Author: Good Life Church

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 27


    [2] Let another praise you, and not your own mouth;
    a stranger, and not your own lips.


    The bible speaks a lot about humility and pride. With the exception of boasting in our Lord Jesus Christ (see Gal 6:14), God hates pride.


    Pride is sinful when we focus on self and accomplishments, not the fact that God created us all and gave us all different sets of gifts and purposes.

    How do you like being around someone who lacks humility and is very prideful? Not so much, right?

    Even as Christians, these people are the center of their own universe, taking credit for God’s gifts and their accomplishments. Not so much right? Well, we all need to look inwardly for that as well. Is that person me? I think the bible speaks so much about humility and pride because pride is probably the easiest sin to commit and the hardest sin to see in ourselves.

    Someone once said that that Faith kills pride because Faith has us look away from ourselves and to Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.


    Lord I love you. Thank you for the gifts you have blessed me with and whatever accomplishments have come from applying my God given gifts. Lord give me a sign when I get full of myself and think for a second that I would be anything without you. My peace and joy comes from you and knowing whose I am. In Jusus Christ’s holy name I pray, amen.

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 23


    Vs 1 When you sit down to eat with a ruler, observe carefully what is before you,
    Vs 2 and put a knife to your throat if you are given to appetite.

    VS 3 Do not desire his delicacies, for they are deceptive food.

    Vs 6 Do not eat the bread of a man who is stingy; do not desire his delicacies,
    Vs 7 for he is like one who is inwardly calculating.

    “Eat and drink!” he says to you, but his heart is not with you.

    Vs 17 Let not your heart envy sinners,
    but continue in the fear of the Lord all the day.

    Vs 18 Surely there is a future,
    and your hope will not be cut off.




    Fascinating juxtaposition to start off this Proverb.

    I am to be keenly aware of the type of person I am in the presence of.

    And I am to be astute as to what it is they may be offering me.


    Two different types of people … the “powerful” and the “stingy” …

    Both have the appearance of being generous … offering their “delicacies”.


    But ultimately, they have ominous outcomes.

    Their primary relationship is with their “delicacies” … their possessions … their “stuff”.


    The powerful want to control me with their delicacies … “deceptive food”.

    The stingy are controlled, themselves, by their delicacies … “inwardly calculating”.




    So what am I to do?

    A lot of people are controlled by their stuff.

    And a lot of people want to use their stuff to control other people.

    Maybe I am one of those people … hopefully not always!


    Well, there are a lot of “do nots” in this proverb.

    But what are the “to do’s”? … What should I do?


    Vs 1 … “observe carefully” …

    So, I need to be mindful of who I am surrounding myself with and the offerings I am available to.

    Vs 2 … “put a knife to your throat if you are given to appetite”

    This sounds so gruesome … but I think the author wants to make a strong point with the language …

    Kill your appetite! … It will lead you down bad paths if you don’t kill it!


    And how do I kill an appetite? … By starving it to death!

    It’s so easy to think my appetite will go away if I just feed it … give it what it wants.

    This is such foolish thinking, though. … Appetites always return wanting more than before!


    I must starve my appetites.

    “Do not desire the delicacies” is repeatedly stated.


    But I can’t just go through life and the day thinking …

    “do not desire” … “do not desire” … “do not desire” ….

    This is miserable … and the fatal flaw of Buddhism.


    What then must I do?

    Fortunately, I am given the answer …

    Don’t “envy sinners, but continue in the fear of the Lord all the day”!


    Fear the Lord all the day …. this is the posture I am to maintain …

    Be in awe … be overwhelmed … recognize the majesty and sovereignty of God!

    Compared to that … the delicacies of anyone are insignificant!


    Not only are they insignificant … but they are hopeless.

    But in the fear of the Lord … “there is a future” … there is “hope”.




    Thank you, God, that you are good.

    You are better than any delicacy.

    Remind me when I forget and envy others for them.

    Remind me when I am stingy or controlling.

