Author: Good Life Church

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 108


    Psalmb108:3-5 –
    I will thank you, Lord among all the people. I will sing your praises among the nations. For your unfailing love is higher than the heavens. Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds. Be exalted, O God, above the highest heavens. May your glory shine over all the earth.


    The psalmist places his confidence in God and thanks the Lord among not some but all people. Praises are sung to the nations, plural – not one nation. God’s love for us is so abundant and endless. His love is never failing and reaches higher than the heavens. Our God is so faithful and just. God is deserving of praise here and to all the ends of the earth.


    I must place my complete confidence and trust in God! God is deserving of our thanks/praise because of who He is and what He has done. We need to praise God not only here in our church/community but for his movement among all the nations/people. God’s greatest love is when He sacrificed His son for us. We are to receive God’s bountiful love and share it with others. God really wants to have a relationship with everyone. Because God created us, He has the right to demand accountability. God is righteous and those who place their faith in him will receive blessings while those who rebel will be judged. Whatever we do, be it work, sport, hobby, serving or missions it ultimately needs to point to Him. Our lives and what we do, should bring Him glory.


    Thank you so much for your love and faithfulness to us. May I praise and worship you as you are the only one worthy. Let me live a life to glorify you.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 97


    Psalm 97 v 1: The Lord reigns, let the earth rejoice; let the many coastlands be glad!


    The Lord reigns and we are to rejoice. No matter what the circumstances surrounding us, we need to not only remember that he reigns but that we are to rejoice. No matter what we see, hear, experience, he reigns and we are called to rejoice. This Psalm is a great reminder that there will always be bad things happening around us, evil happening in this world but that we are to take joy in the fact that our God reigns.


    No matter what is happening in the world, we should always rejoice in the fact that our Lord is King of kings and Lord of lord. He is constant. He is everlasting. He is set apart. He is ruler over all. Nothing can stop his reign. Nothing can change the fact the He was ruler, is now the ruler and will always be the ruler. He is not concerned with the things of this world. He controls everything. He controls time, he controls the keys to heaven and hell. He has defeated death and nothing on this earth will defeat him.

    But do I act like He reigns? Sometimes I do. But sometimes I get too caught up in the world, too concerned with the now, forgetting the long term. I get too worried about the how and try to rely too much on worldly wisdom, forgetting to rely on Him and remembering that He is in control. I focus on today’s world and fail to focus on the world to come.

    I am quick to ask him for help. Quick to ask him for guidance, for healing, for strength, wisdom, and anything else I might need. I need to remember to rejoice and be glad everyday that He is Lord and that He reigns.

    He reigns while we are in the valleys of life and on the peaks. He reigns in good times and on bad. Regardless of our circumstances, He reigns and I should rejoice.


    I just want to spend time right now rejoicing in the Lord. Thank you for who you are and the love you have for us. Help me to remember to just sit and enjoy the love that you have for us and the fact that you are all we need in this world.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 94


    Psalm 94:19 When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul.


    The psalmist shares the reality that the cares of life have a tendency to get overwhelming and stressful. He then shares that his soul is uplifted by the comfort and consolation of God.


    #1. Everybody has a bad day and sometimes life gets the best of them.

    In my life I have a hard time accepting the fact that my soul can get overwhelmed. The pressures of life, the stresses of this world can get me down. It is good to know that I am not alone. I am usually in a great mood and above my circumstances, but sometimes life sneaks up on me.

    #2 Our Soul needs cheering

    Getting down and even depressed is not incurable. We don’t have to stay down. We shouldn’t stay down.

    #3. God’s comfort is the best medicine.

    I can go a lot of places to try to cheer myself up but the best place is the presence of God. His love and comfort provides what I need to get out of the funk.


    Thank you for lifting me up when I am down. Thank you that being down doesn’t mean being out. Thank you for a deep love that reaches down and pulls me up.

  • Good Life Journal – Luke 24


    Luke 24:6 “He is not here; He has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee”


    This is Luke’s account of the women and later the disciples witnessing the resurrected body of Jesus. Mary Magdalene, Joanna and Mary mother of James arrive at the tomb and witness that the stone is rolled away. They encounter two angels who proclaim the words above.


