Author: Good Life Church

  • Good Life Journal – Psalms 139-140


    Psalm 139:23 – Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.


    After prayer against the evil who oppose God, the psalmist turns to himself and asks God to examine him. The psalmist wants God to know his heart, where his intentions and direction are revealed. He wants to be tested to show he is unwavering even during trials. By God knowing what makes the psalmist anxious, he is praying to turn the worry over to God.


    Psalm 139:23 is a great prayer of self-examination that I need to talk honestly about with God. When I am doing something, what are my intentions and where is my heart? Am I doing this out of love or obligation; caring or commitment? How often do I ask God to test me and will I pass the test? Our faith really shows, when we face the most difficult circumstances. Paul tells us in Philippians 4:6, “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for what he has done.” Worry does us no good, in fact it can cause us stress and physical harm. Whatever I am facing that may be a concern to me, I need to lift it up to God rather than hold onto it.


    Father, Thank you for making me and knowing me. Please let your Spirit guide my heart to act in love to do your will. Give me the strength and courage to have unwavering faith no matter the situation or cost. May I not be anxious and turn all things over to you in prayer.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalms 141-143


    “Set a guard, O LORD, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips! Do not let my heart incline to any evil, to busy myself with wicked deeds…” (Psalm 141:3-4a ESV) and “Let a righteous man strike me—it is a kindness; let him rebuke me—it is oil for my head; let my head not refuse it….”(Psalm 141:5a ESV) and “With my voice I cry out to the LORD; with my voice I plead for mercy to the LORD. I pour out my complaint before him; I tell my trouble before him.” (Psalm 142:1-2 ESV) and “Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love, for in you I trust. Make me know the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul…Teach me to do your will, for you are my God! (Psalm 143:8-10a ESV)


    Concerning sin, what is my primary tool besides my mind? It is my mouth. David identifies a number of things through these 3 Psalms and a bunch of them has to do with the spoken word by us. David also declares that it isn’t a matter of discipline of the tongue; it is my heart, my soul that needs the Mercy of God. And sometimes it is Mercy exercised by a blunt brother…


    I think that every year I need to go through a month or so of reminding myself of the power of the tongue. James says a lot about this. Proverbs even more. It is everywhere in the Bible. My issue is that like a lot of things I gloss over really getting into the discipline of my Mouth. James talks about salt and fresh water coming out of my mouth; praise and curse. I would like to think “Not me!” but I know that isn’t true. All it takes is a little nudge, a provocation (real or imagined); a switch in my heart that wants to pompously spew out “self” of some kind. My heart (and mouth—you know that they are irrevocably intertwined, right?) can be an attack dog in a matter of micro seconds; calm and docile one moment—snarling and biting and with unregretful anger the next. In Ps 141 David wants a guard, a muzzle on his mouth and then understands that the mouth is an outlet for a wicked heart. He also looks for the Help of God in the presence of a blunt, straight talking brother (or sister). Ps 142 says cry out to God and plead…How many issues do I take to God pleading in prayer and instead go to another for “council”? Ps 143 indicate the objectives to wait upon Him every morning; to hear of the way to go—the cry: “Teach me to do Your Will, O God!” Note: BTW, I am not saying that you shouldn’t talk to another person about stuff—just don’t neglect your prayers.


    O Lord my God: Seems like one step forward and twenty steps back at times. Holidays can bring out the worse in me. I purse my lips, I clinch my jaw, and I don’t relax like I should— and when the cork pops horrible stuff spews out. And if it doesn’t pop, then I feel my heart compounding sin after hateful sin. I am burying my head in my hands; I am feeling the despair enveloping my heart. I cry, I plead for mercy after grateful mercy to fall on my heart from Your Hands, O Lord. Envelope me in Your Arms; deliver me from wickedness. Help me to have courage to come before You and to the one I offend.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalms 144-146


    Psalm 144:3-4 O Lord, what is man that you regard him, or the son of man that you think of him? Man is like a breath; his days are like a passing shadow.


    The psalmist asks a significant question. Why does God even take time to concern himself with man? Man is finite and God is infinite. The answer is found throughout scripture. Not that man has done anything to deserve God’s attention, but rather because man is made in the image of God. He breathed His life into us. He laid out a plan to rescue and restore us. He paid the ultimate price so we could live in relationship with Him.


