Author: Good Life Church

  • Good Life Journal – Revelation 20


    And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is the book life. And the dead were judged by what was written in the books, according to what they had done. v12


    We will be judged based on what we have done which is written in books. 


    This text can be a scary one if we don’t read it in context of the whole Bible & the Gospel. 

    Wait, I thought I was going to be accepted because of Jesus’ works? I have no shot if they look at my actions! 

    This is true. We have ZERO hope if God judges us based on what we have done. ZERO. NADA. NOTHING. We will be found lacking & wanting & will not be accepted into the Kingdom if God judges us based on what we have actually done. 

    So what do we do with this passage?

    See, in the Gospel, when Jesus saves us there is this special word called imputation. This word means that when we place our hope & faith in Jesus his life is imputed to us. It becomes ours. Our sin & brokeness is imputed to his. 

    It’s like our accounts were switched at the bank. You & I were broke, and he wasn’t. His account became ours, like we owned them, like we made that money. His account became nothing, like it was his, like he himself was bankrupt.

    So… When God looks at the book for us, for his people, what will he see? 


    Jesus needed to be obedient in this life, so that his obedience would become ours in faith. When John says in Revelation that we will be judged on our actions we need not worry, because Jesus’ obedience has become ours if we are his. Praise God!


    Thank you Lord for becoming sin in my place, so that I could become your righteousness. I don’t deserve this. You don’t owe it to me. I am totally unworthy but thank God, you are worthy. I am humbled Lord. 

  • Good Life Journal – Revelation 19


     Vs 1 After this I heard what seemed to be the loud voice of a great multitude in heaven, crying out,

    “Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God,

    Vs 2  for his judgments are true and just;

     Vs 4 And the twenty-four elders and the four living creatures fell down and worshiped God …

    Vs 7 Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory,

     Vs 9 And the angel said to me, “Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.” And he said to me, “These are the true words of God.”

    Vs 10 Then I fell down at his feet to worship him, but he said to me, “You must not do that! I am a fellow servant with you and your brothers who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God.”


    John see the angels rejoicing from heaven and the elders and creatures worshiping God for His “true and just judgment” and “salvation and glory and power”.

    The messenger of God then tells John the “true words of God” that those invited to the marriage will be blessed.

    John then begins to worship the messenger of this Good News.

    But the messenger stops John and declares himself a fellow servant of Jesus.

    He tells John to only “Worship God”.


    I will be tempted to worship good things.

    It’s easy to think I will worship God when I am thinking rightly, but to “worship” “bad things” when I am sinning.

    John shows how flawed this thinking is. He has just seen and heard the greatest news in the world.

    His immediate reaction is to worship the messenger … the deliverer of that great news.

    I must caution myself of the same inclination.

    How easy it is to make “good” things into “ultimate” things … Or even “good” people into “idols”.

    I have thought of much of life as a sort of “Truth Quest”.

    And then when I find or hear a nugget of “truth”, I can “exult” or “give glory” to the revealer of this truth.

    This has been the case from the beginning of the church … “I follow Paul … I follow Apollos … I follow Cephas.”

    I must never start to think more highly of any person’s words than I do God’s words.

    God is the creator truth … He is Truth. If anyone has truth, it is from Him.

    When Paul found himself in this position, he did the same thing the angle does to John … point people back to God!

    “Worship God”

    And then beyond exulting God, the angel (as Paul often did) humbled himself … “I am a fellow servant with you”.

    When I receive “praise” or “compliments” for my “true words”, I must do that same thing.

    Humble myself as a “fellow servant” and point people to exult the revealer of truth … “Worship God”. 


    Thank you God for your Word and Truth.

    Help me to hear it and see and praise you as a result

    Help me to point others toward it

    Help me to humble myself as a fellow servant

    In Jesus name




  • Good Life Journal – Revelation 18


    [3] For all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries. The kings of the earth committed adultery with her, and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries.”

    [4] “ ‘Come out of her, my people,’ so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues;

    [21] Then a mighty angel picked up a boulder the size of a large millstone and threw it into the sea, and  said: “With such violence the great city of Babylon will be thrown down, never to be found again.


