Author: Good Life Church

  • Good Life Journal – Philippians 2


    Philippians 2:12-13
    Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.


    Paul encourages the Philippian believers to continue obeying in his absence and to keep pursuing Jesus, even without him there.


    It is fairly common for followers of Christ to put a lot of confidence in whoever it was that led them to Christ or shepherded them first. Paul knowing this, encourages them by teaching them that faith in Christ is bigger than him. He doesn’t want them to only be engaged when he is there and then go back to the way it was before, when he isn’t. Though Paul might have led them to Jesus, it is the responsibility of each of them individually to continuing working out the salvation granted to them through Christ.

    A few things…

    -As a leader, intimate attachment to the people you lead is common. However their pursuit of Jesus can not be dependent upon the presence of the one who shepherded them. They must be able to pursue Jesus without the leader present.

    -Obedience to Christ is not circumstantial. It isn’t something that is expected only when the stars align and everything goes as planned. Obedience to Jesus is in all circumstances. The love of Jesus doesn’t have conditions. Therefore, obeying him shouldn’t either.

    -It has always been God. Paul reminds them that it was God who was working in and through them. Yes God used Paul, but it was always God who was rescuing, redeeming, and equipping. Therefore, regardless of Paul’s location in the world, God was and still is always with us. Same is true for me.


    Father what a great reminder to a shepherd. They are your people. They are called to obey you. It’s always been you. Thank you Jesus!

  • Good Life Journal – Philippians 1


    Phil. 1

    Vs 6 And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. Vs 14  And most of the brothers, having become confident in the Lord by my imprisonment, are much more bold to speak the word without fear.

    Vs 20  … I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be honored in my body, whether by life or by death

    Vs 25  Convinced of this, I know that I will remain and continue with you all, for your progress and joy in the faith

    Vs 27 Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel,

    Vs 28 and not frightened in anything by your opponents.



    Confidence … Paul’s confidence is what strikes me as he opens his letter to the Philippians.

    Paul was clearly always a pretty confident individual. He was willing to kill people for his beliefs!

    But this confidence is such a stronger, yet humble, confidence.

    Paul’s confidence now is not in his own beliefs, but in the One who is dong the work.

    “I am sure of this” … “he who began a good work” … “will bring it to completion”.

    And a confidence like this from Christs is contagious … “most of the brothers, having become confident in the lord by my imprisonment, are much more bold to speak the word without fear”.

    “I will not at all be ashamed” …. Is there a more confident statement that can be made in a shame based culture?

    It is only “with full courage” that you can make this statement.

    Yet, it is a selfless courage … Paul is “convinced” he will remain … “for your progress and joy in faith”.

    Paul wants “only” one thing … “a life  worthy of the gospel of Christ”.

    But what does this entail? “standing firm” … “striving side by side for the faith” … and “not frightened in anything”.



    In what am I standing most firm?

    In what am I striving side by side for?

    In what am I frightened?

    If I’m more firm in anything than the Gospel of Christ, I’m building on sand.

    If I’m striving for anything more so than the perseverance of the faith, I’m settling for lesser things.

    And I would only be striving for something else if I’m frightened by that something else.

    What am I “sure of”? … What am I “confident” in? … Do I have “full courage”?

    If it is not Christ, I will lack a fear of God and I will be consumed with a fear of man.

    I will be ashamed.

    I can’t imagine a better way to live than with “surety”, and “confidence”, and “full courage”, and “standing firm”.

    There is only one way to do this … a life “worthy of the gospel of Jesus Christ”.



    Thank you God for your word.

    Thank you for giving us examples of these confident, faithful people.

    Thank you that their confidence comes from you

    And thank you that your gospel gives a confidence available to me

    Give me courage to share it

    In Jesus name


  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 119


    Psalm 119:160 The sum of your word is truth,
    and every one of your righteous rules endures forever.


    The total completion of the word of God is truth. Every part. The encouraging and popular as well as the burdensome and obscure. The word is true and life-giving. Not only is the word true and life giving, it is eternal. Al the words of God will last forever. There will never be a time when they are irrelevant or expire. There will never be a time when they are not applicable.


