Author: Good Life Church

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 37

    Psalm 37


    [1] Fret not yourself because of evildoers;
    be not envious of wrongdoers!
    [2] For they will soon fade like the grass
    and wither like the green herb.
    [3] Trust in the Lord, and do good;
    dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness.
    4 Delight yourself in the Lord,
    and he will give you the desires of your heart.


    Don’t worry and get worked up about with evildoers or envious of what they seem to get from their wrong doing.  Their seeming happiness is superficial. There is not true joy there.

    Just like grass and herbs, they will last a season and fade away. Certainly, if they don’t repent of their evil ways, their time will be limited.

    Rather than fill ourselves with worry about evildoers, trust in the Lord and fill ourselves with his truth and faithfulness. If we are filled with this, there is no room for worry and envy for wrongdoers.

    As we truly continually delight ourselves in the Lord he will give us the desires of our heart. Why? Because delighting ourselves in him means we feel the joy of serving him and walking in his light. It means that the desires of our hearts are actually coming from the desires of his heart.


    As we navigate this life, how often do we see people who look successful, or look happy, or look influential and powerful, or whatever.. and we feel that they are evildoers or they acquired their success, money, happiness wrongly? Judge them now Lord. Why are they in this place and I’m struggling? Sometimes these seem like good questions but David is telling us not to fret over that. It’s really not our business and they with wither like seasonal herbs and grass if they don’t repent.

    If we trust in the Lord, dwell with him and delight in him, we will have joy. We will have the desires of our heart because our heart will align with his. Our salvation comes for free. We didn’t do anything to earn it. All we needed to do was accept him as Lord and savior. He will give us true joy from our faithfulness in him and walking in his light, and our true alignment with his will.


    Lord I love you. I trust you. Keep me focused on being faithful to you and living within your will. I feel like it’s a muddy line sometimes Lord, so give me wisdom and discernment. Guide me with your Spirit and help me change what you want me to change but also and help me not fret about wrongdoers. In Jesus’ mighty name I pray, amen.

  • Good Life Journal – 3 John

    3/15/21 Monday

    Journal 3 John (all references are from the ESV; changes in punctuation are mine)

    Scripture: (speaking to Gaius) “Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you many be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.


    For I rejoiced greatly when the brothers came and testified to your truth, as indeed you are walking in the truth.  I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” 3 John 2-4


    Observation: What makes an apostle happy?  When there is a secret, objective report about your charges’ evidences of Grace…

    Analysis: There have been a few times in my life where other adults/parents came to me about my boys.  Their testimony?  “Your son is a joy to have visit.  He is so kind and polite…”, etc. etc.  Their mom or stepmom would say, “Thank you for saying so” amidst a blush, but me?  I would immediately snap my head around and say, “Who are you talking to?  You can’t be talking about ____” (even though I was so proud of them).

    I would, later that day, pull that son privately off to the side and tell him about the comment and add my own comments of appreciation and observations.

    What do pastors do?  In reality, pastors and church leaders should get these kinds of observations and compliments every so often, but there is something more important, more key: who are watching for Evidences of Grace?

    Some brothers came to John; they told John about what they saw in Gaius; and John rejoiced greatly/his heart burst in Joy, great Joy.  Why?

    1. Gaius is walking in the truth.
    2. It is publicly evident (cp 1 Tim 3:15)
    3. The brothers thought so much of Gaius, they told John.
    4. John was rejoicing that the Brothers were walking in the Commandments as well.

    Walking in the truth has a circling effect: I serve, and by serving, I am served: I confirm the Living Word.

    Heb 3:13, “But exhort (or encourage) one another every day (as long as it is called today) that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin…”

    This is where that phrase “looking for evidences of Grace” is derived from.

    As far as I have been able to discover, this is the only place where I am instructed to take participation in another believer’s sin life.  Do I want to curtail the deceit of sin in so and so’s life?  Look for evidences of Grace and tell him what you see.  Wives, look for evidences in your Husband’s life.  Husband’s: look for evidences in your Wives’ life.  Of course, do that for your Children, but I will step out on a limb and say this practice is more helpful in a marriage relationship.  I am firm about this.

    Outside the family, practice this as well.  Most believers in the local Church don’t think they are cared for.  Sometimes this leads to hardening of the heart, if not hardening and squandering their faith.

    Here is something frequent: “I don’t notice someone’s evidence of Grace and tell them BECAUSE I want that done to me!!  See my evidence of Grace!!  All I do is notice someone else…”

    Yep, that is a problem.  Happens more often than is realized.  Gotta get over that, vocally lay it at the Cross and trust that God sees AND collects your tears.  Serve Him by serving another.

