Author: Good Life Church

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 36


    Your steadfast love, O Lord, extends to the heavens, Your faithfulness to the clouds. Your righteousness is like the mountains of God; Your judgements are like the great deep; Man and beast you save, O Lord.

    How precious is your steadfast love, O God! The children of mankind take refuge in the shadow of Your wings. They feast on the abundance of your house, and you give them drink from the river of Your delights.

    For with You is the fountain of life; in Your light do we see light.

     Oh, continue your steadfast love to those who know You and Your righteousness to the upright of heart! Let not the foot of arrogance come upon me or the hand of the wicked drive me away. Ps 36:5-11


    When do I remind myself of the Greatness of God? His majesty? His Goodness? Any or all of His Attributes? Something to think about.



    I shortchange God. Clarification: God is never shortchanged; He is mighty and glorious in Himself. Doesn’t need me.

    I shortchange God in my life—because I don’t really look to see Him as He is. I don’t think, I don’t meditate, I don’t study, I don’t seek, I don’t talk about Him much at all. Oh, I might talk about other things about God: what He has done or what He can do for me. I can present Him in evangelism through the Gospel-but what do I do with my heart? Do I speak to my heart about His Awesomeness? His Majesty? Do I glory in Him?

    The Psalmist did here. He preached to God. He declared God to God. The Psalmist reviewed various points of His Attributes right back to Him—resulting in reinforcing the Vision of God in his life; preaching Truth to his own heart; compounding encouragement to his own soul, etc.

    AW Tozer reflected that many Christians have a low view of God in their life because they don’t think about the Attributes of God and how truly Awesome He is. A low view of God initiates all sorts of untoward behavior, not the least of which is soft (or weak) faith. A low view of God can lead us into biblical error, a tendency to be like a Pharisee or, on the other swing of the pendulum, a tendency to worldliness-both sides of the pendulum are engaging in sinful behavior.

    Here’s a suggestion for personal devotions: Read the Psalms out loud. Every day for a month. Put feeling in what you read (don’t be monotone). Pause, reflect often. Read them out loud like you wrote it. You will see changes if you stay with it.


    Oh, God: Please make me fill my eyesight with You, high and full. You are Awesome in all your ways. You are Awesome in all your works. You are merciful and full of wonder!! Facts: I don’t look for Your presence daily. Lam 3 reminds me that Your mercies are new every morning and thinking about, acknowledging these mercies leads me to “Great is your Faithfulness oh Lord.” Phooey on me. I can get so wrapped up in myself that I forget to acknowledge You most mornings. Forgive me Lord. Burn your Majesty in my mind. AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 33


    Psalm 33:18 – Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear him, on those who hope in his steadfast love


    God watches over those who live in awe of Him. God’s love is unchanging for those who trust in Him for their provision.


    The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight. (Proverbs 9:10) Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. (Proverbs 3:5)
    Fear the Lord and trust completely in the Lord. On the surface looks like two simple precepts that would seem easy. However, fear of the Lord requires a reverence as I know God is my Creator and recognition that His ways are better than mine. Complete trust in the Lord means that I have submitted all areas of my life over to Him. This can’t be a situational trust or based on my circumstances or limited knowledge of a subject matter.


    Thank you for creating the world and loving us out of everything to send Jesus so we can have a relationship with you. Help your Spirit guide me as I follow you to be in reverence and trust.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 32


    Psalm 32:1 – “Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.”


    Psalm 32 is a psalm written by David. It discusses the theme of God’s faithfulness to forgive when we confess. Throughout the psalm the pattern is shown, when we acknowledge our sin to God, He is faithful to forgive us.


    Although this seems so basic it goes against our initial reactions when we sin. Even back in Genesis we see the first thing that Adam and Eve do after sinning is cover themselves and hide. We react in shame and in fear. Should we accept our sin? Of course not. However, we must resist the lie that God is “out to get us”. Instead what Psalm 32 and the whole of scripture shows us is that God’s wrath has been poured out on Christ and therefore we are covered by him. We can run to God in our brokenness and know that He is faithful to cover us and to forgive us because Christ is enough.


