Author: Good Life Church

  • Good Life Journal – Mark 3

    Scripture: “Again (Jesus) entered the synagogue and a man was there with a withered hand.


    And (the Pharisees) watched Jesus to see whether he would heal him on the Sabbath (so they might accuse him).  And (Jesus) said to the man with the withered hand, “Come here.”


    And (Jesus) said to (the Pharisees), “Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do harm; to save life or to kill?”  But (the Pharisees) were silent.


    And (Jesus) looked around at them with anger, grieved at their hardness of heart, and said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.”  He stretched it out and his hand was restored.


    The Pharisees went out and immediately held counsel with the Herodians against (Jesus), how to destroy him.” (Mk 3:1:6)


    Observation:  Scenario: Gather around; someone needs a miracle; challenge Pharisees whether the “traditions” allow miracles; perform a miracle no matter what the answer was.  By this, Jesus reveals the hardness of the people’s heart and presents the Kingdom of God in their midst.


    Analysis: I am pretty sure I will see this pattern repeatedly in the gospels.  I would think that the people would wake up after one or two times.  Isn’t going to happen.


    I am just like that, though.  Stuff like this must be hammered repeatedly into my thick skull and stony heart.  It isn’t being stupid or incapable of understanding; it is because of one thing.


    I forget.


    What was (and is) the Sin of Israel?  Simply: “They soon forgot.”  Humongous miracles performed by God to their benefit, and what happens in the next chapter?  Israel creates an idol or something, rebels against God’s given authority, cowers in the face of other armies…basically says, “Thanks, God.  What have You done for me today?  Do You honestly believe that I should follow You without reason standing right in front of me?”


    Spurgeon says, “I continually preach the Gospel because we continually forget the Gospel.”


    Jesus set the Pharisees up.  He knew what their answer would be: no answer.  Aggrieved anger at the so-called leaders of the local Synagogue.  Healed the guy.  So, the response was?  Celebration that the man’s hand was miraculously restored?  “Did you see that?  Wow!!  That was something!”


    Nope.  Ticked off, the Pharisees scurried like rats to another gathering of rats to plot revenge on Jesus, “How dare that Galilean challenge us like that?  Doesn’t he know who we are?”


    What do I do when the Word of Life confronts me?  It takes conscious effort to react favorably and not like a Pharisee; to yield to the Word and not be rebellious and ignore it; to lay my opinion down in subjected surrender and to say, “Your will, not mine O Lord.”

    I want to be like a Berean (Acts 17:11): “Now these Jews were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.”


    Our calling for 2020 at Good Life.


    Prayer:  Father, thank you for exciting me about Your Word.  I receive it most times with joy; sometimes gritting my teeth because it calls for change.  Help me, make me not read the Word for other people (like I have arrived, yeah, right…) and cause me to see clearly in the mirror.  I want to please You, O Lord.  AMEN.


  • Good Life Journal – Mark 1

    Scripture: “As it is written in Isaiah the prophet: Behold, I will send my messenger before your face, who will prepare your way; the voice of one crying in the wilderness—Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight…John appeared…” (Mark 1:2-4a)


    Observation: A little convoluted sentence, the structure is difficult, but a clear point can be unraveled: As it is written by Isaiah the prophet, John appeared to prepare the way of the Lord.


    As it is written…


    Analysis:  Significant stuff can be found in the beginning of chapters.


    I remember in Literature the following general outline was taught: Say what you are going to say; Say it; then say what you said (wrap it up).


    It doesn’t always work out with these three points but most times it does.


    What was brought to my attention/memory this morning with my wife in devotions was “It is written.”


    I have wondered why in many arguments or “spirited discussions” I have succumbed to “I believe” rather than “It is written.”  “I believe (this or that)” or “I don’t believe (this or that)” and add the force of emotion or volume of voice; fire in the eyes and bunching of hands makes for what has constituted support or “force of argument” for many of my so-called discussions.


    What I should do is to start thinking, “because it is written.”  Harder, yes.  For me, the preface “I believe…” is a lazy way of supporting my lack of thinking—after all, who should be able to argue with my personal belief?


    If I believe “this”, and someone else believes “that”, there is an intellectual stalemate—persuasion stops, especially as it applies to attempting to communicate the Gospel.  Paul was so very good about persuasion.  See Acts 17 for reference.


