Author: Good Life Church

  • Good Life Journal – Matthew 3


    Vs. 13 “Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to John, to be baptized by him.”

    Vs. 16 “And when Jesus was baptized, immediately he went up from the water and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming to rest on Him”

    Vs. 17 “and behold, a voice from heaven said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.”


    Jesus is beginning His public ministry with a public and obedient act of baptism. It also is a interaction between all three members of the trinity. The Holy Spirit rests on Jesus like a dove. The Father announces He is pleased with His Son.


    I am struck this morning at the beginning public moments of God’s salvation plan of the world. Normally, if something “stands out” or “gets noticed” it’s because of the “bigness” or “grandeur” of the act. But, what overwhelms me about his scene is the stunning humility of it.
    The Holy Spirit – a dove.
    The Father – a voice.
    The Son – submersed under water by a poor man.
    This is God in the flesh!
    Jesus could introduce his public ministry however He wants to.
    As He later says at his arrest, He has legions of angels at His disposal. Jesus could create whatever “spectacle” He wanted for this pivotal moment in history.
    And yet, He chooses obedience … humble obedience.
    We live in a culture consumed with the idea of how to “get noticed in a busy world” … “create your platform” … “go big or go home” … and even “how to soar like an eagle when your surrounded by turkeys”!
    Jesus chose humility and we’re talking about it more than 2,000 years later.
    But more than that, … it pleased God.
    What am I more focused on? “Getting noticed” or “Pleasing God”?
    If given the choice, what would I choose?
    Honor or humility?
    Omnipotence or obedience?
    Jesus had the former, he chose the latter.
    I must do the same.
    What’s gives me the courage to make the choice, regardless of the situation?
    Knowing that it is God who is omnipotent and every choice should honor Him.


    God, thank You for your word and your salvation.
    Thank you for the example Jesus sets for us in humble obedience.
    Help me to act in ways that you would be pleased.
    And forgive me when I fail to do so.
    In Jesus name.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 126-127


    Psalm 127:1 Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.


    The laboring of men alone is a vain effort. God created us for fellowship with Him. Therefore anything we do apart from him will never teach its full potential and will ultimately be a waste of time.


    I have a tendency of doing things, even ministry things in isolation from God. I just get busy and do things and only call on God once it goes all wrong. However I find in this passage that my laboring from beginning to end should be done in fellowship with God. Why?

    1. It is the way it is supposed to be.
    2. It will be better.
    3. It won’t be a waste of time.


    Father, I don’t want to waste my time and and miss out on the best opportunity to invest my life. God you created me to have fellowship with you. Therefore all areas of my life are open to you. My relationships, my work, my ministry.


  • Good Life Journal – Psalms 128-130


    7 O Israel, hope in the Lord! For with the Lord there is steadfast love, and with him is plentiful redemption.


    David has gone from fear of the Lord to praise to the Lord. His range of emotions and conversations with the Lord I can relate to as I feel like I’m always all over the place with God. David says something here in verse 7 that I really needed this morning!


    I need to be reminded that God has love that does not give up. The amount of time I mess up and sin, I need to be reminded of his love that is constant. Even though I know his love is not dependent upon my actions whether he is giving or taking away, I am reminded this morning that my life doesn’t dictate his love coming, it came two thousand years ago and it will never leave, it’s steadfast. Knowing also his love redemption is plentiful is sooo hopeful. Sometimes I feel like Gods crazy redemption stories are for the people we would say are too far gone. Though his redemption is for those people, it’s for me to with victory of sin, victory over temptation, and much more. His redemption is for ALL. This morning I am so thankful for a God whom gives his steadfast love freely, and a God whom redeems more than I can imagine.


    Thank you Father for not giving up on me and reminding me who you are and who you have and are changing me to be. Please never let me go.

  • Good Life Journal – Titus 3


    Titus 3:3-5 – Once we, too, were foolish and disobedient. We were misled and became slaves to many lusts and pleasures. Our lives were full of evil and envy, and we hated each other. But, “When God our savior revealed his kindness and love, he saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He washed away our sins, giving us a new birth and new life through the Holy Spirit.”


    Paul is reminding Titus to be humble to everyone as we all had turned from God when he showed his grace on us. God loved us so much that he saved us out of his kindness and mercy. Our actions do nothing to grant salvation. Through faith in Jesus, our sins are wiped away and we are born again in Christ and have the power of the Holy Spirit indwelling within us and a new life.


