Author: Good Life Church

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 13

    Journal Proverbs 13 (all references are from the ESV; changes in punctuation are mine)

    Scripture: “Whoever spares the rod hates his son—but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him.”  Prov 13:24


    Observation: How many sons (and daughters) am I seeing on TV lately just to think, “I wonder if their parents and particularly fathers biblically attended to their souls through their gluteus maximus.”

    Analysis:  I thought I would write about something different.  Proverbs is more than talk about illicit sex, wisdom, foolishness, transgressions concerning the mouth, etc.—so how about “spanking?”

    To remember, I must go back to the “Fear of the Lord”—the beginning of knowledge, wisdom, insight and so much more.

    Why, Solomon could have written “The Fear of the Lord is the beginning of successful child rearing” and it would have been spot on.  I can see the Chapter Header now: “Whacking behinds: Love in action.”

    Of course, there is more to it.  I remember having to get into the scriptures thoroughly to get my head on straight, my mind transformed about spanking.  It isn’t about me or others: It is always “How do I love my son in a way God approves of?  How can I obtain the max blessing for my children?  At the end of my life how can I avoid being ashamed of what I did to raise my children?”

    Some of the above statements are a little shaky theologically but essentially correct.

    Recalling my early fatherhood, biblical child discipline wasn’t primarily about the child, it was about my own heart and conviction.  I found a lot of child-rearing books, articles, examples, and such that I could imitate BUT it would have been just that: a check off list of proper technique.

    What I found was that child-rearing, if not done in submission to God (in the Fear of the Lord) and only relying on “technique”, isn’t faithful to the Lord; it was in fear of the people.

    I remember how embarrassed some parents were if their children misbehave in church.  For myself, I tried to get ahead of that and remembered the fact that “foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child” (Prov 22:15) and that could erupt anywhere and in any place.  It was ok, I just needed to be diligent to love my son and ignore the folks around me.

    Loving children isn’t primarily about their conduct or compliance to a parent’s instruction; it is loving them enough to care for their soul.  Proverbs is full of instruction/education about being wise, conducting myself in wisdom, and being a resource of wisdom to others.  Even in my older age and as a grandfather, I have a responsibility to point to the Throne of Love for my grown children so that they don’t resort to technique but to their own heart towards the One who is the ultimate Father.

    Prayer: Ah, Lord: So many books about child rearing (Tripp’s book is one of the best), and I am typing out in 500 words about spanking.  I don’t do the subject justice.  Yet, lately it is a subject that I have been reviewing with my wife more often and with that need to review principles.  I depend upon You, O God, to remind me of the good words of wisdom and truth upon this subject.  Help me to fear You always, laying my life at the foot of the Cross.  AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 12

    Journal Proverbs 12 (all references are from the ESV; changes in punctuation are mine)

    Scripture: “There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.”  Prov 12:18


    Observation:  Words.  Tongue.  Mouth.  Righteousness and unrighteousness.  Foolishness and Wisdom.

    James had it right: “How can good water and bad water come out of the same place?”  James 3:10-12

    Analysis: The last few days have numbed my mouth with the taste of my PF Flyers (Nike before Nike ever thought about being).  Doesn’t matter: the taste of a shoe in the mouth is the same whatever the shoe.

    I would like to think I practice “healing words.”  I can fool myself that way; thinking, that is.  At times it is a practice of self-deception.

    Fact is my mouth is an arsenal of various cutlery:  swords and spears all the way to dainty shrimp forks.  I am usually ready for battle and to do harm.

    I really don’t want to be that way.  I want my words to be “apples of gold in settings of silver.” Prov 25:11

    But why aren’t they?  Why do I have to keep a guard over my mouth?  Why should I?  Shouldn’t my thoughts and feelings be free to be “out there?”  Don’t I have a right to express myself?

    I know the answer: No.  And Yes.  Unfortunately, the “yes right” leads to unrighteousness.  And the “no right”, while it is exemplary of being wise, can also cap off pent up anger and bitterness.

