Category: Good Life Journal

  • Good Life Journal – James 1


    James 1:19-20  My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, 20 because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.



     These verses contain three character qualities that are supposed to be present in our life. We are to be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger.  There are consequences to our behavior.  Anger does not bring out the best in us. It produces the opposite of what God desires.  Sometimes it is better to say nothing than to speak, especially speak in anger. To be slow to listen and talk is to take time, even if briefly, to think about what they said and what I may say.



     I am guilty of being slow to listen, quick to speak and quick to angry. Just to opposite of how God wants me to react. It is usually not until it is too late that I realize what I have done. I don’t listen to people or pay attention to what is being said. I talk over people or jump in at the first pause. And I usually get angry quickly with the people I love the most often regretting something I said during the process. The typical reason for all of this is a focus on self and not on God or others.

    A quick anger is noticeable and limiting. It takes the focus away from the situation and puts in on a person. I have known more than a couple of people that have not been promoted due to their quick anger. If a business person will limit someone’s career, think about what limits we put on God’s will when we are quick to anger.     

    The difference between slow reaction and quick reaction is time. A pause. But many things happen during that pause. I can elevate the situation with my quick anger, or calm the situation without saying a word. A pause allows me to better understand what has been said. It allows me to reflect on what I have heard. I need more pauses in my life.



     Allow me to pause. Allow words to rest within me and stay within me, slowing down my reaction so my reaction is a Godly one.

  • Good Life Journal – Romans 16


    Romans 16 

    Vs 1 I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a servant of the church at Cenchreae …

    Vs 3 Greet Prisca and Aquila, my fellow workers in Christ Jesus …

    Vs 4 who risked their necks for my life …

    Vs 6 Greet Mary, who has worked hard for you.

    Vs 7 Greet Andronicus and Junia, my kinsmen and my fellow prisoners …

    Vs 9 Greet Urbanus, our fellow worker in Christ …

    Vs 12 Greet those workers in the Lord, Tryphaena and Tryphosa. Greet the beloved Persis, who has worked hard in the Lord.


    Vs 17 I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them.

    Vs 18 For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive.


    Paul, after a thoroughly theological treatise, gets deeply personal as he wraps up this letter to the Romans.

    He doesn’t send out a blanket, “Say ‘Hi’ to everybody for me!”

    Paul names specifically whom to acknowledge and why they are to be acknowledged.

    In fact, Paul, just in this final chapter, names 36 individuals!

    These individuals have “served” and “risked” and “worked” and have even been “fellow prisoners”.

    And each of these actions are vitally important.

    These actions are important because there is another group of people who are not named individually, but their actions are named.

    They “cause division” and “create obstacles” and “serve their own appetites” and “talk smoothly” and “deceive the naïve”.


     I read often that our modern culture is experiencing a “loneliness crisis”.

    The average number of close friends or relationships continues to drop and even approaches 1 or even zero for many.

    This is not how it is to be. This is not how we are designed. We need community.

    Paul, even as a frequent and itinerant traveler clearly developed many close relationships.

    How did he do this? I think it largely come to this: Mission.

    The best relationships are formed through serving together toward the same goal, the same mission.

    Yes, God will build His church, but we are His hands and His feet.

    Can I count among my nearest and dearest friends those whom I serve with and strive on mission with?

    No doubt I can gather good and even enjoyable relationships from work associates.

    And I can have a fun time going to a game with acquaintances.

    But whom do I “work hard” with? Whom do I “serve” with? Whom do I “risk” with?

    Or, perhaps a better question … Do I even “risk”, at all?

    Every good mission will entail a risk, a sacrifice.

    Do I feel a want or need for more or better relationships? … Perhaps, I should get on mission.

    God is at work. … Am I?

    Others are at work, as well … “serving their own appetite”. … Am I?

    I must choose this day whom I will serve.


    Thank you again, God, for Your word.

    Help me to see and acknowledge the people You put around me.

    May I see them as You see them.

    May we serve on mission together for your honor.

    Help me avoid those who cause division and create obstacles.