    Rev 18 Babylon is a symbolic depiction of the world chasing after materialistic worldly things in place of chasing after God – a city full of greed, corruption and self-indulgence.

    God warns his people to come away from the worldly trap.

    For those who do not remove themselves from Babylon, the end of the story is simple –  The wrath on those who deceive and persecute the saints (God’s people) will be very serious.


    The sorcery used in Babylon depicts a society filled with deception – deceptive advertising, deceptive politicians, deceptive “friends”, corruption, addiction, false idles, and so on, that permeates world societies today.

    As Christ followers we are God’s people – we are the saints.  Even we saints can be fooled by the deception of the world if we are not constantly vigilant. 

    We must be wary of the deception of this world as it comes in many forms – politics, advertising, false prophets, and other people in our social circles.

    We must invest in our present and future with Jesus Christ, not in a future of materialistic things and worldly power.


    Let us always be wary of chasing false teachers and deceptive people.  Let us not be preoccupied or addicted to things of this world.  Lord keep us grounded in You, with hearts filled with Your Spirit, chasing after what pleases You.

  • Good Life Journal – Revelation 17


    They will make war on the Lamb, and the Lamb will conquer them, for he is the Lord of lords and King of kings, and those with him are called and chosen and faithful.”


    War against the lamb is a guarantee.
    The lamb conquers.
    Those with the lamb, the chosen, the called, the faithful, they conquer with him.


    Revelation can be read a few different ways, but the worst way to do it is to try and decipher and decode every little word and think you know what it actually means and stands for. There is so much symbolism in here, that we can easily, and many have before us, gotten sucked into the weeds. 

    There was a whole book series that did this and made a mess of things by trying to define things that aren’t meant to be defined. Sometimes, we have to be OK with the mystery and dive into it only to see the BIG truths that stand out. 

    This is how I read Revelation. What are the big truths we see? The things we learn about God and his character and how the translates into real life today. 

    We see in this passage that war is coming against the lamb. For sure. Definitey. It reads, “they will make war…” 

    But the best part is this next line, “the Lamb will conquer.” Not maybe. Not hopefully. Not if… Will. 

    The lamb will conquer.
    The lamb will conquer.

    The lamb will conquer. 

    We already know how this all ends, no matter what happens, Jesus conquers all. And those who are called, chosen & faithful will conquer with him. 

    Trust him. Set your sights on him that you would conquer with him. The conquering we experience in this life isn’t complete. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. 

    Jesus doesn’t make you rich.
    He doesn’t promise you will be comfortable.
    Jesus doesn’t make sure you conquer in such a way that everything is comfortable & OK and blessed

    But we can be assured that we will conquer. 

    When you look at your life today, remember to keep going, keep pressing in, keep fighting, keep trusting, why? Because you conquer in the end through Jesus. He conquers. Abide in him. Hide in him. He conquers.


    Thank you Lord that you conquer. Give me trust. Call me. Let me be faithful. Do this work in me. Do the impossible in me that I would trust you in the midst of the war. When it feels like you aren’t going to conquer may I trust your word that promises you do, no matter what you do. If you can conquer all of evil in the end, how can I not trust you to conquer it in me?

  • Good Life Journal – Revelation 16


    v7 – “Yes, Lord God the Almighty, true & just are your judgements!”

    v9 – “They did not repent and him glory.”

    v11 – “…cursed the God of heaven for their pain & sores. They did not repent of their deeds.”

    v15 – “Behold, I am coming like a thief! Blessed is the one who stays awake, keeps his garments on, that he may not go about naked and be seen exposed!”


    God is good & just in his judgements. In judgement, some repent, others do not. Some see God’s judgement & repent, other’s ramp up their rebellion and curse & scream at God. Regardless, Jesus is coming. He comes swiftly & we need to be ready.


    As we live our lives, bad things happen. Suffering. Wrath. Calamity. Here in this passage, we see these horrible plagues and wrath being poured out on the world in the final moments of all creation. 

    As you read it, it seems like the world will be in chaos, and the craziest part is that as the world sees all the chaos they do this:

    They look up to heaven & curse God. 

    They don’t see God doesn’t exist. They don’t doubt God’s existence, NO! They know God is real, they see him in all these big events. But they hate him in the midst of them. 