    So, what do I do?  As it written, let my yes be yes and my no be no.  As it is written let my speech be with salt (preservative and tasty).  As it is written, let my answers be gentle, reasonable, and persuasive.  As it is written, let my tongue be without fire (anger or sharpness) and be full of humility.


    As the Word indicates, my mouth will demonstrate of what is in my heart, and if deficiency is found, repent of my wicked and evil ways.


    “Like apples of gold in settings of silver, is a word fitly spoken.”  (Prov 25:11)


    As it is written…


    Prayer:  Lord Jesus, you know that my mouth has always been a downfall to me.  I am grateful for the lessons learned and the testing to assure that continue to watch the effects of my pie-hole and that it communicates your Word and life.  May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord. (Ps 25:1

  • Good Life Journal – Mark 2

    Mk 2
    [3] Some men came, bringing to him a paralyzed man, carried by four of them. [4] Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus by digging through it and then lowered the mat the man was lying on. [5] When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”
    [11] “I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home.”
    1. These men had bold faith – so much so that Jesus SAW their faith.
    2. They had determination and did not give up.  They did whatever it took to get their friend in front of Jesus.
    1. Jesus dealt with the most important need first – forgiving the mans sins. Only after that did He heal his physical body and have him walk away
    Jesus already met my greatest need – He died for my sins.  Do I have enough faith that He will provide for my other needs? Do I and my friends have enough faith to know that God will meet our other needs, and will we seek him with enough determination to see our needs met?
    Lord, thank You for my salvation.  Help me to always have enough faith in You that You SEE my faith.  That my faith in You never waivers, regardless my current circumstances.  Amen.
  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 149-150

    Psalm149:4-5 – For the Lord takes pleasure in his people; he adorns the humble with salvation.  Let the godly exult in glory; let them sing for joy in their beds.


    God is worthy of praise and song.  God delights in His people and those who are humble with His saving grace.  We are to rejoice in the glory of God and sing a joyful song of praise no matter our circumstances.



    The God that created the heavens, earth, me and everything in it takes pleasure in His people.  Take a moment to let that resonate.  Those who humble themselves before the Lord, He will offer salvation through Jesus by His grace.  We are called corporately as the body of Christ and individually to glorify God in joyuspraise of which He is deserving!  Verse 1 tells us that there should be a new song to remind of fresh blessing from God daily.




    Thank you for the truth in your Word and revealing your return to John for us to know the victory in you.  Help me to remain strong and endure in my faith to give you the glory as I share with others.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 147-148

    Scripture:   Praise the Lord!


    Praise the Lord from the heavens; praise him in the heights!

    Praise him all his angels; praise him all his hosts!


    Praise him sun and moon; praise him all you shining stars!

    Praise him you highest heavens and you waters above the heavens!


    Let them praise the name of the Lord!  (Ps 148:1-5a)


    Observation:  This is a section that runs my imagination upwards!


    Analysis: Psalms is a great book to read; all 150 chapters of it.


    I am convinced of this about Psalms: It is a book that can be used by the believer to assess how they are to talk; to pray; to praise; to be transparent.  It is a book that shows me what real, godly conduct looks like using as example a man whom God called “a man after my own heart.” (Acts 13:22)


    I have read this section of scripture several times over my life.  What I imagine is David all by himself at night, hands raised, up on his feet, slowly turning around or walking towards different parts of the sky exhorting the heavens, the angels, the stars and the moon to praise the Name of the Lord.


    It is like he is all by himself even if he is in his backyard.  He shouts to the heavens, to the sky!  He commands the trees, the rocks, the birds and the animals—the stars, the clouds—shouts at everything to exalt God.


    I just finished glancing at the passage where David was dancing before Lord with all his might.  In public.  Wearing a linen ephod (whatever that is—sounds skimpy).  His wife despised him, obviously thinking he was embarrassing himself (when the likely situation was that she was being snooty).


    I am an older guy now, and God save me from thinking I should be dignified in my old age.  May it never be!!  If I cannot dance before the Lord because of my physicality, let my heart soar and my voice sing and shout with all the saints in heaven and on the earth.


    Let everything I am praise the Lord.


    Prayer: Lord, save me from being caught by the opinions of those around me.  I don’t want to be a spectacle for a spectacle’s sake, drawing attention to myself…but I don’t want the attitudes of those around me to suppress proper exhibition and effort in praise and gratitude in worship. AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 144-146

    Scripture:   Every day I will bless you and praise your name forever and ever.  Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised, and his greatness is unsearchable.