    Show me how to be Your hands and feet

    In Jesus name


  • Good Life Journal – Romans 15

    Scripture :
    Romans 15: 7  – Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you for the Glory of God. 
    Observation :
    The Strong take on the weak, the words of old are for the encouragement and strength of the people of God and then Paul says something that we as Christians do not want to hear today. The theology police and moral police do not want to hear what he says next. WELCOME one another as Christ has WELCOMED you for the Glory of God. WELCOME…..
    Application :
    The NIV says ACCEPT one another in order to bring praise to God. Man I need to hear this. I look at someones life and not necessarily say you need to clean up but def look at some things way more negatively than others. The reality is that is we accept people if what they are doing that is sinful is not beyond a certain moral compass that we have made up. My acceptance of them is based on how bad the sin is or how deep they are in the specific sin they are taking part in. Their lifestyle is huge and I judge them based on how they live, how they speak, and how they carry themselves. Man, as christians now days we don’t accept people, we say we do, but do we really? If a person says their gay or struggling with lust and adultery, or curse every other word or the list can go on, do we accept them? Circumstantially we do, but we don’t fully accept them. Christ MY LORD accepted me in my muck and mire and through his Word, his Spirit, and others teaching me daily what It meant to follow Jesus he has changed me day by day. It is not my job to change someone or even tell them how bad they are, or how they are in sin and they need to stop. My calling is to ACCEPT people and love them and show them in my life what it means to follow Jesus and love God and Fear God and let the Spirit of Jesus Christ do what he does. We must remember this is for only ONE thing….THE GLORY OF GOD. May accept people regardless of their lifestyle, political beliefs, theology, democrat, or republican, liberal, conservative, gay, straight, alcoholic, porn addict, drug addict, and much more that at one point in our life we were. We must remember the saving GRACE of Jesus Christ that saved us and changed us and let’s accept people and watch God work for his Glory through OUR live of obedience. 
    Prayer :
    God forgive me for disobedience in my life and for pushing people away because I did not agree with their lifestyle. Forgive me for how I have hurt people for not loving them well and consist and long enough. Forgive me for giving up on people and pushing them away. Help me be different and accept people as you have accepted me. HELP ME LORD. 
  • Good Life Journal – Romans 14


     “As for the one who is weak in faith welcome him-but not to quarrel over opinions….Who are you to pass judgement on the servant of another?  It is before his own master that he stands or falls…Why do you pass judgement on your brother?  Or you-why do you despise your brother?  For we will all stand before the judgment seat of God, for it is written: “As I live (says the Lord) every knee shall bow to me and every tongue shall confess to God.”  So then each of us will give an account of himself to God.”  (Romans 14:1, 4, 10-12 and Isaiah 45:23)


    In Romans 14 there are at least four sections where Paul is addressing a particular attitude of the Roman Church: Superiority.  Where do I draw the line (if there is a line) between tolerance and standing firm?


     I am easily confused.  Doesn’t there have to be a difference between right and wrong; sin and righteousness; wise and foolish; good doctrine v. bad and misleading doctrine?

    Survey says: Yes-there are lines.  And No as well.  It has to do with my attitude.

    Attitude is difficult to control and modulate.  A little knowledge and we can go off the deep end.  Not enough knowledge and we do not progress into maturity and godliness.   Scripture says “Desire (or zeal) without knowledge is not good…” (Prov 19:2).  Jerimiah is a bit blunter, speaking of our baseline: “Every man is stupid and without knowledge…” (Jer 10:14a)

    So, figuring a guy like me starts with the foundation of stupidity, then what?  As I add knowledge (starting with the Fear of God) I have to be aware not to let haughtiness have a foothold.  So how can I do that?

    As an engaged disciple I start with a plan.  Only having a “set jaw” isn’t enough.  I must seek what was promised, that is, help from the Holy Spirit.  At the same time I must cooperate with the Holy Spirit in this process of sanctification.  This is the plan I came up with:

    I have to have a reminder to set in my heart and mind so I developed this saying for myself: “Be honest, open, candid with honorable concern, merciful practice, and with fiercest personal transparency.”  There is a reason that James writes: “Let not many of you become teachers…”  The way it happens in me is that I get uppity, haughty-I get an attitude.

    I forget that I was once (and let’s get it out there: still am) weak in faith.  I forget how many people were pounding on my noggin to “get my doctrine straight.”  So what do I do?  I fall into the same practice and do not practice patience with others.  If I want to be fierce with someone, let it be the guy in the mirror.

    Paul writes to the Corinthian Church: “According to the grace of God given to me, like a skilled master builder I laid a foundation and someone else is building upon it.  Let each one take care how he builds upon it.” (I Cor 3:10)  My visual is the tap tap tap of a chisel on stone and not the pounding of a nail with a sledge.