    God thank you for the amazing truth that Jesus is enough. In the middle of sin and brokenness you still forgive us and you cover us with your love. Help me today to not run away from you and believe the lie of shame. Instead, let me draw deeper into intimacy and relationship with you.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 27


    Psalm 27:1-2
    The Lord is my light and my salvation;
    whom shall I fear?
    The Lord is the stronghold of my life;
    of whom shall I be afraid?


    The psalmist starts this song with total clarity on who God is and what it means for his life. God is both the light of salvation and the stronghold of his life. The result in his life? There is nothing to be afraid of anymore!


    I wish it was just that easy. To know who God is and let that strip all fear from my life. But maybe it is? Maybe fear sets in my life when I forget who God is. A few things…

    -Jesus has conquered death. Is there anything worse than death that I will face today? The answer is no. If Jesus has authority of the cross, then he has authority over everything I will face today.

    -The King of the Universe is my Father. It truly doesn’t get any better than that. May I rest in that today.

    -If something seems to be going wrong in my life, instead of freaking out, I will cry out to God and put my trust in Him.


    I truly have nothing to fear Father. May I rest in you. May I rest in your authority!

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 26


    Psalm 26:1 and 26:4-5

    Vindicate me, O Lord, for I have walked in my integrity, and I have trusted in the Lord without wavering…….. I do not sit with men of falsehood, nor do I consort with hypocrites.
    I hate the assembly of evildoers, and I will not sit with the wicked.


    David states that he has walked in faith. This connotates action on the part of a believer. David didn’t just believe but his belief caused certain, deliberate actions. David had been taught in faith and now his actions are matching his belief. Having stated the fact that he is faithful to God, David now describes several ways that his life demonstrates his faith. He states his faith not what he does but by who he does not associate with.


    I should choose and value my relationships. I have a little control over some of the people I meet. For example, when I go to the grocery store, a Starbucks, airport, the beach or at even at work I come across people of all ages, races and religions. Even though I should be cordial and Christian, I do not have to “sit” or associate with these people on a regular basis. I should have a heavenly perspective when it comes to my friends and associations. That heavenly perspective extends beyond people and includes social media, where I spend my time, what I watch on television, etc.

    There is a saying that we are known by the company we keep. David knew this to be true over 2000 years ago and it still applies today.


    Give me the wisdom to identify non spiritual threats in my life that are not good influences. Provide me the courage to remove them from my life if my association with them reflects poorly on you.


  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 23


     Psalm 23

    Vs 1 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

    Vs 3 … He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.

    Vs 4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,

    I will fear no evil, for you are with me;

    Vs 6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life,
    and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.



     David recognizes here that no matter what his circumstances are, he will be shepherded by The Lord.

    And because of this, David will not “want”, and he will not “fear”.

    Even if David is in an extraordinarily terrible spot, the presence of the Shepherd calms him.



    What drives my behavior? What motivates what I do?

    There is usually a positive motivator … what I personally desire, or what I want!

    There is also a negative motivator … what I personally do not desire, or what I fear!

    My “wants” and my “fears” can often determine which direction I go.

    David shuts both of these motivators down emphatically.

    In fact, with the Lord as my Shepherd, David says, “I shall not want” and “I will not fear”.

    And when I really think about it … Isn’t this a much better way to go through life?

    No sense of lack … No sense of anxiety … Isn’t this that beautiful spot of … Contentment?!

    What then would motivate me to live in such a space, if not those human drivers of “want” and “fear”?

    One thing …. His Name!

    I will be led by the Good Shepherd … “for His namesake”.

    And if His name is the “why”, then what is the “how”?

    How can I actually live this way “all the days of my life”?

    I must understand the all-encompassing protection of the Good Shepherd.

    Jesus is in front of me … “He leads me …”

    Jesus is beside me … “for You are with me …”

    Jesus is behind me …. “goodness and mercy follow me…”

    I am never far from Jesus.

    I dwell in His house forever.

    When I grasp this … I can grasp any of life’s circumstances or situation “all of my days”.



    Thank you, God, again for Your Truth.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 19


    Psalm 19:14
    Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.


    The psalmist declares the glory of God in creation, specifically in the heavens, the sky and the sun. As he meditates on the enormity and glory of God, he sees his own issues, problems, inconsistencies. Yet instead of feeling insignificant compared to the glory of creation, he asks the God of creation to fix him. To address his secret sins and to make him clean and pure. You see his desire clearly in verse 14 in which he prays that both the words of his mouth and the meditations of his heart would be pleasing to God.


