Author: Good Life Church

  • Good Life Journal – Colossians 1

    Scripture:   “He is the image of the invisible God—the firstborn of all creation.

    For by Him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through Him and for Him.  And…

    • He is before all things and in Him all things hold together.  And;
    • He is the head of the body, the church.
    • He is the beginning, the first born from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent.

    For in Him the fullness of God was please to dwell and through Him to reconcile to Himself all things (whether on earth or in heaven), making peace by the Blood of his Cross.”  (Col 1:15-20)


    Observation:   What is it about unpacking the Gospel that brings so much light?   Why are the details of the Gospel important?  Why should I know about this?  Why, it is simple…

    If I want to grow, I need to know.


    Application:   What is it about Jesus that makes Him special?

    Uhhh, He is the Son?  Well, yeah…but what else?

    Paul is very good in his letters to give a peek in the background of the Trinitarian God (Trinity: Father, Son, Holy Ghost—1 God, 3 persons; it’s a mystery I know.  Another day, another posting…).   In the letter to Colossians Paul talks about the enormity of the Christ—more stuff than I could ever wrap my punkin’ heads around:

    • Jesus created everything—heaven and earth, seen and unseen—nothing exists that He did not create.
    • Why was it created?  For Him, his personal possession.  He is Creator, everything else is subordinate to Him.
    • Even in human form, the fullness of God dwells.  He is no less God for taking on the clay/flesh of Man.
    • God and clay/flesh: Needed to reconcile all current things to Himself, making peace, by the Blood.

    This, with other references, reminds me again that Jesus (fully God and fully man) was the only One to be the perfect Sacrifice for Sin.  God is Holy.  Man is as fully not-holy as God is Holy.  Blood covers sin.  Why blood?  Don’t know—God set it up that way starting with Eden and through the Priestly sacrifice convention.

    Animals and such where only good temporarily—the Priests had to constantly sacrifice, day after day, week, month, and year.  And there were many generations of priests, to be trained and consecrated to continue sacrificing.

    What was needed was a Perfect sacrifice.  Only issue with that?  Only God is perfect.  And what needed to be the sacrifice for Man?  A Man—a Perfect Man.  Isn’t going to happen from the offspring of Adam.  So God bypassed Adam and Mary was with child from on High—His name is Jesus.

    He is why I am redeemed.  And that from before time began.  Astounding!!  Incomprehensible!!

    Prayer:   Lord God, it is astounding that You conceived such a Plan as this.  No one could have done this much less executed it.  Angels are eternally puzzled.  Man’s mind is clouded until You blow the clouds away.  Thank You for opening my eyes and keeping them open.  I don’t deserve this Grace.  AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – Philippians 4


    Philippians 4:4-7 – Rejoice in        the Lord always; again I will say rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.



    Paul is encouraging the Philippian church to be joyous about the gospel. We should rejoice and let everyone know about our hope in reasonable faith. The Lord is with us and does not want us to be anxious or fearful about things big or small. We are to thankfully bring our troubles/fears and submit them before God. Praying to God and giving our worry over to Him will allow us a peace in both heart and mind through Jesus.



    We are to to rejoice in the Lord always not just when things are going well or to stop at the first sign of discord. We have been saved from death and an eternity in Hell by the grace of God through the sacrifice of Jesus. This is the greatest news the world will ever know! Our Christian faith is reasonable, historically viable, the source of our hope which needs to be shared with all. Jesus is with us and He tells us right before his ascension into heaven to be with the Father. Yet, sometimes I want to have control and hold onto things. Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:25 not to worry and as Paul instructs the Philippians we are to be anxious about nothing and pray about all things giving them over to the Lord. God is sovereign and in control. God wants us bring our needs to Him in humble prayer and there is a peace when we submit our lives over to Him.



    Father, Thank you for sending Jesus to to save us and be with us. May I rejoice in the Lord always. Help me to submit all my concerns over to you and live in your peace.

  • Good Life Journal – Philippians 2

    Scripture:   “So if there is any encouragement in Christ; any comfort from love; any participation in the Spirit complete my joy by being of the same mind having the same love being in full accord and of one mind.

    Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.  Let each of you look not only to your own interests but also to the interests of others.