    Everyday I wake up my first words should be, “Wow! Thank you Jesus!”. Everyday I wake up The God of all creation is there to fellowship with me and include me in His mission. Instead many days I overlook this truth. I get busy with my stuff and my agenda. I forget that it is a great privilege to know God and fellowship with Him. I believe the lie that it is a burden, an obligation and I run towards my own version of freedom, just to find out how extremely disappointing and unfulfilling that is. The Father created me and therefore knows what I need more than I do. My joy and peace will come from my relationship and interaction with Him, not my attempt to satisfy the flesh and bones I call home for such a vapor of time in eternity. A few things:

    -Get over myself. God doesn’t owe me anything. He saved me because of who He is. My value is found in His eyes and no where else.

    -Carve time out. See my time with Him as a privilege, not a burden. Enjoy knowing Him and loving him. Who am I that He is mindful of me?

    -Recognize and react to the truth that most people don’t have a clue how much God loves them and how He has offered them relationship, significance and a future. Share it!


    Father, wow! Thank you for loving me in the midst of my imperfection and mess. I don’t deserve a relationship with you, but instead you offer me one because you have made me righteous in your sight. I am humbled, grateful and overjoyed. Thank you for being who you are and for engaging me to make me more like you! Thank you for forgiveness and grace!

  • Good Life Journal – Psalms 147-148


    Vs 1 – “Praise the Lord!”
    Vs 4 – “He determines the numbers of stars;
    He gives to all of them their names.”
    Vs 11 – “the Lord takes pleasure in those who fear him, and those who hope in his steadfast love.”
    Vs 16 – “He scatters frost like ashes.”


    God is worthy of praise!
    God is sovereign over everything we can see or not see.
    He is in control of things as grand as the stars and as minute as frost.
    He does not just create them he controls them.
    He is sovereign.
    With us, however, he does not just create and control, he also loves.
    He loves with a steadfast love, a Covenant love, a forever love.
    This gives us hope.
    And it gives God pleasure.


    Do I want to please God?
    These words tell me plainly how to do that.
    Hope in Him and His steadfast, forever love.
    These words also tell me why I can do this.
    There is nothing outside of His control.
    When I doubt I can look to the stars and see Him in control.
    When I am uncertain I can look to the earth and see Him at work.
    I know God is with me and loves me always.
    There is always a reason to praise Him!


    Thank you again God for your word!
    Thank you for the hope it gives.
    Thank you that there is always reason to hope because of your steadfast love.
    Help me see you in the every day.
    Help me see that you are always at work for those you love.
    In Jesus name,


  • Good Life Journal – Revelation 22


    Verse 6: And he said to me, “These words are trustworthy and true. And the Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, has sent his angel to show his servants what must soon take place.”


    The entire book of Revelation is a true story of God’s revenge and judgment. The last chapter first describes a very peaceful place and then goes on to say the events of Revelation are true and emphasize that Jesus is coming soon.
    The events as described in Revelation will happen. The events will happen soon. And the events must happen.

    The book of Revelation describes a battle between good and evil. We already know who has won this battle.
    Next to God’s glory what we value today in the world is meaningless.


    I must be ready and help others to recognize they need to be ready. I must be prepared for His coming. As we are getting ready for the Christmas season which celebrates His birth, it is an odd juxtaposition to be reading Revelation. All I have to do is turn on the television to see examples of what the world values. Stuff. Success. Money, Power. Being the best at sports. The world seems to be getting busier, crazier and more dangerous. Yet, He is the Prince of Peace. While the world marvels at physical things my focus should be on spiritual things.

    The things I should value and keep in control are the things I can’t buy or see. They include: my time, my attitude, my focus, my ability to identify opportunities to witness, my heart.

    The book of Revelation should provide me with the motivation necessary to keep my focus on spiritual things. I must remember that God wins the battle. I must remain committed to doing the things that he wants me to do. I must be committed to remaining His servant so that I can share in the victory.