    When I recognize the all encompassing power and presence of God, I also realize He knows all. He holds the whole universe in His hands, yet He also knows me, my behavior, and even my deepest thoughts. Instead of being overwhelmed in shame, I should be overwhelmed with thankfulness. Not only can He see it all, he can also fix it all. Through His grace and glory He can adjust and transform the deepest parts of depravity in my heart and mind. How? The cross and resurrection. What the psalmist did not know fully, is fully known to me through the Spirit. The answer to the psalmist’s prayer is my hope today. Through the victorious Christ, not only my behavior, but my darkest meditations are showered with grace and transformed into His likeness. The chains and shackles that held my heart and mind captive wIthin, even when my self imposed behavior modification seemed to manage the outside has now been both revealed and forgiven. It is through this that I am free. As I seek to continue to walk and grow in faith, I ask The Father to not only keep my behavior above reproach, but also my thoughts, plans and dreams.

    A few things…
    -If God has the power to transform the inside and outside, I must not hinder either changes in my life. May I never be satisfied with only outside adjustments that impact my reputation, but also inside adjustments that impact my character.

    -May I lead ministry that addresses both. May I never lead people to see the cross and resurrection as behavior modification therapy. May I help them see the deeper work as well.

    -As I see the enormity of the Glory of God, May I not forget today that He knows and loves me too. He is equally incredibly enormous yet also interested in the seemingly insignificant.


    Thank you for the gospel that both works on me and within me everyday. Chisel the parts of my actions and meditations that are not pleasing to you. May I bring you Glory even though the heavens speak loud enough. Thanks for letting me be part of the story of your Glory. I am humbled.

  • Good Life Journal – Acts 28


    From morning till evening he expounded to them testifying to the kingdom of God and trying to convince them about Jesus-both from the Law of Moses and from the Prophets.  And some were convinced by what he said but others disbelieved.  And disagreeing among themselves they departed after Paul made one statement:  “The Holy Spirit was right in saying to your fathers through Isaiah the prophet-“Go to this people and say: You will indeed hear but never understand and you will indeed see but never perceive.  For this people’s heart has grown dull and with their ears they can barely hear, and their eyes they have closed lest they should see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their heart, and turn-and I would heal them.”  Acts 28:23b-27.


     We can present the Word of God, the Gospel, fervently, passionately, logically, and faithfully-and there will be some that believe and others that won’t.  There is a reason for that and that reason should be what is responded by us in faith, trusting in the Sovereignty of the Most High God.  And then, what does it reveal to me?


     I would contend that Paul might have been the most prepared to bring the Gospel to the nations post-ascension.  In Chapter 28 the Bible testifies of Paul being knowledgeable, theologically apt, patient with others, willing to endure hardships, prepared to speak of his Hope, and oh yeah: has a miracle or 10 of healing to toss around.  I would say Paul was faithful.

    There are two things that I see out of this passage: 1) Can’t say it enough-Paul is faithful!!  Not just faithful for the moment but long suffering faithfulness, patient faithfulness, not ignoring the moment but not letting the moment fill his vision.  Paul sees past the immediate and in faithful hope sees the future without discouragement.

    The second thing I see is: calm analysis of the situation.  Despite spending his time expounding, preaching, having dialog, conversing and yes, some arguing may be implied-Paul accurately, rationally,  and emotionally embraces that God is Sovereign-some will be drawn by the Holy Spirit and believe, others will not.

    Right on out there: Some will and some won’t.  Should we frail and feeble folk get discouraged when we don’t lead a countywide revival right here, right now?  Nah, we shouldn’t-but we do and will.  Why is that?  Don’t know about you readers but I have this expectation of defined success a mile wide up my 24 inch back.  I used to think an expectation of success was the requisite thought and emotion of Faith.  Now, I am not so sure.

    You see, the object of being successful was ME.  I expected to be successful.  God working through ME!!  What a crock.  A huge crock.  I wanted the glory that belongs to God alone.  Note: I noticed that I wrote “wanted”-not true.  I still struggle with that “Me before Him” issue daily. I want the glory. I would bet we all do.

