Author: Good Life Church

  • Good Life Journal – Acts 19


    Acts 19:25-28
    These he gathered together, with the workmen in similar trades, and said, “Men, you know that from this business we have our wealth. And you see and hear that not only in Ephesus but in almost all of Asia this Paul has persuaded and turned away a great many people, saying that gods made with hands are not gods. And there is danger not only that this trade of ours may come into disrepute but also that the temple of the great goddess Artemis may be counted as nothing, and that she may even be deposed from her magnificence, she whom all Asia and the world worship.” When they heard this they were enraged and were crying out, “Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!”


    Men, concerned with how a turn to the gospel in their city could negatively impact their business, gather together a group of similar tradesmen and address the issue. They start with addressing the bottom line but then manipulate the crowd by spinning it as a spiritual and cultural concern and threat. The people become enraged.


    It happened in Ephesus and it happens today. People, concerned with how an issue might impact them financially, stir the crowds to believe the real motive is spiritual and cultural. If this isn’t America politics, I don’t know what is?

    The love of money is the root of all evil. We see this on display here. When we love money and that money is threatened, we will spin anything into a cultural or spiritual issue to protect it. All the while people get played like fiddles. The real issue in this text is that worshipping Jesus would stop people from buying idols and therefore put them out of business. This was the primary concern. However, to ensure everybody would get behind them, they made it into an attack on Artemis and the Ephesians culture. It worked and Ephesus rioted.

    A few things:

    -As a leader, I must be honest about my motives. Masking a fleshly motive with spirituality is evil.

    -People have hot button sensitive issues. We all know them. When they feel those are being impacted they can be moved to violence. I must not resort to the hot button issues and then be surprised by people’s response.

    -I must be wise. Politics plays this game all the time. I must not get caught up in the argument and in my own passions and miss the fact I could be getting played for someone else’s agenda.


    Father thank you for this insight. May I walk in your ways. Be honest about my motives, and be wise enough to discern other people’s motives.

  • Good Life Journal – Acts 20


    Acts 20:24 – But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry I received from the Lord Jesus to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.


    Paul is giving advice to the Ephesian elders and tells them that his life by itself has no value. In spite of beatings, imprisonment, Paul lives to preach the Good News of the grace of God through the gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul’s life is the mission to share the gospel with both Jew and Gentile, plant churches, develop and encourage their leaders. Paul allows the Holy Spirit to guide him and give him strength to continue his ministry and finish strong.


    The love and the undeserving grace God offers us through Jesus is the most powerful thing in the world and has overcome death and can change lives. Paul, who once lived to persecute Jesus and believers is one of the greatest missionaries ever and author of letters to guide the church body. I must recognize that my my life, my value comes from God and live my life with the purpose to share the love and gospel of Jesus in a relatable way with everyone. This is Jesus last words and it my responsibility to live life on mission for Him.


    Thank you for creating us and your love and grace in saving us through Jesus. Help your Spirit guide me to live on mission to proclaim the gospel of Jesus.


  • Good Life Journal – Acts 18


    Acts 18:26

    He began to speak boldly in the synagogue, but when Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they took him and explained to him the way of God more accurately.


    Apollos was a passionate and gifted preacher. He was effective and spoke the truths of Jesus accurately. However he was not in total understanding of the Spirit. So Priscilla and Aquila took him aside privately and shared with him the truth of the the baptism of the Spirit (indwelling) instead of the baptism of John. (repentance). He received it and was better for it.


    Couple things…

    Apollos was teachable even though he was an effective communicator. Many preachers get stuck in their ways and in their grasp on theology that they are closed off to correction or suggested alterations.

    Priscilla and Aquila handled this right. They took him aside, identified themselves as followers of Christ and presented information and doctrine he was unfamiliar with. We know that historically, Apollos responded and becomes an integral part of the church’s growth and leadership.

    Preachers need to be humble and teachable and mature listeners must be humble and caring. If these factors were not in play, this could have gone down quite differently.


    Father keep me humble and teachable. May your truth be my pursuit. May I keep growing as a leader and preacher for the ultimate goal of kingdom expansion.