    Have this mind among yourselves (which is yours in Christ Jesus) who though He was in the form of God did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.  AND being found in human form he humbled himself be becoming obedient to the point of death—even death on a cross.”  Phil 2:1-8

    Observation:   Remember “therefore?”  When we see the word “therefore” we should see what it is “there for?”  The word “so” is also like that.  Paul is giving a run-down on what the results of “progress and joy in the faith” (Phil 1:25b) and what our manner of life should look like (Phil 1:27a).

    Application:   Being a disciple can be daunting.

    So much to do, so much to remember, so much to consider: so much to ponder…it is amazing that anything can be accomplished.

    And that’s the rub for me…how can I accomplish being a disciple?

    Here’s the Sunday School answer: You can’t.  Only the Holy Spirit can accomplish this through you and in you.

    Ok, that is real informative.  So I relax, right?  I progress in the faith by the osmosis method; just hang around enough churchy folks, listen to the pastor, read these journal postings, etc. and some of this will just rub off on me?  Survey says…..not exactly.

    The Sunday School answer is only partly correct.  That is describing the work of God in his Sovereignty in you.  There is another part: Human Responsibility.  Broadly speaking, that is the effort part that man exerts through those pesky verbs that Paul writes about: “complete my joy by…” , “Do nothing from…”, “Count others more significant…”, “have this mind among yourselves…”

    These are the “Do’s” of the Faith, those things that we pursue, change our minds for, press on for, strain forward for, and more.  Noticing what Paul writes above there are two facets: Internal work and external.  Beware that the external isn’t faked over having the internal (heart) work done.

    I have to take advantage of what I consider a gift of Grace: the mirror.  “Examine yourself, see if you are in the faith” Paul says to the Crazy Corinthians.  “Test yourselves.”  (2 Cor 13:5) This is not an exercise of whether I am saved or not…this is an exercise of whether I am walking worthy of the Gospel.  The reality is that we don’t…in every aspect completely–only some of the time.  That’s ok.  Form a plan, prayerfully.  Tackle an aspect of godliness and then another, and another, and another.  Repeat/repent as necessary.

    That is what chasing after the prize looks like.

    Prayer:   Father, I feel so inadequate at the moment, failing You.  That’s ok: this is where I remember and remind myself of the Gospel—that You died on the Cross to pay the penalty for my Sin.  My performance on earth has nothing to do with Justification.  Sanctification?  Ah, a different story.  Make me in the likeness of the Son O Lord.  AMEN


  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 119



    Vs 173 Let your hand be ready to help me,
    for I have chosen your precepts.

    Vs 174 I long for your salvation, O Lord,
    and your law is my delight.

    Vs 175 Let my soul live and praise you,
    and let your rules help me.

    Vs 176 I have gone astray like a lost sheep; seek your servant,
    for I do not forget your commandments.




    The psalmist is distinguishing between what he is does and what he wants the Lord to do.

    The psalmist “chooses” and “delights” and “praises” the Lord and his word.

    The Lord “helps” and “seeks” and “saves” the psalmist.


    The psalmist also has many various words for God’s word.

    “Precepts” … “law” … “rules” … “commandments”.




    Every day is full of choices. Every hour is actually.

    Am I filtering those choices through the lens of God’s Word?

    The psalmist makes it an active process: “I have chosen your precepts”.

    How often to act as if God’s Word and His precepts simply exist, but are not an active, life giving, Spirit-filled breath for me to live by!

    If I try to live independently of God’s Word, there is no actual life!

    And consider what I’m pushing away if I don’t remain active in the Word:

    Twice the psalmist references “help”!

    Why would I not embrace help from the Lord?!

    He is the very giver of life and of salvation!

    The psalmist says he “longs” for your salvation, O Lord!

    Do I “long” for it?

    The psalmist says his “delight” is the Lord’s law!

    Do I “delight” in it?

    The grace here is refreshing, though.

    Even though I “have gone astray like a lost sheep” …

    It is “your salvation” … and the Lord “seeks His servant”.




    Thank You, God, again for you Word

    Help delight in it!

    Help me remember it!

    Help me actively choose it!