    “He has risen” is the central belief of our faith. To me, the second sentence, “remember how He told you” is just as important because it reminds us that God fulfills his promises. Jesus speaks of his resurrection many times when he taught in Galilee. As a matter of fact, God even promised this in the Old Testament. (Ps 22 & Isaiah 52,53). This is not just a case of God being smart enough to predict the future. Here we see an example of God’s promise to us. God makes it happen.
    So, if God promises that Christ will rise and God fulfills that promise, I can have faith when he tells me that I too will rise and be with Christ in heaven. To me, that is my central faith in my belief in God. God delivers. Also, not only will God deliver on this “Big Promise”, he will fulfill all of his promises. “In all things, God works good for those who love Him”. Romans 8:28. If he will deliver on all of his promises, then I want to know about those promises. This drives me to study His word.

    The fact that He is risen is so awesome. Even more awesome to me is that God promised it thousands of years ago. He has promised this for me too. Here is proof that God delivers on all of His promises.


    Holy Father, thank you for saving us by giving us Jesus Christ. You are so powerful that you can have a plan for the world for all of time, yet you are still interested in me and in my salvation. I have faith in Your promise of everlasting life for me. I have faith in all of Your promises. Help me to live my life on the path that You have chosen for me, not the path where I want to go.

  • Good Life Journal – Luke 23


    Now there was a man named Joseph, from the Jewish town of Arimathea. He was a member of the council, a good and righteous man, who had not consented to their decision and action; and he was looking for the kingdom of God. (Luke 23:50-51 ESV)


    This is a very rich chapter in Luke. I see the undeserved accusations by the crowd; the farce of a trial back and forth between Pilate and Herod; the exchange of condemned—the guilty to go free, the Guiltless One to face execution; then crucifixion and death of Jesus. It can be stirring if not heartbreaking to really try to imagine what is occurring. The cries of the Crowd are everywhere; where are the cries of the righteous? Then I see Joseph of Arimathea….


    Here is a question for my soul, the guy in the mirror: “How often do I recognize and point out faults in others? Things they didn’t do well; did not succeed in; shortfalls in biblical or Christian behavior?” Facts are I do it quite often—more about me in a minute…Here is Joseph, a leader in the Sanhedrin, apparently vocal enough to merit a comment about his opposition about what the Council connived concerning Jesus…but maybe not so vocal as to compromise his position (get thrown off the Council). What happened to that “all in for Christ” behavior? Usually I admire and applaud folks who “suffer for His Name’s sake” (re: that lady in Kentucky who refused to sign marriage certificates) and I would bet most folks would cheer—from afar though. I certainly give it more than a second thought of laying it all down like that. Here’s the neat thing: God knows. He is Omniscient, nothing catches Him by surprise. He doesn’t “roll with the punch” because He has already seen, planned, orchestrated all things for the Purpose of His Will. And so it is with Joseph: Scripture calls him a “good man”, a “righteous man”, and is “looking for the Kingdom of God.” Joseph didn’t fail. How often do I think I failed? Is there a branch of the road that God is watching and going “turn right, turn right…..awwhhh, he turned left. Ok (sigh), let’s get it straightened out for tomorrow…” No! Every step I take in each day is after the Purpose of God in conforming me to the Image of His Son (Rom 8:29a). He did it for Joseph; He does it for us. That is why each day can be faced with Joy and Expectation for His mercies are absolutely new! (Lam 3:22)—I can still be considered a “good” man, a “righteous” man, looking for the Kingdom of God–even when it looks like I failed, God knows and I know through the Scriptures that it is just one more thing to being conformed to the Image (progressive sanctification)…and though I may have to pay for falling off the rails, He will never forsake me.


    Father: Please deliver me from a critical, negative spirit and make me to be more encouraging to others. Hebrews 3 says that lies can be deceitful and implies that discouragement assists to fall away into sin. I realize that I need to struggle with observations that are negative. You remind me a good tool is to identify 9 good things to say before 1 bad one. Like the disciples said: “Increase my Faith!!”