    And let me recognize your grace as better

    In Jesus name


  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 27

    Proverbs 22:17 – Incline your ear and hear the words of the wise, and apply your heart to my knowledge


    This section of Proverbs 22 beginning in verse 17 is to provide wisdom to those who seek it.  First we have to be an active listener and really hear the word.  Then we have to take the learning from listening to wisdom and have the Spirit change our heart to action.  So listen, learn not merely for intellectual gain but so we can act.


    I must be intentional and seek wisdom which comes from God.  I have to listen to discern what God is telling me and not just be a hearer of the word.  Ultimately, apply the knowledge of a changed heart only possible by the love of Christ and trust in the Lord with his plans.  His ways are better, more bountiful and possible when surrendered to Christ than my limited plans.





    Thank you for the wisdom you give when I humbly follow you.  Let me trust you completely and live to honor and glorify you.

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 20



    [11] Even a child makes himself known by his acts, by whether his conduct is pure and upright.




    An observer knows a child by his acts because there is no good way to know his heart. If she is pure and upright we think of her that way. And of course, if he is ornery and a stinker, we think of him that way as well.




    People we meet casually, or don’t spent a lot of time getting to know deeply, know us by our conduct, just as we know a child by his conduct.  Others will not only judge us by our conduct, but may judge other Christians by what we personally say and do since we represent Christians and the Lord.


    People have good reason to know us by our acts. In Matthew 12:34 Jesus says “..out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” This holds for our words and our conduct.


    Yes, God knows our hearts but he also has expectations on our acts. He expects our actions to be obedient to him and to honor him. We are to glorify him in all we do and if our acts do not show that, we are failing in that respect.




    Lord I love you. Thank you for the numerous blessings you give me every single day. I pray that my conduct is obedient to you and that I honor you in all I do. In Jesus Christ’s holy name I pray, amen.

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 15

    Scripture –

    Proverbs 15:3 – The eyes of the Lord are in everyplace, keeping watch on the evil and the good.

    Observation –

    God is all knowing, all powerful and all in control.  God is soverign and knows what is happening everywhere at all times.  God watches both the evil and the good and as we see those with wisdom fare well with the Lord.  There is severe discipline for evil doers who forsake the way (Proverbs 15:10).


    God knows everything I have ever done and will do including all of my sin.  Yet, without deserving, God sent Jesus to pay for my sin debt in full so I can turn to Him, be reconciled and have a relationship with Him.  The cross of Christ is the only way to the Father.  I need to submit humbly before God and seek wisdom in His word to follow Jesus.  God knows our intentions and He is not fooled if our actions don’t match His will when others aren’t watching.  Verse 3 is a reminder to me that God is watching over the whole world at once judging good and evil.  This makes me want to revere the Lord and follow His ways.  It may appear that the wicked prosper but God is watching and it will be short lived leading to death.

    Prayer –


    Thank you for creating me in your image and sending Jesus so I can have a relationship with you.  Let me seek you in wisdom and have the Spirit guide me on your path even when no one is watching because you are.


  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 13


    [4] A sluggard’s appetite is never filled,

    but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied.



    You’ll never be satisfied if you sit back lazily and wish for things.  You’ll want more and more given to you and never be satisfied.



    The Lord expects us to work hard.  With that, we will be satisfied with ourselves for working hard and perhaps it will be in God’s will for us to have things in this life as a result of our hard work.  Regardless of whether the Lord wills for us to have creature comforts in this life as a result of our hard work and his blessings, working for the Lord is truly satisfying.  Glorifying the Lord by following his will and not just sitting back with our gift of salvation, but rather using our spiritual gifts to further the kingdom. This brings satisfaction from obedience.



    Lord thank you for the blessings you provide me every single day. Thank you for my spiritual gifts and I pray that I obediently apply my gifts for your glory. In Jesus’ holy name I pray, amen.

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 9


    Vs 1 Wisdom has built her house;
    Vs 3 She has sent out her young women to call
    from the highest places in the town,
    Vs 4 “Whoever is simple, let him turn in here!”

    VS 6 Leave your simple ways and you will live


    Vs 10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,
    and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.

    Vs 13 The woman Folly is loud; she is seductive and knows nothing.
    Vs 14 She sits at the door of her house;
    she takes a seat on the highest places of the town,
    Vs 15 calling to those who pass by,
    who are going straight on their way,
    Vs 16 “Whoever is simple, let him turn in here!”

