Author: Good Life Church

  • Good Life Journal – 2 Corinthians 10

    2 Cor 10




    12 Not that we dare to classify or compare ourselves with some of those who are commending themselves. But when they measure themselves by one another and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding.


    Vs 15 … But our hope is that as your faith increases, our area of influence among you may be greatly enlarged, 16 so that we may preach the gospel in lands beyond you, without boasting of work already done in another’s area of influence




    Paul is speaking to the Corinthians about those who are diminishing or speaking against Paul’s ministry.

    Paul lets them know that they are doing this without understanding what’s really going on.

    The battle is not against each other.

    The greater war is the spiritual war.

    And to undermine Paul is to undermine the greater authority of Jesus Himself.


    Paul’s great hope is that the Corinthians faith would increase.

    Not so that his influence with them would grow, but so that his influence for the gospel would grow beyond them.


    Paul’s greater concern was the gospel, not his influence or authority.




    There is a lot of talk today about building your platform and gaining influence.

    This is clearly not a new phenomenon.

    Even the first century church dealt with these problems of sinful human nature … to grow the self!


    The primary way this happens is through comparison.

    It’s easier to make myself look bigger by making someone else look small.

    If I can diminish them, then by comparison I look bigger, better, greater.

    To destroy is easier then to build.

    But Paul says influence with them was given by Jesus to build them up.

    And even if others try to diminish him, he will continue to try to build their faith.

    Why? Not to make himself look good.

    But to get the message of the gospel beyond them!

    To expand the influence if the gospel, not himself.




    God thank you for you word

    Help me see the example of Paul and follow it

    Help me be motivated by the gospel

    Not myself

    Help me not to compare myself against other

    But just against the man in the mirror

    In Jesus name



  • Good Life Journal – 2 Corinthians 9


    2 Corinthians 9: 8 – And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having sufficiency in all things at all times you may abound in every good work.

    Observation –

    Paul is speaking to the believers in Corinth about giving for the saints in Jerusalem.  Our responsiveness to give and do good works in comes from the overflowing grace that God has freely given us through Jesus.  We are to be content with what we have at all times so we can give of our time, skills and resources to those in need. Our giving is not to receive grace or to be coerced into giving but in appreciation for all Christ has given for us.


    God does not need my money, my time or whatever I can do for the Kingdom. I am called and have the opportunity to serve and give in response to the abounding love of forgiveness that Jesus gave to save me.  Whatever I have was given to me by God and I am just to be a good steward in use the resources to further the Kingdom.  My works should flow from the grace God gives me daily.



    Thank you for your love and grace in sending Jesus to pay my sin debt and be reconciled to you.  Let the power of the Spirit guide me in sufficiency to give freely in response to your love to point others to you.

  • Good Life Journal – 2 Corinthians 7

    2 Cor 7


    [8] For even if I made you grieve with my letter, I do not regret it—though I did regret it, for I see that that letter grieved you, though only for a while. [9] As it is, I rejoice, not because you were grieved, but because you were grieved into repenting. For you felt a godly grief, so that you suffered no loss through us.


    Paul felt bad at first, for calling the Corinthians out in their sin. But after thinking about it he was relieved in knowing that what he did was point to their sinful ways and explained the need for repentance. Paul, speaking the truth of Jesus Christ in love, caused them to grieve, leading to their repentance. That is a good reason for him to rejoice.


    It is our responsibility  to be obedient to God, and lovingly confront others with the truth of Jesus Christ. This is especially true as we hold other Christian brother and sisters accountable. Confronting with truth, in love, is not judgement, it is accountability. Accountability in the Lord.

    We need to call our brothers and sisters out in their sin and expect them to do the same to us. In doing this, we aren’t seeking pleasure on our part, or trying to cause grief for others, except that the knowledge of being confronted with sin may help lead them to repentance.