    Father, you are the almighty God. These events are already planned and you already know the timing. You are preparing a place for me. I am so humble that you would consider me and want me to be a part of your kingdom. Thank you for sending your son to live a perfect life yet die on a cross to save my sins. Allow me to continue to live my life for you so I can reach others that don’t know you or your son. Use me to your glory, Amen.

  • Good Life Journal – Revelation 20


    v2: “He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan and bound him for a thousand years”


    John in this chapter accounts for us two fates. We see the defeat and judgement of Satan, and we have the judgement of the dead. Both of these are scary and reassuring at the same time. Scary because of the awesome power of God. God’s power is such that he can take our eternal tormentor and bound and lock him for a thousand years. After a thousand years Satan reappears on earth, and gathers an army against God’s people. Again our powerful God defeats Satan and sentences him to an eternity of suffering in a lake of burning sulfur. Then God judges us, the dead. The same powerful God that judges and defeats Satan will also judge us. That’s scary.


    For me this passage is also reassuring. First no matter how much we struggle with Satan on earth, God will ultimately prevail. No matter how discouraged that we get with our struggles in this world, I know that God prevails. It is also reassuring to me to know that when I am ultimately judged, I know that I am a believer and I know that I am saved. Yes I have sinned and for that I will pay, but a worse fate of the unbeliever is, v15 “Anyone whose name is not written in the book of life will be thrown into the lake of fire.” So while I am awed and fearful of the power of God, I am comforted by the fact that I am a child of God and the in the end I am saved. In the end God wins and I am on the winning team.


    Father, thank you for being my savior. During this Christmas season I am reminded that you gave us your son so that we can be saved. The birth of Jesus is the beginning of the story, Revelation 20 is the end of the story. Father I am proud to be part of your family and I look forward to eternity in your kingdom.

  • Good Life Journal – Revelation 17


    Revelation 17:14 – They will make war on the Lamb, and the Lamb will conquer them, for he is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those with him are called and chosen and faithful.


    A great prostitute and beast are taking as brief reign and destruction is about to take place. We can also see the opposition within the beast and prostitute and the destruction that is to come. Earlier we see how John marvels at this vision and the angel asks why and gives more clarity that many will marvel. Though these visions are evil and destruction they are seemingly pleasing to the eye. Though that might be the portrayal, that is not the reality. The prostitute and the beast are trying to take all people with them to destruction and their seems to be no hope and then verse 14 changes the game.


    The beast and prostitute will make war on the Lamb and the Lamb will conquer them!! This is so hopeful and trustworthy. The one whom desires for destruction and has limited power on earth now WILL NOT win. The Lamb will and has overcome. Not only does Jesus win he has chosen many to be with him and experience the victory. How does this not change everything about my life daily? The reality is I feel like I am marveling at the prostitute and the beast rather than walking in the victory of the Lamb whom has conquered. This is scary because the elect can be lead astray (Matthew 24:24) so this is so important to trust in the Lamb that has overcome!
    Action steps:
    Preach the Gospel to myself every morning.
    Get in the Word every morning as the start to day.


    Father forgive me when I marvel at what is evil and not true. Give me eyes to see what is true and Holy and feet that pursue Jesus the Truth rather than what is false. I love you God and thank you for your Spirit.

  • Good Life Journal – Revelation 16


    Revelation 16:7 And I heard the altar saying, “Yes, Lord God the Almighty, true and just are your judgments!”


    No matter how bad the wrath of God gets, it is justified. God is just and all his judgments are justified.


    It is easy to wonder why God allows difficult things to happen. It is easy to judge Him for being judgmental. However John include this account of the altar of Heaven crying out for the justice of God. Though there are times when I might be on the other side of the chastisement, discipline and judgment of God, I can never call him unfair. Everything He does and every judgement He executes is just because He is Justice.

    1. Trust his character when I don’t understand his judgment.


    Father, when it seems that you are judging harshly, May I trust your character to give me perspective in the moment.

  • Good Life Journal – Revelation 14


    Rev. 14:12-13 “Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus.* And I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Blessed indeed,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them!”


    In the middle of a whole bunch of suffering and judgment upon Earth in Revelation we see a call to the church. It is a call to persevere in their faith to the end. The result is rest and reward. This is a strict contrast to the results of lives lived in opposition to God and apart from the covering of Christ.