    Vs 18 … her guests are deep in the realm of the dead.



    Solomon is describing two very different “ways” in this Proverb:

    The Way of Wisdom and the Way of Folly.


    Defined right in the middle of the ways is “the Fear of the Lord” …

    The Beginning of Wisdom.


    The 2 separate “ways” (Wisdom & Folly) can start out with strikingly similar appearances …

    Both have “her house”.

    Both can be heard in “the highest places in town”.

    Both utter the same refrain, “Whoever is simple, let him turn in here”.


    Beyond appearances, however, the differences are also striking …

    Wisdom “builds” … while Folly “sits”

    Wisdom “sends out” … while Folly “seduces in”


    Their end is their greatest difference …

    The wise “live”.

    The foolish are “deep in the realm of the dead”.




    I like to think wise ways and foolish ways are obviously different.

    I like to think there’s no way I would choose the foolish path …

    I think the “right” way or choice will be so clear, of course, I would not choose the wrong way!


    This is actually foolish, though, to think “my insight” will make things clear.

    The beginning of wisdom is to “fear the Lord”, not “trust my gut”.


    I will have to choose, though.

    Both wisdom and foolishness require a “turn”.

    And to “turn” is to put my trust in something … or someone.


    So who will I trust?

    The one who “knows nothing” or the one who “knows the Holy One”?


    Jesus, ultimately, is The Way … He “became wisdom for me”.

    Gratefully, I do not need to rely on my own wisdom to lead to life.




    Thank you, God, that you sent Jesus to eb the Way

    Thank you for your Wisdom

    Help me Spirit live in this grace

    In Jesus name


  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 8

    Scripture –

    Proverbs 8:35 – 36 – For whoever finds me finds life and obtains favor from the Lord, but he who fails to find me injures himself, all who hate me love death.


    Proverbs 8 is all about the blessings of wisdom.  We learn how precious wisdom is and to hear and receive instruction.  Verses 35-36 end the proverb by telling us wisdom is a life and death matter.   Seek and obtain wisdom and you will have life walking with the Lord.  To deny wisdom is to do yourself harm ultimately leading to death.



    Wisdom which comes from God and His word is our most precious possession and literally a matter of eternal consequences.  I have to fear the Lord and seek wisdom in his word to follow Jesus.  Wisdom is from God’s word and Jesus is the word.  To be proud and despise wisdom is self-destructive and leads to not submitting your life to Jesus and eternal death and separation from the Father. 1 John 5:12 says, “Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.”



    Thank you for the truth in your word.  Let me seek wisdom to follow you and have life with you.  Have the Spirit give me the right thing things to do and say to glorify you.

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 6

    Prov 6
    [6] Go to the ant, you sluggard;
    consider its ways and be wise!
    [7] It has no commander,
    no overseer or ruler,
    [8] yet it stores its provisions in summer
    and gathers its food at harvest.

    Wisdom for lazy people with no focus in life.  If you’re having trouble, look at an ant – he is a hard worker and doesn’t need someone telling him what to do.  He just does it.

    The application is simple – set some goals, work hard, and don’t be lazy.  We have God given gifts and we are called to use them, applying them as in glorifying God.  It’s not okay to sit back, be lazy, and not use the gifts God has graciously given us.

    Lord thank you for your provision.  I know that all I have comes from you ad that you expect me to work hard and use the gifts you have given me. Lord I seek your will and  I know it would displease you if I were to sit back like a sluggard, not work hard, and not use the gifts you have given me.  I pray in Jesus’ might name that I never loose sight of this. Amen.

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 1

    Scripture –

    Proverbs 1:7 – The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.

    Observation –

    The book of Proverbs is full and teaches about insight into life and how to have wisdom.  Verse 7 tells us how to begin our quest for knowledge in the fear of the Lord.  The second half of the verse sharply contrasts that someone who hates wisdom and learning is a fool.