    Lord I love you and pray I glorify you in all I do. Help me confront my brothers and sisters with your truth in love. Lord I pray you show me your timing and give me words when I need them to share with confidence. In Jesus’ holy name I pray, amen

  • Good Life Journal – 2 Corinthians 3

    2 Corinthians 3
    Such is the confidence that we have through Christ toward God. Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God, who has made us competent to be ministers of a new covenant,
    12 Since we have such a hope, we are very bold, 13 not like Moses, who would put a veil over his face
    14 … their minds were hardened. For to this day, when they read the old covenant, that same veil remains unlifted, because only through Christ is it taken away.
    Paul is letting the Corinthians know why he has the authority of an apostle and minister of Jesus.
    Because the authority itself comes from Jesus.
    And the message comes from Jesus.
    The knowledge comes from Jesus.
    And even the competency comes from Jesus.
    Paul speaks of a high confidence and a high boldness.
    But this is not because of who he is, but because of who Christ is.
    Paul states “such a confidence we have in Jesus” …
    And “such a hope we have in Jesus” …
    What is the result of this confidence and hope in his life?
    Paul goes to so far as to say he is more bold than Moses, a hero to the Israelites.
    But he can be more bold than Moses , because he has a new “hero” to look to and receive from … Jesus.
    This begs the obvious question?
    Do I live boldly? … not for me or from building my own confidence …
    But do I live boldly for and with Jesus , knowing I have a new heart to in me and not stone tablets to read as the old me.
    May I live boldly because of who Christ is!
    What a combination!
    May I know these are mine in and through Christ.
    Thank you God because of creating a new heart in me
    May I hold onto this confidence
    And live it boldly
    In Jesus name
  • Good Life Journal – 2 Corinthians 2

    2 Corinthians 2: 8–9 – So I beg you to reaffirm your love for him.  For this is why I wrote, that I might test you and know whether you are obedient in everything.

    Observation –

    Paul delayed a return visit to Corinth as there were those within the body knowingly sinning.  We have to confront another believers sin no to cause pain but out of love to bring that person back in the fold.  Paul begs that when practicing discipline that our brother or sister know that they are loved and that is why they are being checked.  Paul wrote the letter with guidance so the body of believers at Corinth would have the opportunity to be obedient in their discipline with love.


    Paul’s guidance to the Church body at Corinth is just a great framework of how we want to come alongside someone we know who is openly sinning against God as all sin is. In 1 Corinthians 16:14 Paul says, “Let all that you do be done in Love.”  I am to approach a brother or sister who is knowingly sinning and walking 180 degrees from God out of abundant love.  This would be in contrast to being judgmental. Sin can’t go unchecked as that will have serious potentially even greater consequences.  However, when there is a call for restorativediscipline, I must forgive and love to reaffirm as I have been forgiven and as I would want to be treated.  This is not an easy situation, but as followers of Christ we are called to act obediently in love. Love the sinner, confront the sin.




    Thank you for the truth Paul wrote to the church at Corinth.  Let the Spirit guide me to lovingly reaffirm and forgive to point people to you.

  • Good Life Journal – 1 Cor 16

    1 Cor 16


    [1]Now concerning the collection for the saints: as I directed the churches of Galatia, so you also are to do.


    I believe Paul is telling Christians to bear the burden of taking care of other Christians in need. That would mean not depending in any government authority to do so.


    We, as Christians, should not rely on our governments to provide for the truly needy. Biblically, and in glorifying God, we have an obligation to care for the needy. We have further obligation to examine the conduct of those to whom we provide support.

    Who should we care for? The bible is clear.
    We are to care for those who are truly needy, with churches and ministries discerning need.
    We are to care for those who cannot take care of themselves. That is, they can’t work.
    We are to support orphans and widows.
    We are to care for those that have no family to care for them.

    How do we care for people in need?
    Care for them directly or contribute to churches and ministries who care for the indigent. Especially those caring for indigent Christians.


    Lord give me good discernment in caring for your people. Help me know when to help and how to help. Help me stay active and not leave it so governments or “someone else” to care for those who are truly in need. Let me do my part as you will for me and to glorify you in all I do. In Jesus’ holy name I pray, amen.

  • Good Life Journal – 1 Corinthians 12



    Vs 3 I want you to understand … no one can say “Jesus is Lord” except in the Holy Spirit.


    Vs 4 Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit;

    Vs 5 and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord;

    VS 6 and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone.