    What is the solution?  The fear of the Lord.  Prov 9:10

    All right, I rattled off the Sunday School answer but what does that really mean?  It means that there is an answer and I need to keep searching for this principle to be driven deeper and deeper inside my heart.

    Today, my heart is far from peaceable words.  I can attribute that to a wayward and intolerant heart, moving away from the Living God and demanding my own way.  If I ever needed to examine where I am, I review the voice in my head that I want to let loose and that tells me exactly where I am—most times not paying attention to the Spirit and going “ya, ya, nah, nah, I don’t hear You…” in the empty space between my ears.

    Today, I am crushed.  Not of anything that is so soul crushing everyone would understand but of those “things” that an outsider would go, “Whaaaat?”

    I need to confess before the Throne and empty my heart.  Problem is I am embracing the perceived hurt too much.

    Prayer: Lord God, how I wish I wasn’t so stubborn.  There is a disconnect between my head and my mouth that I cannot seem to overcome today (or yesterday as well—hopefully not tomorrow).  Be my Hope once again, O God.  Be my Lord, my Savior, my Rabbi and all those things.  Help me be like You.  AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 11

    Proverbs 11


    vs 3 The integrity of the upright guides them, but the crookedness of the treacherous destroys them.
    vs 4 Riches do not profit in the day of wrath, but righteousness delivers from death.

    vs 6 The righteousness of the upright delivers them, but the treacherous are taken captive by their lust.
    vs 7 When the wicked dies, his hope will perish, and the expectation of wealth perishes too.
    vs 8 The righteous is delivered from trouble, and the wicked walks into it instead.

    vs 18 The wicked earns deceptive wages, but one who sows righteousness gets a sure reward.
    vs 19 Whoever is steadfast in righteousness will live, but he who pursues evil will die.

    vs 23 The desire of the righteous ends only in good, the expectation of the wicked in wrath.

    vs 28 Whoever trusts in his riches will fall, but the righteous will flourish like a green leaf.
    vs 30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and whoever captures souls is wise.



    Righteousness & Riches … Rewards and Wrath

    Solomon is warning his listener of the significance of being a person of integrity or crookedness.


    Righteousness leads to “deliverance” and “sure reward” and “flourishing” and “life”.

    Crookedness leads to “destruction” and “wrath” and “perishing” and “death”


    What’s more, the righteous are “delivered” and “guided”.

    They are righteous by something outside of themselves!

    The crooked, however, are taken captive by “their lust” and “walks into trouble”.

    They are crooked by something within themselves and their own doing!


    The Righteous and the Crooked have a different perspective, as well.

    The righteous lives from the perspective of eternity … “Whoever is steadfast in righteousness will live”.

    The crooked lives from the perspective of today … “When the wicked dies, his hope will perish”.




    What tempts me to do anything wrong? When I think I need to save myself.

    And what makes me think I need to save myself? When my thinking gets narrowed to today more than eternity.


    Focusing on what I “need” or “want” for today will take me down a “treacherous” path.

    If I get stuck on what I dislike about my short-term circumstances, I’ll get stuck on what I can do to “fix them”.

    I’ll be tempted to “trust in riches”.

    When I do this, I’ll “walk into trouble”, instead of getting delivered from it!


    So, what do I need to do? … Well, Solomon distinguishes between 2 things often thought of the same: “Desire” and “Lust”

    Desire and Lust have different perspectives … forever vs for today!

    The desires of the righteous “ends only in good”

    But lust “takes captive”.


    Ultimately, this comes down to “trust” … Who will I trust for true flourishing life? Myself or My Deliverer?




    Thank you, God, for your wisdom and word

    Help me Holy Spirit to walk in your ways and guidance

    Help me desire you and not lust after riches

    Thank you that you give true and everlasting life

    In Jesus name


  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 10


    [9] Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out.



    A fool will think that he’s pulling something over on people, but he will never deceive God.  And, if he chooses to, God will reveal the fool’s dishonesty to man as well.