    Prayer:  Father, there is Heb 3:13 and a few others that are truly transformative as a Disciple—I am convinced of that.  Kind of like core books every person (and particularly Men) should have in their personal library, these directive, emphatic Scripture references should be tattooed on the tablet of my heart.

    Revive me, O God.


  • Good Life Journal – 2 John

    Journal 2 John (all references are from the ESV; changes in punctuation are mine)

    Scripture: “I rejoiced greatly to find some of your children walking in the truth, just as we were commanded by the Father.


    And now I ask you, dear lady—not as though I were writing you a new commandment, but the one we have had from the beginning—that we love one another.


    And this is love: That we walk according to his commandments…” 2 John 4-6a


    Observation:  Boy, howdy: Don’t the letters from John just set up for cherry picking scripture power quotes?  Someone could miss the forest for the tree…

    Analysis: Here’s the oft-quoted reference: “…that we love one another…”

    It really doesn’t require a definition because everyone knows what loving one another is, right?  I wonder…

    I am sitting here trying to put a definition to “love one another” and I can “feel” what it is but am having a difficult time to concisely be objective.  “Loving one another” from one POV means:

    • Making someone happy and/or comfortable.
    • Making someone have a smile on their face.
    • Taking care of someone’s need (or sometimes, wants).
    • Being selfless (or not selfish, which it is more often taught to children).

    and while I can dig around and find some scripture reference for these, most folks “wing it” emotionally.  Not saying that is bad but am insinuating it is shallow.

    The Holy Spirit puts a firmness in the definition: “And this is love: That we walk according to His Commandments.”

    I have to ask myself: What comes first, the Chicken or the Egg?  Do I learn what Love is before loving (no matter how I define it), or do I “Love one another” and call it a day?

    Survey says…. Love one another according to what I think is right and in parallel learn what “Right Love” is and change my mind and ways appropriately.  This is the “make it up as you go” side of things, where I know I should do something and still learn upon the way—correct my actions as I find out what Jesus says to do…

    The point I am attempting to reinforce is commitment to learn.  Walking according to His Commandments is not a “one and done” exercise.  Here’s an example:

    Earlier this week I had an opportunity to expound on “overcoming temptation” by employment of an action plan.  The words came out well, made sense, were concise and clear and was met with nodding heads of understanding.  All well and good, right?  So what happened?

    All this week, after expounding on my point, using a specific issue in my life, I have been struggling on that same sin—morning, noon, and night.  In public and not.  Imagination running wild.

    Conclusion: when I thought I had a sin whipped, I don’t…and God is good to remind me that, along with learning, planning, execution of plan, I need to resoundingly reside in His loving arms of Grace.

    So, how do I love, love more, and excel in loving like Christ does?  No question about it, Study and pursue His Commandments.

    Prayer:  I am grateful that you kick over the boundaries of my pride, Father.  About the time I am proudly reviewing I have something licked, you show me I don’t…and that I need to lean on You in desperation and dependence.

    Help me to abhor independence, for independence is repugnant to you.

    Revival is what I want…


  • Good Life Journal – 1 John 5

    Journal 1 John 5 (all references are from the ESV; changes in punctuation are mine)

    Scripture: “Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born of God, and everyone who loves the Father loves whoever has been born of Him.


    By this we know that we love the children of God: When we love God and obey his commandments.


    For this is the love of God: That we keep His commandments.  And His commandments are not burdensome.  For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world.  And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.  Who is it that overcomes the world except the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?” 1 Jn 5:1-5


    Observation: Belief is directly related to obedience to His Commandments.  Does that mean that disobedience to His Commandments is directly related to functional non-belief?  That, no matter what a person says about “believing” or having “faith”, if it isn’t coupled with active pursuit of obedience to His commands, that person’s faith is useless and invalid?

    Analysis: Invalid faith; functional non-belief—this addresses an open hole in speaking about the Gospel: Is pursuing God fervently equal to Biblical belief/Faith?  Or does the statement “I believe” meet the mark, the minimum requirement of proclaimed Salvation?

    John presents a number of “if/then” statements above, such as, “If I love God, then I obey his commandments.”  But the Church at large is reluctant to put this measure into any Statement of Faith.  Goodness gracious, I noticed that back when I was 15 years old and observing both the preaching and the condition of congregations, opting instead to less challenging language and more “positive” and encompassing statements of mission.

    Candidly, I don’t know for sure, but I do know what I think—I just don’t know how it fits in God’s function of Grace and Mercy.  Instead, I write and teach (and preach to my face in the mirror) that I have to ask the Holy Spirit where I am deficient—and trust that where I ask for illumination, He will provide.

    What I cannot do is to preach condemnation to specific people without being objective in the Scriptures to myself first.