    In Jesus name,


  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 119:121-152


    [130] The unfolding of your words gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple. [131] I open my mouth and pant,because I long for your commandments.



    When God became real in the psalmist’s heart, it made everything more clear to him; as light makes things clear in a dark room (heart).

    Seeing the truth clearly with the light has nothing to do with how well educated or knowledgeable a person is.

    Once he saw clearly and truly felt God in his heart, the psalmist could not get enough of him.


    When you truly believe and walk with Christ, your heart changes.  The Lord fills you with His spirit and you are driven to get more and more of Him; to be more and more like Him.  When this happens, it’s like being in a dark room with a bunch of demons and turning on the light.  You see all the evil around you and want to get away from it as fast as you can.

    Understanding God’s Word, commandments, grace or love, has nothing to do with how smart we are or how much education we have.  It has more to do with a heart change and a desire to truly know Him.  “Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me (Psa 51:10).

    The light from truly knowing God, shines into the deep corners and secret compartments of your heart.  When our heart is transformed, we literally see the world and the happenings around us in a whole new light.  With this heart change is when we finally see all that is wrong around us.  Much of which seemed fine before.  Drastic things can happen – friends change, activities change, desires change, and where we find joy changes.  We have a new insatiable desire to “..not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind..” (Rom 12:2).


    This is the unquenchable thirst that David (the psalmist) is expressing.  We long to understand the Lord’s will for our lives. We long to please Him.  We long to see worldly influences for what they are – through the light of His truth.  We thirst for His word and can’t get enough.


    Lord, thank You for loving me.  Thank You for changing my heart, for guiding me with Your spirit and for allowing me to get closer and closer to You. Thank You for the joy You give me as I walk with You.  I pray You continue to help me understand Your will and impart wisdom into me as I run this race.  Lord I pray you continue to pursue the lost as You have continuously pursued me.  In Jesus’ mighty name I pray. Amen.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 119:97-120

    Scripture:    “Oh, how I love your law!  It is my meditation all the day.

    • I have more understanding than all my teachers for your testimonies are my meditation.
    • I understand more than the aged for I keep your precepts.
    • I hold back my feet from every evil way in order to keep your word.

    How sweet are your words to my taste—sweeter than honey to my mouth.

    Your testimonies are my heritage forever (for they are the joy of my heart).”  Excerpt from Ps 119:97; vs 99-103; vs 111.

    Observation:  How do I love you, Lord?  By loving your Word all my days and to give it back to my children and coming generations as a treasured heritage.

    Application:    I think the Holy Spirit hammers on the subject of the Word in Psalms 119–Pounds and pounds and pounds.

    I wonder why?

    And then I think about the face in the mirror and I cringe: Because I don’t love the Word like I should.

    Look at the benefits: I have a bunch of understanding—more than my so-called teachers.  I understand more than the old guys around me.  I am empowered to avoid every evil way.

    How?  By fiercely embracing His Word—meditating on; keeping, and; savoring His Word.

    Here is me being transparent: Because I don’t hang with folks who love the Scriptures, it is easy for me to reach an equilibrium, a level spot, a place where I am no better and no worse—to use a sports analogy I play to the level of my competition.

    That’s not to put the onus of underperforming on others (“They made me do it…”) because the responsibility always lies with the face in the mirror.  But it is a reason to go and find a Bible Buddy; someone to talk about the Scriptures, to talk about doctrine, to hang out and discuss the Wonder and Character of God, etc.

    Heady stuff?  Not really.  Too deep?  Heavens no.  Inconsequential and leads to arguments?  No and maybe—but good arguments can come from exploring the Character and Attributes of God; the Doctrines that our Faith is built upon.

    The consequences of not building affection for the Scriptures are right out there, it is evident both academically and experientially.  Understood: Can’t get to there overnight—but if I think about it, I can’t get to anything overnight when it comes to being a disciple.

    So I plod toward the goal of the high calling in Christ.  Maybe I will find someone to run with along the way.

    Prayer:   You brought this to mind on the way in, O Lord: “…forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Phil 3:13-14)  Steady plodding reaps results.  Help me to run the race O Lord Jesus.  If I can’t run because of stuff, I certainly want to walk steadily to the Goal.  AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 119


    Psalm 119:81 – My soul longs for your salvation; I hope in your word.


