the temptation of sin.  One big one that isn’t talked about much (but James does) is humbling myself before God.

    Goodness, I need to humble myself.  I do not want to wait on the Holy Spirit to humble me.


      Father, this is clear in my mind but difficult to write about.  I needed this reminder.  Faith alone in the Atonement is enough, fully enough.  ALSO I need to bring works worthy of repentance (Matt 3:8).  Bring awareness to me so that I work towards You and Your Will in all things put before me.  It does not matter what I do as long as You are directing and I respond faithfully.  I can find that direction in Your Word.  Many times it is doing in secret.  Help me not fall into the trap of “marketing” Your Ways-but humbly serving you and the local church all my days.  AMEN

  • Good Life Journal – James 1


    James 1:19-20  My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, 20 because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.



     These verses contain three character qualities that are supposed to be present in our life. We are to be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger.  There are consequences to our behavior.  Anger does not bring out the best in us. It produces the opposite of what God desires.  Sometimes it is better to say nothing than to speak, especially speak in anger. To be slow to listen and talk is to take time, even if briefly, to think about what they said and what I may say.



     I am guilty of being slow to listen, quick to speak and quick to angry. Just to opposite of how God wants me to react. It is usually not until it is too late that I realize what I have done. I don’t listen to people or pay attention to what is being said. I talk over people or jump in at the first pause. And I usually get angry quickly with the people I love the most often regretting something I said during the process. The typical reason for all of this is a focus on self and not on God or others.

    A quick anger is noticeable and limiting. It takes the focus away from the situation and puts in on a person. I have known more than a couple of people that have not been promoted due to their quick anger. If a business person will limit someone’s career, think about what limits we put on God’s will when we are quick to anger.     

    The difference between slow reaction and quick reaction is time. A pause. But many things happen during that pause. I can elevate the situation with my quick anger, or calm the situation without saying a word. A pause allows me to better understand what has been said. It allows me to reflect on what I have heard. I need more pauses in my life.



     Allow me to pause. Allow words to rest within me and stay within me, slowing down my reaction so my reaction is a Godly one.

  • Good Life Journal – Romans 16


    Romans 16 

    Vs 1 I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a servant of the church at Cenchreae …

    Vs 3 Greet Prisca and Aquila, my fellow workers in Christ Jesus …

    Vs 4 who risked their necks for my life …

    Vs 6 Greet Mary, who has worked hard for you.

    Vs 7 Greet Andronicus and Junia, my kinsmen and my fellow prisoners …

    Vs 9 Greet Urbanus, our fellow worker in Christ …

    Vs 12 Greet those workers in the Lord, Tryphaena and Tryphosa. Greet the beloved Persis, who has worked hard in the Lord.


    Vs 17 I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them.

    Vs 18 For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive.


    Paul, after a thoroughly theological treatise, gets deeply personal as he wraps up this letter to the Romans.

    He doesn’t send out a blanket, “Say ‘Hi’ to everybody for me!”

    Paul names specifically whom to acknowledge and why they are to be acknowledged.

    In fact, Paul, just in this final chapter, names 36 individuals!

    These individuals have “served” and “risked” and “worked” and have even been “fellow prisoners”.

    And each of these actions are vitally important.

    These actions are important because there is another group of people who are not named individually, but their actions are named.

    They “cause division” and “create obstacles” and “serve their own appetites” and “talk smoothly” and “deceive the naïve”.


     I read often that our modern culture is experiencing a “loneliness crisis”.

    The average number of close friends or relationships continues to drop and even approaches 1 or even zero for many.

    This is not how it is to be. This is not how we are designed. We need community.

    Paul, even as a frequent and itinerant traveler clearly developed many close relationships.

    How did he do this? I think it largely come to this: Mission.

    The best relationships are formed through serving together toward the same goal, the same mission.

    Yes, God will build His church, but we are His hands and His feet.

    Can I count among my nearest and dearest friends those whom I serve with and strive on mission with?

    No doubt I can gather good and even enjoyable relationships from work associates.

    And I can have a fun time going to a game with acquaintances.

    But whom do I “work hard” with? Whom do I “serve” with? Whom do I “risk” with?

    Or, perhaps a better question … Do I even “risk”, at all?

    Every good mission will entail a risk, a sacrifice.

    Do I feel a want or need for more or better relationships? … Perhaps, I should get on mission.

    God is at work. … Am I?

    Others are at work, as well … “serving their own appetite”. … Am I?

    I must choose this day whom I will serve.


    Thank you again, God, for Your word.

    Help me to see and acknowledge the people You put around me.

    May I see them as You see them.

    May we serve on mission together for your honor.

    Help me avoid those who cause division and create obstacles.