    One generation shall commend your works to another and shall declare your mighty acts.


    On the glorious splendor of your majesty and on your wondrous works I shall meditate.  They shall speak of the might of your awesome deeds and I will declare your greatness. (Ps 145:2-6)


    Observation:  Continuing on the subject on the words of my mouth, the Psalmist shows me some objectives to aspire to.


    Analysis:  The scripture references above are inspiring.  My heart is stirred.  I can feel it even as I write this.


    They are also practical descriptions of what should be coming out of my mouth; the objectives that I should aspire to.  “Without vision, the people run wild (or are unrestrained…)” (Prov 29:18) If I don’t refer to these objectives often, I forget and replace them with other stuff.


    Take this one for instance (one that I fail at continually): “One generation shall commend your works to another…”  How often, as an old guy, do I speak of the works of God to another generation?  Probably, if I start to score it, not often at all.


    If I think of it, how often do I speak of the works of God to MY OWN generation?  I would probably have to say: Zip, nada, doesn’t happen.


    Why is that, I wonder?  The thought that comes to mind is that I don’t even speak of the works and declare mighty acts TO MY OWN SELF!!  I have one unavoidable and captive audience (the man in the mirror) and I don’t even take advantage of that!!  Inconceivable!


    How can I talk about the mighty deeds of God when I am uncomfortable talking to myself?  And then, what about being comfortable to talking with my wife?  My at home children?  My circle of friends?  The small group I am a part of?  I must start somewhere…


    There are two imperatives that this Scripture reference speaks of as a starting point:


    1) Every day I will bless you and praise your name, and;

    2) Meditate on the splendor of His Majesty and wondrous works and the might of His awesome deeds.


    If I don’t start here, I can’t get to anything greater.


    Prayer:  Lord God, please bring to my attention Your Wondrous Works and Awesome Deeds.  I am such a dunderhead; I forget often; I ignore the feast of Your Word for the crumbs of this world.  Help me, O God.  AMEN

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 141

    Scripture:  Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips! Ps 141:3


    Observation:  I seem to remember that the Bible refers to two things more than any other thing or things: 1) Money, and; 2) things of the Mouth. Isn’t it something that God brings to my attention the two things that cause the most turmoil in my life?


    Analysis:  I wanted to refer to several verses from Ps 141 through Ps 143—just to be flowery and wordy.  As I started to copy all the verses I selected, I was stopped at this one alone.  Not because the rest of the 3 chapters didn’t have things I needed to remember and reflect upon, but that this one is a keystone in continuing and improving discipleship.


    “Set a guard over my mouth.”  Boy, do I need that most of the time.


    It isn’t because the Father doesn’t want me to talk or to keep my pie-hole shut, I think it is because He is teaching me to say the things that account for godliness alone.


    What does that mean?  Sometimes I don’t know—until after those words escape from between my lips.  Then, I slap my forehead and call myself names that I shouldn’t repeat here.


    I can enumerate my vocal failures many times more than my vocal successes.  It is just that way.


    Proverbs says a lot about the effect of words and the tongue—it also talks about my character and the words that I speak—good character, good words and the converse: bad words and the reflective questionable character.


    The Psalmist writes: “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing unto You.” (Ps 19:14)


    I have concluded that if I want to be known as godly and not a fool, I make my words few but powerful and valuable.  Solomon wrote about words: “Like apples of gold, in settings of silver, is a word fitly spoken.” (Prov 25:11)


    Prayer:   Lord, this is a continuing lesson you have laid upon me for a long, long time.  I can measure godliness in me by the quick memory you bring, Holy Spirit, of the conduct of my mouth.


    I repeat with the Psalmist: Keep a guard over my mouth, allow me to keep watch over the door of my lips, that I may honor You all my days.  AMEN

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 138


    [1] I give you thanks, O Lord, with my whole heart;
    before the gods I sing your praise;
    [2] I bow down toward your holy temple
    and give thanks to your name for your steadfast love and your faithfulness,
    for you have exalted above all things
    your name and your word.


    The Psalmist is praising God and giving thanks with his entire heart.  There is no room for discontent, or unthankfulness of any kind.  He does this raising God above all false gods or idols.  There is only one God and He is exalted above all things.
    The Psalmist praises God for love that is never ending, and for always being with him, faithful through good or bad, faithful through thick and thin.  In addition to that, the NKJV translates “faithfulness” as “truth” in this passage.  I think the Psalmist is praising God for truth that never changes; truth that is manifested through just judgement.