    The psalmist strongly desires for his soul to be saved by God.  Salvation comes from God not from man.  The hope of the psalmist is in the word of God not in things of the world.


    Psalm 119:81 succinctly summarizes how I should feel about God and live for Him.  Our greatest need is the gospel and salvation from our sin through Jesus. Jesus is the living word and our only hope is in Christ.  Yet, am I on fire for God daily that he sent Jesus to rescue me or does my flame flicker with business of life?  I have to be in the word and prayer to hear from God and be connected with Him.  My hope has to be solidly placed on the saving work of Jesus on the cross not things of man.  The gospel is the greatest news the world will ever know and we have the opportunity to share the love of Christ with all.




    Let me desire you and your salvation daily.  Have my hope be in you and help me share that hope with a world that desperately needs you.  

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 119:1-24

    Scripture:   “In the way of your testimonies I delight…I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways….I will delight in your statutes…Open my eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of your law…my soul is consumed with longing for your rules at all times.

    Oh, that my ways be steadfast in keeping your statues…(not) put to shame having my eyes fixed on your commandments…Your testimonies are my delight…” Excerpts from 119:14-15; v 17-20; v 24

    Observation:  I wonder what the Psalmist really felt about the Word of God.  Is there a “spoiler alert” here?

    Application:  I think everyone loses interest in the Bible at times.

    It isn’t a long duration, but I think it does happen.  Cares of the world, laziness, lack of interest, no application, an attitude of “what am I doing this for again?”

    It is basically a lack of motivating vision.

    Telling folks outside the church about how wonderful the Scriptures are isn’t motivating; it is something that is pretty exclusive to those inside the church—encouraging one another with the Word of God and our own excitement and delight.

    I look how the Psalmist recounts all of his feelings and attitude about the Word.  He doesn’t tiptoe around words like “commandments”, “rules”, “statutes”, “precepts”, “testimonies”, and such.  God breathed out these words and the response?  Delightfulness.  Wonder.  Consumed.  Shameless.

    He is fiercely intentional:  I delight.  I will meditate.  I will fix my eyes on His ways.  Make my way steadfast in keeping your statutes.  He speaks to his soul; to the face in the mirror.

    Am I like that?  Or am I content to get a fill-up every so often and run most of the time on old memories.  Memories are ok, we are supposed to conjure up remembrances of His work in our lives.  They are to be treasured.

    But do I TREASURE and DELIGHT in his word?  Candidly I fail most of the time.  Why is that?  I think it is this: Learning to know Him more through His word is different (in a specific way) than learning for action.  It is looking for and cultivating the “Wow” factor in searching for God our Father.

    Prayer:  Lord, my Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth.  How wondrous are your works and your ways.  Lord Jesus, stir me up again that I may be blown away by your testimonies; the depth of your Grace and Mercy; the magnitude of your Prescience.

    Even as I write this, my heart sinks in shame because of my ignorance of You; that I should know you more.   O, how I long for You.

    Create and encourage folks to not just to love your Law, but are eager to share and talk about it within the Local Church.  AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 119:25-48

    Scripture:   “When I told of my ways, You answered me—teach me Your statutes!!  Make me understand the way of Your precepts and I will meditate on your wondrous works…


    Confirm to your servant your promise (that You may be feared)…


    Let your steadfast love come to me, O Lord…your salvation according to your promise.  Then shall I have an answer for him who taunts me for I trust in your Word.  And take not the word of truth utterly out of my mouth for my hope is in your rules…


    …for I find my delight in your commandments (which I love).  I will lift up my hands towards your commandments (which I love) and I will meditate on your statutes.”  (Excerpt from Ps 119:26-27; v 38; v 41-43; v 47b-48.)


    Observation:   The Psalmist weaves Love for God and Love for His Word in and out, so much so that the finished cloth is indistinguishable from each thread.  How much, then, do I really love God but not so much His Word?


    Application:    Can’t have it both ways.


    “I love God, but reading His word bores me.”  “I love God, but I wish there were Cliff notes—the Bible is so hard to understand AND sometimes it feels like contradictions all over the place.”  “I love God and I really get off talking about God, but there are times where I am inadequate answering questions because…” “I only know what someone has told me.”