    They could have turned to him, but they curse him.

    For us, even now, as we experience difficult and overwhelming situaitons, we must not look up at God & be frustrated but rather, let us use that difficult situation to look to God for help, for care, for his grace. 

    That is what suffering is meant to do! It is meant to be a way for us to turn back to God, to be reminded we need God, not to look at him & curse him! 

    They just doubled down. Their sin caused God to send his wrath and then in his wrath they doubled down, they cursed God even further. 

    I pray that we would be a people that experience difficulty & suffering and turn to God for his help & receive it well knowing that he uses all things to draw us back to him because he is a good God, who cares enough about us to not simply give us an easy life, or a blessed life or a comfortable life.

    Rather, he wants to give us a life that pushes & draws us back to him. So when we see difficulty let us use it to return back to God, to remember HE IS WHAT WE NEED. Not an easy life, but him. 


    Lord we need you! This passage and this entire book is a big scary book, but I pray that it would make sense & teach us who you are more clearly. Speak to us. Be gracious with us. 

  • Good Life Journal – Revelation 15


    …seven angels with seven plagues, which are the last, for with them the wrath of God is finished. v1

    And they sing…’Great and amazing are your deeds, O Lord God the Almighty!’ v3


    God’s wrath will all be finalized. 

    God will be celebrated when it is all finished and His enemies are destroyed.


    Seems pretty morbid, huh? Why are they celebrating God as the angels throw down plagues and wrath against God’s enemies?

    See – God has told us from the beginning that he will destroy evil. Even in the garden, right after Eve & Adam eat the fruit, God talks about this one day when Eve’s seed will crush the serpent. 

    God’s plan from the beginning of time was to crush evil through the son, the seed, Jesus. God crushed Jesus, so that through this crushing the enemy would be crushed. 

    God’s plan was always to finish the job one day & destroy evil for good and all those who align themselves with it. But this same God went on a rescue mission for those who were deceived, confused, and broken. He beckons, begs even, come, come to me & be saved!

    Why will you stay here, with this enemy only to die with him one day?

    This God of grace will one day make an end to evil and all those who stick by it’s side. That day will be a terrible day, but it will also be a day to rejoice. 

    No more death ever.
    No more gossip ever.
    No more addiction ever.
    No more fighting ever.
    No more of that thing inside of you that you have to fight everyday.

    No more evil desires ever.
    No more killing ever.
    No more sexual abuse ever.
    No more bullying ever.
    No more.
    No more.

    NO MORE.

    That will be a day to rejoice. 


    Thank you Jesus for coming to save & also for one day coming to destroy all the evil that has stood up against you. All the evil that has clung to me & my soul and all the people I love and care about. Thank you for coming to destroy it. Thank you for promising it & for one day fulfilling it. You are an awesome God. You are an awesome Savior. You are wholly different. You are holy. I am undeserving but you make a way. Thank you. I look forward to that day. 

  • Good Life Journal – Revelation 14


    John: “Then I saw another angel flying directly overhead with an eternal gospel to proclaim to those who dwell on the earth—to every nation and tribe and language and people.  And he (the angel) said with a loud voice: “Fear God and give Him glory because the hour of judgment has come and worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea and the springs of water…”

    Here is a call for the endurance of the saints: those who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus…” (Rev 14:6 and 7; v12)


    More unfolding of the mystery of the Revelation; point by point; event by event; proclamation by proclamation.  I think we are seeing a shift in circumstances and events by seeing God’s Grace in Judgment.


    By thinking about this section of scripture I am reminded again that the Gospel is not only the good news for the lost, it is also the good news of the new Heavens and new Earth; of God’s total Grace and Goodness in His Holiness by executing Judgment and subsequent righteous Wrath upon the wicked.

    Boy that reads so judgmental and bleak.   But looking at Rev 14 clinically it is true.  The extrapolation of the Gospel is that someday God will execute His Righteous Judgment on the Earth and expend His Holy Wrath.  But the angel has it right: “Fear God and give Him Glory.” 