    If we ask God to not spare our feelings and show us where we want seeking out glory instead of His, He will do that-because I am sure that asking for our faults to be shown is right there in the wheelhouse of His Will.  Maybe then (and in faith) we can imitate Paul in a couple of ways.


    Lord God, Father.  You say: Ask whatever I want in Your Will and you will be faithful to provide it.  What could be more in Your Will than to ask for You to reveal our sin?  For You to make us mature and faithful?  For showing this stuff so that we can mortify the old man?  Help me to shed the façade of being a Christian and dig deep into what it means to be a disciple.  AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal -‘Acts 27


    Acts 27:23-25 For this very night there stood before me an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I worship, and he said, ‘Do not be afraid, Paul; you must stand before Caesar. And behold, God has granted you all those who sail with you.’ So take heart, men, for I have faith in God that it will be exactly as I have been told.


    During the fury of a violent storm, Paul hears from God, through an angel. Paul both belongs to God and he worships God. Paul not only listens but he believes the angel, who tells him that God will protect him and his shipmates and he must travel on to Rome. Paul has unwavering faith that this will happen even though they will shipwreck on an island.


    Paul realizes step one that he is not his own but that he belongs to God. If I don’t understand that I was created by God to have a loving relationship with him I’m starting at the wrong take off point and will never completely understand the Gospel. Paul worships God for who he is and what he did to transform him from someone who persecuted the early church to an instrument to carry the Gospel to the Gentiles. I must recognize this truth of the transformation in my life and worship God accordingly. We have to listen to God and have faith in His plan to get us out of the storm(s) in our life. Nothing stopped Paul from spreading the Gospel, beatings, prison, and shipwreck. Sharing the Gospel needs to be a focused priority in my life regardless of cost.


    Thank you for creating us to be in relationship with you and sending Jesus to allow us to be reconciled to you. Help me to recognize this and have the faith, focus to make it my life to share your love and Gospel.

  • Good Life Journal – Acts 26


    Acts 26:15-16And I said, ‘Who are you, Lord?’ And the Lord said, ‘I am Jesus whom you are persecuting. 16 But rise and stand upon your feet, for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to appoint you as a servant and witness to the things in which you have seen me and to those in which I will appear to you,

    Paul is testifying before King Agrippa as Paul has appealed to Caesar as a Roman citizen. The Jewish people were seeking to have him tried and put to death for preaching Jesus. Paul with a moment to give a legal defense does not reach into every crevice of Jewish law and regulation, but instead looks to where the gospel intersected his life, he shares his story. 
    I should never forget the power of my testimony. Once I was dead in sin but Jesus has brought me life! There’s no argument or explanation that could bring someone to faith, but the power of testimony has compelled many. 
    Lord teach me more and more to live a life that testifies to your gospel work in me. Open my eyes to opportunities this week and even today to be sharing your story in my life with someone.
  • Good Life Journal – Acts 25


    Acts 25:19
    Rather they had certain points of dispute with him about their own religion and about a certain Jesus, who was dead, but whom Paul asserted to be alive.


    As Festus talks with Agrippa about Paul’s situation he shares how he doesn’t understand what the big deal is. To him, the dispute between Paul and the Jews about the resurrection of Jesus wasn’t significant enough to charge Paul with anything. The only reason Paul is moving up to see Caesar is because Paul appealed to him.


    This verse is so helpful. It gives insight into the life of an unbeliever. To Felix, Jesus being alive or dead wasn’t important. It didn’t seem to impact life that much. However between those who knew the power of the resurrection and those who knew the implications of the resurrection, it was a debate of vital significance.

    A few things…

    If Jesus is dead, He wasn’t who He said He was and therefore has no authority anymore.

    If Jesus is dead, his teachings, though helpful, lack the staying power to build life upon.

    If Jesus is dead, sins are not forgiven and eternal life is not available.

    However, if Jesus is alive. If He did come alive again: All authority belongs to Him, His teachings are the foundation of our lives, our sins are forgiven and we have eternal life!

    I must not overlook the fact that many who are lost simply don’t understand the significance of the cross and resurrection. To them, it’s just a debate between different religions.


    The resurrection is everything. I read, Journal and pray today because you are Alive!

  • Good Life Journal – Acts 24


    Acts 24:25 And as he reasoned about righteousness and self-control and the coming judgment, Felix was alarmed and said, “Go away for the present. When I get an opportunity I will summon you.”


