Author: Good Life Church

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 39


    Psalm 39 1-3

    I said, “I will watch my ways and keep my tongue from sin; I will put a muzzle on my mouth while in the presence of the wicked.” : But my anguish increased; my heart grew hot within me. While I meditated, the fire burned; then I spoke with my tongue.


    David is in the middle of prayers of anguish. God is rebuking him for his transgressions. Psalm 38 speaks of silence before the enemy, Psalm 39 speaks to silence before God. Both acknowledge sin, and both express a deep trust in God.


    I read this message to me today as a guide for my life for the times when I get angry. How often have I felt “burning fire” within me when I am angry? Sometimes I feel like a heat is welling up inside me. First, I must vow ahead of time to “watch my ways and to keep my tongue from sin.” If I steel myself ahead of time not to let the fires of anger consume me, I will be better able to control anger when it kindles. Second, David imagines a muzzle or bridle for his tongue. When I get angry I try very hard not to say things that I will regret. If I think of a muzzle for my tongue, it will be easier to not sin in anger with my tongue. Finally, I must remember that when I get angry and speak out, it reflects badly on my faith in God. Jesus rarely got angry, but when he did, it was righteous anger. Examples of righteous anger are anger at money changers in the temple or anger at child abuse. Often my anger is not righteous but selfish. Selfish anger is prideful anger. I want to try harder to be angry only at things that Jesus would be angry at. Even righteous anger must be controlled so as to bring glory to God.


    Father, Help me to only be angry with things that you want me to be angry with. I must think, “is my anger righteous or selfish?” I vow ahead of time to watch my ways and keep my tongue from sin. Remind me to suppress my tongue when the fire burns hot. Help me to always be a shining light, illuminating your glory.

    – Don J

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 42


    Psalm 42:2&5
    Vs 2 “My soul thirsts for God, for the living God”
    Vs 5 “Why are you cast down, O my soul …. Hope in God …”
    “My soul is cast down down within me; therefore I remember you …”


    David is in a horrible place. He feels separated from God’s presence. And what are the people around him saying to him in this tough soot?
    They are saying, “Where is your God?”
    So, David is not only discouraged within himself.
    He is surrounded by people adding to the discouragement! Not a good place to be!
    But when David is in a terrible present moment what’s his response?
    Cry out to God … “My tears have been my food …”
    Hope in God … “I shall again praise Him…”
    Remember God … “From the land of Jordan…”


    If David, a man after God’s own heart, is going to go through tough times, I need to expect I will, as well.
    David’s solution for those times?
    Cry out to God.
    Hope in God for the future.
    Remember God’s presence in the past.
    My solution for those times?
    Fix the present moment!
    What’s wrong?! And How can I fix it?!
    At those times when God somehow seems absent …
    When I feel empty … thirsty … craving …
    (“Like a deer panting for water” as vs 1 says)
    Do I even recognize that it’s God that I’m craving?
    Or do I attribute a “lacking” in my life to something I can solve?
    More leisure, more money, more fun.
    Or maybe even more purpose, more fulfillment, more accomplishment.
    More acknowledgment, more recognition.
    More … something …
    When I’m “thirsty” …
    Is it God I acknowledge?
    Is it God I hope for?
    Is it God I remember?
    Why is his important?
    Because if I don’t do these things, I will stay thirsty … Longing … Craving … Never Satisfied.
    Drinking the water of the world only leads to more thirst … again and again and again.
    As Jesus told the Samaritan woman, only He is the source of “living water” … endless life where we never go thirsty.
    Cry out to God.
    Hope for Him in the future.
    Remember Him in the past.
    Don’t fill my present thirst with something other than Him.


    Father God, you provide life.
    Thank you.
    Forgive me when I try to fill my thirst with something besides You.
    Thank you for Hope. It’s only in You.
    Thank you for filling my mind with memories of You.
    Thank you for Your presence, that you are with me!

    -Dan Shontere

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 44


    Psalm 44:17 All this has come upon us though we have not forgotten you, and we have not been false to your covenant.


    Sometimes God will test us. • Sometimes God is quiet. • It’s easy to trust God when things are good. Harder to trust God when times are not going as well as we would like. • Just because things in our life are difficult, we should keep our faith This Psalm is a contrast of two different times in the psalmist’s life and in the nation of Israel. The first part of the Psalm, he speaks of great battles and victories and of other nations being overthrown. He speaks of God helping to protect them from their enemies. He credits all of this to God’s help and protection. But the middle of the Psalm tells a contrasting story. The victories are now defeats. The battles are lost and they are scattered as a nation. Sold into slavery and shamed among other nations. Verse 17 demonstrates that the author has not given up his faith. The nation has still kept their covenant with God and are still faithful and yet they still experience difficulty. The psalmist understands that sometimes God will test them and things in life will not always go their way. He is still wishing that God will act on his behalf but the author knows that God’s love is steadfast.