  • Good Life Journal – Luke 22


    Luke22:40-42 – There he told them, “Pray that you will not give into temptation.” He walked about a stone’s throw and knelt down and prayed, “Father, if you are willing, please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet, I want your will to be done not mine.”


    As Jesus prepares to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane, he instructs the disciples pray the last verse of the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:13). Jesus urges prayer to stand the test versus temptation from Satan. Jesus walked to a place where he was alone and knelt to pray to the Father. Jesus knew the impending suffering he was facing as the Son of Man and as a human asked if it could be taken away. Jesus knew God’s will was more important to be accomplished than His.


    I must pray consistently as Jesus taught the disciples to pray in the Lord’ prayer. Satan is lurking and he knows the things that seem attractive to each of us. There is power in reaching out to God and asking for strength and deliverance through the spirit out of situations that are a path to death. I need to spend time alone in prayer to God humbling myself, on my knees in a position of praise and honor as I communicate with Him as He is holy.
    I have my own wants, desires and time table of how I think things would be best for my life. My will is often not aligned with God’s as I would choose a faster way if it is something I want or could wait if it is something God is urging me to do that may involve sacrifice. My prayer daily has to be to let the Holy Spirt guide me to do His will here on earth as in heaven. I have to listen to God, be in his word, allow others to disciple me as I can grow into someone that can in turn teach/ disciple others. There is a path God has for all of us with many opportunities if we are obedient to follow Him.


    Please help me to have a prayer life as Jesus taught the disciples. May my time in prayer keep me from the temptation of the evil one. Let you Spirit guide me to do your will with my life to further your Kingdom and bring you Glory.

  • Good Life Journal – Luke 21

    For it will come upon all who dwell on the face of the whole earth. But stay awake at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are going to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man.”

    Jesus is teaching the disciples many things from sacrifice with the widow who gives what she has and warns them of all the things that are coming into the world. The things Jesus foretells them from persecution, death, earthquakes and much more is only a sign of what is actually to come and that is the Son of man. There is not an uncertainty that these times will come as Jesus foretells, he is making it clear that these times will come.

    Times will come and times are here that weigh down on everyone who believes in the name of Jesus. As I read all of the terrible things that are to come I have a tendency to think it is only for the people who aren’t following Jesus that will experience the terrible things, yet Jesus says, “All” who dwell on the earth will experience these things. The next thing he says strikes me and speaks to me as I take life so many times an nonchalant. In life I can never let my guard down and never drift to sleep as these are the last days. I don’t mean last days like armageddon, rather I mean the Kingdom of God is at hand and I must be ready and getting other people ready. The urgency in Jesus’ teaching this morning has lead my heart to stay in prayer for this world and all the dwell in it.


    Father, forgive me for not being urgent in prayer for the world. Lead me into a life that is awake and praying and give me an excitement to stand before you, The Son of Man.

  • Good Life Journal – Luke 5



    vs. 8 “… when Simon Peter saw (the great catch of fish), he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying ‘Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord’.”
    vs. 11 ” … they left everything and followed Him.”

    vs 13 “…. Jesus touched (the leper), saying ‘be clean’.”
    vs 14 “And Jesus charged the leper to tell no one, but to go and show the priest and make an offering …”

    vs 24 “I, (Jesus), say to to you, (the paralytic), ‘Rise, pick up your bed and go home’.”
    vs 25 “… and he went home, glorifying God.”

    vs 27 “(Jesus) saw a tax collector named Levi…. And (Jesus) said to him, ‘Follow Me’.”
    vs 28 “And leaving everything, he rose and followed Him.”
    vs 29 “And Levi made a great feast in his house and there was a large company of tax collectors.”