    Let this be a lesson to us.  Using our whole heart to give the Lord thanks leaves no room in our hearts to be unthankful.  Thankful and praising Him in what feels like good times as well as what feels like bad times or situations when we’re uncomfortable.  As we fill our hearts praising Him, there will be no room in our hearts to put false gods like pride or wealth ahead of Him.
    The Lord is always good – His grace is good, His faithfulness is good, His steadfast love is good, and His truth is good.  Praise Him through all of this.


    Thank You Lord – You love me while I don’t deserve it, You are faithful to me even when I’m not faithful to You, and You continually give me a perfect balance of abundant grace and truth.  Help me to walk in Your will.  Amen

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 133-136

    Scripture: “Praise the Lord!


    Praise the name of the Lord, give praise O servants of the Lord—who stand in the house of the Lord, in the courts of our God!


    Praise the Lord for the Lord is good; sing to his name, for it is pleasant…For I know the Lord is great and that our Lord is above all gods. Whatever the Lord pleases, he does, in heaven and on earth, in the seas and all deeps.


    He it was who struck down the firstborn of Egypt (both man and beast); who in your midst O Egypt, sent signs and wonders against Pharaoh and all his servants…”  (excerpts from Ps 135:1-9)


    Observation:  The Lord is good.  What the Lord pleases, He does.  This is the character of God (He is Good) and the attributes of God (He is Sovereign).  God acts on his own definition, character, and attributes of Himself.  What happens when what His is conflicts with what we think He should be?  Am I beginning to see an idol on the horizon?


    Analysis: “Why does God do it this way, instead of that?”  What I just wrote would be how I would like to portray myself: “Just curious, God.  Can’t blame me for curiosity, right?”  I just spun this in a way that is favorable towards me, a spin that is benign and reasonable.


    Being fiercely transparent, this is how my thinking really goes, “Why did God do it that way?  I wouldn’t have done it that way.”  Insinuation: God wasn’t right; He was wrong—and I disapprove how He did it.


    The serpent tempted Adam and Eve from way back.  “Here, here,” he hissed and whispered, “Did God really say that?  Look, if you ate of the fruit of the Knowledge of Good and Evil Tree, isn’t it reasonable that you would be like God? Just think how much more of a friend you would be?  You could carry on conversations as equals….”  And from there our attitude changed into rebellious, traitorous, sin.  Idolatry prevailed because now Man didn’t want God, he wanted what he thought a god should be.


    Idolatry is never more exposed as when disasters and atrocities occur.


    I am not immune to the above thoughts…I just cannot let them take predominance in my mind. Even if I cannot explain what Eternal God has done/allowed, I cannot let my “mud for brains” thinking (I am made from clay, remember?) take charge over what the Word says about His Sovereignty.


    What do I do in those circumstances?  Well, for one I don’t think I must have an answer for everything in this universe, large or small.  I often resort to that honorable, theological answer: “I don’t know.”


    And I am content to know when God eventually wants me to know.  Refer to Deut 29:29 for further clarification.


    Prayer: Lord Jesus, Your Sovereignty is something that my sinful state has a hard time getting around.  There is much “renewing of my mind” that continues to go on.  Going from my temporal, human perspective to thinking (in as much as my “mud for brains” head can handle) to trying to think biblically (kind of thinking eternally), is hard work and takes daily reinforcement and repetition.  I guess this is another example of the imperative to “Encourage/Exhort one another day by day, as long as it is called today, so thatnone of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin”  AMEN

  • Good Life Journal – Revelation 22

    Revelation 22:18 –19 I warn everyone who hears of the prophecy of this book:  if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.


    We are almost at the end of Revelation and all of God’s plan when John issues a strong warning.  In Revelation 1 John’s tells us those who hear the words of prophecy and keep them will be blessed.  Now in verse 18 we are told not to add anything to the prophecy revealed to John or we will face the plagues described in Revelation.  In verse 19 John tells us not to take anything away from the words in Revelation or God will take away our share of the tree of Life.