    Sometimes when I think how can someone not get the Gospel? I need to remind myself of the path opposite from God that my life was on. A disobedient slave after my own lust/ pleasure, full of evil was just a day in the life. We must show humility to others and treat them with the kindness and love that God poured out to us when we were undeserving. Showing someone kindness by taking time to care about, listen to and pray for their needs is much more loving than looking down and pointing a finger when we are all sinners. I can’t forget that God saved me out of the mire of my sin when there was no other way out. There is no amount of good work I can do to merit salvation. The price for my sin has already been paid for by Christ on the cross at Calvary. Through faith in Jesus my life as a slave to sin is dead and I am granted a new life with the Spirit to guide me in righteousness. By learning to walk in the Spirit, I have strength to overcome and not want things from my life prior to knowing Jesus.


    Father, Thank you for your grace and mercy you show to me every day. Let me remember your gospel daily and have your Spirit guide me to share you love.

  • Good Life Journal – 2 Timothy 3


    Vs 7 – (there will be those) … always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth.
    Vs 14 – But, as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it
    Vs 16 – All scripture is breathed by God …
    Vs 17 – that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.


    Paul in this chapter is warning Timothy that there will be discouragement and suffering and persecution, but even more so there will be rampant godlessness. Do not be shocked by it.
    People will be seek knowledge, but only as it leads to their own selfish satisfaction. This leads to chaos.
    How should Timothy prevent this? Stay in the knowledge of God’s Word. The Scripture is actual Truth. This will lead him away from selfishness and toward a desire to do good.
    What’s more, the truth of scripture will also equip Timothy so that the good he does is competent.


    I am fortunate to live in the time and place I live. There are more opportunities and resources to live out those opportunities than ever before. But so many of those resources are spent on trying to achieve “happiness”. I like to think life is about seeking truth.
    But, it seems there’s a constant tension to seek pleasure instead. It seems there are more resources on “self help” than any other subject in a bookstore. A world of people seeking “self help” … this leads to the chaos Paul describes to Timothy.
    But what if I simply want Truth?
    And to be equipped to live out the Truth?
    What if I want to be competent for every good work?
    This seems like it should be a dream come true.
    It can. I need to “continue in the knowledge of Scripture”.

    -Do I feel ill equipped?
        Stay in the God’s Word.
    -Do I feel incompetent?
        Stay in God’s Word.
    I’m breathing in His breathed Word.


    Thank you God, for Truth. Thank you that you share it with us. Encourage me to encourage others with it. When the world seems nonsensical, strengthen my will to be like yours.
    Help me love your Truth.
    In Jesus name,

  • Good Life Journal – 2 Timothy 1


    2 Timothy 1 – This letter authored by Paul to his dear friend Timothy is thought to be one of the last letters that Paul wrote before his death. Paul very pointedly is writing to his young protégée to encourage him to carry on after him in the faith. He addresses Timothy with words of endearment like “…my true child in the faith… “(1 Timothy 1:2 ESV)


    Paul was clearly disciplining Timothy in his Christian faith throughout the years. I found it interesting that Paul mentions Eunice and Lois, Tim’s mother and grandmother, as displaying genuine faith while Timothy was growing up. There is no reference to Timothy’s father or any male role model with the exception of Paul, so it seems that Paul was a surrogate father to Timothy. Additionally it appears that Paul has invested much energy throughout the years building a sound Christian relationship with Timothy. This is something God calls all of us to do with our Christian brothers and sisters. We should not be a Christian Lone Ranger (I know a cliché, but an appropriate one). I could not help thinking how awesome it would be to have someone as schooled in Christianity to be my disciple. My next thought was there are people with deep spiritual knowledge out there, even in our sin- filled world. I actually have the privilege of knowing a couple.


    I personally believe that it an important part of our Christian walk through this life to have someone or several someone’s that can disciple us: to teach, encourage, love and care for me and for you. This is a pretty solid and compelling argument for small group meetings or Life Groups. It is within the Life Group setting that we can disciple each other. For those believers who are not familiar with the Life Group process typically it is where small groups of 4 to 10 believers gather (usually at someone’s home but it doesn’t have to be) and worship God through song, prayer, Bible study or other Christian book studies and the like. A strong ingredient of Life Groups involves Hospitality. Again, God calls us to open our homes to other believers and to “break bread with them”.