    Jesus is beginning to call His disciples. Jesus is also interacting with people in a new way.
    There is a whole variety of interactions in this chapter. And the responses of both Jesus and the individuals are intriguing and unpredictable. Jesus approached Peter. Peter benefitted from a miracle he didn’t even ask for, then wanted Jesus to go away from Him, but followed Jesus at His invitation. The leper went to and begged Jesus for a miracle. Jesus healed him and told him to go to church. The paralytic had friends willing to do anything to get near to Jesus for a miracle. Jesus healed him and told him to go to home. Jesus approached Levi at his job. Jesus told Levi to follow Him. And then Levi left his lucrative job and took Jesus back to his house and had a big party with his friends. So, Jesus approaches people very differently. And people respond to Jesus very differently, as well.


    I can’t “systematize” Jesus. I can’t turn Jesus into a variable of a formula. I can’t think, “If I do this, then Jesus will do that.” I also can’t judge other people’s response to Jesus. Peter received a miracle and told Jesus to get away from him. Levi didn’t get anything but an invitation to follow, but apparently he told Jesus to follow him back to his house for a party. Of the people that begged to be near Jesus, one was told to go home and one was told to go to church. I would no doubt have made different choices than Jesus. “Jesus, don’t you want those people begging to be near you and that were healed to be your apostles?!” “Jesus, that guy isn’t very bright!” “Jesus, that guy is going to ruin your reputation!” But Jesus knows what He’s doing. Do I trust Him? And just as much, He knows the hearts of people. Do I love them? Fortunately, Jesus doesn’t give me the command, “Figure Me out”. Jesus only gives me one command, “Follow Me”.


    Thank you God for your Son, Jesus. Thank you that You draw us to Yourself. Thank you for your Holy Spirit to help me have peace and trust when I can’t “figure you out”. You are enough. Thank you. In Jesus name. Amen.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 15


    v 2 He who walks blamelessly and does what is right and speaks truth in his heart


    David first asks the question about God’s relationship to both the wicked and the righteous about who can dwell in God’s tent. Most of the Psalm then defines the characteristics of those who are able to walk and dwell in God’s tent (or tabernacle). Even though this Psalm was written in the Old Testament, the central theme is the same as those in the New Testament: To love God, love your neighbor and do what is right in God’s eyes. This Psalm reminds me of the great commandment that Jesus gave when speaking to the Pharisees to “love your neighbor as yourself”. If we all just followed that simple piece of advice our lives would reflect the attributes in this Psalm. Our lives would mimic our thoughts, actions and words.


    This Psalm is not a “to do” list of areas in our life that we can check off in order to find favor with God. Rather this is a list of activities and behaviors that occur when someone has put God as the priority in their life. We are to lead blameless lives. Do what is right. No matter how hard I try, I seem to fail in these areas. I want to do what is right. I want to be a reflection of the light but too often I fail and disappoint God. To speak the truth in my heart my thoughts and desires need to be driven by love. All too often my actions are driven by greed, ego and by putting myself first and not others. My actions are to be a reflection of the way Jesus lived his life but it takes self-discipline. It takes continual prayer and commitment to keep God first. It takes a reliance that His ways are to guide my life, not my own ways.


    Father, you are the foundation that cannot be shaken. You are the only one who is truly blameless. We are surrounded by a sinister world that seems to celebrate sin and not be ashamed or even think sin will be punished. My reliance is on you. My heart yearns to be blameless and walk in the light but I fail to live up to the example you provided in your son, Jesus. Give me the clarity of truth and help me to apply the knowledge to everything I do to help glorify you.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 11


    Psalm 11:2-4

    2: for look, the wicked bend their bows; they set their arrows against the strings to shoot from the shadows at the upright in heart. When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?


    The word of the Lord echoes across centuries, continents and rulers. King David writes over 3000 years ago and he could be writing for us today. Today, the senseless terror attacks and evil assassinations cause us to ask if, “the foundations are being destroyed? What can the righteous do?”
    Around the world, evil causes us to tremble. Terror attacks across the world have innocent people fearing for their lives. Assassins pick off our protectors and compare it to the Boston Tea Party. Agitators are spreading hate and polarizing our society. Look how similar today is to 3000 years ago. Ps 10:2 “In his arrogance the wicked man hunts down the weak, who are caught in the schemes he devises. He boasts about the cravings of his heart. He blesses the greedy and reviles the Lord. In his pride the wicked man does not seek him; in all his thoughts there is no room for God.” Can this not be said about many people today?
    More… Ps 10: 7 “His mouth is full of lies and threats, trouble and evil are under his tongue. He lies in wait near the villages; like a lion in cover he lies in wait.” One who does not study God’s word would be astonished by how those words echo today. Those of us who live by God’s words are not surprised we know how often His word speaks across the centuries and miles.