    Example: in 1 Peter and Ephesians, Peter and Paul communicated about Husband and Wife roles in marriage.  They both used gentle but blunt language, very clear, descriptive, and decisive instructions.  I am comfortable talking to Husbands, less so to Wives.  So, what do I do when I have to talk with wives?  “Here is what the Scriptures say, read them for yourself and take your concerns and disagreements to the Father directly.  Do not lean on your own understanding… or mine… (Prov 3:5b)”

    Sounds like a chicken, right?  Sounds, walks, talks…must be.  No argument with me.  Want to be bold in Christ?  Try talking about this…

    Boldness in Christ is practiced by being bold with the face in the mirror; by asking for illumination and when the Holy Spirit provides it, be recklessly candid with my reflection in the mirror.  2 Cor 13:5 “Examine yourself—See if you are in the Faith.”

    “All have sinned, all come short of the Glory of God… (Ro 3:23), even those who think they are pursuing God with everything they have.  It is separating God’s Sovereignty in the Gospel/Salvation from Human Responsibility with clear thinking and understanding.

    Being transparent, I know and can enumerate daily where I fail, where I don’t walk worthy of the Gospel.

    I also know that I must greet the new day with hope and faith, hitching up my pants for another day to grow in Christ and do what He wants me to do. (cp. Lam 3, esp. v. 19-24)

    Prayer: Father, your Word, “But this I call to mind; therefore, I have hope…” has to be one of the most encouraging and visionary verses I have encountered in the Scriptures.  Remembering is necessary.  Not just bringing memorized verses to mind but remembering your specific mercy and grace in my personal life.

    I am so very grateful for your Hand, encouraging me to pursue You fiercely.

    Revive me, O God


  • Good Life Journal – 1 John 4

    1 John 4




    Vs 4 … he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.

    Vs 9 … God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him.

    Vs 14 … the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world


    Vs 17 By this is love perfected with us, so that we may have confidence for the day of judgment, because as he is so also are we in this world

    Vs 18 There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. … whoever fears has not been perfected in love.

    Vs 19 We love because he first loved us.

    Vs 20 If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar.




    John is emphasizing what God has done for us.

    God has come into the world for us.

    God has come into the world that we might live … He is our Savior.


    This was an act of ultimate love.

    As a result, we are like He is, “perfected in love”, even though we are still “in this world”.


    What is the result of this perfected love in us?

    One result is an abstention of something from us … FEAR! … We have NOTHING TO FEAR now!

    The other result is an overflow from us … LOVE! … We have EVERYTHING TO LOVE now!




    What is the greatest motivator of my day to day activity?… Perhaps it is too often “habit” and/or “instinct”.

    In the most mundane moments or days … I’m just taking daily routine from one moment or task to the next, to the next, etc.

    When routine become disturbed, and action outside of the routine and ordinary are called for … What then?

    Do I fall into “instinct”? … Fight or Flight?

    Engage the new situation or flee from the new circumstance?

    These ultimately are based on Fear!

    Fear of loss, fear of danger, fear of heartache, fear of pain,

    Fear of suffering, fear of opportunity loss, fear of embarrassment,

    Fear of shame, fear of humiliation, fear of failure, fear of being wrong,

    Even … fear of evil.


    But greater is God who is IN me than anything I could ever engage in the world!

    I have the love of Christ in me!

    I am perfected in Christ!


    So, I have absolutely nothing to fear … ever again … for any reason … truly EVER!!


    Do I actually believe this?

    Well, am I ever afraid? … I am afraid so … (pun intended)!


    So, I go back to “abiding” … God in me & me in God.

    I am forgiven. I am saved. I am perfected.

    I am loved. So that now … I can love … without fear.




    Thank you, God, that you first loved me.

    Help me Spirit to love You and others in return.

    Remind me that I have nothing to fear.

    Open my eyes to who

    And give me courage as to when

    I must love

    In Jesus name,



  • Good Life Journal – 1 John 3

    Scripture –

    1 John 3:23 – And this is his commandment, that we believe in the name of his Son Jesus Christ and love one another, just as he has commanded us.

    Observation –

    John is instructing the church how we are to abide in God.  We are to believe in the name of Jesus as the Son of God, our risen Lord and savior. In response to the love of Christ, we are commanded to love Him and our neighbors.