    Reality for a follower of Christ is being a student of His Word.  And liking it.  Really liking it.


    The value of being a student of His Word is how we know Him deeper and deeper.  Not being a student is consigning ourselves to the shallows.


    The above scripture references indicate the following:


    1. Face in the mirror-type of transparency or fierce confession leads to the cry “Teach me!!  Make me learn!!  I am not hungry enough (to my despair).  Make me hungry for your word.
    2. Learning about the Promises?  Result: fearing God (key component of wisdom, discernment, knowledge, etc.)
    3. Learning about His steadfast love—experience is OK but predominately “according to Your Promise” puts the word of truth in my mouth so that I will have a ready answer to the heckler and mocker.
    4. Delighting in the Word moves me to hands in the air, dancing, singing, etc. surrendered Worship.  Ok, maybe not dancing…but it should!


    I think the point the Psalmist is making throughout chapter 119 is that loving His Word, precepts, principles, doctrine, etc. is inseparable from knowing Jesus.  John 14:23-24 “If anyone loves me he will keep my word and my Father will love him and we will come to him and make our home with him.  Whoever does NOT love me does not keep my words.  And the word that you hear is not mine but the Father’s who sent me.”  And John 10:30 “I and the Father are one.”


    So, being the transparent guy I want to be in an ever increasing way, I need to put down the remote more and flip open a book or 5 to learn about what this being a Christian Disciple is about more…


    Need a book?  I have a bunch to loan out…


    Prayer:    O God, increase awesome wonder in me.  Help me to escalate savoring Your Word more and more, day after day.  AMEN.



  • Good Life Journal – Hebrews 13


    Vs 7 Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith.

    Vs 12 Jesus also suffered outside the gate in order to sanctify the people through his own blood. 13 Therefore let us go to him outside the camp and bear the reproach he endured.

    Vs 14 For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come.



    The author has some final thoughts to communicate to the Hebrew Christians.

    He tells them two places to seek a model for their actions and behavior: “your leaders” and “Jesus”

    The author also tells his readers how they can continue on in their actions even when their circumstances are extremely difficult.

    They must maintain perspective … an eternal perspective … “we seek a city that is to come”.



    Who do I keep an eye on to model my actions and behavior?

    I do not create my own action from a vacuum.

    I am not the independent individual that is so often idolized or dreamed of in my own head.

    I will have leaders outside of my own mind and thinking.

    I get my thoughts of how to act mostly from those around me.

    Three key actions are stated of how to engage those leaders around me.

    “Remember” … “Consider” … and “Imitate”

    My mind is full of countless memories. I will focus on some a lot more than others.

    Which memories tend to recur or play over and over again in my mind?

    What I must remember most significantly are the memories of “leaders”!

    And who are the “leaders” I should “remember”?

    “Those who spoke the word of God”!

    And then once I “Remember”, I must “consider”.

    To think hard and contemplate others actions … to truly discern right from wrong …

    To analyze “the outcome of their way of life” … this is to “consider”.

    This takes an intentional process of the mind and watching closely who I follow.

    But it is not only a process of mind, but a process of action.

    I must ultimately “imitate”.

    “Imitate” what? … Their “faith”!

    What actions of faith am I taking? … Any? … Not enough?

    Perhaps, I must “remember” those of some around me and “consider” their outcomes.

    God will certainly show me what action of faith I take. … Faith pleases Him!

    And, of course, I must always know that Jesus never asks me to do anything He did not do before and infinitely more than I.

    Sure, there may be “suffering”, and “bearing reproach”, and “enduring” in this.

    But how tiny any of this is considering what eternity has for me!

    When the present seems difficult, I can “remember” my leaders and “seek the city that is to come”.

    The present becomes easier when the Christian past and future are considered.



    Thank You, God, for your Word

    Thank you for placing leaders around me who speak your word

    Open my eyes Holy Spirit to the outcomes I can imitate

    Give me courage to seek the city to come

    In Jesus name,


  • Good Life Journal – Hebrews 12


    [1] Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, [2] looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

    [3] Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted. [4] In your struggle against sin you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood.