    Take Achan and his dishonest deeds for example in Joshua chapters 6, 7, 8. When Joshua leads the Israelites to destroy Jericho, the Lord explicitly told them to destroy the city but to leave all the devoted things like silver, gold, bronze etc.. The Lord told them that if they took any of the devoted things, he would bring trouble to Israel. Well, Achan sinned in a big way by taking devoted things that were probably worth a lifetime of wages.


    He knew it was wrong but with such a high reward Achan couldn’t control himself. God was furious with the Israelites because of the dishonest acts of one person and made their attack on Ai tough as a result. Until God revealed what Achan had done to Joshua and Josua dealt with it severely. After that, the attack on Ai was successful.


    The bottom line is that Achan tried to deceive men but could not deceive God. This made God furious with all the Israelites since Achan was a representative of God’s people. God ten revealed the deceit to men and had men deal with Achan severely.




    Fast forward to us, in our time. As we’re tempted with small things that are “just a little” dishonest, can we stay strong? Do we always keep strong moral principals and make the right decision? What about the big things – if we were presented with a lifetime of wages for one dishonest act that we know would anger God – Something he has been very specific about telling us what is right and what is wrong? Would we stay morally upright?  Think about it. God is omniscient. He knows everything including what is in and comes from your heart. Trying to pull one over on him won’t work.


    We may be deceived into thinking that God won’t know, or God won’t care, but that’s a lie straight from Satan. On top of that, if you try to fool men, God will reveal it as he sees fit.




    Lord keep me walking the straight path with wisdom and honor that can only come from you, glorifying your name as I go. Let me be known to you and men, as a person of integrity. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.


  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 9

    Journal Proverbs 9 (all references are from the ESV; changes in punctuation are mine)

    Scripture: “Whoever corrects a scoffer gets himself abuse, and he who reproves a wicked man incurs injury.

    Do not reprove a scoffer or he will hate you.  Reprove a wise man and he will love you.

    Give instruction to a wise man and he will be still wiser; teach a righteous man and he will increase in learning.

    The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.  For by me (wisdom) your days will be multiplied, and years added to your life.

    If you are wise, you are wise for yourself; if you scoff, you alone will bear it.” Prov 9:7-12

    Observation: What do I want to be when I grow up?  A scoffer or wise man?  What am I now?

    Analysis: The Scriptures are eye-opening with “if/then” statements, especially in Proverbs.

    “If I act in [this] way, then it is called and/or recognized as either foolish or wise.”  Pretty much as simple as that.  It may be why Proverbs are good to read but not heard from as much as other parts of the Bible.

    After all, if I peer into Proverbs and I see “hey, that sounds like me!” and continue to read a description of a fool, then I can feel bad about myself (and that isn’t good, right?).

    Proverbs isn’t for the soft minded.

    In Chapter 9, I read two things in the same sets of sentences: The proclaimer and the recipient.   I am convinced I can be both at the same time.

    What is the main characteristic of a scoffer?  I think “he is wise in his own eyes.”  Self-proclaimed knowledge can do that to a guy—make a “feeling” of wisdom where none exists.

    What are the main characteristics of a wise man?  Solomon is blunt and without equivocation: “The FEAR of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom…” and “…knowledge of the Holy One is insight.”

    Wise insight.  I noticed in myself that this two-word phrase rolled effortlessly off my lips—and I paid ZERO attention to “fearing the Lord” as the precursor to everything.  Does this happen to everybody like it did to me?

    I want to avoid scoffers and the repercussions that speaking/correcting scoffers can bring; so I naturally focus on gaining wisdom and knowledge for those are the tools to be successful.  But here I am noticing that I do not address the Precursor: Fear of the Lord.

    Sunday, Kel preached out of Acts 9.  Towards the end of the chapter, the scriptures reviewed the expansion of the local church: “And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, it (they) multiplied.” (Acts 9:31b)

    If the “fear of the Lord” is so important, why don’t I pay attention to cultivating it more?

    Prayer:  Father, I humbly call for your guidance.  Book learning isn’t enough although it starts the process of action resulting in CHANGE.  Learning must continue through the process of turning to change.  Help me, O God.  I call for you.  AMEN

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 8

    Proverbs 8:35-36 – For whoever finds me finds life and obtains favor from the Lord, but he who fails to find me injures himself; all who hate me love death.