    God’s redemptive plan is His from Genesis through Revelation.  I must remember that the Bible is the holy, infallible Spirit led word of God.  The prophecy reveled to John that he tells to us is true in its entirety.  Jesus will return and be triumphant!  Revelation should serve as a call to endure and hold fast in our faith to King Jesus.  We do not get to pick and choose any parts of God’s story to edit or else face eternal consequences.  The coming of the Lord should also give a sense of urgency to reach the lost before it is too late.



    Thank you for the truth in your Word and revealing your return to John for us to know the victory in you.  Help me to remain strong and endure in my faith to give you the glory as I share with others.

  • Good Life Journal – Revelation 21

    Scripture:  Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth (for the first heaven and the first earth has passed away and the sea was no more).


    And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God—prepared as a bride for her husband.


    And I heard a loud voice from the throne, saying, “Behold—the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God.


    He will wipe away every tear from their eyes and death shall be no more; neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.


    And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.”  Also, he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”


    And he said to me, “It is done!  I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end…” Rev 21:1-6a


    Observation:   John backs up the vision to the 50,000-foot level and describes the replacement of the Old with the New.  He also leads with the Vision, the Idea, the Desire of the Most High from before Time Began— “…the dwelling place of God is with man.”


    Analysis:  There are a lot of thoughts here.  “Oh, how can I analyze them; let me count the ways…”


    At the beginning of the chapter, John writes: “I saw.”  And then again, “I saw.”  And then, “I heard.”  And throughout John describes what he saw and heard—what he perceived.  No imagination, nothing like that.


    I don’t have that luxury.  I read this and I must close my eyes and imagine.  I must read and re-read until I put the picture all together.  I must read other Scripture to assure that I have the most complete image possible that the Holy Spirit reveals to me.


    And still I am going to get somethings wrong.


    Why is that?  Because this head on top of my shoulders is deficient; it is infected by my sin-nature.  Most of that will be Pride—trying to know something that isn’t thoroughly knowable because it is eternal.


    So, because I can’t know it, I should stop studying or even reading Revelation?  Absolutely not!  This prophecy was given to remember and hope.


    The rocky place, as I see it, is that no matter what the new Heaven and the New Earth brings; whatever the description of the benefits that will accompany that Creation—I am bound to always remember that my hope on this side (the old Earth) is and must always be in the Cross, in the Atonement, in the Lamb given to take away the sin of the world.


    Prayer:  Lord, eternally You are done, and it is complete.  Now I wait in this time-bound world to catch up with the Conclusion of all things.  Is it fatalism?  No—there is a certain amount of expectation for That Day that I have.


    I ask that you stir up the embers of my heart to serve and make preparation to do as you wish me to do.  I want to become a disciple.  AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – Revelation 20

    Scripture: “Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it.  From his presence earth and sky fled away, and no place was found for them.


    And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened.


    Then another book was opened, which is the book of life.  And the dead were judged by what was written in the books, according to what they have done.” Rev 20:11-12


    Observation:  The great white throne of judgement.  All will appear, none will pass without appearing.  The legal aspects of the Gospel and the Justice of God must be settled.


    Analysis:  In the economy of God there isn’t a “get out of jail free” card available.


    It is a shame that the Gospel and Salvation is presented that way at times.  When it is, it waters down the enormity of the Atonement and cheapens Grace, I think.  It also leads “responders” away from the Truth and provides hope through deceit.


    I remember Matt 7:22 and imagine the “Yeah, but…” line before the Lord Jesus.


    There are two things that are imperative to the disciple to take away:


    1. According to the doctrine of Election, none will fail to enter if Chosen.  There will not be a roll call with a heavenly creature saying, “Bob?  Bob?  Where are you, Bob?”  “Uhm, Gabriel—I think Bob took a left instead of a Right.”  “Oops, that’s too bad.  Oh, well, accidents happen.  Bill?  Bill…”


    My success or failure in evangelism supports the Sovereignty of God, but it does not affect the execution of God’s Sovereignty, either positively or negatively.  In other words, I can be an instrument in God’s Hands, but I am unable to make a mistake that affects His Purpose.


    1. If I am to be an instrument in God’s Hands, I should be as sharp, accurate, and as much a multi-purpose tool as He would have me be.  In other words, an instrument in God’s Hands is a phrase that describes being a Disciple.


    I almost prefer the phrase “becoming a disciple” rather than the presumptuous “I am a Disciple.”  After all, a sledge hammer has no business saying “I am a precision instrument” when it is obvious it isn’t an accurate statement.


    And?  And?  Is there a point here?


