Author: Good Life Church

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 34


    Psalm 34:8 Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good!
    Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!
    The psalmist gives praise to God. He focuses on the faithfulness of God and gives example of how the Lord comes through. David, the writer of psalm 34, is not content to simply recall the faithfulness of God but he allows it to bring forth worship. Ultimately God demands response and worship.
    In verse 8 the call is to taste and to see the goodness of the Lord. I can’t live a life of worship unless I am spending time with God. I have to “taste” and to “see.” Do I allow myself time to savor and gaze upon the goodness of God? Today, I want to be reminded of His goodness and let that be the springboard for my worship.
    God thank You for your goodness, your faithfulness, and that you are all I need. I praise you and worship You knowing that You are worthy.


  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 22


    “My God, my God: Why have you forsaken me?  Why are you so far from saving me; from the words of my groaning?  O my God, I cry by day but you do not answer.  And by night but I find no rest.
    Yet: You are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel.  In You our fathers trusted; they trusted and You delivered them.  To You they cried and were rescued, in you they trusted and were not put to shame.” Psalm 22:1-5


    This is a significant prophetic reference about Jesus on the Cross-one to remember.  There is also a significant principle for disciples to embrace here as well.


    How many times have I run into a situation that tilts against me and I have said (or thought): “This isn’t fair!!”  Or “I don’t deserve to be treated like this!!”  Or “Why is this happening?  Why is (so and so) against me?”  A lot.  Let’s put it this way: I am not unfamiliar with these responses in my life.

    For instance: I feel beat down.  I get surprised at responses going against me when I thought that they shouldn’t.  I give grace and understanding: Shouldn’t I receive grace and understanding in return?  Why aren’t my prayers being answered?  Why aren’t I getting good things (even if those desired good things are just warm fuzzies)?

    At the root of this thinking and emotion is a focus on me and not on God.  “Aren’t I special enough to spare me this pain?”  In other words: I am making an idol of myself.  This also indicates that I have not understood the implications of the Gospel and being a disciple-God’s stated objective with me is to make me in the Image of the Son. (Rom 8:29)  Also, even issues that feel like being ignored, forsaken, must be considered in the fact that God is Good and all the things He does is Good and especially for me (Rom 8:28).

    I have to continually remind myself that He is the Creator, I am created; He is the Potter, I am the clay.  It is His prerogative to mold me, shape me, to His purpose.  Reference Rom 9:20-21a.

    So, this may read like I am advocating “Suck it up, Buttercup.”  Not at all.  Jesus, knowing our weakness, shows us in Ps 22 that He hears and understands our complaint.  For us, though, in our prayer we need to acknowledge “Yet You are holy; In You I trust; In you is found rescue; in You I will not be put to shame.”  These statements are not addendum to make my prayer OK-they are necessary for me to embrace fiercely and with determination.  It is necessary to conform my mind to the Scriptures in this matter.


    Lord God, You hear my cry in the daytime, in the night; when I thinking You know my thoughts, the musings of my heart.  You see when I am weak.  You hear me when I pray.  You hear me when I pray well; You hear me when I pray in a way that makes You chuckle and shake Your Head.  You see my Now and see my End and all the points of growth in-between.  Thank you for now forsaking me even when my faith gets wobbly.  I want to walk worthy of the calling with which You called me.  I will cooperate with You, Holy Spirit, to grow into my Lord’s likeness.  AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 16


    Psalm 16:5  Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure.


     In this psalm, David praises God for several things that are apparent in his life. He praises God for being the only truly good thing, for being one of His people, for his portion or spiritual inheritance and for the Lord’s guidance and council.  David knows that God will keep him safe affirming that God is both a sovereign God and a God that keeps His promises.


     Sometimes it is the little things in life that we need to remember. We get too caught up in our health, wealth and our what is happening around us that we forget who is in control. My God is a God that deserves my praise and thanks. He is a God that loved me first and wants to have a relationship with me. Putting my faith and trust in God and all that He has provided and promised is enough.

     His portion for me is enough. I don’t need more money or more stuff. I don’t need the promotion or a bigger house or newer car. I want the promotion to get the bigger house and all the stuff.  Sometimes I need a reminder that He is enough. I have been provided with a spiritual inheritance that is waiting for me and others because of our belief in Jesus Christ and his resurrection from the dead.