    I must believe in the name of Jesus as the only name in which there is salvation and reconciliation to God the Father.  Faith first, then follow Jesus.  Jesus did not tell the disciples to believe in me and go about your old ways.  When we believe in Christ we are new creation in and through Him.  The love of Jesus is the most powerful thing in the world and the only thing to change hearts and lives.  We are called to love as Jesus loved us first. I can’t claim to love Jesus and have malice in my heart for those who don’t love me or support a Biblical worldview.  There is Spiritual warfare going on all around us and prayer is our weapon.  I can’t allow myself to be sucked into the world and deceived by the enemy.  I must seek first the Kingdom in Word and prayer. My response to those who don’t love us and want to shut us down needs to be prayer.  This is not a suggestion when convenient or within certain criteria, rather a commandment from God.

    Prayer –


    Thank you for loving me and sending Jesus to pay for my sins so I can repent, be reconciled and have a relationship with you.  Let the Spirit give me strength, courage in my faith to love you and love others so they can see you.

  • Good Life Journal – 1 John 2

    Journal 1 John 2 (all references are from the ESV; changes in punctuation are mine)

    Scripture: “My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin.


    But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.  He is the propitiation for our sins—and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world.


    And by this we know that we have come to know him if we keep his commandments.  Whoever says “I know Him” but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the Truth is not in him, but…whoever keeps His Word, in him truly the love of God is perfected.


    By this we may know that we are in Him (Jesus): whoever says he abides in Him (Jesus) ought to walk in the same way in which He (Jesus) walked.”  1 Jn 2:1-6


    Observation: Walking worthy of the Gospel—all the Apostles say the same thing.  When I look in the mirror, I should be able to see (most times squinting) Jesus being formed in me.

    Ask that question to the face in the mirror…

    Analysis: My Sin or Love: which would I rather talk about?  Shucks, is that even a serious question?

    Here’s how this can be reasoned out: “Of course I sin; that is why Jesus died for me, so I am forgiven my sin.  Jesus died for me because He loves me.  Therefore, I am forgiven my sin and safe in His Love.”  I am not an active participant in this, I passively accept His Grace and describe His Love.  Who’s active?  God is active (God’s Sovereignty).  Who’s passive?  I am passive (excepting for that ambiguous word “accept” which is probably translated better as “acknowledge” — Human Responsibility).

    How do I deal with the subject of Sin?  John didn’t forget the importance of Sin (walking, living in disobedience) from hanging around Jesus.  (Clarity: I am not talking about Adam’s Sin in me (which that forgiveness comes from the Atonement); I am talking about the indwelling Sin that, despite being forgiven, still has to be worked out by pressing into obedience, i.e., walking worthy of the Gospel.

    Jesus said this:

    • “If you love me, you will keep my commandments…” John 14:15
    • “If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in His Love.” John 15:10
    • Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me.  And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.” John 14:21

    Jesus also said this about the great commission: “…teaching them (people) to observe all that I have commanded you…” Matt 28:20

    Emphasizing observing direction, instruction, commandments, etc. sounds so much like “Works”, such a nasty word to many: “Wadda ya mean I have to change my ways and do stuff like keep commandments?  Aren’t I saved from “dead works?”  Can’t I just “luvvvvv?”

    Back to the top of this section: Talking about love is easy; it can be passive, emotional language.  Talking about love as an active, objective, declaration of intent of action is way more difficult; especially when the obstacles to Biblical Love need to be recognized—Sin, Indwelling Sin.

    There are two operative words associated with the obstacles to Biblical Love:

    1. Confession, and;
    2. Repentance.

    If I want to be a growing, maturing, disciple of Jesus Christ, keeping His commandments because I love Him, then I better get more acquainted with these two words than just being able to find them in a dictionary.

    PS: If I want to witness well and lead folks to Christ, then Confession and Repentance better be a part of the invitation so that I am not misleading folks in error.

    Prayer: Lord, I would be the first one to admit that I don’t have the gift of evangelism.  It’s not that I don’t care for souls, it is making disciples I care for.

    Please make my words pleasing in your Sight, O Lord.

    Bring revival to my heart,


  • Good Life Journal – 1 John 1


    [5] This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. [6] If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. [7] But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.


    John lets us know that this message came from God and is proclaimed through John. These are not simply John’s interpretation of his own thoughts.

    Unlike anything of this world, there is no darkness in God. God is perfect, he has no sin, he is pure, he is light.

    Continually baited by Satan and his minions through our sin nature, we will unfortunately sin and feel the results of our sin. We are not perfect like Jesus. But stepping off God’s path doesn’t necessarily mean we are walking in darkness. Walking in darkness means we are not walking in God’s light since God is pure light. Walking in darkness means a lifestyle of sin; continually walking outside where the Spirit would lead us. Walking outside pf God’s light means you cannot be in fellowship with him.

    If we walk in his light, we are walking where the Spirit leads us within God’s will. We are then in fellowship with him. When we stray, and since we are not perfect we will stray, we must repent and will be cleansed by Jesus’ blood. The good news is that the blood of Jesus cleanses us from past, present, and future sins but we are to repent and walk in his light.