    My starting point to gain wisdom and knowledge is to have a reverence of God and submit to Him.  I must recognize that God and His word is the source of all wisdom and true knowledge.  To listen and follow the Lord, receiving His instruction, from His word, is how I will grow and gain insight into matters of justice, righteousness as God tells us  throughout the book of Proverbs .  Today, in our culture, many people are fearful of all kinds of things but they haven’t turned to the Lord in Holy awe and respect of Him.  Someone can possess academic knowledge but if is not from the Lord it is lacking in wisdom.  I choose to fear the Lord and follow his ways not walking blind and wild thusly being deceived and foolish.

    Prayer –


    Thank you for grace in allowing me to submit and humbly follow you and gain wisdom and knowledge from your word.  Let the power of the Spirit guide me to receive instruction and knowledge to point others to you and glorify your name.

  • Good Life Journal – 2 Thessalonians 2



    [9] The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, [10] and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. [11] Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, [12]in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.




    God is always in control – he SENDS a strong delusion, a big lie, in the Antichrist.


    God gives those who refuse to love the truth and be saved, exactly what they ask for, the big lie. The lie that there are gods before him.




    It seems that God is giving people more and more of exactly what they are asking for. They want to be led by the nose with lies. God allows Satin to reign and sends antichrists because that is what people want. They find “pleasure in unrighteousness” and I believe God is telling those who refuse to love the truth and be saved to have it their way; my day of judgement is coming and you will then be condemned.


    We need to do what we can to help these people see the light. When our Lord Jesus Christ returns, there will be no more chances.


    We need to pray for the unsaved and reach out to them as we are led by the Lord to do so.


    God will lead us to places and put those people in our paths. Whether he leads us to the grocery store or to Timbuktu. He will put them in our path as single individuals or hundreds or thousands. Whatever it may be, we must listen and follow his will for our part in spreading the gospel message.



    Lord I love you. Thank you for choosing me to be a messinger for you. Use me as you will Lord and I pray you lead me where you want to use me and give me words to when I need them to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. Above all Lord, I pray I glorify you in all I do. In Jesus’ holy and righteous name I pray, amen.

  • Good Life Journal – 1 Thessalonians 3



    Vs 2 we sent Timothy … to establish and exhort you in your faith


    Vs 4 … we kept telling you beforehand that we were to suffer affliction,


    Vs 6 But now Timothy has come to us from you, and has brought us the good news of your faith and love …

    Vs 7 for this reason, brothers, in all our distress and affliction we have been comforted about you through your faith.

    Vs 8 For now we live, if you are standing fast in the Lord.


    Vs 9 For what thanksgiving can we return to God for you, for all the joy that we feel for your sake before our God,


    Vs 12 and may the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all, as we do for you, 13 so that he may establish your hearts blameless in holiness before our God




    Paul has told the church about suffering much affliction.

    The suffering was no surprise to him.

    He expected it.


    But even in his great suffering, Paul’s concern is not at all his own circumstances and welfare.

    Paul makes clear his greater concern is the Thessalonian’s faith.


    Paul uses the word “you” and “your“ over and over.

    In fact, he says “your faith” actually comforts him.


    Even more than comfort Paul says he feels “joy for your sake”




    When I feel like I am suffering in some way or situation or circumstance …

    Where is my focus? … Myself! … My struggle … my woes … my pain …

    Difficult circumstances heighten the focus on self … “ME”,

    I can even rationalize it with thinking … “I ‘need’ me time! Right now!’


    Paul here sets the example for the exact opposite!

    Heightened affliction on himself actually heightens his concern for the church.


    He wants their faith … their heart … their love to be even more firmly established.

    Paul says this is what can actually bring him joy!

    His work is not in vain!


    Do I use difficulty to increase my enthusiasm … my drive for my work?

    Or do I use my struggles to run from work?


    So often it seems easy to throw in the towel when difficulty comes along.

    Paul focuses even more so on the task at hand!

    Strengthen the good news in others!

    Build the church!

    This is what brings joy!




    Thank you, God, for your Word

    Thank you, Jesus, for your Church

    Thank you, Spirit, for your Joy

    Help me grow in desire for them all

    In Jesus name


  • Good Life Journal – 1 Thessalonians 2

    Scripture –

    1 Thessalonians 2:11-12 – For you know how, like a father with his children, we exhorted each one of you and encouraged you to walk in a manner worthy of God, who calls you into his own kingdom and glory.