    “Follow me as I follow Christ.”  “Come with me to the mount of God and Worship.”  And for the guy in the mirror: “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD: my Rock and my Redeemer.” (Ps 19:14)


     O God: To walk the path of Grace and Mercy of your Gospel is a challenge every day.  Every day I encounter temptation to exert my will upon another.  Many times I succumb to that temptation.  Even if my will is expressed in godly terms, in scriptural references, with the best of intentions, I can be so far off of Your direction.  I can sin.  Teach me to be patient: compound patience in my life.  Teach me to be merciful: Compound mercy in my life.  Teach me to be persuasive: Compound wisdom in my heart and mouth.  I want the words of my heart and mouth to be acceptable in Your sight.  AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – Romans 12

    Scripture :

    Romans 12:1 – “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.”

    Observation :

    In Romans chapter 12 the apostle Paul urges the believer to live their entire life devoted to God. The believer can not give 50% to God and 50% to the world, or even 98% to God with 2% held back. If the gospel is true and if Christ is who He says He is, then he demands 100% response.

    Application :

    In my life what am I holding back? Is faith something that happens on the weekend or in the morning or is faith the entirety of my life? The call of the believer is to offer everything as a response, as a sacrifice to God.

    Prayer :

    God I long to give you my everything in response to the gospel. Thank You for the power in your gospel and that I can offer you my all.


  • Good Life Journal – Romans 13

    Scripture :

    Romans 13:8-10 – Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.  For the commandments, “You shall not commit adultery, You shall not murder, You shall not steal, You shall not covet,” and any other commandment, are summed up in this word:  “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”  Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore love is fulfilling the law.  

    Observation :

    Paul is calling for love of others to be the driving force in believer’s lives.   Owe refers back to verse 7, where Paul says we are not to owe taxes/debt; but the gospel compels us to love others.  Paul also links the OT scriptures being expressed though the love of the gospel.  We love, through the power of the Holy Spirit, not to earn God’s love but as a reflection of his love for us.

    Application :

    God loved me so much that he sent Jesus to pay for my sins so that I could be adopted by the Father as his child.  Step 1 is to receive His love which most of us who are believers in Jesus accept and like.  Step 2 is to share the love with others, not always as easy as we let ourselves and things of the world cloud our way.  Living in the Spirit and loving others is (should be) what we do. As Paul states in verse 9 and 10, if we are loving our neighbors, we aren’t thinking about how to hurt them.  Jesus tells us we are to be known by our love. 

    Prayer :


    Thank you for your love and grace for me.  Help me be led by the Spirit as someone who has compassion, love for others to point towards you. 

  • Good Life Journal – Romans 11


     “So to at the present time there is a remnant chosen by grace.  But, if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works otherwise grace would no longer be grace.”  Romans 11:5-6


     Through chapter 11 Paul is addressing something specific to the Church at Rome: being snotty to the Jews.  It is the attitude of superiority that the Holy Spirit is addressing so as to get our head on straight.  How is this applicable?  Haven’t I exhibited a haughty, superior spirit every now and then?


       I have to remember not to stretch this too far out of whack.  I don’t want to lift this section of Scripture out of context.  We do that, you know; sometimes way too often.

    Here’s what I think Chapter 11 is conveying: Church at Rome is being snotty to the Jews.  Looks like the Gentile Christians are giving the Jews what for, perhaps about crucifying Jesus.  Maybe it looks like not living with the Jews like brothers in the Lord, not being kind, not serving each other, talking bad and gossiping-maybe just lifting their nose at them in appearance of superiority.

    Pretty proud of myself that I have never acted that way towards anyone (as I humbly polish my halo)…

    Paul subtlety reminds the Gentiles of this: God chose the Jews first.  Still chose them first.  Showed grace by grafting Gentiles in and loves them dearly and they are not second place–but do not be unaware: Abraham’s descendants were chosen first.  Ok, not so subtle.

    But here’s is my takeaway: Remember it is by Grace.  If by Grace, I cannot boast except in His Grace.  If I try to define anything by works, I nullify Grace.  “I really do Christian things and they don’t…” Patting myself on the back for my works—nullifying Grace.  I have a different (more important) position than you-nullifying Grace.  If I evaluate others, judge others, by any measure except Grace, then we are (all together now) nullifying Grace.  Doesn’t mean we overlook sin, doesn’t mean that we ignore unbiblical behavior, but I have to remember except by His Grace in my life, I do the same kind of stuff.

    Making ungodly distinctions-I do it all the time.  It is a habit that needs to be broken by really getting in and reviewing the Gospel every single day.  Easy to say, harder to do.