    If I am going to live my life by a set of precepts, instructions or directions, the word of God is the only reasonable choice.

    A few things…

    -God’s word is eternal. It never fails.

    -God’s word is true. It is never wrong.

    -God’s word is complete. Every part matters.


    Father, thank you for you love and for your word. I embrace them together today.


  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 119


     “I am your servant; give me understanding that I may know Your testimonies…Redeem me from man’s oppression that I may keep Your precepts…Trouble and anguish have found me out but Your commandments are my delight…Your testimonies are righteous forever; give me understanding that I may live…I call to You; save me-that I may observe your testimonies…” (Excerpts from Ps 119: v5, v134, vs 143 and 144, v146)


    Taking a good, long, and hard look at Psalms 119 it appears that there is a correlation that slaps me across the cheeks: my desire and longing for Jesus is found and is fulfilled as a link to how much I long for and desire His Word.  Do I seek His presence?  If so, how much am I seeking His precepts, His law, His testimonies, etc.?


    I have wondered recently if I have been focusing on “doing” stuff more than “seeking Him?”

    This is what I mean: I enjoy the scriptures.  I look for and seek understanding.  I figure it supplies wisdom to me (which it does), perception (which it does), and discernment (which it does).  So doing this tools me up to be an instrument in the Redeemer’s hands (stolen straight from the title of the book by Paul Tripp).  What enjoying the scriptures also means is that it is getting closer, seeking Him, and taking wonder from His Word.

    I am His servant, I ask intently for understanding that I may know His testimonies.  I recognize I am redeemed from oppression to keep His precepts.  In the midst of trouble and anguish…whoops there it is-His delightful commandments.  I want life-His commandments and my desire for them are a must for life.  I am saved so that I may observe His testimonies.

    Testimonies, precepts, commandments, his law are all a part of God’s thoughts, objectives, goals, and direction.   It is also without a doubt how to know Him who has saved me.

    I realize that just “getting into the Word” isn’t all that is necessary.  Seeking Jesus is cultivating longing for Him, waiting patiently and quietly for Him, cultivating a worshipful mind set and, while I am at it, singing intently (best to find good songs) to build up my soul.

    There are 176 verses in Ps 119 that are just like or similar to the ones I wrote of today.  Most, if not all, point me in the way of knowing my Lord and the way that He thinks through the Scriptures.  Very cool.  Note Deut 29:29 along the way…


    Lord God, how I want to long for Your Word.  I don’t really long for it all the time-I readily see that in myself.  My goodness, if I improve my “longing factor” by 1%, maybe 2% I will figure I will be doing pretty well.  Help me keep in mind that chipping away at this old crusty and stony heart will show the most improvement towards discipleship, not lamenting that I am not all there in one fell swoop and condemning myself in failure.  Keep my eye focused on You, O God.  AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 119


    Psalm 119:105 – Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path



    God’s word provides light where there is darkness and illuminates the path towards God that we should follow.  The word of the Lord gives guidance for all situations we encounter.  The light from the word of God gives us hope and is life. Jesus is the living Word of God who followed all the precepts of the law and came as God’s message to the world. 



    In order for God’s word to guide me, I must be in God’s word to know what it says.  God’s word gives me my hope for salvation in the gospel of Jesus.  God’s way can deliver me from dark to light from death to life.  Once I read and study the word of God, it is merely not for knowledge sake or to be religious.  I have to submit to God and continually follow Jesus example along His path of life for me. 




    Thank you for the truth in your word and sending Jesus as they living Word to proclaim your message of love and salvation.  Help me to be in your word daily and trust in you to follow your path of light for me.         

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 119:73-96

    Scripture : “Your hands have made and fashioned me; give me understanding that I may learn your commandments.” – Psalm 119:73


    Observation : Virtually every verse of Psalm 119 is written about the importance of God’s word. In verse 73 the writer reminds himself of who is in control and it is God. God has fashioned and made him, therefore His commandments should be upheld. The writer also asks for understanding.