    This is the part of preaching the Gospel to myself that I am reluctant to review.  I like the good stuff.  I don’t like to be reminded that because of Adam I wholly deserve God’s Wrath in Judgment.  It is because of God’s Goodness and Mercy that the Son became the Atonement for my sin. 

    I am having to remind myself almost hourly.  Holiday season brings out so much tension and anxiety I just wish I could skip the last 6 weeks of the year.  I am having a horrible time with my spirit right now.  The Fruit of the Spirit in me looks dried up and rotten.  My hands are shaking even as I write this.

    But I am reminded of my Hope and I look to my Lord Jesus, remembering that I am not forgotten or forsaken, He is right there helping me through this by His active power in my life.  I am able to talk to my heart like David: “Why are you in despair O my soul—Hope again in God!” (Ps  43:5) 

    I will get through this by God’s Grace.  For I have a Hope, an enduring Hope.  Until then I will press into endurance and persevere, by Faith in Jesus’ work of Atonement on the Cross. 


    Lord God, I know that endurance and perseverance is more than just gritting my teeth and having a stiff upper lip—there are active application of biblical effort I must engage in.  This is so tough because when times are good I don’t train for the valleys of life.  Two things I ask You for today: 1) Grace for this time; to get through this anxiousness and stuff, and; 2) Grace to apply myself to training when times are good—training in a disciplined manner, adding lines, precepts, and doctrine to exercise with—hiding your Words of Life in my heart.  I want to please You in all things, Lord Jesus.  AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – Revelation 13


    v.4 “Who is like the beast & who can fight against it?”


    In the end there will be this beast who is worshipped by the world and the world will say, “Who is like the beast, and who can fight against it?”


    Whoa, this chapter! This entire book from John is intense and crazy and confusing. But there are little nuggets of gold that we can find if we dig and are intentional. 

    The world, during this crazy time, worships this beast because it is so powerful that they think, “Who can fight against this?” They see the power of it and think, “Man, this is it. This is the thing we need to worship.”

    Yet, they missed Jesus for all of eternity He was this thing they have been looking for. The very thing they were supposed to be worshipping each and every day. 

    In this life, with sin and the enemy, it is easy to get sucked into thinking, this or that is the thing we need to be worshipping. But it isn’t. Jesus is. Don’t settle for anything less, no matter how powerful, big, or worth it, Jesus is better. 


    I pray that we wouldn’t settle or be enticed by other things that don’t even compare. Give us eyes for you Lord. Let us catch a glimpse. 

  • Good Life Journal – Revelation 12

    She gave birth to a male child, one who is to rule all the nations
    and the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God
    but he (the dragon) was defeated, and there was no longer any place for them in heaven
    12 Therefore, rejoice, O heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to you, O earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time is short!”
    14 But the woman was given the two wings of the great eagle so that she might fly from the serpent into the wilderness, to the place where she is to be nourished for a time
    Vs 17 Then the dragon became furious with the woman and went off to make war on the rest of her offspring, on those who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus.
    There is an ultimate ruler of all nations, Jesus Christ.
    Satan is defeated in heaven, yet allowed to make war on earth “for a time”.
    God, however, prepares a place and makes provision and nourishment for His people during this time.
    Satan wants to make war on those who keep the commands of God and the testimony of Jesus.

    Am I shocked at troubles or turmoil and tumult? I shouldn’t be.

    There is a whole world and battle that I can’t see, but I can experience the consequences of.

    Will I yield to that battle?
    What a disaster that would be.

    I would be declaring defeat in the middle of a war that has already been won.
    In those moments when I feel defeated, I must remember the Satan is ultimately defeated.

    Satan “knows his time is short”!
    Saran is “furious”!

    This alone is enough to provide me hope in my worst moments.
    But God is good.
    He provides even more than hope in His ultimate victory.
    He “provides a place”, and “nourishment”.

    So in the midst of all chaos I can confidently love out the commands of God and the testimony of Jesus!
    Thank you God for your word
    Thank you for the hope of your victory
    Help me keep your command 
    And testify Jesus
  • Good Life Journal – Revelation 11

    [3] And I will appoint my two witnesses, and they will prophesy.. 
    [4] They are “the two olive trees” and the two lampstands, and “they stand before the Lord of the earth.”11:4 See Zech. 4:3,11,14. 
    [5] If anyone tries to harm them, fire comes from their mouths and devours their enemies..  
    [6] They have power to shut up the heavens..
    ..and they have power to turn the waters into blood and to strike the earth with every kind of plague as often as they want.
    [7] Now when they have finished their testimony..