    The Revelation of Jesus Christ freaks a lot of people out. It is a book that references fire, famine, war, death and eternal punishment. However in the midst of it all, is the promise of eternal life for those who are in Christ. The righteousness of God is rewarded in Revelation and real people, people like you and me, are called saints. We are given life, eternity and the right to reign and rule with Christ. What blows me away is that anything good that comes to a believer in Revelation is only made possible by the work of Christ. It is the cross that makes us righteous, the resurrection that provided us the redemption, and the ascension that made way for the seal of the Holy Spirit. So as I read another chapter of Revelation, I am reminded that I can read it in peace because of the good news of Jesus Christ’s life, death, burial, and resurrection. Nothing will change the future judgment of this Earth. However the gospel provides a way for mankind to be rescued from perishing with the Earth, the ways of the world, and the enemy.


    Thank you for the peace of the gospel. May it be my story and my song today to everyone I get the chance to interact with.

  • Good Life Journal – Revelation 13


    Revelation 13:5 And the beast was given a mouth uttering haughty and blasphemous words, and it was allowed to exercise authority for forty-two months.


    No matter how scary the characters in the book of Revelation are, The only authority they have or are able to exercise is the authority that they are given permission to have for a season of time. No matter how dim things get, God is in control of everything we read in Revelation.


    Revelation represents many of the fears of man. Darkness ruling, persecution, pain, loss, and death. However if we look closely, God is in control of everything. He allows certain things to happen and gives permission for other things to happen, but it’s never not in His control. This should help us today as we live our lives. There will be things that will happen that don’t make sense or that are difficult for us to go through, but we must remember who is in control. If we trust the one in control we understand that nothing gets out of his hands or slips past Him. Everything has a time, a season and if we are in Christ, pain, loss and fear are only temporary.


    Father thank you for reminding me today who is in control. I am so glad that you have the keys and are in the driver’s seat.

  • Good Life Journal – Revelation 12


    “And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, “Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ have come, for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God.”” (Revelation 12:10 ESV)


    Very interesting and encouraging descriptions of Jesus here. This is something to remember and call to mind!!


    Revelations can be so very confusing at times; Dragons, angels, something with 7 horns, bunches of heavenly entities of all kinds of descriptions, etc., etc. What do they all mean? Sometimes I have to just read over them because I haven’t the foggiest—which is OK. I don’t have to sweat or wring my hands because I don’t get it. Deuteronomy 29:29 ESV is my fallback scripture on things like this: ““The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.” But, in the midst of mysterious prose comes a clearly stated declaration: Salvation, power, and the Kingdom of God have come in the authority of the Christ! The Accuser has been overcome, thrown down and defeated. This wasn’t said in conversational tones—it was triumphantly shouted “a loud voice!” So, I am sitting here writing this. Gotta say: there is a racing of my heart writing about this. As I think even ever so briefly on this section of Scripture—I stir. Something is going on inside. I am setting my jaw; face like flint, my mind is on the things above, etc., etc. Truth: Doesn’t happen all the time. Happens more when I am regularly in the Scriptures and trying to wrestle with them. I want to know and feel and grip the ebb and flow of His Word. There is something living and active in the Scriptures—it will stir when we ask for stirring.


    Father, as I read this the next day I realize how fragile my convictions can be. I am not stirred as much Tuesday as I was Monday. Goes to show me that my “affections” are fickle and that the Word of God is stable. I ask, call on Your Name, to firm up my heart with the unchanging Word—make my heart fertile ground so that underneath the Word’s authority I make fruit of my life and fully speak of your Gospel in every occasion.

  • Good Life Journal – Revelation 11


    Revelation 11:17,18 – And they said, “We give thanks to you, Lord God, the Almighty, the one who is and who always was, for now you have assumed your great power and have begun to reign. The nations were filled with wrath, but now the time of your wrath has come. It is time to judge the dead and reward your servants the prophets, as well as your holy people, and all who fear your name, from least to greatest. It is time to destroy all who have caused destruction on the earth.”