    Application : This is a great model to follow in prayer. Beginning with praise to God then asking to understand Him better. I love that in Psalm 119 the psalmist is clear to ask of God and in my life I want to remember that God is faithful to give wisdom and understanding, all I need to do is ask.


    Prayer : God I give You praise as my creator. Give me understanding and wisdom in Your ways and Your commands.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 119


     “Teach me good judgement and knowledge for I believe in Your commandments.

    Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I keep Your Word.  You are good and do good-teach me Your statues.

    The insolent smear me with lies but with my whole heart I keep Your precepts; their heart is unfeeling like fat but I delight in Your Law.

    It is good for me that I was afflicted that I might learn Your statutes.”  Ps 119:68-71


    God is giving an example through the Psalmist of the mindset of what a disciple should have: looking and speaking to the guy in the mirror.  If that is the case, what is the function of affliction and what should be my reaction and response?


    As I grow in the ways of the Lord I realize more and more that a “golden road” perspective of being a Christian isn’t exactly factual; nor should it be expected.  In fact, the more I expect a “golden road” the farther from the Truth I roam.

    It is biblical truth that God can and does bestow blessings, etc. to us.  Everything I have, everything I attain, everything I become can and should be attributed to Him and His Grace alone.  My greatest need He has addressed-even when I didn’t know I had such a need.  I am redeemed through His decision, action, and grace and mercy alone.   I am condemned: He redeemed me; He saved me from His Wrath towards sin and unholiness.

    As Sovereign God, He is actively responsible for everything.  Everything.

    Why then am I so quick to disavow this doctrinal truth, belittle Him and His Attributes and Character, by saying that “afflictions are from the devil” or some sort of “test?”  (Note: What in His holy Name would He be testing?  He knows our frame, our every thought, our entire being-and that throughout our temporal life through His Eternal Omniscience.  I can come up with so many thoughts, explanations, and justifications that do nothing but diminish Him and exalt me.  I need to renew my mind!!)

    Afflictions and what I am prone to describe as “persecutions” (including anything that detracts from that “golden road” perspective) have (according to the Scriptures) one task-point me in the way of God’s Word, his Statutes, his Law, his Precepts, and (extrapolating this thought) His Presence and knowing Him more.

    So, speaking plainly, when “bad” stuff happens to me, I am supposed to draw near and pursue with utter determination God.  That is the function of “bad” stuff.

    When “good” stuff happens to me, I am supposed to draw near and pursue with utter determination God.  That is the function of “good” stuff.

    Having incorrect thoughts and attitude about affliction and being treated badly are two things that can lead us astray-they can take my eyes off Jesus and cause my focus to skew thoughts away from God and towards myself.


    Father-this year is a year of You speaking and reminding me of the need to “renew my mind” like You say in Romans 12.  The more I read, the more I understand that my thinking and reasoning tend to be opposed to Yours.  Like the Psalmist says “Teach me good judgement and knowledge”-I want to DELIGHT in Your Law.  I want to find solace and peace in Your Law.  I want to find the Fruit of Your Spirit by diligently pursuing the wonderful depths of Your Word.  AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 119


    Psalm 119:26-27

    When I told of my ways, you answered me; teach me your statutes! Make me understand the way of your precepts, and I will meditate on your wondrous works.



    The psalmist shares a few facts of his experience. He had a “way”. He confessed it. God has a “way”. God then made him understand it through his precepts. The psalmist’s way became God’s way through meditating on those precepts. 



    I have a way. Sometimes it is in alignment with God. Most of the time it is not. God has a way. He isn’t still trying to figure it out. It is defined a clear. His way is defined in His word. In order for my way to align with his way I must commit to the precepts of God and meditate on them. 