    The two have been appointed by God.

    The appointed ones have something to witness – their personal story of salvation and encounter with Jesus Christ, the power of God, the Gospel and love of Christ.

    The two witnesses are fed continually by the Holy Spirit – lampstands fed by olive trees.

    They have been given power by God to finish their testimony.

    We have been appointed by the Lord and are called as witnesses for Him. Our action step is to give testimony – to those in your social circles and beyond.  At the very least, we should be sharing our own story of salvation and encounters with Jesus. 

    As we give our testimony, we may not always have the words, actions, or energy, but if we follow the Spirit within us, He will give us what we need, when we need it.  

    If we look to Christ, we will be continually fed by Him.  

    He gives us power to overcome trials, and any haters who may speak against us. We are expected and given the power to finish our testimony.

    Lord let me be like the two witnesses, continually fed by Your Spirit giving testimony to my sphere of influence; spreading the Gospel until You, and only You, say my testimony is complete.

  • Good Life Journal – Revelation 10


    “…the mystery of God would be fulfilled, just as he announced to his servants the prophets.” v.7


    God’s plan of Jesus, the Savior of the world, the One who reconciles us to God the Father, will be fulfilled. No doubt about it. No question. Just as God told us it would.


    As we read through Revelation it can be overwhelming. So much information that doesn’t make a ton of sense. But here is what we know for sure: Jesus wins. Jesus conquers. And not in any sort of way, but in the exact way that God ordained it and planned it and told us how it would go. 

    Our God doesn’t lose. His plan gets done. So what does that mean for us? You can’t lose. 

    But wait, “I lose all the time. How can you say I don’t lose?”

    It feels like we “lose”, hard things happen, suffering happens, but we see in this verse, this whole book, that what God has planned, he accomplishes. God doesn’t get beat. God doesn’t lose, so the plans God has for you won’t be thwarted, won’t be messed with. 

    So in all those hard things that we go through we can trust that God is working all of them out for His glory and our good. He can’t get beat. His plan can’t be overcome in your life. 

    Trust him. 


    I pray that I trust your plan, even when it is hard, even when it is overwhelming, even when it feels like it isn’t your plan. Carry me Lord, be gracious with me. Humble me to see that you are God, and I am not. Your plan is better and you always overcome.

  • Good Life Journal – Revelation 9


    Revelation 9:20-21- The rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands nor give up worshipping demons and idols and gold and silver and bronze and stone and wood, which cannot see or hear or walk, nor did they repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts.    


    Even after facing plagues and death, many did not repent and worshipped what was created rather than the Creator.  What people worship is parallel to their lifestyle and many did not turn from their evil ways to seek God. Verse 6 tells us people would prefer death over repentance to God.  There is a day of judgement coming for both believers and nonbelievers.


    I must realize I am dead in my own sin without the love of God sending Jesus to rescue me into fellowship with Him.  God has told us through His word that judgement is coming for everyone. The only way to the Father is through Jesus.  God is patient and wants everyone through His grace to repent and know Him. I need to use this truth to have a sense of urgency to share the love of the gospel with those who are lost.



    Thank you for your love, grace and mercy.  Let your coming judgement instill in me a sense of urgency to share the love and truth of the gospel with those who don’t know you.

  • Good Life Journal – Revelation 8


    Revelation 8


    I think in this chapter, it is less about a specific passage and more about the entire theme of the chapter. 

    God, through the angels, is doing a mighty work, a scary work even, a work like we have never seen. Destruction comes through God in the end, before there is a full redemption.


    Man, what a weighty chapter. We see horrible things happening by the hands of the angels. They aren’t acting out of line with God, they doing what he has decreed, what he has commanded. 

    But, isn’t God a God of love? What happened to the Jesus I know?

    See, the grace of God through Jesus, is for TODAY. It isn’t promised for tomorrow. One day it will end, one day the judgement will come, and this is what John is seeing in Revelation.