  • Good Life Journal – Acts 17


    Acts 17:11 Now these Jews were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.


    Paul showed us an example of how we are to spread the word. The men and women of Berea showed us an example of how we are to receive the word.


    Paul spoke boldly of Christ wherever he went. First to the believing Jews and then to the non believers.
    Wherever and whenever he went he spoke out of love and obedience, not out of condemnation or hate. Pal obviously knew that what he preached and how he was living was not a popular message. But, like Paul, wherever I go, and whomever I meet with, they should see an example of God’s word and truth in my life. I need to wrap myself in boldness that comes with the word of God.

    On the flipside, we are also given an example of how to receive the word. Like a map that is used to guide people to a specific destination, the Bereans used scripture to seek and determine the true path. They received the word, examined the scripture daily to see if what was preached was true. God’s word guided their life so they would not stray. I need to study daily. I need to use God’s word as a map for my life.


    Give me the spirit of boldness. Help me to be consistent in my message and in my manner. Let me receive the word in a manner that honors you; always studying, always being consistent and speaking the truth in love.


  • Good Life Journal – Acts 15


    Acts 15:9-11
    9 and he made no distinction between us and them, having cleansed their hearts by faith. 10 Now, therefore, why are you putting God to the test by placing a yoke on the neck of the disciples that neither our fathers nor we have been able to bear? 11 But we believe that we will be saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus, just as they will.”


    Peter is giving clarity to the legalism and prideful statement of the elders and teachers. As they are trying to withhold the hand of God over traditions Peter pipes up and speaks up for the Gospel of Jesus.


    Who do I place expectations on for receiving the Gospel? God has looked at mankind and saved ALL by his son Jesus. When I look at people and how they were raised, what denomination they are a part of, what tradition or statute they choose to follow how do I treat them when it comes to their faith in Christ by his grace? Peters words, “why are you putting God to the test by placing a yoke they can not bear” is convicting to me. How many times have I placed a yoke on people by the traditions or legalism of western Christianity? By grace I have been saved, bit of works but by the previous blood of Jesus. Then he changed me and still changes me. May I focus on the proclamation of the Gospel that saves dead people like myself. May I preach that we are saved by the grace of God through faith and not place yokes of slavery on people by the law.


    God you are good and your love endures forever. May I not place in people what you have not placed on me. May I not hinder people from you but be the one who leads people to you. Forgive me for misrepresenting you at times and help me and lead me by your spirit to be an ambassador for you.

  • Good Life Journal – Acts 16


    Acts 16
    16 As (Paul and Silas) were going to the place of prayer …
    19 … they seized Paul and Silas and dragged them into the marketplace before the rulers.22 The crowd joined in attacking them, and the magistrates tore the garments off them and gave orders to beat them with rods. 23 And when they had inflicted many blows upon them, they threw them into prison, ordering the jailer to keep them safely.24 Having received this order, he put them into the inner prison and fastened their feet in the stocks.25 About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them.
    Paul and Silas were going from city to city and synagogue to synagogue spreading the Good News of Jesus. Along the way, people in the town had significant resistance because it interfered with their way of life.
    Paul and Silas were arrested, beaten, and jailed.
    Even in jail, Paul and Silas worshiped God.
    And those in the jail listened to them and heard their message.
    Paul and Silas were doing what they knew they were supposed to be doing. They had waited for prompting from the Holy Spirit. They had confirmed with other leaders in the church. And they went out first to the places of the faithful.
    In other words, they were doing everything right.
    And, yet, they ended up assaulted, ridiculed, beaten and in jail.
    Doing everything right does not assure everything going the way I want it to.
    When results aren’t happening the way I think they should or expect them to, I  am left with a big question:
    “Will I trust God?”
    Paul and Silas obviously did trust God.
    They were in the middle of a terrible situation, but what were they doing? “Praying and singing hymns”.
    They worshipped IN their circumstances, not BECAUSE OF they’re circumstances!
    When do I praise God? 
    After a good thing happens in my life?
    Or right in the middle of a bad thing happening?
    Of course, there’s no wrong time to worship, but I have to remember to not exclude times to worship.
    In fact, I need to worship in the middle of the bad, because this tells others something about who God is!
    Anybody would praise when things are great!
    Praising God when there is struggle makes the praise about who God is, not who I am.
    And others notice this.
    The prisoners listened to Paul and Silas. 
    Even the jailer comes to know Jesus!
    This story starts by saying “Paul and Silas were going to a place of prayer ….”
    They reached that place of prayer later than they expected … “around midnight” … and a different location than they expected … “the inner prison” … 
    But it was, indeed, a place of prayer … and became a place of salvation.
    Thank you God for your word.
    Thank you for those who pray and worship in difficult times to show me the example.
    Help guide me Holy Spirit even when it difficult.
    Help me hear you and obey you
    In Jesus name
  • Good Life Journal – Acts 14