    A few things…


    -I must admit my way to God. I must confess that my ways are not His ways. This goes a long way in helping me not trust in myself or in my gut. (Admit)


    -I must remember that God has a way and his way is unfailing. It might not be what I want to hear or what I would always choose, but it is always available and always right. (Remember)


    -I must commit to His word, both reading and meditating. Reading exposes His way and meditating is when my heart becomes aligned with His word and way. (Commit)



    Decisions, decisions. My life is filled with choices. May I learn to trust your way and not my own. I admit that my way is different than yours many times. I remember today that your ways is higher than my way. I commit to your way. Even if it is different than what I want or what someone else wants for me. 

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 119


     Vs 2 Blessed are those who keep his testimonies,
        who seek him with their whole heart,

    Vs 6 Then I shall not be put to shame,
        having my eyes fixed on all your commandments.

    Vs 10 With my whole heart I seek you;
        let me not wander from your commandments!

    Vs 13 With my lips I declare
        all the rules of your mouth.

    Vs 14 In the way of your testimonies I delight
        as much as in all riches.

    Vs 20 My soul is consumed with longing
        for your rules at all times.



    It strikes me this morning the broad, wholistic, fully encompassing language the psalmist is using here.

    The psalmist wants there to be no part of him not seeking the Lord.

    He will seek with his “whole heart”.

    And the psalmist will seek with his whole heart the entirety of God’s Word.

    He will have his eyes fixed on “all your commandments” and declare “all the rules”.

    What’s more is, this will not be a trudging or somber endeavor.

    It will be a “delight” to seek the lord and His commandments.

    Still using full language, the psalmists delight will be as much as “all” the Lord’s riches.

    And this is not a temporary or occasional effort or occurrence.

    The psalmist will be “consumed” “at all times” for the rules of the Lord.



    Do I like “rules” and “commandments”?

    I suppose some of them. Usually the ones that are easiest for me to keep.

    But here the question isn’t merely liking or putting up with some rules.

    The real question becomes, “Do I delight in God’s rules and commands?”

    That’s a whole new appreciation for “rules”.

    How can I grow in appreciation and love and delight for commandments?

    I need to grow in appreciation and love and delight for the One who created those commandments.

    When I trust the heart of the Commander, I follow with delight the command.

    I will know the command is what is best for me.

    Ultimately, when I rebuff or push back against the commands and rules of God, I am pushing back against my own good.

    Who does this? Fools. Naïve adolescents. Obstinate toddlers.

    When I divide my adherence to God’s Word, and make choices about when I will follow or what I will follow, I reveal my own stubbornness.

    So, I need to take account of my life and days …

    What am I delighting in? 

    What do I see as valuable?

    Where are my affections … what is my heart in?

    When am I longing for Him?

    The answer must be …

    I delight in “all” his word … more than “all” his riches … with my “whole heart” …  at “all times”.



    Thank you God for you Word.

    Open my eyes to delight in it the way you want me to.

    Help me see your love for me in your commands for me.

    Lead me Holy Spirit to live it at all times

    In Jesus name



  • Good Life Journal – Hebrews 13


    Hebrews 13:3

     Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body.


    Sacrifices to God is something we do not discuss often within our 21st century as the sacrifice of all sacrifices has been made. The reality is, we are called to sacrifice. We are not called to sacrifice animals yet things in life and in our flesh that we are called to sacrifice. The writer is giving clarity the heart of the believer here and also several expectations of the believer. 


    Remember those in prison as if we are in prison….this is powerful. This is empathy at its finest. This is, put yourself in someone else’s shoes. This is don’t look at their situation yet ours. As I read this I try and think about the person in prison in America for the sake of Christ. I would assume not many, as people that have made mistakes and committed crimes. The verse continues on as I try to create excuses to find justification for judging others. it says, “and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body.” Now, this passage is referring to the believers being put in prison and believers being mistreated. What the Lord is saying to me this morning is “LOVE PEOPLE.” Put yourself in people’s shoes and put yourself in the situation of mistreated people. So many people get mistreated, whether it be a Christian or a non-christian, I must sympathize and empathize.  The Lord didn’t just be empathetic as he took on flesh and died so that I might live. This is the Gospel, step into others situation to help provide life and peace for them through the love of Jesus. 