    Being pure light, God has no room for my sin. Not even a little bit. I can’t take what I like from his Word and apply it when I want to. I can’t take new testament grace and leave old testament judgement behind. I must take it all as his truth, otherwise I am not in fellowship with him. God and his truth are the same today as they were yesterday and as they will be tomorrow.

    My salvation is real. Through the blood of Jesus I am forgiven for sins I have committed and sins I have yet to commit. But that doesn’t mean I can walk in darkness living a life of sin. I need to first recognize sin and then repent of my sins in order to walk in his light.

    But that’s only part of our required action. Combine those last two thoughts with this – We are commanded to love others as Jesus loves us. “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you” (John 15:12, ESV). So, if we abide by that commandment and really love others as Jesus loves us, we can’t sit back and let the darkness surround others without speaking up. We can’t sit back and let others think that they can take a little of God’s Word, the parts that feel good, and ignore the rest. We can’s sit back and let others think that it’s okay to give up some of our religious freedom (only a little poop in the brownie), succumbing Satan’s darkness. No, if we love them, we need to help them see the Truth and the Light, pointing biblically to their straying from God’s will. With all of Jesus’ truth, we did not sit back and let the darkness drive out the light. He spoke up.

    What does that look like in your life – the action call to speak up and help others see the Truth and the Light while not ignoring God’s consistent judgement of sin?


    Lord thank you for loving me. Thank you for showing me your light and guiding me with your Spirit. I pray that I have the strength to walk in your light even as I’m attacked through my weakness to waver from it. Lead me with your Spirit and give me words when I need them, to help others recognize when they’re giving in to sin and not seeing their paths slowly heading into deep darkness far from your will. In Jesus’ mighty name I pray, amen.

  • Good Life Journal – 2 Peter 3

    Journal 2 Pet 3 (all references are from the ESV; changes in punctuation are mine)

    Scripture: “Since all these things are thus to be dissolved, what sort of people ought you to be in lives of holiness and godliness, waiting for and hastening the coming of the day of God…


    Therefore, beloved, since you are waiting for these, be diligent to be found by him without spot or blemish, and at peace…


    …take care that you are not carried away with the error of lawless people and lose your own stability.  But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. (excerpts from 2 Pet 3:11-18)


    Observation:  Reading the Epistles, I cannot get away from the clear instruction to grow in Grace, Godliness, and Knowledge of God.

    Analysis: If I were to take the New Testament and jot down all the themes I ran across and then put them in some order of importance by frequency of mention, I wonder what I would find?

    It would be an interesting exercise.  I wonder what most folks would come up as number one, would really be number one?  Would it rock my Christian world?  Would it cause me to rethink a focus?

    Peter is asking a sincere but introspective question: “…what sort of people ought you to be…”, and then provides some answers:

    • “…in lives of holiness…and godliness…”
    • “…be diligent…to be found…without spot or blemish AND at peace…”
    • Do not “…get carried away with the error of lawless people…”
    • “…and lose your own stability…”
    • “…grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ…”

    Paul says, “…work out your own salvation with fear and trembling…” (Phil 2:12b) This is a serious statement, not to doubters, but to Disciples.  If I am candid about the Gospel concerning myself, what happens on the Eternal Realm is one thing—what happens with me DAILY on the road to the Kingdom is another.  That is why the call to be diligent to be found by Jesus on THAT DAY without spot or blemish is that important.

    Clarification A: Again, on the Eternal Realm, Jesus is my Atonement, He is my Redeemer, He is the Lamb killed for my Sin.  His work on the Cross is the subject and foundation of my Faith to Salvation.  Grace, no works needed.

    Clarification B: I cannot take advantage and ignore that I have been called to be His Servant, to be like Him, to REPENT from my sinful ways (indeed all my old life) and to pursue the calling of the Most High, walk WORTHY of the Gospel.

    I have to ask myself DAILY, “Am I walking, conducting my life WORTHY of the calling in which He called me?  Am I worthy of the Gospel?  I cannot embrace the response “Of course I am not worthy, that is why it is called Grace.”  If I respond this way, I have lost the reason for the question in the first place.

    Jesus is worthy of all praise…and adoration.  If I adore Jesus, then I have to consider my wants, etc. forfeit to His.  I cannot be “carried way” by the lawless character of Sin.

    It means I have become and stay serious to follow Christ.

    Prayer:  “Jesus, everlasting King, receive the tribute that we bring…” (Isaac Watts)  That’s what I forget at times—that my life, as unworthy a tribute that could be found, is the only thing that I can offer for your great Gift of Redemption…

    Help me to declare your majesty through the jewel of the Gospel to the face in the mirror and to others as you present.  Help me prepare for the poor in my community, setting aside worldly reason, but to be faithful according to my faith.