    When they had preached the gospel to that city (Derbe) and had made many disciples, they returned to Lystra and to Iconium and to Anticoch, strengthening the souls of the disciples encouraging them to continue in the faith and saying that through many tribulations we must enter the Kingdom of God. Acts 14:21-22


    What follows the Gospel? Not exactly what folks think, I would guess. I wonder why I don’t think about “continuing in the faith” and the corollary “tribulations.”



    Every time I do one of these postings I want first and foremost reveal my heart and mind. I don’t want to parade knowledge but humbly tearing open my chest and looking at my soul. I hope the reader of these postings sees that.

    This is what caught my eye today: Paul and Barnabas, making disciples by: strengthening the souls of the disciples; encouraging them to continue in the faith; not making any secret that “entering the Kingdom of God” will be through many tribulations.

     I want my soul to be strengthened; I want to be encouraged; I want to continue in the faith; I want to enter the Kingdom of God. Candidly I want no part of tribulation at any degree, soft to hard.

    Why is that? The Word of God indicates that tribulation and the Way to the Kingdom sort of goes hand in hand, right? For me, the answer is simple: I like the soft life. I don’t want to hurt. I don’t want to be in need.

    Let me be clear: I am thinking about the tribulation stuff because while it isn’t true for me, it is true for others. They have a hard life, hurting, and in need. But how to prepare? It is by having my soul strengthened and continuing in the faith.

     Danny preached this past Sunday with the admonition of “presence, not performance” attitude about Jesus—-making the priority of knowing Him before anything else. Who is the ultimate encourager, the ultimate soul-strengthener? That would be the Holy Spirit.

    Ok, now that I have provided the Sunday School answer, what else? Heb 3:12 “Encourage one another day by day as long as it is called “Today” so that (or lest if you have a King Jimmy version) none would fall into the deceitfulness of sin.” (my butchered translation)

     It is not enough to keep myself private (just me and You, Holy Spirit) when God says unequivocally that we are to engage with each other. I should look to find evidences of Grace in another and put courage in them (encourage) so that they avoid sinful thoughts, musings, and actions. We PARTICIPATE in each other’s lives. We are the community of Believers.


    Father, I took a long step from Paul and Barnabas preaching the circuit to talking about Encouraging one another. It seems to be to be the right step though. I forget to look for evidences of Grace in others. I forget to encourage others to continue in the faith, to strengthen their souls, etc. This isn’t just the pastor’s province: As I pursue You, I should share the good good things You have provided. Oh, God of goodness and mercy: Thank You. AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – Acts 13


    Acts 13:47-49 – For so the Lord has commanded us saying, “ I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you my bring salvation to the ends of the earth.”  And when the Gentiles heard this, they began rejoicing and glorifying the word of the Lord, and as many as were appointed to eternal life believed.  And the word of the Lord was spreading throughout the whole region.”


    The Gospel message being preached to the Gentiles was always part of God’s plan as Paul and Barnabas reference their calling in Isaiah 49:6.  The Gentiles response was to rejoice and bring glory to the word of the Lord.  As many believed, the Gospel spread throughout the whole region. 