    Vs 7 To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.


    VS 18 God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose.

    VS 23 … the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable,

    VS 25 … that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another.


    Vs 27 Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.




    Paul is writing a exposition on the gifts given to members of the church.

    But before he even gets into the specifics, he wants me, and his readers, to “understand” something first.


    I can’t even say the words” Jesus is Lord” without the Holy Spirit empowering me to do so!


    Paul then goes on to show his extreme concerns about creating division where there should be unity.


    Paul emphasizes the Unity of God, even though a Trinity”.

    He mentions the “Same Spirit”, “Same Lord”, and “Same God” in distribution and empowerment of our gifts.


    Paul then emphasizes unity within the church, even though many members.

    “There may be no division in the body” …

    “You are the body of Christ and individually members of it.”


    Paul also makes clear what the gifts are for:

    “The common good” … “that the member may have the same care for one another”.




    If I am ever inclined to think too highly of any personal gifting,

    Paul gives me these words to make sure I don’t get to full of myself.


    Before I even think about using a gift, I can’t even utter the words “Jesus is Lord” without the Spirit’s power!

    And before I think I’ve done something special to achieve my gifting, Paul makes clear,

    “God arranged the members as he chose”!


    So, if it’s all about God and His doing, am I, then, worthless?

    Absolutely NOT!!!


    After taking me down a notch in humility, Paul makes clear my significance,

    Paul states that the “weaker” members are “INDISPENSIBLE”!

    What an incredible word to use!

    This is ME! … and other “weak” members! … I am INDISPENSIBLE!

    And why am I indispensable? … Because I am in “the body of Christ”!

    And why am I in the body of Christ? …  For the “common good” … and “the same care for one another”.


    So, I can never get too proud to think I am responsible for my own gifting.

    Yet, I can also never get too down to think I am worthless or unnecessary.


    The question every human longs to answer in given here …

    I have meaning and purpose and fulfillment in the body of Christ!




    Thank you, God,

    That you choose and you arrange

    That you enable and you unite

    That we may care for one another

    In Jesus name,



  • Good Life Journal – 1 Corinthians 11


    1 Corinthians 11:31-32 – But if we judged ourselves truly, we would not be judged.  But when we are judged by the Lord, we are disciplined so that we may not be condemned along with the world

    Observation –

    Paul is warning the church at Corinth to examine themselves prior to taking communion.  We want to honor Christ’s sacrifice not make it centered on ourselves. If we judged ourselves correctly we would be repentant for our sin thereby honoring Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection.   God judges and disciplines us because he loves his children and wants them to turn from their sin back to him and not be in condemnation like those apart from Christ Jesus.


    This is a great word from Paul to the Church at Corinth of which I need to remember.  Communion is in remembrance of what Christ did for me that I was unable to do for myself.  Jesus sacrifice took me dead in my sin into life when I believed in Him.   And as a member of the body of Christ, we must take communion together.  I must be repentant and confessing of whatever sin I have in my life to accurately judge myself.  God will correct any unchecked sin as he disciplines his children who he loves to put them back on path to follow him for our good.



    Thank you for the truth in your word.  Let me remember the sacrifice Jesus made to bring me from death to life in him.  Have me examine myself and be repentant of my sin.  May I remember when God disciplines me, it is to bring me back to him for my good.

  • Good Life Journal – 1 Corinthians 9



    [19] For though I am free from all, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win more of them.


    [22] To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some. [23] I do it all for the sake of the gospel, that I may share with them in its blessings.




    For the sake of the gospel, Paul puts himself in places with people who are hard to reach. In order to reach them, he made himself much like them


    He didn’t change the gospel. He hanged his behavior to fit in with different people groups. The message didn’t change. He was consistent in leading others to Christ.




    We can, and should, adapt somewhat to fit in with others in order to share the gospel. At work, at school, at the ball field, or wherever it may be, we will be surrounded by unbelievers. We can stand with a sign and yell at them that they need to repent or they will go to hell, or we can blend in and spread the gospel through our interactions. If we let the Spirit lead us, we will know what to do and what to say in its proper timing,


    The time is ripe for false teachers in our current society. Like Paul writes in 2 Tim 4:3-4 [3] For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, [4] and will turn away from listening to the truth..