    It can be a scary time when we think God is silent in our life. Was it something we did? Something we didn’t do? Are we in God’s will? I must remember that God loves me at all times. Life will not always turn out the way I expect it or want it to. God is with me in the good times and the not so good. God is always my protector and my shield. True perseverance does not come during the good times but is built during the difficult times in our life. My relationship with God is not based on the outcomes of my battles but on the fact that He loved me first and His love is steadfast. As the song says, His love never fails. Much like the psalmist, we often think life is not fair. God does not say it will be fair. We know we will experience pain and difficulty on earth. We must trust God and remember that any pain on earth is temporary. God has overcome. Even when we think he is silent in our life and when we think He is not listening or doesn’t care, He loves us. We must keep faithful.


    God help us to remember that your ways are not our ways. Your time is not our time. Help us to understand that during periods of difficulty, we must remain true to you. Help us to remain on the straight paths of life and trust in you at all times.

    -Paul Palmer

  • Good Life Journal – Psalms 37-38


    Refrain from anger, and forsake wrath! Fret not yourself; it tends only to evil. For the evildoers shall be cut off–but those who wait for the LORD shall inherit the land. (Psalm 37:8-9 ESV)

    O Lord, all my longing is before you; my sighing is not hidden from you. My heart throbs; my strength fails me, and the light of my eyes—it also has gone from me. (Psalm 38:9-10 ESV)

    But for you, O LORD, do I wait; it is you, O Lord my God, who will answer. (Psalm 38:15 ESV)


    These are two Psalms that are pretty well related. David is in there, digging deep into what he analyzes about himself according to the Scriptures, meditation, and doctrine he knows. He is being not only transparent to God about himself; he is being transparent to himself through the eyes of the Holy Spirit—both identifying the Bounty and Grace of God but also identifying what separates David from that selfsame Grace.


    An application that I did not really come to grips with clarity until recently (thanks, Jason) was that the “wicked” wasn’t someone that wasn’t me. The “wicked” weren’t “those guys who weren’t saved.” My actions define “righteous” and “wicked.” I am not referring to being Justified before God through the Propitiation of Jesus—separate issue. I am talking about my day to day walk; walking worthy of the Gospel. Sometimes, like David, I walk wickedly and if it wasn’t for the Blood, I would be counted among the eternally wicked. As it is, it’s only sometimes that I walk wickedly—potentially from the moment I wake to (and maybe through) time to sleep. But the Scriptures are a means of encouragement and encourage me they do. I know that my longing before God is not hidden; my sorrow and regret for the wicked thing that I did (my sighing) is seen and noticed. The pounding of my heart, my failing strength, when the darkness threatens to overwhelm me—is seen by the Holy Spirit; I am comforted. When my confession in prayer rises concerning my immediate sin, HE hears, is pleased, and will be my sure help in time of trouble. I may have to pay for the consequences of my sin but I am NEVER forsaken.


    Father: You see all my comings and goings; every murmur in my tongue; every stray dart of my eyes; every untoward thought that isn’t pleasing and honoring to my Master. Miraculously, I am not struck down. I am not abandoned. I am still adopted as a son. I am still being loved. I am still being fashioned into the Image of my Lord Jesus. You do not give up on me—knowing my frame and what I am made of and the inherent rebellious and traitorous heart I have—You are committed to completing a Good Work in me; a Work Your started. May every day bring me cooperating fully and with abandoned surrender to Your sanctifying work towards my behalf; so that to the End of Days I, with great enthusiasm, throw my crown at your feet and declare “Only You are Worthy to receive honor and glory forevermore.”

    -Rick Sutton

  • Good Life Journal – 3 John


    3 John 5-6

    Dear friend you are being faithful to God when you care for the traveling teachers who pass through, even though they are strangers to you. They have told the church here of your loving friendship. Please continue providing for such teachers in a manner that pleases God.


    John is encouraging Gaius for faithfulness to God and living by the truth. He is showing apostolic love to the traveling teachers by caring and befriending them. Loving others who are working for the Lord is pleasing to God. Gaius does not allow himself to be influenced by Diotrephes who is leading from the power of evil.


    We don’t really love God and his word if we would want to silence apostolic teaching. The apostles teaching is the truth and at the very foundation is the Love of the Gospel. We are commanded to love one another as Jesus loved us. One way to show that love is to fellowship and show hospitality to fellow believers in the local body or those on mission. Encouraging a believer for faithfulness to God when facing influence to the contrary is another way to demonstrate love. I must always operate out of truth and love so as not be influenced by the evil of power/leadership.