    The Gospel message is for everyone, both Jew and Gentile.  The saving message of the Gospel being carried to all ends of the earth has always been God’s plan.  The salvation offered by the grace of God in the Gospel is a gift for all, should we choose to receive it.  My first response to the Gospel needs to be that of the Gentiles in Antioch of Pisidia, one of celebration, rejoicing and brining glory to God through the truth of the word.  This is the greatest news, we are forgiven of our sins and offered a relationship and eternal life with the Father!  Second, I must take the word of the Lord and share it in our region, Manatee and Sarasota counties wherever I have influence – Love Enough.  Then as we are called, the Gospel is to be shared in our state, nation and world.



    Thank you for your love and grace in the Gospel.  Help me to be joyful as I share the greatest news in my community and to all.

  • Good Life Journal – Acts 11



    Acts 11:27 Now in these days prophets came down from Jerusalem to Antioch. 28 And one of them named Agabus stood up and foretold by the Spirit that there would be a great famine over all the world (this took place in the days of Claudius). 29 So the disciples determined, every one according to his ability, to send relief to the brothers[d] living in Judea. 30 And they did so, sending it to the elders by the hand of Barnabas and Saul.




    The church was experiencing growth, health and expansion in Antioch. However, the leadership was informed through a prophet that a famine was coming that would impact the known world. The church leadership responded by preparing an offering and sending it to other churches so they could better be prepared for the coming issues. 




    A few things…


    -The church leadership was receptive to the prophet’s message. In other words, the local church leadership stayed humble and submissive to a word from God from other trusted and proven people.


    -The early church was generous. When facing a coming famine, they thought of believers in other places and not just in their local church.


    -The church sent missionaries out to meet both physical and spiritual needs of other believers in a different region. 


    Church can easily become a Sunday show. We work hard perfecting services, pleasing our attenders and pushing our people in steps of discipleship. However, if all our efforts only are within our local congregation, we are missing the heart of the church. Being moved to serve and support other congregations was at the heart of the early church. It must also be at our heart as well. I also love that the local church leadership stayed open to the needs by receiving a word from outside the congregation. The elders of a local church, including ours must remain open to the movement of the Spirit through trusted spiritual leaders form outside our church. We are leaders, but we are not the final word. Though we are responsible for the people of our congregation, God speaks from outside of us to lead us to mission and ministry. We must stay open to that. 




    Father, thank you for the word this morning. You want our local church to stay humble and keep meeting the needs of the local congregation and other believers in different places.

  • Good Life Journal – Acts 12

    Acts 12:5 – So Peter was kept in prison, but earnest prayer for him was made to God by the church.
    As Acts chapter 12 opens Peter is in prison for his preaching of the gospel. The church intercedes on his behalf and God performs a miracle to allow Peter to escape from prison. Peter visits the church and they are amazed that God delivered him.
    There is power when the church prays. Often I forget that with man it may be impossible but God can make all things possible. What am I praying for earnestly to God? What would I pray to God if I knew He would answer it? I long for a prayer life that has earnestness like the early church and sees God do the impossible!
    Jesus thank you for answering prayer. I praise you that you can do the impossible and you hear your people when they pray. Increase my capacity for prayer and to connect with you. 
  • Good Life Journal – Acts 10


    Acts 10:34-35 So Peter opened his mouth and said: “Truly I understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.


    This chapter is about conversion. Not Cornelius’ conversion but Peter’s conversion. From the legalistic laws of the Jews to now accepting that Christianity was meant for all believers.

    This meeting between Cornelius and Peter could only happen through divine intervention. A Roman officer and a Jewish disciple living a day or more journey from each other and seeing a vision and hearing from God. Both were obedient. It was not coincidental that both men were devoted prayerful men.


    I cannot put God in a box. Today’s Christians still put up barrier’s. Dress, music, location and even race. I must remember that God does not put up barriers to believing. He has no cultural, ethnic, monetary or even religious barriers in front of us. There are no conditions that need to be met. We just must believe.