    Observation –

    Paul is describing how he lived out his ministry to the believers in Thessalonica.  Paul acted fatherly to urge and encourage the Thessalonians to live an authentic life to follow Christ.  We are called into his kingdom and glory.



    This is the way I am to disciple others.  Live out my life caring for and loving others as they are my children like I am a child of God.  My life, in its entirety, by behavior and action, should equip and encourage others to follow Christ.  He has called us to be a part of his kingdom and my role is to point other’s to glorify Him.

    Prayer –


    Thank you for the truth in your word to guide us on your path.  Let the power of the Spirit guide me to love you, love others to equip and encourage to know you and make you known.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 80 & 82



    Vs 3 Restore us, O God; let your face shine, that we may be saved!


    5 You have fed them with the bread of tears

    and given them tears to drink in full measure.

    6 You make us an object of contention for our neighbors,

    and our enemies laugh among themselves.


    7 Restore us, O God of hosts; let your face shine, that we may be saved!


    8 You brought a vine out of Egypt;

    you drove out the nations and planted it.

    9 You cleared the ground for it;

    it took deep root and filled the land.


    14 Turn again, O God of hosts!

    Look down from heaven, and see; have regard for this vine,


    17 But let your hand be on the man of your right hand,

    the son of man whom you have made strong for yourself!


    Psalm 82




    82:1 God has taken his place in the divine council;

    in the midst of the gods he holds judgment:

    2 “How long will you judge unjustly

    and show partiality to the wicked? Selah

    3 Give justice to the weak and the fatherless;

    maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute.

    4 Rescue the weak and the needy;

    deliver them from the hand of the wicked.”


    8 Arise, O God, judge the earth;

    for you shall inherit all the nations!





    This is an overwhelming testimony to God’s ultimate sovereignty.

    Good and Bad happen because of God.


    The “Good” …

    “You cleared out the ground” for your people to become established …


    But also … the “Bad” …

    The author sings “You made us an object of contention and our neighbors laugh at us”.


    Yet, the author still clamors for God’s face to shine upon them!

    Why? … “That they be saved”!

    Only God is the source of salvation!


    The people understand they will not save themselves …

    If they are to be saved

    It is God who does the saving!




    Do I allow everything in my life …

    Good or bad to drive me in the direction of God?


    When good happens … do I credit God and his grace?


    When bad happens …

    Do I credit God for bringing to my attention the need for Him above anything else?


    Good or bad … it’s all ultimately temporary …

    All the nations … in other words, everything on earth is His!

    And He will make rain fall on the good and the bad.

    Wheat and weeds will grow in the field.

    Am I ok with this?

    Do I trust God?


    A recurring question I must answer in the affirmative …

    God can do as He pleases … Does this please me?




    Help me see You in my days and years and circumstances no matter what God.

    Good or bad

    Help me cling to you as you cling to me

    Help me share your goodness

    And be content in your judgement

    In Jesus name


  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 78

    Scripture –

    Psalm 78:37-38 – Their heart was not steadfast toward him; they were not faithful to his covenant.  Yet he, being compassionate, atoned for their iniquity and did not destroy them; he restrained his anger often and did not stir up all his wrath.

    Observation –

    The Israelites witnessed all that God had done for them, rescuing them from slavery in Egypt, providing for them in the wilderness yet the people turned from God and were unfaithful to Him.  God cares for his people even when they are disobedient.  God is patient, acting with restraint offering chances for people who disobey by atoning for their sin.


    These verses offer a great summary of God’s relationship to all His created people throughout time.  God has compassion for sinners who heart is against Him and are unfaithful.  God showed His love for us while we were still sinners sending Jesus to die for us. All I have to do is humble myself and believe in the name of Jesus and live to follow Him.  God is steadfast from what He has done to deliver us, is providing for today and will vindicate in the future.  Romans 14:11 tells us, “As surely as I live says the Lord, every knee will bow before me; every tongue will acknowledge God.”

    Prayer –


    Thank you for your compassion and grace you have for a sinner like me.  Let the Spirit guide me in grateful obedience to love you and others to glorify you in Jesus name.