    Hebrews was written to Christian Jews who were being persecuted and possibly imprisoned due to their faith in following Jesus.  At every turn, the book of Hebrews encourages readers to remain faithful to Jesus in spite of any persecution.

    Here are some observations from the first three verses.

    ..lay aside every weight.. Not just sin – they were to lay aside anything keeping from running the race.  This would include a lot of distractions.

    ..sin which clings so closely.. It’s hard to shake sin sometimes but to really follow Jesus, they must try. This means not sitting and waiting with patience for something good to happen.  This is very much an action that must be taken.

    ..with endurance.. This means no quitting, overcoming obstacles and it’s not meant to be an easy process.

    ..the race set before us.. The race is living for Jesus.  As a race is a competition, so is living for Jesus – a competition between good and evil.

    ..looking to Jesus.. Run the race with Jesus, remembering what He has done.

    ..endured the cross..  He endured the cross for sinners.

    ..from sinners such hostility.. even though it was sinners who put him on the cross.

    ..consider that and not grow weary or fainthearted.. If you keep in mind what Jesus has done for you, endurance will come easier.much

    ..have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood..  Knowing that He shed his blood for you, should make running the race easier.



    Similar to the Jewish Christians that needed encouragement.  So do we.

    The race is a competition between what we know to be right in Christ, and the satanic forces working against us in our lives.  While there is a lot of good in the world, often times, evil surrounds us.  We are exposed to it on a daily basis.

    We are called to shake the sin and other worldly distractions, and to live for Jesus.  Living for Him means taking action, not just waiting for something good to happen.  Praying is action, but that’s not enough.  The real action comes from talking with God, listening to Him, and actually doing what He tells you.

    In our day and age, while in some countries people are severely persecuted and imprisoned due to their faith in Christ, we find the persecution mostly in the form of external worldly pressure.  We get constant pressure to go along with the rest of the world to call evil good and good evil.  We must be aware this is going on and fight against it.  This is the race, the competition.  This is where we need to be strong and endure pressure when we feel beat down.  He is with us the whole time, during the whole race.  When we pull a hamstring, He is with us.  When our heart is racing, He is with us.

    We can always get our strength to endure by looking to Him and the Spirit within us.  It’s not just a trite saying – the same power that raised Jesus from the grave really does live in us as true believers.  Certainly that’s enough power to provide the endurance we need.  We just need to look to the Lord and use it.

    Remember what He has done for us.  He shed His blood and died on a cross for us!  He did this even knowing how imperfect we are and that we have a sin nature.  If He can do that for us, it shouldn’t seem that hard to run the race for Him!



    Lord, thank You for all You’ve done for me.  Thank You for my salvation.  I pray you will give me the strength and endurance to run the race with You.  Let me always be aware of Your power living in me and that I can call on You when I need to overcome obstacles in running the race for You.  In Jesus’ mighty name I pray.  Amen.

  • Good Life Journal – Hebrews 11


    “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for; (Faith is) the conviction of things not seen.  For by it the people of old received their commendation…without faith it is impossible to please Him—for whoever would draw near to God must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who seek Him.

    (Moses) considered the reproach of Christ greater wealth than the treasures of Egypt (for he was looking to the reward).

    And all these (Heroes of the Faith in ages past), though commended through their faith, did not receive what was promised since God had provided something better for us, that apart from us they should not be made perfect.”  Excerpted from Heb 11:1-2; v6; v26; 39-40


    Faith, the definition of and the function of, is continued and expanded upon by the Writer of Hebrews—to what end?  The assurance and the conviction of our Hope in Christ through the function of faith.


    I have a medium to hard time understanding faith at times.

    Is faith an unsubstantiated belief (meaning: nothing substantial behind it)?  Is it a power to be exercised?  Is faith a concept or a principle?  When faith is exercised, just what is accomplished?

    All of the above have been referenced to faith in my history and probably others.  It has messed me up in my thinking, actions, and witness more than once.  Strike that: If it doesn’t hiccup on me at least weekly or more I am not telling the truth.

    Remember Rom 12:3?  “…but be transformed by the renewal of your mind that by testing you may discern what is the Will of God…?”