    For those who need to be reminded of your faithful Hand in their calling to be a Disciple of the Most High, help them remember.

    Revive me, O God.


  • Good Life Journal – 2 Peter 2

    Journal 2 Pet 2 (all references are from the ESV; changes in punctuation are mine)

    Scripture: “And we have the prophetic word more fully confirmed, to which you will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts—knowing this first of all: that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone’s own interpretation.  For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.


    But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction.  And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed.  And in their greed, they will exploit you with false words.” 2 Pet 1:19-2:3a


    Observation: The Word of God is Sovereign and Supreme and, as much as it is Superior, false teachers with false teaching of false doctrine will surely follow.  According to this, and to the historical example, it is inevitable.

    So, what should be done?

    Analysis:  I know what is wrong with false teaching!!

    It’s wrong, that’s what wrong with false teaching…but sounds just right enough to be plausible.  It is like plotting a course on the ocean.  If I am just 1 degree off, I will not get to my destination plotted.

    If I am going 3,000 miles—1 degree can equal 300 miles off course on 3,000.  What about this journey in Christ?  What if I get 1 degree off, and that 1 degree affects every other doctrine I am exposed to?  What if that 1 degree off causes me to ignore something I shouldn’t ignore?

    False prophets/teachers: Paul and John refer to them as well.  Almost every Letter has a section that says, “Beware the false, they are coming to feast on you.”  Jesus: “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves…” (Matt 7:15)

    What do a lot of people do?  They restrict their intake of learning.  A bunch may say, “I just believe in Jesus and that’s enough.”  And consequently, they stay children, immature in the Ways of God—where Scripture specifically indicates that the path of a Christian is to grow in the knowledge of the Most High God.  Therefore, by saying, “I will just believe in Jesus and that’s all”, they are actively disobeying God.

    It is imperative for Believers to learn, to increase in Knowledge of God, to study to show themselves approved—ACCURATELY handling the word of Truth (c. 2 Tim 2:15)

    How do I do that?  How do I pursue that Path?  Candidly with fear and trembling on one hand, full confidence in the Holy Spirit on another.  My book intake is restricted to a couple of dozen authors, and nobody new.  If someone’s book hasn’t served the test of time for a couple of decades or more, they are not one my shelf.

    Another check off: Local men have to hang for a while; I need to see them, hang out with them, observe how they conduct themselves—Is their life consistent with their testimony?  Age: too much to talk about on that subject.

    If the Gospel doesn’t pepper a person’s speech, evaluate.  If the subjects of Sin, Repentance, Atonement (not salvation, all those things that lead up to salvation), self-control, servanthood, humility, etc. are foreign to my lips—then it is time to examine myself; see if I am in the Faith (c. 2 Cor 13:5)

    Prayer: Father, it is time for the Church to become deep in You.  How we get there is only by Your Hand, Holy Spirit.  Help me, empower me to do my part in pursuing You.

    Create revival in me,


  • Good Life Journal – 2 Peter 1

    Journal 2 Pet 1 (all references are from the ESV; changes in punctuation are mine)

    Scripture: “To those who have obtained a faith of equal standing with ours by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ.  May grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.


    His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence…” 2 Pet 1:1b-3


    Observation:  Calling and how calling is confirmed: through His divine power and His living Word.  Goal?  The knowledge of Him by His own glory and excellence.

    Analysis:  Every so often I have to get off my high horse and get down to brass tacks.

    The above is about preaching the Gospel to myself.  I find that I can have this “better than you” attitude and forget that this Kingdom journey involves a ton of people that God is doing things with individually and at a possible different pace.

    But what I can defer to always, is the objective Word of God, which reveals two things:

    1. My salvation is all of God and of Jesus.
    2. The power to live a life of Godliness is all a grant of Him, the Triune God.

    Even the unction of mission stems from these two things: I am not actively embracing and pursuing these, all other works may fall.  Still, it is God and always God, with boneheaded me just trying to respond to His direction.

    The Holy Ghost (thought I would use that today—something different) reminded me that a tendency I have is to get a little arrogant (ok, a lot arrogant) when I think I have learned something.

    But right here in the first sentence: “To those…who have obtained a faith…a faith of EQUAL standing with ours…”  Peter did not have a “holier than thou” attitude.  Look how gentle and reasonable he is in this greeting.  I am imagining arms around me, welcoming this stranger (me) as a brother.

    I want to be like that—discerning, but welcoming.