    The thing we must never do is change the gospel to fit anyone. If we end up changing the gospel so that if may feel better to certain people then it isn’t the gospel of Jesus Christ. If we end up changing the message to make it sound like if you tithe more then you will receive more, that isn’t the gospel of Jesus Christ. If we end up changing our message to conform with the contorted beliefs of a confused secular society by any other means that is not strictly in line with God’s breathed word in the bible, then it is not the gospel of Jesus Christ. In fact, these are examples of false teaching of which we are warned many times in God’s word.


    If ever in our pride we think that as true Christians we are immune to false teaching, remember Jesus’ words in Matthew 24:24 [24] For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.


    And if  ever we  think that its not really that bad to change the little bit here and there, remember John’s words in Revelation 22:18-19 [18] I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, [19] and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.




    Lord, I love you. You are my rock and my foundation. Help me be relatable to others even though I may not be just like them, so that I can share the gospel of Jesus Christ. Correct me if I ever stray and modify your Truth in any way. I pray I stick strictly to your true word and glorify you in all I do. In Jesus’ holy name, amen.

  • Good Life Journal – 1 Corinthians 5



    Vs 9 I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people —

    Vs 10 … not at all meaning the sexually immoral of this world, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters,

    since then you would need to go out of the world.


    Vs 11 But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of sexual immorality or greed, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or swindler—not even to eat with such a one.


    Vs 12 For what have I to do with judging outsiders?

    Is it not those inside the church whom you are to judge?

    Vs 13 God judges those outside.




    Paul is dismayed that the church in Corinth is embracing and celebrating sinful behavior by their members.

    They were choosing to celebrate people in the church in their worst behavior.

    And exclude people outside the church.


    They were doing the exact opposite of what Paul wanted.

    Paul clarifies that they are to go into the world where there will be immorality all around them.

    But they are to not accept the immorality of those inside the church.


    In other words, we are to judge those inside the church, but not those outside of the church.




    “Judge” is a very weighty and loaded term in our culture.

    It is helpful for me to consider that “judging” can mean two very different things.


    Judging can be “discerning”, as in deciding between what is “right or wrong” and “good or bad”.

    This I should absolutely do.

    Judging can also be “condemning”, as in to determine someone’s “guilt or innocence”,

    or in “religious” terms … to determine someone’s final destination, salvation, or even worth.

    This I should absolutely not do.


    God is the final arbiter of salvation. He does the choosing … not me!

    I also cannot determine someone’s worth … God has also done that!

    God has made everyone in His own image, and Christ has died for “the world”.

    If I am in the business of condemning, I am taking God’s place.


    I must be in the busines of discerning, though, and at this the Corinthians failed miserably.

    They were discerning evil as good.

    I must have my eyes and ears and heart sensitive to immorality in the church.


    But to evil outside of the church, Paul declares, “What have I to do with judging outsiders?


    What a message and for the church to hear … today and always!

    Is this the message outsiders hear from the church?

    Nope! In fact, the #1 word outsiders use to describe “Christians” is … “judgmental”.


    Is this me?

    In the same way I need to have awareness of immorality inside the church,

    I need to have awareness of judgmentalism inside of me!




    Thank you, God, that you are a Good Judge!

    Help me Holy Spirit to see others the way you do

    Help me live with those outside the church with the Good News

    And help me have discernment with those inside the church

    In Jesus name



  • Good Life Journal – 1 Corinthians 4

    Scripture –

    1 Corinthians 4:1-2 – This is how one should regard us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God.  Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found faithful.

    Observation –

    Paul is writing to the Corinthian church to let them know how they should receive his ministry. This is in further discussion after there was division in the church over who’s teaching to follow. Paul is a servant of Christ and thusly all he does and says should point to Christ.  A steward is one who manages or takes care of the mysteries of God.  Even more, one who teaches the word, must be steadfast in their faith.