     I must focus my attention and praise now to the one that provides. I must be thankful for all that God has done for me and provided to me.


    Father, thank you for being my provider, my counselor, my guide and my protector. You are enough. You are all I need and a relationship with you is what I should strive most for in my life. Thank you for sending your son and keeping your promises.

  • Good Life Journal – John 20


      “…Although the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said “Peace be with you.”  Then (Jesus) said to Thomas: “Put your finger here and see my hands; and put out your hand and place it is my side.  Do not disbelieve, but believe.”  Thomas answered (Jesus) “My Lord and my God!”  Jesus said to him: “Have you believed because you have seen Me?  Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

    Now Jesus did many other signs…which are not written in this book; but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His Name.  John 20:26b-30


     It appears that Jesus is addressing Faith: specifically Thomas (who took a principled stand against the testimony of the rest of the disciples) and generally all the rest of the generations following about whether or not Jesus is who He says He is-the physical Son of God at the right Hand of the Father.


    Every so often I get distracted by stinking thinking concerning the physical reality of Jesus.  I mean, look: I am so used to communicating with Him the Holy Spirit (unseen but present) that I forget that Jesus is physically in Heaven sitting next to the Father.  That forgetting of His physical presence also lends itself to forgetting that He is making supplication on my behalf all my days before God.  (Jesus is doing a lot of things but according to the Scriptures kicking back and taking in a ball game isn’t one of them-or maybe He is: He is God after all…).

    What got me thinking this morning is the distinction about Faith and Signs.

    I have been listening (and singing with) a new album lately.  There is a song with this particular lyric: “Hope that is seen is no hope at all, our hope is in what is to come…”  Is this the same as Faith?  I am wondering if it is.  Heb 11: “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for; the conviction of things not seen.”  So now what?  Are you as puzzled as I am?  Probably not: I scratch my head often when in the Word.

    Here we have Jesus telling Thomas: “Ok, see me, put your fingers in the nail holes; your hand in My side.  Satisfied now?  Oh, and by the way, I don’t do this for just anybody-there will be a group of folks called “Blessed” who will not need this particular step in their walk with Me.”  But-in the very next sentence John writes “Jesus did other signs, a lot of them.  Some are written in this book-many are not.  But what was done and written about is to help you believe…”

    I think there are two distinctions to ponder: 1) Faith isn’t blind belief.  Our faith (or maybe conviction is the better word here) is in Him and what He said about Himself and what He will do.  Another way to say it is “I have Faith/Conviction in His Word (who happens to be the Living Word).”  My faith isn’t blind or unseeing-it is in Faith of His Word.  2) Signs are not for the unfaithful alone.  Signs are a treasure of the Mercy and Grace of God to remind us not to falter in unbelief.  Face it: there are times we all are shaky in the knees concerning belief.  Signs are part of the Holy Spirit’s tool kit (along with more prosaic tools like Thankfulness in all things, Encouragement and Hospitality) to keep us biblically healthy.

    Faith/Conviction in His Word. Thankfulness towards Signs:  I don’t meditate/think about these enough.


     Lord God: Help me see each day in the Splendor of You and Your Works in Creation.  Your mercy is new every single day.  I don’t deserve Your mercy and You give it to me anyway.  I want to walk in a manner worthy of the Gospel.  Therefore please help me (make me) walk in accordance with Your Word, line upon line, precept upon precept until, like Chucky Spurgeon, I bleed the Bible.  AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – John 19


    John 19:35-37 – He who saw it has borne witness – his testimony is true, and he knows that he is telling the truth – that you may also believe.  For these things took place that the scriptures may be fulfilled: “Not one of his ones will be broken.” And again another scripture says, “They will look on him whom they have pierced.” 


    John was at the crucifixion by the cross and he gives us an eyewitness account of the event.  John lets us know that this is the truth he is telling us in order that readers may believe.  The events and roles people played in the crucifixion were not by happenstance but rather to fulfill scripture authored by Jesus as part of God’s soverign plan.


    We have an eyewitness account, from Jesus’ disciple John, regarding the events of the crucifixion.  This is a high level of evidence still used in courts today.  I need to be in the word and trust in the truth of God’s word. The crucifixion of Jesus fulfills so many prophecies that this is not a made up or chance occurrence. God’s living word is true and speaks to us so we may believe and follow His path for or life.   I must trust in the truth of God’s word, act accordingly and share that confidently with others.