    Lord let Paul’s message in 2 Timothy 1 resonates in my heart and mind and give me the courage and passion to seek out a disciple or disciples and also those that I might be able to disciple. Help me to grow my Christian walk and preach the Gospel to myself and others, day by day as long as it is called today… AMEN

  • Good Life Journal – 2 Timothy 2


    2 Timothy 2:4 “No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer”


    Paul writes this letter to Timothy from a prison in Rome. He is shackled and lonely. Paul is writing to encourage Timothy in his work.


    What this verse means to me is that those of us serving God should have as our main focus to please God. We are soldiers for Christ. In Paul’s day, if you were in the military your sole focus was to please your commanding officer. You must forget everything else. You march where you were told to march. You fight when you were told to; you eat and sleep when you were told. Your past life and cares were forgotten.

    When we choose to follow Jesus, we are soldiers for Christ. Jesus is our commanding officer. We must have this as our sole focus. The cares of the world must be forgotten. We must march on his path and fight his battles. We no longer care about food or rest or the things of this world. Our sole focus is on pleasing him. We no longer get entangled in civilian affairs; we are now God’s soldiers.


    Holy Father, I want to be one of your soldiers. It is hard thing to do, to not care for this world. Sometimes my challenges and cares seem so important. I want to keep you as my priority. I trust in you that “in all things you work good for me because I love you”. Thank you for reminding me that this is not my home and that I will be with you forever.

  • Good Life Journal – 1 Timothy 1


    1 Timothy 1:15 “Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners- of whom I am the worst.”


    This is Paul’s letter to Timothy while Timothy is in Ephesus. Timothy was there to deal with problems in the church there. Paul is encouraging Timothy to oppose the false teachers that were in Ephesus.


    I ask myself, does my sin convict me? Do I feel the pain of the nails when I sin? Do I even reflect on my life and search for sin in it? Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners. I am a sinner. How can be saved if I don’t repent? How can I repent if I don’t even realize my sins? If I am not crushed by my sin, it is only because I ignore my sin. The closer one gets to the Holy God the more the magnitude of one’s sin become evident. If I am not crushed by my sin I must not be as close to God as I thought. Paul calls himself the chief of sinners. Paul wrote the bible and led millions to God. Even Paul is convicted by his sins. If Paul is the worst of sinners, surely I must be right there with him. I need to spend more time searching my heart for sin and asking God for forgiveness.


    Holy Father, thank you so much for the gift of your Son. Because of Christ all my sins are forgiven. I want to be convicted by my sin. I want to repent and be forgiven. This is the way that I can honor and cherish your gift of salvation.

  • Good Life Journal – Colossians 4


    “…to declare the mystery of Christ…” Col 4:3b.


    This is an interesting phrase that Paul turns: The “mystery” of Christ. Why does he refer to a mystery? Probably it is in parallel with “seeing through a glass darkly…” It is just not completely clear…


    It is without doubt that I am more conversant with the “Facts” of Christ than the Mystery. Most Christians are. We are taught “facts”: Scripture references, word definitions, doctrines, etc. There is History, “how to” books, conferences, teachings and preachings—all of it data; information to store up in our heart and that with an objective—“that I may not sin against You.” But it is rare when we are taught to “wonder” over or instead of doing “facts in action.” I am stopping more often now to “revel at the wonder of Christ”, to contemplate the mystery of Christ, the mystery and Wonder of the Cross. As I grow older in my faith I am more often thinking about: “I get that You loved the World so much that You gave Your Son…” What I don’t get at times is “why did You give Your Son for me?””
    The Cross: It is truly a mystery of infinite proportions—one that we will never get in its entirety—but something that we are privileged to chase after day by day…until That Day when we see Him face to face, eh?


    Dear Lord God: At the End of my days, when I see You face to face, however meager my crown, my achievements, my anythings that I have attained—I will, I must throw them down at Your feet because You have done what I could NEVER do—paid for my sin, to be the ransom to deliver me from Your justifiable Wrath. What Wonder!! What incomprehensible Mystery!! What Glory!! All of creation was bound by sin but You have released the bonds, the chains and made me a new man in Christ. I don’t get it—and I never fully will. But there You are—You have done it. Glory to Your Holy Name.

  • Good Life Journal – Colossians 1


    Colossians 1:10 So as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.