    Prayer: Father, this is one area that I fail in a lot.  For some, especially if they are saying that they call on your Name, my eyes squint and I immediately go into x-ray vision mode—intense to discern what they are about—and lose any sense of love of the brotherhood.

    Help me figure this out, please, that I may honor You in every aspect of my life.


  • Good Life Journal – 1 Peter 5

    1 Peter 5




    vs 7 … cast all your anxieties on Him (God), because He cares for you.


    Vs 9 Resist him (the devil), firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world.

    Vs 10 And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.




    Peter gives some final commands and encouragement to his readers.

    Peter provides extraordinary reasons for his commands.

    Peter also provides extraordinary results for those who follow through on his encouragement.


    “Cast all your anxieties on God!” … WHY? … “Because He cares for you!!”


    “Stand firm in your faith!” … WHY? … “You are not alone in your suffering! Other Christians are experiencing it around the world!”


    “Endure suffering for a little while!” … WHY? … “Christ will retore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you forever and ever!”




    Well it seems to me this morning that this is the whole deal … “Trust God because He is Good!”


    If I trust myself, what will I do? … I will worry and be anxious!

    If I trust God what will I do? … Put my worries and anxieties on Him!


    But I can’t just trust God to be “capable” or “able to handle it”.

    I must trust that God is actually … “Good” … that He has my interests in mind, that He knows what is best for me!


    This goes beyond even trusting God for “forgiveness of sins”, or even “salvation”.

    Certainly those are included, but this puts me in the position of trusting God for right now … this moment … and the next … and the next!

    I will only do this if I truly believe God “cares for me”!


    My life may not go as I would have planned it, but I will be in good hands along the way.

    As Aslan is described in “The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe” … “He is not safe, but He is … GOOD!”


    And as life, perhaps, is not going according to my plan … suffering is real and happening … I can maintain Faith!

    I can know that I am part of a family, connected, united with brothers and sisters that share in both … my struggle and my faith.


    And this struggle is temporary … there is another side to the struggle.

    I know this is so many other smaller “sufferings”:

    “Eat your vegetables” … I need the nutrition.

    “Do the workout” … I’ll be healthier afterward.

    “Discipline my child” … I’ll have an enjoyable, mature relationship.


    I don’t want to do any of those things … in the moment!

    But if I can have an eternal … forever … beyond this moment perspective … everything changes!


    I am not alone today in my struggle.

    And I am not alone for eternity in my “restored glory in Christ”!

    (Unfathomable! … the unsearchable riches of Christ!)


    But I must maintain the vision and firmly rooted faith that right now, today, in this moment … God cares for me!




    Thank you, Father, that You are GOOD!

    I can trust you today.

    I can give you every worry.

    And you have open arms to receive them all.

    But thank you, especially, that you open your arms to receive me!

    In Jesus name,



  • Good Life Journal – 1 Peter 4

    Scripture –

    1 Peter 4:19 – Therefore let those who suffer according to God’s will entrust their souls to a faithful Creator while doing good.

    Observation –

    Peter is concluding chapter 4 by saying we are to live for Christ and follow His will for our life which will include suffering.  We trust our souls to our always faithful unchanging Creator God.  As a response to the grace of God’s love and salvation, we are live out our faith in good works thereby pointing others towards Him.


    We are called to follow God’s will not out of human motivation but in response to a changed heart/life by the love of the Gospel.  There is going to be suffering in this life on earth.  The question is are we going to suffer out of human desires/sin or suffer for God’s will to follow Him who has given us everything?  God has formed us in our mother’s womb, given us each breath that we take and paid our sin debt in full through Jesus’ sacrificial death for all who believe in His name.  We are to live a life of love and service for others not to have more good days to earn salvation but to share the love of Christ that we have received and glorify Him.

    Prayer –


    Thank you for this encouraging word from Peter to the early church in places where persecution was real and part of daily life.  Let your word/Spirit give me strength and courage to follow your will no matter the obstacles or the cost.  Let my suffering be  to honor you not my own desires.


  • Good Life Journal – 1 Peter 3 – Husbands

    3/3/21 Wednesday

    Journal 1 Pet 3 Husbands (all references are from the ESV; changes in punctuation are mine)

    Scripture: “Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life—so that your prayers may not be hindered.” 1 Pet 3:7


    Observation: Peter has a word to the wives; Peter has a word to the husbands.  Each one has challenges for the Believer, staring at the instruction for each, personal sin to cause trembling before Jesus.  Tough subject, lots of resistance involved… Want to talk about gender roles in the Church?  Fear and trembling abound…


    Analysis: I will talk about husbands because I am one.


    I think that I have broken every command that Scripture has given towards conduct to my wife.  Therefore, I may be an authority on what NOT to do.  I am certainly not alone.