    If faith is the assurance of hope and the conviction of things invisible, then renewing my mind daily is imperative because daily my hope is assaulted by despair in various forms and my eyes see what is before me and not the Hand of God beyond that; my physically experienced world disputes the existence of God because my head is sick and the enemy still has some influence.

    Therefore, I think faith is, at its core, a few things:

    1. Understanding the visible world is the shadow of the Eternal and God is preeminent and Sovereign.
    2. A conviction of unseen facts, informed by the Holy Spirit through His Word.
    3. A convinced hope of statements and promises of God to be inalterably true.

    Standing on the promises of God was not a hope without substance by the Heroes mentioned in Heb 11.  In fact it was faith with rock solid foundations, faces set like flint in the face of opposition, firmly convinced that He who is unseen is more trustworthy than the physical world around.

    Moses perceived by faith a Redeemer is coming: Jesus Christ, Messiah of Israel, and Savior of the World.  The reproach, opposition of the world around him didn’t move him.  Standing on the Rock, the Firm Foundation meant something substantial, more substantial than the ground he stood upon.

    The scripture indicates that He rewards those who seek Him.  How do you seek something, someone who can’t be seen?  Another time, another posting but I am reminded and convinced of this: If I seek Him I will be found by Him.  Seeking Him has a rewarding object.  It is NOT a “one and done” exercise.


    Father, Music and Lyric so plays a part in my remembering of You.  “So I want to go back to Egypt” satirically reminds me to keep to the narrow road, my head on straight, and my eye singly upon You.  My flesh rebels.  I need the help of the Holy Spirit moment by moment.  Help me, O God my Lord, to pursue and seek You fervently, passionately, and fiercely.  AMEN.



  • Good Life Journal – Hebrews 10


    Hebrews 10:22-24 – let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.  Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.  And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works.


    The author is ensuring and exhorting the Hebrew Christians to have faith in the new covenant which lasts forever through the blood of Christ for our sins.  Three times in verses 22-24 he encourages the believers by stating let us.  Let us draw near with clean and pure hearts.  Let us hold on to the hope in our faithful God.  Let us encourage each other in love and to serve.



    God did what only he could do.  And by His grace, He sent a sinless Jesus to pay for the sins of all mankind once for all. When we place our faith in Jesus we are new creations washed clean by the blood of the lamb.  The gospel creates a heart change and I can live with full confidence of my faith as I draw near to God and He is near to me.  We serve an unchanging, faithful and just God and my hope in Him must not be circumstantial.  Hard to do, but our hope is to be unwavering on the highest peak or when in crisis.  We should not take the glory nor give God the blame. We are to motivate each other to love and serve. God loved me first so much that he sent His son to die for me.   I am to receive His love and share His love and gospel with others. Out of response from His love, we serve as Jesus did.




    Thank you for your love, grace and mercy.  Let my faith, hope and love be constant as a result of change in my heart from your love. May I love you, love others and serve to point the glory to you.

  • Good Life Journal – Hebrews 8

    Scripture:  “Now the point in what we are saying is this:

    We have such a high priest, one who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven, a minister in the holy places, in the true tent that the Lord set up—not man.

    For every high priest is appointed to offer gifts and sacrifices; thus it is necessary for this priest to have something to offer.

    Now if he (Jesus) were on earth, he would not be a priest at all since there are priests who offer gifts according to the Law.  (Note)—they serve a copy and shadow of the heavenly things.  For when Moses was about to erect the tent he was instructed by God, saying: “See that you make everything according to the pattern shown you on the mountain.”

    But as it is, Christ has obtained a ministry that is as much more excellent than the Old as the covenant he mediates is better (since it is enacted on better promises).  For if that first (the Old) covenant had been faultless there would have been no occasion to look for a second.”  Heb 8:1-7

     Observation:  Hebrews is full of theology and doctrine.  Here is why the world needs Jesus past being the Savior—He is the final High Priest.  Another facet of the Gospel jewel…

    Application:   So, the Writer is getting into the nitty gritty of academic theology—what is the difference between the Old Covenant vs. the New?  Why is it so important that the Writer emphasizes “Now, the point is…”  Maybe this isn’t “academic theology” and it is important enough for Believers to understand and know?

    Ancient Biblical Theologians say “Yes, it is important.”