    Show me how to be Your hands and feet

    In Jesus name


  • Good Life Journal – Romans 15

    Scripture :
    Romans 15: 7  – Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you for the Glory of God. 
    Observation :
    The Strong take on the weak, the words of old are for the encouragement and strength of the people of God and then Paul says something that we as Christians do not want to hear today. The theology police and moral police do not want to hear what he says next. WELCOME one another as Christ has WELCOMED you for the Glory of God. WELCOME…..
    Application :
    The NIV says ACCEPT one another in order to bring praise to God. Man I need to hear this. I look at someones life and not necessarily say you need to clean up but def look at some things way more negatively than others. The reality is that is we accept people if what they are doing that is sinful is not beyond a certain moral compass that we have made up. My acceptance of them is based on how bad the sin is or how deep they are in the specific sin they are taking part in. Their lifestyle is huge and I judge them based on how they live, how they speak, and how they carry themselves. Man, as christians now days we don’t accept people, we say we do, but do we really? If a person says their gay or struggling with lust and adultery, or curse every other word or the list can go on, do we accept them? Circumstantially we do, but we don’t fully accept them. Christ MY LORD accepted me in my muck and mire and through his Word, his Spirit, and others teaching me daily what It meant to follow Jesus he has changed me day by day. It is not my job to change someone or even tell them how bad they are, or how they are in sin and they need to stop. My calling is to ACCEPT people and love them and show them in my life what it means to follow Jesus and love God and Fear God and let the Spirit of Jesus Christ do what he does. We must remember this is for only ONE thing….THE GLORY OF GOD. May accept people regardless of their lifestyle, political beliefs, theology, democrat, or republican, liberal, conservative, gay, straight, alcoholic, porn addict, drug addict, and much more that at one point in our life we were. We must remember the saving GRACE of Jesus Christ that saved us and changed us and let’s accept people and watch God work for his Glory through OUR live of obedience. 
    Prayer :
    God forgive me for disobedience in my life and for pushing people away because I did not agree with their lifestyle. Forgive me for how I have hurt people for not loving them well and consist and long enough. Forgive me for giving up on people and pushing them away. Help me be different and accept people as you have accepted me. HELP ME LORD. 
  • Good Life Journal – Romans 14


     “As for the one who is weak in faith welcome him-but not to quarrel over opinions….Who are you to pass judgement on the servant of another?  It is before his own master that he stands or falls…Why do you pass judgement on your brother?  Or you-why do you despise your brother?  For we will all stand before the judgment seat of God, for it is written: “As I live (says the Lord) every knee shall bow to me and every tongue shall confess to God.”  So then each of us will give an account of himself to God.”  (Romans 14:1, 4, 10-12 and Isaiah 45:23)


    In Romans 14 there are at least four sections where Paul is addressing a particular attitude of the Roman Church: Superiority.  Where do I draw the line (if there is a line) between tolerance and standing firm?


     I am easily confused.  Doesn’t there have to be a difference between right and wrong; sin and righteousness; wise and foolish; good doctrine v. bad and misleading doctrine?

    Survey says: Yes-there are lines.  And No as well.  It has to do with my attitude.

    Attitude is difficult to control and modulate.  A little knowledge and we can go off the deep end.  Not enough knowledge and we do not progress into maturity and godliness.   Scripture says “Desire (or zeal) without knowledge is not good…” (Prov 19:2).  Jerimiah is a bit blunter, speaking of our baseline: “Every man is stupid and without knowledge…” (Jer 10:14a)

    So, figuring a guy like me starts with the foundation of stupidity, then what?  As I add knowledge (starting with the Fear of God) I have to be aware not to let haughtiness have a foothold.  So how can I do that?

    As an engaged disciple I start with a plan.  Only having a “set jaw” isn’t enough.  I must seek what was promised, that is, help from the Holy Spirit.  At the same time I must cooperate with the Holy Spirit in this process of sanctification.  This is the plan I came up with:

    I have to have a reminder to set in my heart and mind so I developed this saying for myself: “Be honest, open, candid with honorable concern, merciful practice, and with fiercest personal transparency.”  There is a reason that James writes: “Let not many of you become teachers…”  The way it happens in me is that I get uppity, haughty-I get an attitude.

    I forget that I was once (and let’s get it out there: still am) weak in faith.  I forget how many people were pounding on my noggin to “get my doctrine straight.”  So what do I do?  I fall into the same practice and do not practice patience with others.  If I want to be fierce with someone, let it be the guy in the mirror.

    Paul writes to the Corinthian Church: “According to the grace of God given to me, like a skilled master builder I laid a foundation and someone else is building upon it.  Let each one take care how he builds upon it.” (I Cor 3:10)  My visual is the tap tap tap of a chisel on stone and not the pounding of a nail with a sledge.

    “Follow me as I follow Christ.”  “Come with me to the mount of God and Worship.”  And for the guy in the mirror: “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD: my Rock and my Redeemer.” (Ps 19:14)


     O God: To walk the path of Grace and Mercy of your Gospel is a challenge every day.  Every day I encounter temptation to exert my will upon another.  Many times I succumb to that temptation.  Even if my will is expressed in godly terms, in scriptural references, with the best of intentions, I can be so far off of Your direction.  I can sin.  Teach me to be patient: compound patience in my life.  Teach me to be merciful: Compound mercy in my life.  Teach me to be persuasive: Compound wisdom in my heart and mouth.  I want the words of my heart and mouth to be acceptable in Your sight.  AMEN.