    Father, Please let me love you and your teaching. Help me to encourage those who are living by faith in you. May I be someone who shares fellowship and hospitality to others as an expression of your love.

    -Todd Dawson

  • Good Life Journal – 2 John


    2 John vs. 5

    And now, dear lady, I am not writing you a new command but one we have had from the beginning. I ask that we love one another. 6 And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love.

    Observation: The Apostle John writes his second letter, this time to a woman he affectionately calls , dear lady. She is a matriarch of the Christian faith in her home. She has led her children to put their trust in Jesus. Now John challenges her to lead them to keep walking in the truth and leading those she influences to walk in the truth. John communicates the importance of love and then further defines a love for God by obeying the commands of Christ. John is repeated the words of Jesus form John 14:21. “He who has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me…”

    Application: I watched a sports clip of a college runner who fell down with one lap left in the race. All seemed lost as the other three runners continued at their pace. Instead of giving up, the runner got up, kept running and ended up winning the race. I can’t help but think of this when I read this passage. John communicates the importance of not only starting with faith in Christ, but also finishing with faith in Christ. The Christian faith is exemplified by loving Him and loving others. A Christian that doesn’t continue in love, according to John, is deceived and is not in Christ. A few steps…

    1. Start with the love of Christ.

    2. Continue in the love of Christ by obeying Him.

    3. Finish strong by loving until the end.


    Father, help me remember the importance of continuing in your love. Give me endurance to love and finish well. May I not separate my intellectual belief in you from walking in obedience to your commands. Obedience is when I best demonstrate love for you and others.

    Here is the clip of the race.

    -Jason Smith

  • Good Life Journal – 1 John 5

    Scripture :

    1 John 5:1

    Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and everyone who loves the father loves his child as well.


    I recently saw an Interview with Rick Warren and John Piper – I HIGHLY recommend it here

    Rick said something like “We can no longer simply mention God. Muslims, and other religions say, God but deny Jesus as God. But I tell them my God looks like Jesus”. Wow!


    I personally know Jews, Muslims, and others who aren’t getting, or are not sure about the whole “Jesus” thing. They do NOT believe Jesus is the son of God. Verse one tells me they;

    Are not born of God
    Do not love the Father

    This seems scary and delusional. I want to be conscientious of this. A lost Jew is the same as a lost prostitute.


    Father please show me the darkness when I see light, the emptiness when I see full. It’s easy for me to believe “religious” folks are saved and non religious are not. Another one of Satan’s tactics. Jesus help me see you in everyone or be you in everyone. In Jesus name Amen.

    -James Smith

  • Good Life Journal – 1 John 3


    1 John 3
    V 1 – “see what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God: and so we are.”
    V 2 – “Beloved, we are children of God…”
    V 7 – “Little children, let no one deceive you …”
    V 10 – “… who are children of the devil: the one who does not love his brother.”
    V 11 – “… this is the message from the beginning, love one another.”
    V 14 – “Whoever does not love abides in death.”
    V 16 – “… We know love … lay down our lives …”
    V 18 – “Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.”
    V 23 – “… this is His command, that we believe in the name of His Son Jesus Christ and love one another…”


    Ummm … I think John is trying to tell us something.
    We are children of God.
    We should love each other.


    I think this may be one of those times where as clear as the Observation is, the Application is difficult.
    It’s often easy to see someone’s identity by outward appearances …
    Doctor … Nurse … Policeman … Fireman … Soldier … Starbucks Barista …
    But it’s living out that identity … the “who we are” … that is the hard part.
    (I know I wouldn’t want to be a Starbucks barista when my wife comes through the drive through! Haha!)
    John tells me repeatedly my identity: “Child of God”
    He also tells me how people will identify me as such: “Love”
    Children of people are the most easy to identify: size & cuteness!
    Kids are just smaller and cuter than everyone else!
    Unfortunately, both of those tend to fade with age.
    So what is it that’s not supposed to fade?
    Obedience to my Father’s command: LOVE
    This is what should identify children of God.
    So, how am I identified? How am I known?
    If it’s not by how I love people and why I love people, something’s wrong.
    How do I correct that something? Remember who I am!
    John says I am a child of God because “God’s love abides” in me.
    John also says this gives me “confidence” to live out this identity.
    I’m not a child of God because I love.
    I love because I’m a child of God.


    Father God, thank you for giving me my identity,
    For adopting me into your family,
    For abiding in me.
    Encourage me and give me confidence to live out in love this identity.
    When I fail, thank you for being a loving Father that forgives.
    Your mercies are new each day.
    Thank you that you are with me each and every one of those days.

    -Dan Shontere