    Felix was in complete control of this situation. He knew Paul was innocent yet he kept Paul in jail to appease the Jews and/or to get money from Paul. Felix was obviously concerned or frightened by Paul. How much did he believe? How convicted was he by Paul’s testimony? But, what Felix did not do was make a decision. He said “when I get an opportunity”.


    One of the biggest lies we often tell our selves is that we have plenty of time. We may say it in different ways. “I have plenty of time.” becomes “I’ll do it when the kids are older” or “I will get around to it when I have more money”. I will do it this summer, or this weekend, etc. The excuses are plenty but the result is the same. Often it is a misplaced priority, missed opportunities to achieve all we could have achieved. Procrastination only pleases Satan.

    Paul preached an uncomfortable message to Felix. Felix did not respond to his message. Rarely does anyone respond the first time. It is a process that requires patience and consistency. Not just in our message but an understanding that people we try to reach may not respond to us at all. But, like Paul, we must continue to speak the truth.


    Give me the spirit of boldness and a focus on righteousness. Help me to be consistent in my message and in my manner. Help me to be consistent in my message and obedient to your priorities for my life.


  • Good Life Journal – Acts 23


    Acts 23
    Vs 1 And looking intently at the council, Paul said, “Brothers, I have lived my life before God in all good conscience up to this day.”
    Vs 2 And the high priest Ananias commanded those who stood by him to strike him on the mouth.
    Vs 3 Then Paul said to him, “God is going to strike you, you whitewashed wall! Are you sitting to judge me according to the law, and yet contrary to the law you order me to be struck?”
    Vs 4 Those who stood by said, “Would you revile God’s high priest?”
    Vs 5 And Paul said, “I did not know, brothers, that he was the high priest, for it is written, ‘You shall not speak evil of a ruler of your people.’”

    Vs 11 The following night the Lord stood by him and said, “Take courage, for as you have testified to the facts about me in Jerusalem, so you must testify also in Rome.”


    Paul is brought before the religious leaders for a heresy trial.
    Paul strongly defends himself and his actions.
    When Paul is threatened to be struck, Paul then sharply rebukes and disparages the high priest.
    Upon hearing that is was the high priest, Paul is apologetic for his manner and speaking and acknowledges God’s law.
    Later, when alone, the Lord then reaffirms to Paul that he will need courage to continue his ongoing testimony.


    One thing Paul does not lack is boldness.
    He will say anything he needs to, to anyone he wants to.
    This is not a new trait for, though. He was doing that before his encounter with Jesus.
    So much so, that he was having people charged and killed.
    Paul now finds himself on the other side of charges.
    He still needs that boldness to defend himself, but this bold defense would only be trustworthy under one circumstance:
    He “lived my life before God in all good conscience”.
    So then, this begs the question of me and my desire to have a bold defense and testimony when asked:
    Do I live my life before God in all good conscience?!
    Certainly anyone asking or accusing will be comparing my words and deeds.
    Do they correlate? Will my testimony make sense to a questioner when compared to my actions?
    In other words, does my said testimony match my lived biography?
    Going a bit further, Paul recognizes the need to respect his accusers in line with the Word of God.
    Paul honors his ruler even though he does not honor the accusations of the person.
    So, while previously Paul had a “reckless boldness” that was destructive,
    Now Paul has a “respectful boldness” that honors that Word of God.
    It’s easy to have a reckless boldness.
    Juist decide what I want and then go after it no matter what!
    A respectful boldness, however, considers the other person.
    I need to remember these examples of Paul in what was a very difficult situation:
    Am I able to defend my life before God in all good conscience?
    Am I testifying with an honorable boldness of God’s word?


    Thank you God for Your word.
    Thank you for the example of Paul and those you put in my life.
    Help me Holy Spirit to follow their example
    In Jesus name

  • Good Life Journal – Acts 22


    Acts 22:9
    9 Now those who were with me saw the light but did not understand the voice of the one who was speaking to me.


    Paul is sharing the story of his transformation with Fathers and sons in hopes they will hear of this testimony and turn from their sin and follow Jesus. This way is the way that Paul as Saul persecuted yet in a moment bowed and then followed because of his interaction. What interesting is that Saul saw and heard and was changed. The men with Saul saw but heard of which they did not understand…..we don’t hear of them being changed to follow the way….