    Proverbs 8 is extolling the blessings of wisdom.  Wisdom has been around since before the earth was formed and can only come from God.  Verses 35-36 present a sobering reality about wisdom.  Find wisdom by having a relationship with God the Father through Jesus and you have life.  Don’t seek to find God and you cause eternal fatal self-injury.   Note the strong language in the warning at the end of verse 36.  All, not some or a few that hate God/wisdom will love death.


    Wisdom is not just a good character trait that is nice to have.  Wisdom comes from God when we humbly, fearfully submit and seek Him.  John 1:4 says this about Jesus, “In him was life and the life was the light of men.”  Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and the only route to the Father.  Therefore obtaining wisdom in the Lord, having faith in Jesus and knowing His ways leads to eternal life.  Contrast to someone who doesn’t find the Lord or is living in opposition to God will face death.



    Thank you for loving me so much to send Jesus to save me from my sin.  Let me seek to follow you, increase in wisdom and use that to share your love and gospel to glorify you.

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 7

    Journal Proverbs 7 (all references are from the ESV; changes in punctuation are mine)

    Scripture: “My son, keep my words and treasure up my commandments with you; keep my commandments and live; keep my teaching as the apple of your eye; bind them on your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart.

    Say to wisdom, “You are my sister”, and call insight your intimate friend—to keep you from the forbidden woman, from the adulteress with her smooth words.

    For at the window of my house I have looked out through my lattice and I have seen among the simple, I have perceived among the youths, a young man lacking sense…”  Prov 7:1-7a

    Observation: Solomon doesn’t pull punches.  With all the choice words, arranged in such beautiful order, stupid is still called stupid and fools are fully identified…

    Analysis: I wish I would have taught my sons in this manner.  Shucks, I wish I would have taught myself in this manner.

    I don’t know if this is prophetic insight or not, but there are times where I can walk into the grocery store and get a sense of “that young man is [this or that]; that young person is bound up by [this or that].”  It crushes my heart and I think “Lord, what should I do?”  But that is another post.

    Here is Solomon instructing how to avoid being “a young man lacking sense…”  He could be talking about me.

    Being absorbed, radically absorbed in pursuing Jesus is the thrust of this chapter.  Dad is telling the son, “Listen to what I am telling you, son.  Find value in my words.  Please don’t roll your eyes, even don’t roll them in your heart.  Wisdom must be the love of your life.”

    Paul wrote to Timothy: “…train yourself for godliness, for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way…devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture…Practice these things.  Immerse yourself in them, that all may see your progress…” (1 Tim 4:7b-15)

    Either from Solomon or from Paul, I am directed to pay attention and embrace the truth—to avoid that gets set right in front of me and lulls me into being stupid.

    Prayer:  Lord Jesus, you are there with me every day, all the time.  The physics of that is a mystery; I have no idea how you are with me and with so and so as well.  One of the expressions of your grace is that if I call out, you never fail to answer.  Help me to call out to you in a right manner, working pride out and humility in.  AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 6

    Journal Proverbs 6 (all references are from the ESV; changes in punctuation are mine)

    Scripture: “My son: If you have put up security for your neighbor, have given your pledge for a stranger, if you are snared in the words of your mouth, caught in the words of your mouth,

    then do this, my son, and save yourself—for you have come into the hand of your neighbor:

    Go, hasten, and plead urgently with your neighbor.  Give your eyes no sleep and your eyelids no slumber; save yourself like a gazelle from the hand of the hunter, like a bird from the hand of the fowler.”  Prov 6:1-5

    Observation: Work quicker.  Be aware of what I have done, conclude about what needs to be done, and work quicker.  Oh, how I hang my head looking into the mirror of the Word.

    Analysis: First, don’t be unequally yoked is the first thought that comes to me.  However, agreements and such in business cannot be avoided to believers only.

    I don’t think that is the only point.

    Look at the statement “…if you are snared in the words of your mouth, caught in the words of your mouth…”  I know what this indicates and it is the taste of shoe, my “foot in my mouth.”