    After the seventh angel blew his trumpet to announce the reign of Christ, the twenty-four elders’ response was to worship and give thanks to God. As the pray, they refer to God Almighty as the one who is and who always was because His reign has begun. The nations opposed God and aligned themselves with evil gloating over the death of His prophets. There will be a judgement where all who fear the name of God and are His servants will be rewarded. Those who have chosen to reject God will be punished for their destruction on earth and be separated from God for eternity. God is patient and wants all to repent and have a relationship with Him


    John tells us what happens when the seventh angel sounds his trumpet. The clock has wound down to double zero for those who never placed their faith and trust in the Almighty God and they will be thusly punished. My response needs to be worship and praise for the one true God, who by his grace we are saved and able to be called His children. God’s judgement is real and is coming at a time that we do not know. This provides a sense of urgency to share the Gospel in love and help save the lost. We may not have as much time as we think and “eternity is too long to get it wrong.”


    Father, Thank you for your love and grace in sending Jesus to the cross to pay for our sins so we can be redeemed and have a relationship with you. Let your Spirit guide me to have a sense of urgency to share your Gospel with those you are patiently waiting to know.

  • Good Life Journal – Revelation 10


    Revelation 10:10 – And I took the little scroll from the hand of the angel and ate it. It was sweet as honey in my mouth, but when I had eaten it my stomach was made bitter.


    This chapter is pretty confusing and odd. I also like to use the word mysterious as even in the chapter there is mystery within the voice of the angel. Job can’t even speak some of the things the angel is saying. But what he does do is eat the scroll that has the things he is supposed to say. What is even more interesting is they scroll or message he ate was sweet to him yet made bitter and not sweet once it passed through him. I think I know what the Lord is trying to teach me here.


    The word of God should be sweet to his servants…..yet at times when proclaiming those words and truths it isn’t to the people whom receive them. The scroll turned bitter in his stomach which is a little interesting being that what was sweet to him is now bitter to him…if the words of God are not sweet as honey as even the psalms says I must come to a place of humility and ask why? If it is only just God words and just facts and historical truths rather than words of Life and hope, sweet as honey, I have a heart check due.


    Father, check and search my heart. Do I see your word as sweet as honey and a joy to my heart? Do I have life because of your word? Search me Lord and change me and shape me to your image.

  • Good Life Journal – Revelation 9


    Revelation 9:4 They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any green plant or any tree, but only those people who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads.


    As the judgement unravels it is obvious that every detail has been prepared. When we see the wrath of God so specific we must understand that nothing happens outside of His plan. Those who are not sealed will experience great pain as a result of their sin and unfaithfulness.


    Journaling though revelation is tough. It is filled with wrath and loss. Somehow it is all for the glory of God, but it can be difficult to understand and connect how the God of grace is also the God of wrath. It is when I read these passages that I am reminded that without the sacrifice and grace of God, judgement would be my future. It is only because of Christ I can stand in the midst of the unraveling of his wrath.
    1. Be thankful for grace.
    2. Pray for those who don’t know Christ.
    3. Believe that the wrath is justified and that sin not covered under the blood of Christ must be punished.


    God thank you for your grace that allows me to read revelation without fear for me personally. However I am reminded to lift up my lost friends, neighbors, etc. Use me to share your story of Grace through the cross today.


  • Good Life Journal – Revelation 4


    Revelation 4:11 – “You are worthy, O Lord our God, to receive glory and honor and power. For you created all things, and they exist because you created what you pleased.”


    John describes for us what worship is like in heaven. In response to the four beings ceaselessly praising God Almighty, the twenty four elders fall down before the throne of God to worship and lay their crowns there. The elders worship by saying God is worthy to receive honor, glory and power. God is deserving of our praise as He created all things purposefully. This confirms that from creation forward, God is in sovereign control of the world.


    We should worship God as the beings and elders do in heaven! Our worship should be continual and in response to His authority over our lives not as a result of our situation. I need to fall down and praise God for who He is and what He done daily! God created us to be in a relationship with Him and through our faith in the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus we will spend eternity in heaven. God is deserving of all of our honor, glory and praise as he is Almighty. God created all the heavens and earth along with each of us to worship Him.


    Father, Thank you creating us and sending Jesus so we can worship you. Let me praise you never ending as in heaven because you are worthy of all our honor and praise.