    God be gracious with us. We don’t always see or get chapters like this, but I pray that we wouldn’t hesitate in repenting, in turning to you and trusting you. That we would see you as a God of more than just love, of a God of holiness and justice. Help us to get it, grasp it, and love you for it. 

  • Good Life Journal – Revelation 7

    Scripture:   John: “After this I looked and behold a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands, (and) crying out with a loud voice: “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne and to the Lamb!”

    And all the angels were standing around the throne and around the elders and the four living creatures.  And they fell on their faces before the throne and worshipped God saying: “AMEN!  Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might be to our God forever and ever!  AMEN!”

    Observation:   If I can stop being distracted by the strange but wonderful magnificence of the Vision given to John, I am able to see the depth and intensity of worship of the inhabitants of Heaven.  How can I reflect this?  What spurs me upward and onward?  What are the speed bumps that affect me?

    Application:   Up to this point so far in Revelation of John we have angelic creatures of all sorts flying around, in proclamation, chanting, singing, etc.  We also have elders who are usually on their face a lot before God and the Lamb, also proclaiming and singing.  They are giving up (throwing) their awards (crowns) at the foot of the throne.   They are spontaneously composing songs, new songs, to sing to the Lord their God.

    John is looking around and seeing a ton of folks, more than the eye could see, every tribe, nation, tongue raising their voice loudly: “Salvation belongs to God and the Lamb!!”

    When this kind of picture is given over and over, I have been told that the consistency of testimony is, in police work, a clue.  So, I want to write to the face in the mirror.  What do I write about here?

    I notice that what and who John writes about isn’t exactly modeled by me.  In fact, I am far from being able to slide into the group described by John and take up the same exclamations of worship without feeling like I am lacking somehow or even belong. 

    I check off on myself: Falling on my face?  No for me: I am too old, fat and my knees hurt.  Loud voice?  Ok, maybe.  But my throat gets sore and I run out of breath.  Besides, somebody might look at me cross-eyed and I would be embarrassed.  Spontaneous singing of a new song?  Hard: I don’t even remember old songs well—besides, what rises up way too often in my mind is Elvis, Ray or Aretha.  Beach Boys, TDK, and if feeling mischievous: Ray Stevens. 

    The thing is: how I pursue and immerse myself in worship here may be indicative of how I worship there.  Since I don’t want to be found lacking what can I do? 

    Whatever I do, there are three things to pay attention to:


    1. Resist fear of man.  Boy, I get caught up with this one a lot.  “What does so and so think of me?”
    2. Look to the Word of God for a guide on what to do.  Tradition and what is done locally is one thing; looking to do well for the Audience of One has eternal pay back.

    3. Go slow but be persistent to grow.  Let the Holy Spirit’s encouragement come through.
    4. Don’t look for variety in godly songs; look for good doctrine, something to sing to my soul about and hopefully sustaining it. 


    Prayer:    Father—Thank You for letting me write.  Thank you for revealing Your testimony through Your word just what and when I need it.  Thank You for speaking to me and comforting me.  What would I do without You, O God?  AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – Revelation 6


    Then the kings of the earth and the great ones and the generals and the rich and the powerful, and everyone, slave and free, hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains… For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand? v15 & 17


    When the end comes, as John sees it in Revelation, no matter what your standing in the world, slave, free, rich, poor, all hide. And they, “Who can stand?”


    When those hiding from the wrath to come ask, “Who can stand?” they are feeling and experiencing the great weight of God’s worth. When we come face to face with Jesus we will feel the weight of his love, his grace, his perfection, his holiness and even without him saying anything, without him condemning us we will feel the how wholly different and unworthy we are. 

    Just a look from Jesus and we will think, “Who can stand? Who is worthy to stand in his presence?”

    But glory to God, there has been made a way for us through the blood shed. Because someone stood in our place, Jesus, we can stand. 


    Thank you for giving us a way to the Father. We don’t deserve it, and we feel that. We will stand before you and feel the weight of your worth and the weight of our unworthiness but still you welcome us in. Unworthy, yet you welcome us because you enjoy saving those who aren’t worth it! Thank you lord.