    It helped me quite a bit when I realized that because He is Eternal and I am not to develop and use the Jewel figure—I can shift from one facet to another to learn about Jesus and the Gospel and know that they all fit together—even if my poor, temporal mind can’t put my arms around everything at the same time.

    I mean, really: Take God’s Omniscience.  Can I even imagine being everywhere, all the time, at every moment in time?  Oops—fuse blown.   God’s Omniscience is part of His Incommunicable Attributes—we creatures have no frame of reference.

    So, I see that Jesus is the final High Priest.  Ok, and?  He is Savior: doesn’t that go with the territory?  Yes…and no.  It helps with understanding by splitting the two momentarily.

    The Writer is spelling out the difference and, to take liberty a bit, it works out like this: The Old Priests needed to make intercession via sacrifices and such continually for the simple reason that the Old Priests were human, eventually died, and someone else had to take their place—there was nothing that would last forever as long as Man was doing the intercession thing.

    But, now there is an Eternal Priest—one who make Intercession between God and Man continually and without interruption or pause.  And, He is not bound by any supply issue of bulls, oxen, rams, goats, birds, etc. because the Sacrifice is His own Blood.  Jesus is the Eternal Priest offering an Eternal, Perfect, offering—Himself, the Son of God.

    So, as we walk in faith of Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross, we have confidence to boldly go before the Throne because He is High Priest interceding for us eternally.  Continually.  Moment by moment.  Forever.

    How cool is that?

    Prayer:   Lord, I like the way the Writer calls You the Majesty.  Every time I look into Your Word I find something new—it might be something little, it may be something big.  It may be reinforcement and clarification of something learned inadequately long ago.  Make my heart soft, my ears open, and my eyes to see, eternal Trinity.  AMEN.



  • Good Life Journal – Hebrews 6


    Vs 1 … let us leave the elementary doctrine of Christ and go on to maturity

    Vs 10 God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for his name in serving the saints, as you still do.

    Vs 11 And we desire each one of you to show the same earnestness to have the full assurance of hope until the end,

    Vs 12 so that you may not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.

    vs 19 We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain,

    vs 20 where Jesus has gone as a forerunner on our behalf



    The author is strongly encouraging the Hebrew faithful to “go on to maturity”.

    How would this maturity be shown?

    Through “work” and “love” in “serving the saints”.

    How would work and love be maintained and continue?

    Primarily because it is “for His name” in the “full assurance of hope until the end”.

    But also by being “imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises”.



    How can I tell if I am mature?

    The author tells me it as least entails “work” and “love” for fellow believers.

    It’s of course brilliant to combine both here.

    Sometimes I can feel like I am “doing” a lot.

    Days, nights, weekends, etc. … full of activity for the church or other ministries.

    My calendar can be full of activity … or “work”.


    But at the same time, I must ask myself, “Is my heart full of love?”

    If I am all “work” and no “love”, then I’ll get jaded, and resentful, and ultimately “burn out”.

    But I can also swing the pendulum the other way and just focus on “feelings”.

    I can think it’s enough to just “love” people “in my heart” without doing something about it!

    In fact, I can easily convince myself that “grace” means not working!

    Grace is against work, right?! … Not entirely.

    I’m reminded of a Dallas Willard statement …

    “Grace is against earning, grace is not against effort”.


    I must heed the words of Hebrews here to “not be sluggish” in “serving the saints”.

    So how can I do this?

    I must realize that my “work” and “love” is not rooted in the “saints” themselves.

    My motivation for “work” and “love” is “for His name”!

    And my anchor for my “work” and “love” is “a full assurance of hope … where Jesus has gone”!

    So, Jesus, Himself, is always my primary motivation to “work” and “love”.

    But what about when I’m “sluggish”?

    When I lose sight of my anchor, then I look around me.

    I look to see who I can “imitate in faith and patience”.

    God has placed amazing people around me to look to.


    If I continue in a steady, patient “work” and “love” for “the saints” the result will be maturity.



    Thank you, God, for your word.

    Thank you for providing people for me to look to and imitate

    Help me be someone others may look to, as well.

    Keep my eyes on my anchor, Jesus

    And help me serve Jesus name