    Here is a frequent wrong: “Live with your wives in an understanding way…”  Early in marriage life (like all of my marriage life) I lean to “live with your wife in a condescending way…”  The key phrase that gets me to that is the “…the woman as the weaker vessel…” appeals to my pride.


    If I focus on the “weaker vessel” phrase, which then becomes “I am strong, you are weak” (condescending thinking), I am so far off the mark where Jesus wants me to be.  “Therefore, be imitators of God (as beloved children).  And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us…” (Eph 5:1-2a)  It is not the exertion of authority or power, but imitating Jesus who walked in love and sacrifice: the vision of a godly husband.


    I am learning that my place is to disciple my wife.  I have a goal: “Husbands: Love your wives as Christ loved the Church and gave himself up for her.  (Reason) … that he might sanctify her having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word.  So that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish.” (Eph 5:24-27)


    There was a time that I was ambitious in the church and, to complete my ambition, my household needed to be in order.  That meant my wife needed to get in line.  But I proved that I was short-sighted, and my ambition was selfish along the pattern of Simon the Magician (cp. Acts 8).  Since then, I am focusing on caring for my wife as my main disciple, taking the long view, with the goal to present her before the Throne in the same manner that Jesus will present the Church.


    After all, husbands, thinking about it: She is the disciple God assigned to you and the one you will be accountable for in the way you conduct yourself.


    Prayer:  Lord God, how do I accurately say I need your grace, abundant grace in being a husband.  My sinfulness gets in the way every day, either from shrinking from your ways or stepping outside of them.  That path of doing it “just right” is so narrow.

    Help me be slow to speak, quick to hear, and really slow to anger.  If I have to assert so-called authority, I want to do it as you would.  If I play my cards right, look to the horizons, and take a plan for discipleship—first for me, then (in parallel) for her—she may look to me as her appointed husband, with respect.  Maybe.

    Bring revival in my heart, O’ God.


  • Good Life Journal – 1 Peter 3 – Wives

    Journal 1 Pet 3 Wives (all references are from the ESV; changes in punctuation are mine)

    Scripture: “Likewise, wives, be subject to your own husbands…(that) they be won without a word by the conduct of their wives when they see your respectful and pure conduct…let your adorning be the hidden person of he heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit (which in God’s sight is very precious).  For this is how the holy women who hoped in God used to adorn themselves…And you are her (Sarah’s) children, if you do good and do not fear anything that is frightening.” (excerpts from 1 Pet 3:1-6)


    “For to this you have been called—because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, so you might follow in his steps.” (1 Pet 2:21)


    Observation: One of the tougher subjects for a guy to write about…


    Analysis:  I wrote about husbands in the first post for today.  I felt compelled to write about wives.


    When the husband/wife relationship comes up in the church, inevitably there are responses that arise.  For husbands, it is exercising authority (and that in a wrong manner/attitude).  For wives, it is the so-called mandate for submission, sometimes followed by a “not on your life, I am nobody’s slave” or something familiar (and that carries a wrong attitude).


    I would submit to both husbands and wives, to be negotiated before the Throne separately, that Christ left an example, “suffering” being obedient to the Father, that believers may follow in His example.


    That is a mouthful.  And, in our rebellious generation, something that we have not been trained to do.  I have heard and seen, read, and observed titles on bookshelves, the reinforced idea, “For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus…” (Ro 8:2a).  But we weren’t set free to be free FROM Jesus: “For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, ‘Abba!!  Father!!’” (Ro 8:15)


    Therefore, the issue is, “Do I take a chance and believe, have faith in God for what He wants a wife to be, or shall I protect myself from possibly being taken advantage of?  Of possibility not doing what I want to do?  What if I am more capable than my husband?  Shall I be subservient or fake subserviency?”


    These are many questions that need navigation.  I am sure there are more— but the baseline is always my desire to be a disciple and to embrace my calling as it is laid out in the Scriptures.


    Once upon a time, a woman asked me these same questions.  My answer?  “I don’t have an answer at this time that doesn’t sound self-serving.  But what I can do is point you to the Word of God: Look for yourself, what does God say for a wife to do, to be like—as well as all the things that men and women, husbands and wives share FROM THE SCRIPTURES in the pursuit of God?”


    Prayer:  Father, there isn’t a shortcut, is there to become a married couple after your own heart.  It’s weird: each man and wife have a mandate to follow you fervently all our days; to become individually a person of your heart, and then, as a married couple, that corporately as well.


    Each married couple is a microcosmic example of the Church: Astounding!


    Help all who read this today, to cherish that picture, to embrace it, for it is the small representation that causes the angels of heaven to wonder what God has done?


    Create revival in me, O God.