     Father: I want to be an engaged Disciple.  I want to remember, to preach the Gospel to the guy in the mirror every day.  One thing I can do is to review the Gospel, the entire Gospel on my way to work.  I want to act in accordance to the Gospel, to see the world through the lens of the Gospel, to hear and speak through the filter of the Gospel.  Help me O God-not to impress You but to serve as a servant.  AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – Romans 10


     Romans 10:21 But concerning Israel he says, “All day long I have held out my hands to a disobedient and obstinate people.


     This letter is for Israel but it applies to the church today. Zeal can be a good thing, if it is directed toward the right thing. The Israelites were zealous of the wrong things for the wrong reasons. Disobedient people turn their backs toward God and having a relationship with Him. Stubborn people believe it’s our will versus God’s will and choose our will.  Even though Israel rejected God, God continues to pursue them.  Our God is a patient God. Our God is a forgiving God. Our God is a loving God.


    God desires a relationship with me. He has his hands out for me all day long.  I often take his love for granted and I don’t have the sense of urgency I often need.  God is waiting for us. He is always there. However, I must act now.  Too often, we think we have time and that God will always be there but we tend take God for granted. We think we will always have time to come to Him.  Yes, He will always be there for us BUT we may not be able to make the choice to go to Him. I must act NOW.  A day or night will eventually come when our abilities to make a choice will go away. I think of my grandmother who had Alzheimer’s. I telephoned her and had a conversation with her one day. The next time I called she didn’t know me and never remembered me the rest of her life. Her day had come. Thankfully, she was a believer.

    I must be accepting to others. God has given me the example of how I am to love. God knew the Israelites were disobedient and stubborn yet he still loved them. I guess that means I must still love my sister even though she has made horrible decisions and continues to frustrate the family. God provided the example of how I am to love knowing that He is perfect and we are not.


     Thank you for being a God that seeks me. You seek me even though I am not worthy. Thank you for being a loving God. Loving me first and showing me how to love others.

  • Good Life Journal – Romans 9


    Romans 9

    Vs 6 But it is not as though the word of God has failed. 

    Vs 8 … it is not the children of the flesh who are the children of God, but the children of the promise are counted as offspring. 

    Vs 18 So then (God) has mercy on whomever He wills, and He hardens whomever He wills.

    Vs 19 You will say to me then, “Why does He still find fault? For who can resist His will?” 
    Vs 20 But who are you, O man, to answer back to God? Will what is molded say to its molder, “Why have you made me like this?”

    30 What shall we say, then? That Gentiles who did not pursue righteousness have attained it, that is, a righteousness that is by faith; 

    33 as it is written,
    “Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense;
    and whoever believes in him will not be put to shame.”


    Paul is asking a series of increasingly probing rhetorical questions that he realizes we may be asking of God, Himself.
    And then Paul actively swats them down as ridiculous by reminding of us who exactly God is and who exactly we are.

    The word of God does not fail.
    I will.
    God is sovereign.
    I am not.
    God extends His promise.
    I have faith in His promise.


    Romans 9 is a great reminder that the habit of “blaming God” is not a modern phenomenon.
    It’s God’s fault!
    I can’t resist God!
    He made me this way!
    Paul, an incredibly deep thinker, tells that it doesn’t make sense or do any good to get into the philosophical weeds of these thoughts.
    Simply acknowledge that God is God and I am not!
    Who am I to answer God?!
    This remind me of the first 37 chapters full of questions from Job and his friends only to finally have God speak and say, “Who is this that darkens my counsel by words without knowledge?!”

    So many of my questions stem from insecurity.
    I don’t have to be like this, though.
    I can have an utmost security!
    Why? Because God comes with a word … a promise.
    And I am “a child of promise”.
    And a child of promise receives “mercy”.
    And this promise of mercy allows me to attain “righteousness”.
    I must have “faith” in this “promise” of God.
    But what is this promise?
    God promises to “lay in Zion a rock of offense;
    and whoever believes in him will not be put to shame.”

    Amazing that so many would be “offended” by a promise of mercy and no shame if they would believe in Him, Jesus … the Rock of Offense”.

    It’s true, though. I can speak of Buddha, or Hindi, or Mohammed, or any “religious” thought leader.
    None give offense like Jesus.
    Nothing compares to Jesus.
    Because only He is sovereign.
    Yet, only He makes and answers His own promises.
    And only He makes me a child of His promise.