    Father, help me get this today. Help me put myself in other people shoes, believers and non-believers. Forgive me for not looking upon people with empathy and sympathy. Forgive me God, Lord, and King. 


  • Good Life Journal – Hebrews 11


    Hebrews 11:6 – And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.



    Faith as a Christian is not just a “form of spirituality” nor is it a ticket to a life of luxury. Faith is not blind, but a reasonable belief in God based on his creation and character that he has made known to us. Absent of faith we can’t please God.   Based on our faith, we are to place our trust in the finished work of Jesus on the cross and walk closer to Him.  God desires us to have a relationship with Him that requires faith.  As we see from the heroes and heroines of faith, God rewards all who seek Him in various ways. 


    I am called to live a life of faith daily.  I must live out my belief confidently that God exists, He loves me so much that He sent Jesus to pay for my sin so I can be reconciled to Him. God wants to have a relationship with me in the many circumstances which I face in my life. In order to do this, I have to trust God that His ways are better than mine and have faith that His path is right not mine.  I must seek to draw near to God and follow His will for my life in faith. 



    Thank you for creation, making yourself known and wanting to have a relationship with us.  Help me to live confidently in faith and seek to follow your will for my life.

  • Good Life Journal – Hebrews 12


     “Therefore: since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses let us also lay aside every weight and sin (which clings so closely) and let us run with endurance the race set before us looking to Jesus (the founder and perfecter of our faith) who for the joy that was set before Him: endured the Cross; despising the shame; and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

    (Therefore) Consider Him who endured from sinners such hostility against Himself so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted.” Heb 12:1-3


    There are 21 places in Hebrews where the word “therefore” appears.  Remarkable.  And that doesn’t include the one I snuck in above.  Like I have heard before, when I see the word “therefore” I need to pay attention to what it is “there for?”


    If I was looking at a math equation, the word therefore would kind of be like an “equal” symbol.  “This and that equals the other.”  In word logic it is similar: “there is this point and there is another point, and perhaps a third point.  Taking these three points into consideration there is a logical conclusion that appears.”

    The Writer of Hebrews is doing just that throughout this Letter; building to a logical conclusion using all the points of their knowledge, learnings, traditions, studies, and experience to show a conclusion that perhaps they haven’t considered before: That Jesus is the Promised Messiah and Lamb of God and this new knowledge demands a response.

    It is the same for me: this knowledge demands a response.  Not just once, but every day, every breath.

    So, how do I respond?  Verse 1 says: Lay aside every sin and whatever I can get wrapped up in (an encumbrance) and run the Race.  What race?  Ah, good question.

    Jesus said to us there are two kinds of roads we are on: a wide road (or path) and a narrow one.  The wide road is easier and unfortunately leads to destruction.  The narrow one leads to righteousness, but this road isn’t exactly smooth sailing.  Running the narrow road successfully requires a special something:  endurance.  We are not called to run a sprint, we are called to run a marathon.

    There is one thing a marathoner must have before he starts training: he has to have a vision; a desire; a fierce determination.  Taking a phrase from those musicals philosophers Survivor: we must have that “eye of the Tiger.”

    This section of Scripture tells us that we have a reputation to live up to; that we have a cheering section; that we have examples in our history that we should seriously consider.  The pronoun “We” is pretty inclusive, we are a part of a local church so that we have a support system ready-made when we start training.

    Always though, all that we do is for the Audience of One.


    Father, make these words convict me deep in my soul; don’t let them be empty and fall thudding to the ground in my life.  AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – Hebrews 10

    Scripture :

    “For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified.” – Hebrews 10:14


    Observation :

    The writer of Hebrews continues on the theme of showing Christ as the fulfillment of the Old Testament system. Where as the was once a need for high priests and sacrifices and the tabernacle. All have been fulfilled in Jesus. He is the high priest of the believer, the one and only sacrifice, and now believers are the tabernacle of the Holy Spirit.