    There are no “us versus them” mentality. The cross is open to anyone who believes. I have heard it said that the ground is level at the foot of the cross. That means, when Christ died on the cross, he died to save everyone sins, not just the sins of one particular group of people. My actions towards others need to reflect that everyone needs to hear about God’s word, not just some.


    Remove the various physical, mental, emotional barriers that stop me from spreading the gospel at all times. Help me to be obedient to your calling no matter where it takes me.

  • Good Life Journal – Acts 9


    Acts 9
    4 … “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?”
    5 And he said, “Who are you, Lord?” And he said, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.
    6 But rise and enter the city, and you will be told what you are to do.”
    8 Saul rose from the ground, and although his eyes were opened, he saw nothing. So they led him by the hand …

    10 Now there was a disciple at Damascus named Ananias. The Lord said to him in a vision, “Ananias.” And he said, “Here I am, Lord.”
    11 And the Lord said to him, “Rise and go to the street called Straight, and at the house of Judas look for a man of Tarsus named Saul…
    13 But Ananias answered, “Lord, I have heard from many about this man, how much evil he has done …
    15 But the Lord said to him, “Go, for he is a chosen instrument of mine … to carry my name …”


    Saul was in his famous road to continue his quest to stomp out Christianity.
    Jesus stopped him and gave him instructions.
    Saul followed the instructions even though he couldn’t see.
    Jesus then appeared to the disciple, Ananias.
    Jesus told Ananias to go see Saul.
    Ananias initially questioned Jesus about this, but then followed His instruction when Jesus said, “Go …”


    The initial reactions of Saul and Ananias stand out here.
    Saul, a nonbeliever responds to Jesus with, “Who are you, Lord?”
    Ananias, the disciple, responds to Jesus with, “Here I am, Lord.”
    The reaction of Saul and Ananias to Jesus’ response also stand out.
    Saul, who could not even see, allowed himself to be lead to where Jesus told him to go.
    Ananias, though, allowed the reputation of Saul to give pause in his response to where Jesus told him to go.
    So, the non believer, who is still figuring out who Jesus is, responds immediately..
    The believer questions Jesus’ instructions.
    I need to be careful that the longer I am a follower of Jesus, I don’t become more confident in my own thinking than that of Jesus.
    I can think I have people and plans and purposes figured out.
    Jesus can change plans and people in a flash, though.
    The purposes of Jesus do not change though … “carry my name”.
    I can not put anyone outside of the grace of God or the use of God to do that.
    And I need to be responsive to what Jesus tells me to do.
    Jesus has grace for me too, though.
    Jesus can handle my questions and my doubts.
    But I need to handle his explanations, even if I don’t like or understand them.
    When Jesus says, “Rise and go”, I need to, “Rise and go.”


    Thank you God for your word
    Thank you for these people who teach how to respond to you
    Help me Holy Spirit to hear your voice and respond
    I’m Jesus name

  • Good Life Journal – Acts 7


    (Stephen says) “Yet the Most High does not dwell in houses made by hands. As the prophet says:
    “Heaven is my throne and the earth My footstool.
    What kind of house will you build for Me?” says the Lord,
    “or what is the place of My rest? Did not My hand make all of these things?”
    (Stephen continues) “You stiff-necked people, uncircumcised in heart and ears, you always resist the Holy Spirit. As your fathers did, so do you. Which of the prophets did your fathers not persecute? And they killed those who announced beforehand the coming of the Righteous One, whom you have now betrayed and murdered; you who received the law as delivered by angels and did not keep it.” Acts 7:48-53


    Stephen the deacon was having a pleasant conversation with a group of rulers and Pharisees, debating the essence of Christianity. Not!



    I have to wonder how seriously I take myself.

    Here is what I mean by that: Obviously my observation above is meant to be a joke of sorts. But after reading about Stephen, what do I model from the record of his speech and actions? Talking about the Gospel can be inflaming, controversial.

    Just thinking about this (which is what we should do with the practice of journaling), I think there are two choices: 1) Kindly, gentle, and non-confrontational, or; 2) Fire and brimstone, in your face rhetoric. Really, the Stephen discourse can be focused on “You stiff. Necked. People!” by most. Satisfying. Full of self-righteousness. Feels good in a pompous sort of way. But that is not really reading what Stephen said. Stephen related the Gospel from a beginning to an obvious conclusion-as should we. The Gospel is just fact, not an argument, not a position. Fact.