    Thank you for your love, undeserving grace and mercy in sending Jesus to redeem us.  Help me to know the truth in your word, apply it in my life and share with others.

  • Good Life Journal – John 18


    John 18:36 – Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world.”
    Jesus had been placed on trial after His betrayal and arrest. The high priest and leaders of the Jews led him to Pilate’s house because they sought to have him killed. At Pilate’s Jesus is questioned on who He is and if He really is “the king of the Jews.” Jesus responded to Pilate saying that His kingdom is not of this world.
    Jesus was very clear that His Kingdom is not of this world but how often do I want it to be? It can be so easy to desire the comforts of the world but the reality is that Jesus has never promised that to me. In fact what is promised is that in this world I will have trouble. Today, I want to be living for the Kingdom that is eternal and not this world which is passing away.
    Jesus thank You for making me a part of Your Kingdom. Strengthen me to walk in Your way and live for Your Kingdom and not this world. 


  • Good Life Journal – John 17


    Jesus is praying: “I am praying for them. I am not praying for the world but for those whom you have given me for they are Yours.” John 17:9 “I do not ask for these only but also for those who will believe in me through their word…” John 17:20


    Why is Jesus praying like this in John 17? He is being very precise in “praying for this” and “not praying for that.” He is emphasizing relationship with the Father, witness of the Father, actions of protection for and by the Father: Praying for us.


    Could have selected the whole chapter. I still have to wonder “Why is Jesus praying all of these things?” If I read (and re-read and re-read one more time) in some way it still confuses me because it reads like He is simultaneously repeating Himself and praying in circles. But what should I be taking away from this chapter? Some thoughts: 1) Perhaps Jesus is really praying to the Father for us. Not necessarily praying so that we would have record of His prayer but interceding for all of us. 2) Even so: Now we have an example of how to pray with biblical principle and conviction (synonym of Faith). 3) We can find confidence in the things that Jesus is praying. After all: It is not like He is tossing up empty words to the ceiling. Note: I am guilty of tossing up empty words in prayer every so often…Ok: Got me. A lot of times. Helps me to review how I pray especially in public. 4) There are particular jewels to be found in John 17. Some can be taken out and made greeting cards and plaques out of. Others can be extracted out of context and bent out of shape. I must be aware and careful. What jewels did I find? Well, to be candid, I found references that continue to make me think about the Doctrine of Election. I also found the care in which Jesus prays-he said many words but the words were calculated and accurate; they weren’t empty. I also found broad (but specific) references to the Gospel and the Living Word of God. Reading through daily devotions: Not everything is a home run. Sometimes (often) they are base hits, piling on each other until runs are scored. Patience and joy in patience. The Holy Spirit will provide.


    Father. You see my heart. You see that it is wayward at times. My heart does not like to dig in the Holy soil for jewels; it likes to pick the shining bauble from the low hanging fruit tree. I recognize, however, that jewels and gold are found in diligently digging, amassing doctrine, principles, and yes, Your Living Word line upon line, precept upon precept. Please continue making me satisfied in Your Word for in Your Word is life found. Joyfully hungry, joyfully patience, joyfully diligent. AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – John 16


    John 16:23-24 23 In that day you will no longer ask me anything. Very truly I tell you, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. 24 Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.


    This chapter represents a turning point in Jesus’s ministry. People will start praying to Jesus and he acts as an intermediary. Jesus is talking to His disciples and they are beginning to understand. Before this time, no one prayed to Jesus or through Jesus. Now, however, Jesus is making it clear that we can pray to and through him.

    We spend more time looking at the world and interpreting and forecasting the future to make our lives easier. We need to turn to prayer. When we ask in Jesus’s name it suggests the one who prays understands that Jesus is the sole mediator between us and the father. We can have confidence that if we can ask in prayer as if Jesus was asking for it.


    I should examine my prayer life. Is it lopsided? If I am praying for only the things I want and not praying for God’s will in my life it is not in alignment. Are my prayers confident and bold? My prayer life parallels and demonstrates my belief that the father has sent his son and his son is now with the father. My prayers must be according to His will, character and purpose. If I am praying to Jesus, he will only act as an intermediator if my will is according to His father’s will.