    Thank you God that I’m your child.
    Help me rest in that promise your mercy.
    Help me honor you today.
    In Jesus name

  • Good Life Journal – Romans 8


    Rom. 8:38-39
    38 For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
    Paul has addressed talked about the reality that the flesh and the spirit and the minds set on these are different. Justification and requirements and even outcomes are different with a life in the spirit and a life in the flesh. Paul talks also about the glory that is to come in Christ from the life we endure now. Suffering and so on is simply producing what can not be taken in the eternal glory of Jesus. He then addressed love that is stronger, mightier, and ours.
    When we receive something in life a lot of the time there are conditions. When we have something, especially as kids, there are ways it can be taken away. Even as adults our actions, struggles, and circumstances can determine what we keep. This can pertain to our jobs, marriages, and just overall life. This one thing in the life that CAN NOT be taken away….regardless of death, tribulation, suffering, bad decisions, wrong thoughts, doubt, fear, skepticism, and so on….the LOVE OF GOD. There is NOTHING I can do that can separate me from the love of God.  This is so counter to what life shows me. Love is normally earned…trust and respect is earned and can be taken at any point. Love in our world is circumstantial and conditional. This is not true of God…his love is unconditional, non-circumstantial. His love is strong, never fails, never leaves, nor forsakes, and nothing in all creation can separate me from it. This changed everything. I can live today not trying to earn Gods love, but simply receiving it and living in it and from it. I need this today. I won’t live today striving to earn Gods love and just rest In the fact that he loves me and NOTHING can separate me from his love or nothing can change that love. 
    God thank you for not loving me based on me. Thank you for loving me based on your son Jesus and he life and death and resurrection. Help me get this today and live in response to a love that is powerful and never ending. 
  • Good Life Journal – Romans 7


    “For I do not understand my own actions.  For I do not do what I want but I do the very thing I hate… (for) I know that nothing good dwells in me (that is-in my flesh).  For I have the desire to do what is right but not the ability to carry it out.  (for) I do not do the good I want but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing.

    So I find it to be a law that when I want to do right evil lies close at hand.  For I delight in the law of God in my inner being—but I see in my members another law waging against the law of my mind and making me captive to the law of sin that dwells in my members.

    Wretched man that I am!  Who will deliver me from this body of death?  Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!  So then (just to summarize): I myself serve the law of God with my mind but with my flesh I serve the law of sin.  Romans 7:5, 18-19, 21-25


     Tons of logic-speak going on in Chapter 7:  If then, then that; if not this, then not that; and etc.  It takes reading slow and methodical to unwind.  But, when we do, boy is it clear-or not.  It is time to renew our minds….Here’s to mortifying the man of flesh!


     Paul’s letter to the Roman Church can be challenging.  There is a lot of doctrine to go through.  I admit that early in my walk I ignored Romans in favor of a little less challenging Epistles-you know the ones that had a bunch of Sunday School sound bites?  Boy I tell you-did I cherry pick scripture-lifting them out; sometimes in context, sometime out of context.  And doing that, I constructed a personal doctrine that looked pretty good-but there were times where this “doctrine” only vaguely looked like mature, informed Christianity.

    Above are “lifted” sections (only because I am not supposed to write the whole chapter down) that I think reminds me of what really is happening in me.  I love God.  Saved, redeemed, adopted, forgiven, etc.  Praise His Holy Name!

    But as soon as I turned my head I committed some act of sin-I did something I shouldn’t have and didn’t want to do.  But I did it anyway.  I was crushed-at least I was crushed after I did what I did and after enjoying what I did.  Holy Spirit is faithful by convicting me of my sin so I could repent.  But just about every time (not really) I looked at the man in the mirror and asked “Why am I yo-yoing back and forth?  Why can’t I walk always pleasing God?”  Quote: “I do not the good I want but (I do) the evil I do not want is what I keep doing…” (Ro 7:5b

    This describes all believers-every one of us.  We all go through this yo-yo effect.  Here’s the down and dirty doctrine: We are redeemed by the Mercy and Grace of God-born again.  The miracle of Conversion.    Auggh!  The Old Man of sin, of the flesh is still hanging around.  Indwelling Sin.  It is the difference between Justification and the subsequent Sanctification. (the big words come in handy at times) that describes what is happening.

    God’s justification of us (by His Sovereign Grace) is to be praised and savored every day.  Getting rid of the Old Man?  We act in cooperation with the Holy Spirit to mortify (put to death) that wretched creature.  How?  Through the acts of an engaged disciple.