    So then what can we do? Do we “flee like a bird to the mountains”? It seems like the “times of trouble” are not ending. Rather, how can we not see that it will get worse? We may ask the same question of God, “Why Lord, do you stand so far off?” Many non-believers may ask, “How can a loving God allow this evil?” These fears and doubts are the same kinds of fears that King David had 3000 years ago.

    Ps 10:16 “The Lord is King for ever and ever; the Lord hears the cry of the afflicted.”
    We should never forget that, 11:4 “the Lord is in his holy temple; the Lord is on his heavenly throne. He observes everyone on earth.” 11:6 “On the wicked he will rain fiery coals and burning sulfur.”

    Today and forever, the Lord rules the world. God is on his throne and he rules with justice and glory. God perfectly knows every man’s true character. Even though the evil may prosper for a season, God is holy and hates evil. He is a righteous judge. Their punishment will be inevitable and terrible. Though honest and good people may be run down and trampled upon, God loves them all. 11:7 “For the Lord is righteous, he loves justice; the upright will see his face.” The reward for those of us who love him will be eternity in heaven.


    Lord, help me trust you in a day and time when it seems like the righteous are losing. Help me love others and point them towards your Holy Justice and your steadfast love. May I be reminded that the reward I will receive was, is and always be a gift I don’t deserve. Help me be patient with those who are still running from you. May I care for all people because you do. 

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 9


    I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds. I will be glad and exult in you; I will sing praise to your name, O Most High. (Psalm 9:1-2 ESV) …the LORD sits enthroned forever; he has established his throne for justice, and he judges the world with righteousness; he judges the peoples with uprightness. (Psalm 9:7-8 ESV) Arise, O LORD! Let not man prevail; let the nations be judged before you! Put them in fear, O LORD! Let the nations know that they are but men! Selah (Psalm 9:19-20 ESV)


    This is titled “I will recount Your wonderful deeds” in my Bible. It is written by David and sent to the Choirmaster. It appears that Ps 9 has 3 points of focus: God and His majesty; a petition to God about David’s condition; and a blunt description of Man. 20 verses, most of them about God alone.


    Sometimes I jot thoughts down and hum them to a tune that pops in my mind; most of the time these “songs” are easily forgotten mostly because I don’t have the disciplined practice to see them to an end. Maybe I am not supposed to. Maybe they are just for the moment. One thing I have encountered though is that if I am not thinking about God, meditating on Him and His attributes; being in wonder about His Word and His Gospel—then even these stray “songs” will be at best shallow and diminishing; or at worse, disappearing with a whimper, sliding into the night reaches. These 3 verses strike me as pretty odd at first. David intentionally thought about each (and the other 13 verses that connect)—and he wanted to put this to Song? Goodness: How I want to be able to do that. But, to be like David in this I have to be intentional and absorbed in God and His Word. I see David was no stranger to Doctrine: Being Thankful in all things. God alone is worthy of Praise—nothing else is like Him; He is Just and Righteous in Justice; Man…well, I see a blunt reminder that man is created (I am just a man) and that only He is Creator; I am clay (dirt with a little spit) and He is the Potter. Sovereign and Holy is He!


    Lord Jesus, I am sitting here wondering “Did You greet the dawn with Song? Did you regularly sing? When you prayed and sought Your Father daily in the morning watches did You sing His Praises?” Sometimes I am so cold hearted about singing; I set a serious tone in my prayer, in my meditations. I am convinced O God that when you told the Prophet Jerimiah about Your never ceasing Love, that Your mercies never end—New…Every…Morning—Great is Your Faithfulness (Lam 3) that this wasn’t coldly and soberly stated. It was with big rejoicing, huge rejoicing, bright and extravagant Worship. May it be that way with me. I want this O God, praying a prayer that You are Happy to provide. I don’t want to be a cold hearted singer and I don’t want to sing empty songs. Bring doctrine into my Song O God. Let me sing the wonders of Your Word daily. 