    Paul is thankful for these brothers and sisters in the faith, and as all of the churches he writes to he is praying for them and desiring to see them grow in the Lord. He setting for them the foundation of their faith in Christ in this chapter. Jesus the originator and one whom holds ALL things together and whom ALL things were made through and for. This is powerful and takes me off the throne and elevates the Christ. Paul then lays out what walking worthy of the Lord looks like and what comes from it.


    This verse hits me pretty hard. Fruit will be produced the EVERY good work and my knowledge of God through Christ should increase at the same time. Knowing that what pleases God, fully pleases God, is myself walking in a manner that is worthy of him can easily discourage me knowing how much I fail at this. So many times I seem to think that just reading my bible and doing spiritual things will bear fruit, where Paul is super clear here. The fruit that is produced in the manner of the Gospel is produced through good works. Works does not produce my faith, it affirms and grows my faith. So many times I desire to see fruit in my life from the spirit, but I am not willing to labor to see it, or I am doing things for myself and my pride rather than for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. Fruit does not get produced in stormy and dark conditions, and that is the condition of my heart when I serve or love people with selfish motives.


    Father, may I serve you in this world with a pure heart. Forgive me for not serving you and your kingdom in a manner worthy of you. Change my heart and mind and let my life be a response rather than a plea for your approval. Thank you for loving me even when I don’t love me.

  • Good Life Journal – Philippians 2


    Phil. 2:1 So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, Phil. 2:2 complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.


    Paul continues his letter to the church in Philippi. At this point he transitions the letter to a challenge. The challenge is simple, live life and treat others the way you have been treated by Christ. If you have received encouragement, love, fellowship, comfort, or joy from Christ, then live in it and share it with other people. Paul challenges them to extend the joy of their salvation on to those around them.


    I love the tone of these verses. The question that Paul asks has a sarcastic tone. Of course they had received love, comfort, joy, etc. from being united with Christ. He asks the question to reveal how ridiculous it is for believers to live selfish, self-consumed and self-promoting lives. The entire basis of the Christian faith is the story of how God submitted Himself to the humble position of suffering savior so that we could live in freedom and have eternal life. Therefore, if our Lord was willing to place our needs ahead of His, why in the world would we be known for being selfish and self-absorbed. As believers, it is not our role to receive the gifts of eternal life and freedom in Christ, simply to waste them and live like everyone else. We are to share the love, comfort, joy, peace, grace, hope and life we have been given with those around us. If we have benefitted at all from Christ, we should share with those around us what we have gained.

    A few action steps:

    -Assess my life and make a list of all the things I have experienced and continue to experience because of my union with Christ.

    -Then make a list of all the people that should benefit from my continued relationship with the grace of Jesus.

    -Brainstorm ways to share these things and experiences with those people.


    Father, it isn’t that complicated. You have blessed me with a relationship that has given me clarity and joy beyond belief. Therefore, as long as I am alive, it is my role to share this with the people you have given me a chance to influence. May I not make my life and ministry more complicated than this!

  • Good Life Journal – Psalms 119:121-152


    Psalm 119:130 The unfolding of your words gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple.


    The Psalmist highlights the reality that the truth of the word of God brightens up life. It also brightens up people. Even the most simple minded can gain understanding by the simplicity of God’s word.


    Though the word of God is a masterpiece that spans multiple generations and many different authors, the core message of the Bible is pretty simple. I have found in my pursuit of Christ as well as in ministry that understanding what the Bible is saying the simple part. It is the application of the Bible that is challenging. We see this from the simplicity of the Psalms to the clarity of the Proverbs all the way to the simple message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Psalmist consistently paints God as the deliver and himself as the one in need and in desperation. The writer of the Proverbs consistently points to God as the origination of wisdom and in comparison, folly as decisions made apart from the wisdom of God. Jesus teaches that the entire law hangs on two commands; loving God and loving people. It amazes me that messages that are so simple can be translated into a theological puzzle that stifles believers and forcing many to scratch their heads. In the seasons of my life when I have sought to complicate God’s word and to major on minor intricacies of stories and interpretations, I also can trace in my own life major inconsistencies in my level of obedience and joy. As the Psalmist reminds us that when God’s word is opened it brings light and understanding, so shall it be for me today. I pray that the movement of my life and our local church is one that helps everybody, even those who are simple like me, to embrace and enjoy the reading study and application of the word of God in our lives every day. We live in a dark world, we carry with us the light of God’s word. May I be reminded that the light that will brighten up our city is the light of God’s word.