    I can use answered prayer to spread the Gospel. Prayer is not restricted to prayers of thanksgiving. If I want something, I must ask. And it’s okay to ask. It can be something for me or my family or it can be prayer for someone else. It doesn’t matter. Answered prayer results in fulfillment and joy. I should use an answered prayer to help others understand and believe.


    Help me to examine my prayer life and the joy you bring me when you answer my prayers. Help me use my prayer life, and answered prayer, to lead others to you.


  • Good Life Journal – John 15


    8 By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples.
    11 These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.

    16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you.
    17 These things I command you, so that you will love one another.


    Jesus is having a deeply personal conversation with the apostles.
    Jesus is telling them that there must be an constant communion with Him for their life to produce anything that lasts or has worth.
    And Jesus gives them the highest compliment he can, “I chose you”.
    They were chosen, not just by another rabbi, but by the Messiah.
    And they will have incredible responsibilities: “bear fruit” and “love one another”.
    But they will also have incredible privileges: “your joy may be full” and “whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you”.


    I often want something to be “proven”. Show me the evidence that something is true.
    Well, here Jesus tells me what the evidence is that “proves to be a disciple”.
    The proof of a disciple is the bearing of fruit.
    But I can’t do this on my own effort.
    I can only bear fruit by “abiding”, staying connected, with Jesus.
    If a vine is not beating fruit, then it is unhealthy or immature.
    What about me?
    Am I growing in a deep and healthy abiding relationship with Jesus?
    Am I maturing in who I am in Christ?
    And my abiding in Christ is not just a bunch of selfless acts.
    Abiding in Christ actually gives me the greatest reward, fullness of His joy!
    And Jesus tells me what the result is of this internal growing of joy and external bearing of fruit: “By this the Father is glorified”.
    We can’t bear right now to see the pure glory of the Father.
    But we can see the fruit of his disciples.
    And this leads to the Father’s glory.
    So, I get joy.
    The world gets fruit.
    The Father gets glory.
    This follows the same pattern of Jesus on the cross.
    Jesus went to the cross “for the joy set before Him” and that the Father would be glorified.
    And the Holy Spirit was sent producing fruit from each disciple.
    And the fruit will happen if I abide in Him.
    This is the natural result of healthy and mature living vine.
    The fruit will happen. This is “spoken”.
    But there is also something that is “commanded”.
    Love one another!
    This I must do!
    But again, love, like joy, is a spiritual fruit.
    I will only follow this command if it flows from a communion with Jesus.
    And this is the only way to truly live.
    And why wouldn’t I be eager to do so?
    I get fullness of joy!
    And when I become joined to The Vine and take on the nature of The Vine, then I will ask for what the Vine needs and wants …
    … and it will be given.
    … and the Father will be glorified.


    Father, take what needs to be taken
    And prune what needs to be pruned that I will be a healthy and maturing branch of the Vine.
    Help me love others
    And help me know and experience your joy
    Im Jesus name

  • Good Life Journal – John 14


    John 14:15
    15 “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.


    Jesus tells the disciples that the key to obedience is love. Loving Him results in obedience.


    For many years I would read this passage and assume Jesus was saying, “prove your love to me by obeying me!” However the longer I follow Jesus the more I understand that He is trying to help us get a very simple concept. Love comes first. I don’t obey my way to loving Jesus. I love my way to obedience. Once I realize that I am loved by God, my life changes. I learn to love Him back and once my love increases, I begin to obey out of love.

    A couple things…

    -He first loves me. He always goes first. Therefore anything I do is a response.

    -Love first. The basis of my whole life is the love that God gives and the love I get to reciprocate.

    -Obedience follows. If I find myself in disobedience there is a lack of love. My greatest chance of obedience is acting and behaving from a place of love.


    Thank you for loving me first. Thank you for giving me the chance to love back. May my actions be a result of love. Love for you and for others.

  • Good Life Journal – John 13


    Jesus (knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands and that He had come from God and was going back to God) rose from supper. He laid aside his outer garments and…began to wash the disciples feet…When He had washed their feet, put on his outer garments, and resumed His place, He said to them: “Do you understand what I have done to you?” John 13:3-4a, 12.



    Kind of neat that Jesus teaches by the “”see what I have done?” then explanation afterward” method. Some of the things He does are puzzling to the Disciples (like Peter). Maybe because guys like Peter (and like me) think there should be a different outcome? Does my “stinking thinking” get in the way of the Holy Spirit?