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 4


    Psalm 4:8 In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.


    The psalmist expresses a sense of peace due to his trust in God. In the evening when he sleeps and lies defenseless he still feels safe because of the faithfulness of God.


    It is one thing for me to trust God when everything seems to be in alignment, to trust God in my strength. It is another for me to trust in him in my weakness. The psalmist expresses a security in God even in the midst of vulnerability. I recognize that in the most vulnerable areas of my life I can still place my security in Christ. In my weakness, He is strong.


    Father, help me remember that you are my security in both my strengths and my greatest vulnerabilities. Even when I am totally defenseless, you are my shelter and defense. May this give me rest and peace.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 1


    Psalm 1: 1-3
    Blessed is the one
    who does not walk in step with the wicked
    or stand in the way that sinners take
    or sit in the company of mockers,
    but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,
    and who meditates on his law day and night.
    That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
    which yields its fruit in season
    and whose leaf does not wither—
    whatever they do prospers.


    At the risk of sounding like a “prosperity gospel” promoter – this whole chapter is yet another beautiful portrait of the benefits, rewards, profit, reasons, payoffs, prizes, etc. – blessings, for those of us who choose to serve Jesus. Who delights in the law of the Lord.
    Living for Jesus in a loving relationship – serving Him as a Father, as Master, like a child who is deeply in love with a parent – is, simply put, the cat’s meow!

    On the flip side – when I live for you Jesus for any other reason it is like doing something for my earthly Father because I’m hoping for extra allowance or trying to avoid trouble. Our relationship will still be there–and Jesus, like all wonderful Fathers I know you still loves me – but this is not serving You, it’s more for my own selfish gain which is the opposite of serving You!

    The same applies when I serve others – Do I serve them because I love You, Lord, and others, or is there an ulterior motive?


    I will continue to delight in you, Jesus. Love You, learn about You, and through You produce fruit like a tree planted by waters. I will share the love of You with others. I will prosper. You, Jesus will prosper. Others will prosper. Cat’s meow!

    Lord, will I sometimes serve You with ulterior motives? Yes. Knowing? Yes. Unknowing? Yes. And I know you still love me immensely, Lord!


    Lord, I know your love is stronger than my intentions. Thank you so much for your mercy and grace. And thank you for constantly assuring, promoting, reminding, and encouraging me about how much joy, and a blessing it is to serve you in life! It’s my honor. I love you, Lord. In Jesus name, amen.

  • Good Life Journal – Mark 15


    Mark 15:1-2 “As soon as it was morning, the chief priests held a consultation with the elders and the scribes and the whole Council. And they bound Jesus and led him away and delivered him over to Pilate.”
    Mark 15:8 “And the crowd came up and asked Pilate to do as he usually did for them.”
    Mark 15:11 “… the chief priests stirred up the crowd to have him release for them Barrabas 
    Mark15:15 “So Pilate, wishing to satisfy the crowd, released for them Barabbas, and having scourged Jesus, he delivered him to be crucified.”
    Mark 15:43 “Joseph of Arimathea, a respected member of the Council, who was also himself looking for the kingdom of God, took courage and went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus.”


    It was a collective effort to have Jesus crucified. (Chief priests in consultation with elders, scribes, and the whole Council)
    And the “crowd” is a repeatedly invoked… 3 separate times.
    The “crowd came up”, the crowd was “stirred up”, and the Pilate wanted to “satisfy the crowd”.
    Not until after the crowd got what they wanted, and had finally dispersed was an individual act of courage taken.
    Joseph of Arimathea was on that Council that was consulted in the beginning.
    He was in the room and part of the crowd. And he was respected.
    But only after the death of Jesus did he “take courage” and “look for the Kingdom of God” and “ask for Jesus”.


