Vs 15 Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise …
Vs 17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.
Vs 20 … giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Vs 21 … submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ.
Paul is telling the believers how to live out their faith.
They must observe themselves closely … “look carefully how you walk”.
And think wisely … “understand the will of God”.
Living out the will of God includes giving thanks to God and submitting to others.
Look at my “how” … and … understand God’s “will”.
I love that Paul wants me to have a very active mind and body.
Watch my walk and understand God’s will.
Does how I am walking match what God is willing?
I must “look closely” and “understand” clearly.
So, then what is God’s will?
Perhaps this is the most frequent question I hear from other Christians.
Paul tells me here it’s at least two things:
“Give thanks to God always for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
And … “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.”.
Again, God does not separate our relationship with Him from others.
For both things, how I relate to God and others, the will of God is in the context of Christ.
So, I have to ask myself (or “look carefully” as Paul says) …
Am I thanking God always for everything? “always” and “for everything” …. That’s a big ask.
Am I submitting to others? “submitting” … another big ask.
Which is why if I am not doing these things, I need to check how I am relating to Jesus!
I thank God … in Jesus name!
I submit to others … out of reverence for Christ!
It all comes back to Jesus!
I don’t thank God because everything is wonderful.
I thank God because in everything I can see Jesus!
I don’t submit to others because they are wonderful.
I submit to others because I revere Jesus!
Another fascinating part of Paul’s instructions here is that it’s the opposite of how I want to so often live.
It’s so much easier to observe others closely and point out their foolishness.
And I want others to submit to me.
But Paul tells me to look closely at how I live and submit to others …
In Jesus name and out of reverence for Christ!
Thank you, God … for everything!
Help me to be thankful when I ‘m not
Help me to look closely how I live
Give me wisdom and help me walk in it
And give me such reverence for Christ
That I will gladly submit to others
In Jesus name