    Application :

    The sacrifical system required people to “do” something to be in relationship with God. In Christ he has “done” it all for those who believe in Him. I have a choice today to live in striving and “doing” or I can rest in who Jesus is and what He has done. Today, I want to live fully in Christ.

    Prayer :

    Jesus thank You for your sacrifice and fulfillment. Help me today to live and rest in You.

  • Good Life Journal – Hebrews 9


    “For Christ has entered, not into holy places made with hands (which are copies of the true things), but into Heaven itself-now to appear in the presence of God on our behalf.

    Nor was it to offer Himself repeatedly (as the high priest entered the Holy places every year with blood not his own (the priest’s))-for then he (Jesus) would have had to suffer repeatedly since the foundation of the world.

    But as it is, He has appeared once for all at the end of the ages to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself.  And just as it is appointed for man to die once (and after that comes judgement) so Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time-not to deal with sin but to save those who are eagerly waiting for Him.  (Heb 9:24-28)


    What happened to make the Gospel happen?  The above happened.  Does it need to happen again?  No, and that is the point of this chapter…


    Every day I am in the position of reminding myself that Christ died once for my sin.  He died once for your sin.  He died once for the sin inherent in all things because of and since Adam.

    Why do I need to remind myself?  Because it is easy to repeat the above phrase every day.  I can post it on the mirror so I can memorize it when I brush my teeth every morning.  Unfortunately at least for me it isn’t that easy.

    It is difficult to get this principle hammered deep in the stony wastes of the heart because we want to do everything but remember the Gospel.  Jesus died for the sin of the world and it is that truth, applied in faith, that initiates salvation, redemption by His blood, acceptance into the presence of the Father as adopted children, etc.  We did nothing to gain or deserve that salvation; it is all done and it is there, just hanging, awaiting our acknowledgment by faith that it is finished for me.

    However, I want to act out “Jesus, plus, plus…”  Whether I intentionally acknowledge it I want somehow to do something to deserve salvation; I want to show I am worthy.  None of us can help it; we all want to do it.  Somehow “well done, good and faithful servant” is translated in our imagination as “Well done.  Because of that success, come on in, glad you made it…”  That worm of self-determination, independence, and self-atonement is insidious.  There are times that, unless you are looking for it, it creeps in unseen, unfelt, unnoticed until we find our prayers thudding against the floor.

    So what in particular do I do?  Simply, I intentionally review the Gospel especially the part of “I cannot add one thing to my salvation.  Jesus paid it all.”  It helps orient my thinking if I think of the following: “Why did He die for me?”


     Lord Jesus, every once in a while I get a fairly clear glimpse of me, the depth of my sin popping up in the mirror every so often.  And when I see myself like that, two things happen: 1) “How could You love me so”, and; 2) “Thank You for loving me so.”  There are enough times that I don’t think of the “undeserving” side of “undeserved Grace” that it gets me off kilter in my heart.  It is because that I will be aware of how underserved my redemption is that on That Day I will have no choice but to throw whatever crown I have at Your feet and declare: “Only You, Lord; only You.”  AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – Hebrews 7


    Hebrews 7:18-19

    18 For on the one hand, a former commandment is set aside because of its weakness and uselessness 19 (for the law made nothing perfect); but on the other hand, a better hope is introduced, through which we draw near to God.



    The law made nothing perfect. However a better hope is introduced. It results in bringing us near to God. 



    The law made nothing perfect. This is so important to let sink in. The law does not have the power to make us anything. The law only establishes what is necessary. However, it does not have the power to make the necessary a reality. 

    A few things…

    -Religion doesn’t have power. So I shouldn’t waste time attempting to give my time to religion. 

    -Hope was introduced through Jesus. My hope must always rest on what He has done and not what I can do or can’t do. 

    -The gospel has the power to draw me near to God. This is power. The law couldn’t do that. The law established the reality that I was distant from God. The gospel drew me near. 



    Only Jesus. I am humbled by that. I hopeful in that.