    It seems crowds are easily fooled.
    And it seems acts of courage are taken by individuals, or at least started by individuals, not by crowds.
    Crowds are also easy to create and get excited.
    Simply find out what people want and then promise to give it to them.
    It’s my responsibility, as an individual, to determine if this is right.
    Is the “crowd” right in their demand?
    Is the one “stirring up the crowd” right in their offer to satisfy them?
    And then, if I determine the crowd is wrong, will I “take courage”?
    Will I “look for the Kingdom of God” or look to “the crowd”?
    I’m reminded of CS Lewis who said, “Courage, itself, is not a virtue, but it is the form of every virtue at its testing point.”
    Do I have courage to face “the crowd”? Whatever my crowd is today? People in my workplace, people in the community, people wherever I may encounter them?
    And it seems I must make the decision to be courageous in advance.
    In the moment, it will likely be very difficult, like Joseph at the Council.
    I must routinely “look for the Kingdom of God” and “ask for Jesus” everyday.
    So that I can “take courage” when I face “the crowd”.


    God, thank you for the sacrifice of Jesus.
    Thank you for ushering in your kingdom.
    Give me the courage to seek it first everyday.
    Strengthen me with the Holy Spirit to discern your truth from the crowd’s foolishness.
    And thank you for loving me and forgiving me when I fail to do so.

  • Good Life Journal – Mark 16


    Mark 16:1 When the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices, so that they might go and anoint him.


    Mary and Mary went early after the Sabbath to take care of Jesus. This would not have been a pleasant task given he had been in the grave for a bit. The smell, the dried blood, a stiff corpse. It was early and the sun was just rising. They had not even thought through everything. It just occurred to them that they would not be able to move the large stone covering the grave. They would not have been able to move the stone, but they continued anyway. When they arrived, they were greeted by an angel that told them what had happened. He is risen. This simple three word sentence in this verse is the foundation of the Christian faith. He is risen. Every other religious belief follow teachings and thoughts from man. Mohammed died and was buried. Buddha died and was buried. Confucius died and was buried. Ron Hubbard died and his ashes were spread in the ocean. Joseph Smith died and was buried. All of the spiritual leaders of some of the world’s largest religions have died. And all were buried. And all are still dead. Jesus is the one and only. Only He has conquered death. Jesus died and was buried. Now, he is risen.


    Mary and Mary went as early as they could to take care of Jesus. They had a sense of urgency about taking care of Jesus, even though he was in the grave. I need to have the same sense of urgency and the same sense of dedication. Christianity is not meant for us to be a weekend hobby. We need to have the same purpose and sense of urgency every day of the week. He loved us enough to die on a cross yet we continue to do things that don’t show our love for him. Not necessarily in big ways but in the little things in life. Do we put him first in all things? Do I have the prayer time that is committed to him? Do I study the word in a way that allows me to honor him? Do I get up in the morning and think of him first or think of my needs first? Mary and Mary went even though others had scattered. Jesus had been crucified on Friday. Not many opinions had changed since that day. Here we were on Sunday and the Marys were still devoted to their Lord. It doesn’t tell us what kind of hostility they may have encountered but they certainly were in the minority with their devotion to Jesus. Yet they were willing to go to the grave and take care of the one who had loved them enough to give up his life for them. How far am I willing to go? How high will I raise my head above the crowd or raise my voice to speak the truth rather than be quiet and not make waves? Mary and Mary went even though it was going to be unpleasant. Am I really willing to get my hands dirty? I don’t mean physically dirty. I mean am I willing to get my Christian hands dirty? Am I willing to step out in faith and go places that may be unpleasant if God is calling me to go? Being a disciple and being obedient means sometimes going places where it may get messy, it won’t be easy and it may not be even safe.


    I often pout my needs in front of your needs. I often think of me before thinking of you. Allow me to visibility to see the opportunities in front of me and to take advantage of those opportunities to bring you glory. Remind me that it is not about me, it is about you and that no matter what I do or where I go, it can be for your glory.