    While this is probably talking about business, being snared by my own words happens everywhere, at any time, and with anyone.

    When I come to my senses, I usually slap my forehead and groan, “what did I just say?”  Snared.

    The takeaways shown are:

    • Do something right now.
    • Go, hasten (be in a hurry, have some urgency).
    • Don’t put off for tomorrow (no sleep, no slumber)—
    • Make it as right as you can (save yourself).

    This really has application when I sin with my mouth towards somebody—say for instance, my wife.

    Do I think that James might have had this in mind when he wrote about the tongue, roaring flames, devouring, and all that?  I wouldn’t put that past the Holy Spirit to inspire.

    While I am openly confessing that I have many issues and examples of foot in mouth disease (even recently, it would be best not to be in the situation in the first place.

    Discernment, discretion.  A mouth closed can equate to wisdom: “It is better to remain silent at the risk of being thought a fool, than to talk and remove all doubt of it.” (attributed to Abraham Lincoln)

    Prayer:  Lord God.  I am so familiar with being snared by the words of my mouth.  I have made bad commitments, bad deals, too many snap decisions—nodding my head before thinking.  Thank you for allowing and helping me park my pride at the foot of the cross and embrace humility.  AMEN

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 4

    Journal Proverbs 5 (all references are from the ESV; changes in punctuation are mine)

    Scripture: “And now, O sons, listen to me and do not depart from the words of my mouth.

    Keep your way far from her and do not go near the door of her house, lest you give your honor to others and your years to the merciless; lest strangers take their fill of your strength and your labors go to the house of a foreigner and at the end of your life you groan—when your flesh and body are consumed and you say:

    “How I hated discipline and my heart despised reproof!

    I did not listen to the voice of my teachers or incline my ear to my instructors.

    I am at the brink of utter ruin in the assembled congregation.”” Prov 5:7-14

    Observation: This is not about females as much as it is about being an honorable Man.

    Analysis: I am stepping out on a limb with this.  But it is important for me to review and for men and women to read and understand.

    Being blunt, this is about sex out of wedlock as the subject BUT honorable Manhood as the target.

    Manhood has been under attack for generations.  What is being seen today has been seen before.  The same temptations faced today are the same temptations my g-g-great grandfather faced and even further back—just to have perspective.  This section of Proverbs is not just a “story”, it is the lamentation and instruction based upon experience.

    While this is Solomon, I could have written this—but I would be chicken.  Some of our older guys could have written this but may be chicken as well.  Older men do not talk about their failures; young men don’t seek out experienced counsel—and everyone loses because of this.

    Hormones are hard to resist—in either gender.  But, because I am a man, I will speak to men: resist.  But don’t resist only with gritty determination; there is a calling, a high calling to train for.

    You are a chosen generation; a royal priesthood, a holy nation.  A MAN for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies and majesty of Him who CALLED you out of darkness… (paraphrased 1 Peter 2:9)

    Embrace this vision with fierce passion; find like minded men, not only of your own age but of all ages (that means older godly men seek out the younger and vice versa) not only to hold accountable (for that is defensive) but also to PURSUE the Most High God (laying down an offense).

    I succumb to temptation for several reasons, many of which are linked to giving favor to the old man rather than ferociously pursuing the New Man in Christ.  I fall, only to be able to rise, confess, repent, and setting my face like flint once again, I can press on toward the goal of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. (Phil 3:14)

    Walk worthy of the Gospel.

    Prayer: Lord God, when I was younger, I thought that the young man struggles with sex would fall away when I got older and married.  How foolish—the struggles are consistent whatever my age is and probably will be to the day I am called away.  Help me to keep my eye firmly on you, pursuing you, and surrendering daily to be transformed by you.  AMEN

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 3



    [1]My son, do not forget my teaching,

    but let your heart keep my commandments, [2]for length of days and years of life and peace they will add to you.

    [3]Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart.

    [4]So you will find favor and good success in the sight of God and man.