    Stephen starts with Abraham, runs through the history of his progeny, from Egypt and Moses, into David and Solomon. Stephen is careful to illustrate the Hand and Intention of God throughout. After building a pretty intense background for his audience, speaks a specific evaluation, firmly and courageously. The hearers were enraged (I can only guess their hearts were cut to the quick) and Stephen gave up his ghost under a storm of rocks.

     Reading Stephen’s discourse, I wonder how good a grip I have on the Gospel? Could I really and deeply explain why Jesus had to die for my sin? Could I discourse about I am just not “lost” but I am already judged by God as a traitor and destined for a traitor’s judgement? Could I peel apart and talk about the amazing, miraculous, and wonderful myriad of facets of the Jewel that is the Gospel?

    I can’t most days. Why is that? Because I forget.

     CH Spurgeon was once asked: “Why do you preach the Gospel to your congregation every time you preach?” Chuck replied: “Because we forget.”

    Preaching the Gospel to myself is not to prepare for a Stephen-moment. It is to keep my heart prepared for That Day when the skies split and the King of Glory descends. That’s cool. But…it is to also keep my heart prepared when affliction and trials come and I am required to keep my Hope firmly in front of me so that I persevere to the End, bringing honor and glory to Him who called me.


    Lord God, You who are the Trinitarian God: Keep my heart and mind stayed on You. Allow me, help me to review and remember the Gospel every moment, every day, all of my days. I am powerless to surrender to You daily without the Gospel. I bow my heart; I bow my head to You O God, to You. AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – Acts 8


    Acts 8:10-11
    They all paid attention to him, from the least to the greatest, saying, this man is the power of God that is called great. And they paid attention to him because for a long time he had amazed them with his magic.


    Stephen is dead, Christians are saddened yet empowered and evil is knocking at the door.


    What is evil God can teach for his glory and goodness. People paid attention to Simon the magician and believed him because he was consistent with what he was living and providing. HE WAS CONSISTENT.
    Wow, am I consistent in following Jesus? Am I consistent living out the Gospel in front of people. At least one thing Simon the magician did was be consistent to the evil he presented. He was bad and was not of God yet God is using his wickedness to teach his children consistency is key to winning people.
    Jesus was always with his people and he was the same the first to the last day he was with them. We trust God because he is consistent with us… people trust me and my voice in their life because of my consistency in their life?
    Share life has to be done through consistency and longevity!!!

    Couple of things:

    -I have to be consistent meeting with God and be in it for the long run not the short sprint.

    -I have to know that my transformation takes time, but know people and most of all God is watching.

    -be consistent and be in it with people for the marathon! Be consistent with them and win them with dedication to them!


    Father forgive me for being flaky at times and honestly most of the time. Help me pursue you DAILY and meet with you regularly. Help me committed to your mission and be committed to my family and others

  • Good Life Journal – Acts 6


    Acts 6:7 – And the word of God continued to increase, and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem, and a great many of the priests became obedient to the faith.


    Despite efforts to stop the Gospel by arresting the apostles, the word of God is spreading. After choosing deacons to serve, the apostles continue to preach and many people became disciples of Jesus. Included in the people to place their faith in Jesus were the priests who became obedient to the faith.


    The word of God can’t be stopped. The Gospel is for everyone, not who I think should hear the word. The priests, who opposed Jesus and wanted to squash Christianity at all costs, became disciples that were obedient to the faith. The priests weren’t kind of half in on the deal but obedient. This should be an eye opener and a game changer to us that sometimes people we think may be “off limits” because of their religion are the very people that we can and should witness. Everyone is a wide open playing field and the Great Commission is my responsibility. Therefore, I must not be content but continue to share the Gospel at home and abroad with all.


    Thank you for your love and the truth in your word. Help your Spirit guide me to be a bold witness to everyone regardless of the cost.