    I don’t get Jesus sometimes. Like has been written before some of the things He says are hard. They are hard to think about, they are hard to assimilate into reflexive action, they are hard to replace other thoughts in my punkin’ head, they are just plain difficult to understand at times.


    Take for instance towards the end of John 13 (v 35): The world will know you are My disciples if you have love for one another.” (Confession: I had to look this up. My first writing was “…if you love one another.” Maybe not a huge distinction but certainly different from Jn 13:35 in the ESV. Ever wonder if there is a distinctive difference? I haven’t but I am going to look into it. This is what Journaling can bring to you, an “I wonder why” attitude to the Scriptures and Church Doctrine.)


    Anyway: Love for each other and Washing feet have a connection. Jesus is mining for gold in the disciples by asking “Do you understand what I have done…?”


    I think it has to do with my attitude towards service-not the act of service in particular but the attitude.


    In Luke 22:24-27 Jesus tells the disciples don’t be like politicians or as like what leadership is usually displayed as: I am over you, top dog, boss, etc. Paul tells the church at Philippi to “think of others as more important than yourself.” (Ph 2:3) It is the attitude of leadership that expresses itself in “boss-manship.”


    After the Cross, the disciples were starting to get it. Paul writes of Jesus:


    “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit but in humility count others as more significant (or important) than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests but also to the interests of others. HAVE THIS MIND among yourselves (which is yours in Christ Jesus) who, though he was in the form of God did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself taking the form of a servant…” (Phil 2:3-7)


    Last thought: There is a difference between being a humble servant and having holy ambition. That difference is in dynamic conflict because the ambition side of this equation can be infected with worldly ambition. I need to shake the worldly cobwebs out of my mind and participate in renewing my noggin.



    Lord God, I am aware of a distinction in myself that struggles day in and day out: Service to be seen by men and service to be done in secret only before You. How difficult it is to resist pointing out “my halo” to others. How difficult is it to resist “tooting my own horn?” I am not quite sure of all the details behind service but I do have a grip on this: Polishing my halo before others to receive the applause of men isn’t cool and certainly isn’t Eternal. Help me look at the Eternal daily, please? AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – John 12


    John 12:26 – If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and, where I am, there will be my servant also. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him.


    Jesus is speaking to some Greeks who were seeking him when he tells them not to care for their life in this world to gain eternity. Jesus follows by saying that to serve him we must follow him. To follow Jesus we must be where He is. Whoever serves Jesus will be honored by the Father


    I must submit to and follow Jesus in order to serve Him. The thought that this is “my life” and I can do with it what I want are far from the truth of Christ. I have to recognize that my life was bought with a price and it is not my own. To be with Jesus we need to follow his example of servitude, sacrifice and love for others. However, whatever role I play should be to glorify Him.


    Thank you for your love and grace in sending Jesus to pay for my sins so I can have a relationship with you. Let your Spirit guide me to follow Jesus by serving, loving others that points towards y


  • Good Life Journal – John 10


    John 10:17-18

    “For this reason the Father loves me because I lay down my life that I may take it up again. No one takes it from me but I lay it down of my own accord.

     I have authority to lay it down and I have authority to take it up again. This charge I received from my Father.” 


    This section of Scripture is plain spoken and yet puzzling to the hearers. Why? It is because their frame of reference is skewed. The words are plain but without understanding to their ears. It can be the same with my ears…



    Today we are celebrating Easter. He is risen; He is risen indeed!

     I don’t ponder, wonder about this enough. This whole time doesn’t capture my attention, my imagination, my sense of awe like it should. There is a part of my mind that is just used to the holiday.

    And that is the way many identify with this time-it is holiday. Not a bad thing, I am certainly not entering into any kind of condemnation to those that do-I would have to condemn myself, the face in the mirror as well.

    But I wonder: Does the Subject of this holiday move me? If I am reminded I quickly shift into Christian gear and say “Yes!” But what if I am doing the dishes? Mowing the lawn? Getting the grill ready for the Final Four? Probably not if I am being fiercely transparent.