    To know God we need to know his Word and keep it in our heads. Loving the Lord comes from locking his Word in our hearts. From knowledge to love is from head to heart.




    We need to know God’s Word in order to know his will.  This is head knowledge.  Do not forget.. keep it in your head. Knowing God’s Word and his will is not enough though. Even Satan knows God’s Word.


    Being obedient to his Word is a choice and decision that comes from loving to follow his will. Loving to follow his will by his Word, and allowing guidance from the Holy Spirit, comes from the heart.


    When this moves from our head, to be locked in our heart, we begin the process of sanctification by lovingly following his will. This is loving obedience. We are obedient and follow his will, not because we know we should, or because we must, but because we love Jesus and his Word so much that obedience is an outcome.




    Lord I love you. I pray you continue to bring me knowledge and wisdom that can only come from you. Thank you for filling my heart with your Spirit. It brings be great joy to be obedient to you and glorify you. In Jesus holy name I pray, amen.

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 2

    Journal Proverbs 2 (all references are from the ESV; changes in punctuation are mine)

    Scripture: “My son, if you receive my words and treasure up my commandments with you, making your ear attentive to wisdom and inclining your heart to understanding;

    Yes, if you call out for insight and raise your voice for understanding, if you seek it like silver and search for it as hidden treasures, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.

    For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth comes knowledge and understanding; he stores up sound wisdom for the upright; he is a shield to those who walk in integrity, guarding the paths of justice and watching over the way of his saints.

    Then you will understand righteousness and justice and equity—every good path—for wisdom will come into your heart and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul.  Discretion will watch over you; understanding will guard you…” Proverbs 2:1-11a

    Observation: Do stuff or know Him?  Which is more important?  If I read Proverbs, knowing Him, increasing in the knowledge of God is the precursor to doing stuff that pleases Him…

    Analysis: My wife and I used to have this discussion (read: argument) every Saturday morning after devotions.  Not exactly the works or faith argument that James lays out in his letter, but the argument of putting effort (sweat, toil, public stuff like street witnessing) vs. study, contemplation, jackleg scholar stuff (like journaling for instance).

    Transparency: I have been accused of piling on the theology so that it would enable me to argue more.  In the past, this was spot on.  Now, not so much.

    To know Him, the one and mighty true God, all that I read, study, and promote is to know Him.  That’s it.  If I want to know Him, yes, I need to be still and know He is God.  But the Trinitarian God has given His Word in written format to search through.

    Searching through the Word for understanding and wisdom isn’t like taking a class or three; it isn’t even speeding through a 4-year degree in 2 and thinking that is all that is needed, “now, go to work.”

    Seeking wisdom and understanding is a life commitment.  I will never gain it all, and, if I think that I “got it, I don’t need this anymore”, that is the first step to losing it.  I have been meditating on the Wisdom of God is akin to common sense of a renewed mind; common sense as most practice it is not “the Wisdom of God.”  There’s a difference although I cannot quite define it in words yet.

    Do I call out for insight and raise my voice for understanding?  Not hardly—I am too quiet these days.

    I have noticed that when it comes to seeking God, overboard in expression is the prevalent and preferable description of action.

    Prayer: Father, I holler in my innermost being to You.  What I don’t do enough is raise my voice.  Being alone builds too many bad habits in me—not that my wife is not supportive; she is.  It is: where is the brotherhood when I need them?  Make me search for wisdom and understanding, O Lord.  AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – Proverbs 1


    Proverbs 1:23 – If you turn at my reproof, behold, I will pour out my spirit to you; I will make my words known to you.



    Wisdom is calling out and making an appeal to be heard in the markets and amidst the noise in the streets. When wisdom calls and there is correction, active response to turn/ repent and listen the Spirit will be poured out to that person. The Spirit will guide the person in wisdom to give discernment in understanding the word.