    Yes, Virginia, there is.  From the day that I said, “I surrender to You, my Lord.  I want to do your will all my life…” I have been on a journey governed by the Potter.  It is well to remember that I am only clay and submit myself to be whatever the Potter wants me to be.


    And then, tottling on in Faith, knowing that He has my life and best in His Hands, to be made a vessel of honor and not dishonor.


    PS: After writing this, I encountered a situation where my conviction of God’s Sovereignty was put to testing due to a child passing.  If there ever was a situation where constantly hammering the Gospel in all its aspects to my wayward heart (prior to NEEDING the fortification) it is this.


    This child was not born yet.  I was one step generationally from the child.  And the hurt and pain that I feel is not even close to the pain that the parents are going through—yet, as I am writing this my heart constricts and the tears begin to well.


    I was asked, “Why do bad things happen to good people?”  In the passing of a child that is such a difficult question to answer and not sound detached and religious.  Yet, if I didn’t remember (for myself!!) that if God is Good (which He is), Eternal and Omniscient (which He is), and intends temporal AND ultimate Good (which He does), leading to one purpose: that every knee should (shall) bow and grateful worship should occur—even in sackcloth and ashes, mourning my guts out—even if I should be crushed under the weight of my own grief.


    The Psalmist consistently says, “Why, Lord, do You do this, allow that, etc. etc.?”  In just about every case found in Psalms, he continues, “Nevertheless, I WILL lift up my hands; I WILL worship Your Glory.  Paul wrote: Give thanks in EVERYTHING (including this) for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning (me).”


    “I am crushed, but not broken” writes Paul.  Today, I understand that in some fraction of sensation.  Today, I get to remember the Gospel in all its glorious (and difficult) facets.  Today, I get to set my jaw, my face like flint, and bring the sacrifice of worship.


    Prayer: Father, you see the weight of grief.  You care enough not to stand aloof, but to collect all my tears in a bottle.  You do so for these two parents as well.  Nothing escapes your notice.


    And I am grateful for this level of care.


    Boldly I ask: Give me wisdom for the days, weeks, and months ahead.  Help me to be a minister of the Gospel with firm compassion, fierce determination and clarity, and humble demeanor.  AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – Revelation 19

    Scripture:  And the angel said to me, “Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.”


    And he said to me, “These are the true words of God.”


    Then I fell down at his feet to worship him, but he said to me, “You must not do that!  I am a fellow servant with you and your brothers who hold to the testimony of Jesus.  Worship God.”


    For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. (Rev 19:9-10)


    Observation:  Worship God!  All creatures of our God and King!  Halleluiah!  AMEN.  Isn’t that something to notice that a person must be invited and cannot barge in of their own accord?


    Analysis:  If an angel said to me, “Write this…”, would my hands stop shaking enough so I could?


    Here he goes: “Blessed. Invited, Marriage supper of the Lamb—these are the true words of God!”  And how do I respond?  “I fell down at his feet to worship…the angel.”  The angel goes “Arggh!  Stop that.  Don’t do that!”  He slaps his forehead and says to himself, “why do they always do that?  It is so frustrating.”


    “Listen guy, I am a servant just like you.  Get off your face and start writing what I am saying–worshipping me, are you nuts?  Worship God alone.  Really! (muttering) Inconceivable…”


    I must write like this every so often just to keep check on my own uppity-ness.  I can think way too highly of myself, have a way too serious manner, and just ooze into some sort of self-righteousness.


    Angels get the same response wherever they appear: “Hi, there, I am the angel…” and before they can name themselves, faces are on the floor, shaking with fear.  “Come on, get up.  I have to start all over—Hi, there, I am the angel…” and splat, on the floor again.  I wonder if they tap their feet or flap their wings in impatience?  I am pretty sure that heaven’s angels don’t roll their eyes…


    Sorry, I ran off into Right Field.  I didn’t run off into the other side of the outfield because according to some the thing call the rapture has occurred and that is where everyone was “left.”  Get it?


    Oh, my.  No jewels for me, just a lump of coal.


    Prayer: Goodness, Lord.  Like I tell my wife I have a lot to answer for—discipling her to exhibit the same weird humor I have.  Thank you for a little fun today…AMEN

  • Good Life Journal – Revelation 17


    [15] And the angel said to me, “The waters that you saw, where the prostitute is seated, are peoples and multitudes and nations and languages. [16] And the ten horns that you saw, they and the beast will hate the prostitute. They will make her desolate and naked, and devour her flesh and burn her up with fire, [17] for God has put it into their hearts to carry out his purpose by being of one mind and handing over their royal power to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled. [18] And the woman that you saw is the great city that has dominion over the kings of the earth.”