    Paul, all the apostles and pastors are servants of Christ gifted to teach the word of God to shepherd their flock.  We should not lift anyone up or place someone on a pedestal because of their loftiness in speech or other gifting. Even the angel who God sent to tell John the things that must take place in Revelation said not to worship him as he is a fellow servant.  Jesus is the perfect servant leader who sacrificed everything to save the world form sin thereby reconciling man with God for those who believe in the name of Jesus.  As followers of Jesus we are called to serve and in doing our service we should point others to our Lord. To be an ambassador for Christ, I must be keep a faithful walk towards Jesus and focus on Him.

    Prayer –


    Thank you for the truth in your word.  Let me regard pastors and leaders as fellow servants of Christ.  Keep me focused and faithful to know you and make you known!

  • Good Life Journal – 1 Corinthians 2

    1 Cor 2


    [1] And I, when I came to you, brothers, did not come proclaiming to you the testimony of God with lofty speech or wisdom. [2] For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. [3] And I was with you in weakness and in fear and much trembling, [4] and my speech and my message were not in plausible words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, [5] so that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men bit in the power of God.


    Although Paul was learned and knew scripture well, he didn’t approach the Corintians with his own power or his own words. He let the Spirit lead him and allowed his message and speech come from the Spirit within him so that they might have faith in the Lord and not just know of him. Even Satan knows scripture and believes in God.


    As Christians, we are beacons of light in a dark world and we are called to light up the darkness. This takes action on our part. We are called into the darkness with our actions and words. It can seem overwhelming at first but with the Holy Spirit within us, we can follow Paul’s lead. We don’t need to rely on our own wisdom or our own words.

    As true believers, we can rely on the Holy Spirit tol lead us and give us words when we need them. When God puts a seeker in our path, we don’t need to be nervous about what we’ll say. We can pray and ask the Spirit to give us words.


    Lord I love you. Lead me with your Spirit in my actions and in my words. I don’t always know the right things to say when a seeker crosses my path but Lord, I know you do. I pray that you use me to your glory in all I do and all I say. In Jesus’ holy name I pray, amen.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 72

    5/16/21 Sunday

    Journal Ps 72 (all references are from the ESV; changes in punctuation are mine)

    Scripture: “May prayer be made for him continually, and blessings invoked for him all the day!  May there be abundance of grain in the land; on the tops of the mountains may it wave; may its fruit be like Lebanon and my people blossom in the cities like the grass of the field!


    May his Name endure forever, his fame continue as long as the sun!


    May people be blessed in him, (may) all nations call him blessed!


    Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, who alone does wondrous things.  Blessed is his glorious name forever; may the whole earth be filled with his glory!”  Ps 72:15b-19


    Observation: David is a great example to follow in prayer.  Psalms points out that I don’t pray about God enough; my prayers seem to be more…pragmatic and about me and my concerns.


    Analysis:  I contend that the Psalms are the best example of personal, godly, conduct to imitate that we have in the Bible, and especially about prayer.

    I examine and review my prayer life (what little of it is right now) and that word—pragmatic—seems to be the right word to describe it.

    “Father, do this for me, do that for me, make (so and so) happen for me…oh, yeah…do the same for Jim, Joe, John, and Rachel’s family.  Make them well.  Please.  In your name, AMEN.”

    Nothing wrong with the above, but maybe plenty if after 5-10 years, that’s all I have—no progression in my prayer life.  I get (and have observed) that my prayer life ebbs and flows in the duration of time.  I can pinpoint things that negatively affect my prayers:

    • Lack of frequent fellowship, especially making and pursuing fellowship that revolves around Jesus and His Word. Note: I must be developing genuine friendships to lubricate those relationships as well.  This is hard and takes effort, determination, and sacrifice to achieve the objective.
    • Lack of private worship. I must have music in my life; I need to cultivate a song in my soul.  For me, the music that comes out of the world, no matter how attractive it sounds, must be decided that it is no match for Christian music that has lyrics that point resolutely to the Gospel. It could be that Christian top 40 doesn’t meet the criteria.
    • Lack of reading on the side. Not everyone is like me.  I want reading that causes me to think and think deeply—not necessarily to pump me up for action like some sort of self-help, management book—but something that will help me discover who, why, and what is the depth of God.  I am partial to Piper, Bridges, Sproul, and some others—but not many others.