    There is a response required to turn at reproof and gain knowledge. We have to be listening to the right voice to hear the call.  The other option is to do nothing, not listen stay a fool and scoff. Humbling myself before God and submitting to Him, fearfully loving and respecting His ways are the first steps on the path to obtaining wisdom. This is so important that when Solomon was praying to God and God said to Solomon He would grant him anything, Solomon asked for wisdom from God! Repenting and turning to God, placing my faith and trust in Jesus gives the power of the Holy Spirit to me. The Spirit allows me to have a relationship with the Father by being in the word and prayer. The power of the Spirit gives me discernment to understand God’s word. Whereas people who don’t turn to God for wisdom can’t understand the word and never gain true knowledge. Verse 33 tells us when we listen to the Lord our dwelling place is secure.



    Father, Thank you for your the truth in your word. Let me humbly fear you, repent of my sin and seek your wisdom for my life to know you and make you known.


  • Good Life Journal – 2 Thessalonians 3

    Journal 2 Thes 3 (all references are from the ESV; changes in punctuation are mine)

    Scripture: “Now we command you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you keep away from any brother who is walking in idleness and not in accord with the tradition that you received from us.

    For you yourselves know how you ought to imitate us because we were not idle when we were with you…It was not because we do not have that right, but to give you in ourselves an example to imitate…For we hear that some among you walk in idleness—not busy at work, but (being) busybodies.

    As for you, brothers, do not grow weary in doing good.”  Excerpts from 2 Thes 3:6-13

    Observation: I get the impression (reading 2 Thessalonians) that all is not well.  For example, in chapter 3, there is more about “idle” brothers than there is about “not idle brothers.”  Which one should be imitated?  Which one sounds like is being imitated?  Hint: It isn’t the busy one…

    Analysis: After meeting this AM at the IHOP for Coffee with Brian, this reading about idleness is circling back on me.

    I think this section of scripture is describing “idleness” but is really about “faithfulness”, or more precisely, “faithlessness in Christ showing itself by way of being idle.”

    Not only that, but Paul extrapolates being “busybodies” as idleness.  If I look up the synonyms for busybodies, I find meddlers, gossips, interferers, bigmouths, nuisances.  Idlers, I find loafers, slouches, sloths, malingers, timewasters.  Note: I hate dictionaries at times.

    I admit it: all these stick on me most times.  But it is not what I want to be…neither do I want to be that guy with hair on fire all the time, always active, always busy, but never seeming to get…things…done.

    Putting things on “to do” lists seems to work.  But what about “to do” things when it comes to my Walk?  I used to do that “back when”, but of late (say the last 30 years) I don’t so much.

    Discipline is like that; self-discipline is worse.  This scripture comes to mind: “Without vision, the people perish.”  (Prov 29:18 NASB)  Getting too close to the trees I can lose heart; I think that maybe it was one of the issues with Thessalonica—losing vision is a common occurrence when it comes to the Gospel and the folks of the local Church in particular.  Every so often I must “Pump up.”

    Pumping myself up by myself is difficult.  I remember Ps 88 about how alone the Psalmist felt and cried out to God.  What to do?

    It is written: “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.” Prov 27.17

    So, an easy solution?  Phone a buddy, make a deep friend.  Help each other walk worthy of the Gospel.

    It’s a start…and I must start somewhere…

    Prayer: Father, the word “accountability” gets thrown around way too much and it is out of context for what You desire between people following after You.  The word “friendship” is used out of context as well I think, for I think “friendship” is used where “acquaintance” is more appropriate.

    If I want to avoid Idleness there are X things I need to pay attention to: 1) Disconnecting the magnet in my Lazy Boy; 2) Looking to make deeper friendships; 3) Doing all the Spiritual Disciplines in a very consistent manner, and lastly, 4) when I fail, and I will, get up, confess, repent, and get back on the horse and ride.

    You approve of these things.  I know because this is what you say in your Word.  Hear, then, my prayer O God, my Savior and help me chase hard after You.  AMEN.


  • Good Life Journal – 2 Thessalonians 2

    Journal 2 Thes 2 (all references are from the ESV; changes in punctuation are mine)

    Scripture: “For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work.  Only He (God) who now restrains it will do so until he (the enemy?) is out of the way.  And then the lawless one will be revealed…

    The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing (because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.  Therefore, God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth—but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” 2 Thes 2:7-12

    Observation:  Lawlessness is at work…and it is a mystery.  God restrains it until that Day when all will be revealed.