    Antichrist uses religion as a tool to fulfill his plan.  After using Babylon to entice unbelievers into chasing after false gods, corruption and self indulgence, at some point he no longer needs it, so he uses the corrupt to destroy Babylon from within  – “..they and the beast will hate the prostitute.  They will make her desolate and naked, and devour her flesh and burn her up with fire.”


    While Satan and the Antichrist move to fulfill their plan we see again that God is always in control and the prophecies will be fulfilled – “..for God has put it into their hearts to carry out his purpose..until the words of God are fulfilled.”


    God uses the wicked to turn on themselves and will give them what they want – hopelessness and eternity without him.



    Whether Babylon describes L.A, New York, Rome, or ungodly self indulgent places in general, is not important.  What is important is that in the last days of the end times, Babylon is thriving but will be destroyed.  Satan uses the Antichrist and false teachers to attract people to a one-world religion where many religions believe in the same god, and therefore that there is more than one way to heaven;  where Jesus was perhaps just a man; where idolatry is strong; or where God wants me to be happy so if it feels good do it; or [fill in the blank for the non-biblical false doctrine that brings people together].


    When Babylon has fulfilled its purpose, and Satan decides it is time for all people to worship only him, these wicked people will destroy their center of focus and shift to him.  The good news though, is that while it appears that Satan’s plan is out of God’s control, it actually is not.  God is in full control.  The destruction of Babylon and the false teaching it represents, is fulfillment of prophecy and God is allowing Satan, no.. is using Satan, as tool during the tribulation period as part of His just judgement.



    Lord thank You for Your Word.  Thank You for reminding us that You are always in control and of how You will use even the wicked to fulfill Your ultimate plan.  Thank You for peace in knowing that I am saved by Your Grace and will not be subject to Your judgement described in Revelation.  Present me with opportunity and help with words and actions to tell others of the Good News of Jesus Christ.  Amen

  • Good Life Journal – Revelation 16

    Scripture: “And I heard the angel in charge of the waters say, “Just are You, O Holy One—who is and who was—for You brought these judgements.  For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets and you have given them blood to drink.


    It is what they deserve!”


    And I hear the altar saying, “Yes, Lord God the Almighty, true and just are your judgements!”


    The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and it was allowed to scorch people with fire.  They were scorched by the fierce heat, and they cursed the name of God…and did not repent and give Him glory.


    The fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast and its kingdom was plunged into darkness.  People gnawed their tongues in anguish and cursed the God of heaven for their pain and sores.  They did not repent of their deeds.


    Observation:  As the End draws near in Revelation, it feels like the descriptions are coming fast and furious.  Hard to see perhaps but God’s Grace is evident even here…


    Analysis:  God becomes clearer and clearer.  Sight is replacing faith moment by moment.  And the display of God’s attributes is sharper than ever before.


    The Justice of God is acknowledged.

    The Wrath of God is physically shown.


    There isn’t any hesitation with the heavenly host, soberly saying, “True and Just are your Judgements!”  Implied: “there isn’t an argument that can stand up to Your Judgements, O Lord.”


    But isn’t it something that God still reaches out with Grace—stiff Grace, hard Grace—the last whacks of a 2 by 4 to a mulish, stubborn head kind of Grace: “Poured out the bowl…and still didn’t repent and give glory”, “the sun scorched, caused blisters and boils…and still didn’t repent?”


    After these two bowls, John doesn’t bother to write about any possibility of repentance.


    James wrote: “Humble yourselves before the Lord…” (Ja 4:10a)  I don’t talk about that, except to maybe write it here—I certainly haven’t in my memory remember to include it in any Gospel presentation.  Sounds, you know, so judgmental.


    But what am I supposed to do?  What good are all the study, invitations, counseling and stuff if at the end I neglect to say, “Repent and be saved!”—even to the face in the mirror?


    Prayer:   I wish I knew what to pray for here, O Lord.  I really wish.


    There are times that I feel so empty, I am appreciative that You allowed and enabled me to write this today.


    Father, give me that single eye of Focus towards You.  Please.  AMEN.