    What is seen but not heard changes nothing. MANY people saw Jesus but did not hear him and left confused and frustrated and in many cases angry. These men with Paul saw the light but could not understand the voice….why? Sin in their life? What else hinders is from hearing Jesus? I know one thing many people would see Jesus heal and would believe and Lord willing they were changed!!! But men that saw and HEARD Jesus changed the world. When I hear clearly from Jesus I am always filled with Joy and inexpressible passion to share what I HEARD. Faith comes from HEARING and HEARING the word of Christ. Romans 10:17

    Couple things
    -Do I position myself to not only see Jesus move and reveal himself but also HEAR from Jesus.
    -Am I listening when Jesus speaks to me or am I distracted with life when he does?
    -Am I sharing what Jesus has said.
    -Do I know his voice and what he is saying?


    Father God thank you for speaking through your Son Jesus and by revelation of your spirit. You are Good Father and I pray I hear you everyday and I am placing myself before you to hear you. Take all distractions away and speak to me Jesus. Let your voice and words change me.

  • Good Life Journal – Acts 21


    And having sought out the disciples, we (Paul and his posse) stayed there for seven days. And through the Spirit they (the disciples at Tyre) were telling Paul not to go on to Jerusalem….On the next day we departed and came to Caesarea and we entered the house of Phillip the evangelist (who was one of the seven) and stayed with him. He (Phillip) had four unmarried daughters who prophesied. While we were staying for many days, a prophet named Agabus came down from Judea. And coming to us he (Agabus) took Paul’s belt…and said “Thus says the Holy Spirit…” etc. etc. Acts 21:4 and v. 8-11.


    Ah, the function of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. How we miss them in contemporary Christianity as it is practiced in America…



    I long for the Church to be made whole again. Not that the Church doesn’t function after a sort, or not that it isn’t a beacon in our local community. Our Lord Jesus is in charge of the state of the Local Churches everywhere. It is because I read in the Word (God’s testimony of Himself and His plans and intentions) of a similar but also different picture of the Local Church.


    Note that reading on (in Chapter 20 as well as throughout the balance of 21 and into 22) that the prophetic word spoken by the daughters of Phillip and Agabus didn’t make a difference on Paul’s conviction and decision to continue to Jerusalem. Why? Don’t know-scripture doesn’t say. My guess is that Paul had a different (and deeper?) word from God to continue despite the communicated cost.


    The result in this case doesn’t matter: the Girls and Aggy-baby were faithful to the Holy Spirit. That is what I take away…


    At another time Paul wrote to a church who was having issues with practicing the Gifts. “I got a Gift, lookit what I can do with it…” and certainly abused the Gifts until that Church received a just reputation: “What a bunch of weirdos…” and brought dishonor on the Name of Jesus in that community. But Paul, being a wise master builder, didn’t give up on this aspect of the character of the local Church. Paul identified with them as practicing Gifts himself and encouraged them to pursue them even more—but, Paul said, let me give you a guardrail or two (see 1st Cor 12, 13 and 14 as well as the rest of the NT). However, in chapter 14 of 1st Corinthians (right after the Love chapter #13) he wrote: “Pursue Spiritual Gifts” and then a particular focus “but especially that you prophecy.”


    I think that we have lost that injunction over the decades. I grew up in Christianity as a Charismatic, I saw (and shamefully in spots) participated in overzealousness and abuse. You could count me among those crazy Corinthians back then. Now I sort of identify as Reformed (Calvinist if you recognize that better) and with a significant Charismatic component in my Christianity. Now, older and a tiny bit wiser, I pray for the Holy Spirit to alight in our Community again, the Gospel being preached, folks turning away from their sin and pursuing fully the Lord Jesus and His coming Kingdom. While they are at that, progressing and maturing as Biblical disciples in every aspect-including 1 Cor 14.



    Come Holy Spirit, Come. Illuminate our hearts. Make us thirst for Your Presence in our daily life-from the morning that Your Mercy shows anew to the Peace You give us as we lay our heads down each night. Make us, take charge of our growth and the process of our maturity, and cause us to be consumed with You. Make us FAITHFUL disciples of You. AMEN.