    Father, I pray that you would drive me to your word every day as my source of light. I pray that as I lead the local church that I would be adamant about claiming the simple truth of the Scriptures and trusting that it is enough to bring light in the darkness. I also pray that as we as a church value simplicity, the truth of your word would not be watered down but rather clarified so that the light can shine as brightly as you intended it to. May your word shine and not only in the teaching of our church but also in the lives of those who apply it. This starts with me, our elders, our deacons, our ministry leaders, our group leaders, and all those who are in positions of leadership and influence at Good Life. If we do not, then it will be very difficult for our congregation to follow.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalms 119:73-96


    V 73: Your hands have made me and fashioned me; give me understanding that I may learn your commandments.


    This section of the Psalm starts out with the simple truth and understanding the God created us. He made us perfect according to His ways. He has also provided us with commandments that we must follow. We are not born with the knowledge and understanding of God’s commandments. We have to learn them.


    Sometimes we try to make the Bible too complicated. It’s really not. It’s so simple that even a child can understand it. God is the creator. God made us. He made everything. God also has commandments. I need to obey His commandments. In order to obey them, I need to learn His commandments and live by them.

    God wants us live by the word (be blameless in his statutes) and to do that I must not only learn God’s commandments but understand His commandments and apply them to my life. Learning His word is more than just memorizing or reading the Bible. Learning, in this sense, means we must know it and live it. That takes daily study. Daily prayer. Daily actions that keep Him a priority and not myself. That is why we have active Journal Groups, Life Groups and other activities that provide us with opportunities to learn from others, disciple others and share our lives at the same time.

    God’s word and His promises are forever. Our life circumstances may change. Our health may change. Our finances may change. Just about everything in this world will change. But God’s word is forever. We must study His word and learn it to obey Him.


    Help me to learn your commandments. Give me the understanding and knowledge to apply your words and to help others learn and apply your commandments as well.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalms 119:25-48


    Psalm 119:26-27, 32 “Teach me your decrees. Cause me to understand the way of your precepts that I may meditate on your wonderful deeds…I run the path of your commands, for you have broadened my understanding”


    Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the bible. It is a devotional poem celebrating the word of God. The author intends it as a Godly instruction manual. As usual, the bible is just as relevant to us today. This Psalm shows us how and why to journal or study the word of God. Verse 26-27 asks God to teach us his ways. We must learn the word of God and meditate on it. Verse 32 states that it is not enough to only learn, meditate on it. We must run the path of God’s commands. So we must learn by reading and meditating, then we must put that knowledge into action in our life. We run the path of God’s commands.


    Right here in the bible verse is an endorsement for bible studying and journaling. We are given a command to learn God’s laws. How do we do that? We study the word of God (Bible), meditate on it and put it into practice. The wonderful verse 35 states, “Direct me in the path of your commands, for there I find delight.” How can we delight if we do not live God’s commands? How can we live God’s commands if we do not know them? How can we know them if we do not meditate on them? How can we meditate on them if we do not read his word? Where do we find his word? His word is the bible. If we truly delight in God’s commands, our bible study is a pleasure, a lifeblood, not a chore.


    Father, I want to delight in your commands. I will keep studying and meditating on your word. I will learn your laws so that I can live my life on the path of your righteousness. Amen


  • Good Life Journal – Hebrews 11


    Hebrews 11:26
    26 He considered the reproach of Christ greater wealth than the treasures of Egypt, for he was looking to the reward.


    The writer of Hebrews is laying out for the audience the men and women who ha, because of their faith in God, done amazing things and endured rough times. They were tested and persevered, they had been killed and now
    Live in the presence of God for eternity.
    Then it goes to the verse that I believe is what most struggle with.


    The reproach of Christ and the beauty of Jesus was greater than anything every seen. The treasures of Egypt, which were great did not compare to Jesus. Is this true of me? Does Jesus appeal to me more than treasures of the earth due? If he doesn’t why? Sometimes, correction, a lot of the times I desire worldly things rather than heavenly things. I want my heart to desire to above reproach for Jesus and for my heart to desire Jesus. Christ is so much greater than ANYTHING I could ever obtain. HE IS MORE THAN ENOUGH!


    Lord forgive me that by faith I have desired other things than you. Let my heart only desire
    You and you alone.