    Review the scripture reference above. Jesus is plainly saying that He has authority to die on his own volition, to resurrect on his own volition. There are reasons this is significant: 1) He is a wiling sacrifice; 2) He is not a victim, nor is He dependent on another hand to do the dirty work (think about Abraham and Isaac); 3) He will raise Himself up; 4) All this through the Plan of the Gospel from before Time began.

    If I think about this more, Jesus suffered triumphally. Every lash, every stone, every blow on the nails, every wave of Eternal Wrath meant for me He accepted and meant that the Plan was proceeding as designed-Creation would be redeemed, the price of Sin would be paid for, God’s righteous Justice and corresponding Wrath would have appeasement, and Men, through faith in the Work of Christ would have redemption, adoption, and release from the chains of Sin. But also, not to forget, that those that don’t have faith in the Atonement would be subject to the same Wrath Jesus did.

    So what will I do today? I will take frequent time to steal away for a moment of reflecting on the Atonement. I will open my mouth in praise and especially thanksgiving. I will reflect on this with my wife in morning devotions. I will be triumphally humbled today, knowing that I don’t deserve His work, and will be so very grateful for His Work. Grace, grace, marvelous Grace!!


    Triune God, be praised forever! Your Name is above all names. There is absolutely none like You; No works are greater than Yours, Your ways are so far above anything imaginable. You are Good in such a way as cannot be fathomed.

    Thank you for the Cross. Thank you for the Resurrection. Thank you for the Gospel. Thank you for the Holy Spirit.

  • Good Life Journal – John 11

    Scripture :

    John 11: 25-26 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?”

    Observation :

    Jesus arrives to the home of Lazarus after he has already been dead four days. The family is mourning and Lazarus’ sister Martha is frustrated with Jesus saying “if you had been here, my brother would not have died.” Jesus teaches that he is the resurrection and life then displays this as he raises Lazarus from the dead.

    Application :

    Jesus is life. In light of Easter Jesus shows not only that he can raise Lazarus but He himself is the resurrection. In the same way my hope for this life and more importantly the next is in Jesus. The reality is that those apart from Christ do not have life and it should change the way I see this life and my need to reach others for the gospel.

    Prayer :

    Thank You Lord that you are life, the resurrection. Show me opportunities today to share your life with others.

  • Good Life Journal – John 9


    John 9:20-23  20 “We know he is our son,” the parents answered, “and we know he was born blind. 21 But how he can see now, or who opened his eyes, we don’t know. Ask him. He is of age; he will speak for himself.” 22 His parents said this because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders, who already had decided that anyone who acknowledged that Jesus was the Messiah would be put out of the synagogue.23 That was why his parents said, “He is of age; ask him.”


    Jesus heals a man that had been blind since birth. Rather than marvel at the miracle or the one that performed this miracle, the Pharisees were more concerned about the details surrounding the event. Rather than believe that Jesus was sent from God and that Jesus had healed him, they doubted if the man had actually been blind and focused on when this miracle occurred (on the Sabbath). They went as far as questioning his parents and questioning the former blind man twice.

    The parents, while speaking basic facts about their son, failed to honor Jesus for fear of being ostracized and thrown out of the Temple. Being thrown out would have meant hardship with both social and economic consequences. They chose worldly priorities over spiritual priorities.   


    I need to choose God over the world. I am closer to the parents than I care to admit. Do I speak up at my office if I see something that could be construed as non spiritual or do I let things slide since this is an business and not a church? Am I careful in what I say in order not to offend anyone?  Do my emails reflect me as a Christian or me as a person? Do I go to a holiday party or a Christmas party? I once had a colleague named Ron. Ron was much older and a devote Christian that took every opportunity to spread the Gospel. He did it with peers, customers, etc. He and I knew that he lost promotions because of his views and his stance. Ron didn’t care. He kept preaching and reaching. I need the same confidence and “I could care less what happens” attitude as I spread the Gospel to others.  

    I need to focus on pleasing God, not man. The parents were rightfully concerned about their situation. They could have lost everything. But, that would have been every worldly thing. They choose to let their son speak the truth instead of shouting and praising God for what He did.  God does not promise us that life as a Christian will be easy. We do, however, still have to remain faithful and have a Godly perspective, not a worldly perspective.


    Father, I am often too concerned with what others think of me if I don’t conform. Help me to realize that you can use anyone or anything in any situation to bring people closer to you. Give me a spirit of boldness and confidence to do your will, no matter what.  Thank you for your patience with me.