    These are only 3 comments.  There are at least 4 more, maybe 10 in total, that could be designated necessary for a Christian walk that is intentionally pursuing maturity.

    Prayer: Father, may your Name be lifted high in all the Earth!

    Goodness, I don’t pray like this and when I do these days, it sounds like so much rote.  Guess I have to start (again) somewhere.  Kindle my heart into flame, O God.  Blow upon the fading embers of my soul and make them hot again.

    I pray for revival, let it start in me.


  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 68



    Vs 1 God shall arise, his enemies shall be scattered …
    Vs 2 As smoke is driven away, so you shall drive them away;
    as wax melts before fire, so the wicked shall perish before God!

    Vs 3 But the righteous shall be glad; they shall exult before God;
    they shall be jubilant with joy!


    Vs 5 Father of the fatherless and protector of widows is God in his holy habitation.
    vs 6 God settles the solitary in a home…
    but the rebellious dwell in a parched land.


    Vs 10 your flock found a dwelling in your goodness,

    O God, you provided for the needy.


    Vs 11 The Lord gives the word …
    vs 14 the Almighty scatters kings …

    Vs 19 Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears us up; God is our salvation. Selah

    VS 28 Summon your power, O God,
    the power, O God, by which you have worked for us.

    Vs 34 Ascribe power to God …
    VS 35 Awesome is God from his sanctuary;
    the God of Israel—he is the one who gives power and strength to his people.
    Blessed be God!




    A psalm about Judgement and Justice,

    But more importantly about where that judgment and justice are rooted …

    Power and Goodness … the power and goodness of the almighty God!


    Some will suffer for it.

    Some will celebrate it.

    We should plea for all to welcome it!




    This is a rare time in history where “judgement” is seen as a terrible thing.

    Throughout history a good and right judge would have been pleaded for by people.

    Why? Because it would have meant justice.

    And there can be no justice without judgement.


    History is a long story of the powerful dominating and defeating the powerless.

    Corruption, authoritarians, and warlords have ruled throughout time.

    The dominated and defeated would have begged for a good and righteous judge.


    It says something about how comfortable our times are that judgement is scorned.

    Or, perhaps, it says something about how guilty our times are.


    Who does not welcome a righteous judge? … The guilty!


    But with the One True God, I can welcome His Judgement.

    Because of His Good Power … with His Judgement, come Justice.


    Justice, however, not because I am innocent, but because God is good.

    And I have “found a dwelling in His goodness”.

    And it is “the Lord who daily bears me up”.

    “God is my salvation” … not me!


    So, I can “be glad” … and “exult before God” and “be jubilant with joy” …

    Because God has “worked His power and strength for me”!


    God merely “gives a word” and then “his sanctuary” becomes my “holy habitation”!

    Blessed be God!




    Thank you, God, for your Word.

    Thank you, God, for your Judgement and Justice.

    Thank you that you are Good

    Help me prayer for and invite others into your goodness

    In Jesus name



  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 66

    Scripture –

    Psalm 66:18-20– If I had cherished iniquity in my heart, the Lord would not have listened.  But truly God has listened; he has attended to the voice of my prayer.  Blessed be God because he has not rejected my prayer or removed his steadfast love from me!

    Observation –

    There is recognition by the psalmist that God does not listen to prayers offered from a sinful or immoral heart.  However God does hear and pay attention to the prayer of someone submitted humbly to the grace of a loving God.  God is deserving of praise for his steadfast love of his children!


    As I read, pray this psalm I realize I must be humbly positioned before God not having any sin in my heart when I seek God in prayer. God’s grace in sending Jesus provides my access to a Holy God and covers all my sin.  I should approach God not as perfect but redeemed and in love for how he has loved me unconditionally.  In an ever changing increasingly secular world, God’s love is faithful, unchanging and deserving of praise.

    Prayer –


    Thank you for the truth in your word and your steadfast love!  Let me be truly repentant and loving in my prayers for hearts, minds to be changed to do your will and glorify you.