    Analysis:  Often I wonder why folks do not respond to the Gospel?

    Then I think: “Shoot!  I don’t often respond to the Gospel.  What makes me different from them?”

    There is that understanding of the two doctrines involved: Justification and Sanctification.

    Probably Paul writes to the Thessalonian church about their observation that many folks (perhaps including church folk and family) still engage in lawless behavior (read: sin) even after hearing the good news of the Gospel.  “Why don’t these folks respond wholeheartedly by believing in the Truth…and therefore be saved?”  It reads like Paul continues,

    • First, it is a mystery why lawlessness is at work.
    • Second, because God is Sovereign in all he does, I am of the confidence He sends a deluding spirit (something strong) that these folks may believe what is false.
    • Third, in this “delusion”, these folks refuse to love the Truth and loves pleasure in unrighteousness more.

    Yeah, scripture says plainly that Satan is involved in this but, lawlessness—this is the attitude of the heart of those who are condemned.

    So, what?  I should pat myself on the back because I supposedly “love the truth?”  Nanny, nanny, boo, boo: I am saved, and you are not….

    Every so often I must haul myself by the back of the neck and face the mirror…and realize I am one short stagger into the arms of temptation leading to the embrace of unrighteousness.

    That is why, I remind myself constantly, that there are no days off in being a disciple.

    Prayer: Lord, sometimes it is so difficult to get out of the way so that You can come forth in me.  Why is it that I feel driven to learn about You, to proclaim Your purposes, but I don’t “feel” for the lost, the ones celebrating lawlessness?  Last night, to proclaim You, to delve into the Mysteries of the Word (not that there is much mystery there, plain words for plain understanding to those who can just read) and display You Glories to my family was a treat.  Help me from pulling my arm out of socket patting myself on the back and increase humility in me.  AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – 2 Thessalonians 1

    Journal 2 Thes 1 (all references are from the ESV; changes in punctuation are mine)

    Scripture: (Paul) “We ought always to give thanks to God for you, brothers, as is right, because your faith is growing abundantly and the love of every one of you for one another is increasing.

    Therefore, we ourselves boast about you in the churches of God for your steadfastness and faith in all your persecutions AND in the afflictions that you are enduring.

    This is the evidence of the righteous judgment of God: that you may be considered worthy of the kingdom of God (for which you are also suffering) …” 2 Thes 1:3-5

    Observation: This is where I have abandoned these books of the Bible for something more…I dunno…more to my liking?  Some place where I can find stuff I don’t have to work so hard at?

    Analysis:  Notice Paul’s criteria for boasting?  Steadfastness—check.  Faith—check.  Persecutions—huh?  Afflictions—what?  What is he boasting to other churches about?  We are steadfast and faithful in the eye of persecutions and afflictions?  And this has considerations of worthiness?

    I think well of those guys if that is the case…as long as it isn’t me.

    I think I see how it all works together: My faith is growing at a pretty good clip.  I am demonstrating love to one another and it is increasing so all can see.

    And then I see the word “therefore.”  Basically, Paul says, “Because of these admirable attributes you are demonstrating, I boast.  I boast about your faith and steadfastness.  And look at these guys: they are being persecuted and are excelling!  They are in afflictions and are excelling.  What a swell bunch of folks they are…”

    It makes me think about when it is time to grow.

    It is not when I am in the cauldron and the water is starting to boil.  It is not when I am in the frying pan on a stove full of frying pans.

    When is it time to grow?  It is in time of relative ease…like squirrels gathering nuts for winter….this is when I need to pack my heart with sound doctrine, fellowship, small groups, music that stirs the soul, the discipline of reading, journaling, devotions (by myself and with my spouse and with my family).

    Prayer:  Lord God, I don’t want these words to be clever alone.  Please help them go down deep into my heart, my character.  I fear that “clever” words will be my undoing.  Help me to think “life” and then speak “life”.  I want to be found pleasing to You at the end of my days.  AMEN.