     Father: I like that phrase “an engaged disciple.”  Thanks for popping that into my noggin this morning.  Renew my mind, Holy Spirit!  Help me, cause me to see myself through Your eyes; convict my heart.  I ask You to reveal any wayward way in me.  Help me do away with my double mindedness, my stubbornness on getting my way and not Yours.  AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – Romans 6


    Romans 5:16-18 – Do you not know that if you present yourselves to anyone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin which leads to death, or obedience , which leads to righteousness?  But thanks be to God, that you who were once slaves of sin have become obedient from the heart to the standard of teaching to which you were committed, and, having been set free from sin, have become slaves of righteousness. 


    Paul here is providing explanation to answer the question why it is not okay to sin because we are under grace not the law. We are united to Christ and have died with him to sin and are resurrected in a new life.  Our lives will be marked as slaves to what we are obedient so we submit to serve God.  God’s saving grace is a gift that changes our hearts.  


    I need to thank God for the Gospel daily and live as someone who has been set free from sin that held me in bondage.  My response to the Gospel, should be one of love, praise and caring for others.  I am a slave to what I am obedient – whatever has my time, focus and resources.  I best present myself to God, live in obedience to him and consider myself as a slave for Christ and his eternal Kingdom.  If I am not serving God, then I am serving (slave) self, work or sin all of which lead to death.   



    Thank you for your love, grace and free gift of eternal life through Jesus. Let me live  a changed life of obedience to give the glory to you and point others to you.  

  • Good Life Journal – Romans 5

    Scripture :

    Romans 5:1 – Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.


    Observation :

    Romans chapter five speaks to the peace and hope that the believer has because of Christ. As a result of the gospel Christians are justified and as a result no longer have to live in fear or in need of chasing satisfaction from things in the world. Christians have the ultimate peace and satisfaction which is the peace that comes with being reconciled to God.

    Application :

    Ultimately my life does not have to be defined by anxiety or the worries of the world. I have peace with God because of the gospel. In light of this my life should be defined not by worry and stress but freedom and love. Today, I want to live in the peace of God and point others to Christ.

    Prayer :

    God thank You for the gospel. Thank You that because of the work of Christ I can have peace and hope. Help me to reach others with the same peace that has been given to me.

  • Good Life Journal – Romans 4


    “What then shall we say was gained by Abraham?…If Abraham was justified by works (then) he has something to boast about BUT not before God.  For what does the Scripture say?-“Abraham believed God and it was counted to him as righteousness.”
    Now to the one who works his wages are not counted as a gift but as his due.
    …to the one who does not work but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted as righteousness.  Romans 4:1-5a


    Even the folks at the church in Roman get confused about the concept of Justification by Faith.  Works and Faith.  Earning something or getting something.  Working to be justified-maybe a commendable attitude but ultimately a sinful affront to God.  What???   Justification by Faith-a specific pillar of being a Christian.  And I can get so confused and conflicted about it.  At some level it can be very puzzling if it is not frequently thought and talked about.  It really is a foundational facet of the Gospel.


    How do I get off track on this Works and Faith subject?  I think to understand it I really have to think with Biblical reasoning-and to do that I must study the Gospel point by point (Line upon line, precept upon precept.  Ps 119)

    Paul is writing the Roman Church because they were getting it wrong.  The attitude that sneaks up on everybody is the one given birth in the Garden by rebellious disobedience.  Adam disobeyed, succumbed to temptation, ate the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, and then spent the rest of the life of generations of folks trying to make up (atone) for that one act.  Offering sacrifice is the picture we have of the children of Israel.  The key word here is not sacrifice as might be guessed, but offering.  Offering is the key word and the foundational description of Atonement by Works.

    “I give something from myself and I will be accepted by God” is generally how the thinking goes.  I give money, time, sacrifice my wants (for a while anyway, not for good-God understands that I have needs, wants, and desires to deal with…).  I become a good person, do good things, smile and be kind, tolerant, loving (not hating), never condemn someone (at least not to their face-I am not a hypocrite…) and so on and so on.  All of these are works, offerings-things to give to God so that He will post a “like” on the Facebook of Life.

    Unfortunately, in the ways of God, it doesn’t work out like that.  Scripture is clear: we will not ever have a leg that would keep us standing and upright before God.  All of our works in this manner are to promote us, to gain something, to earn a right—and it would be all stuff that would burn.  In our present state, Man is condemned by the Holiness of God and is judged guilty of being rebellious and a traitor to God.  Man is eaten up with Sin.  We work for ourselves towards God?  Our only payment is the Wrath of God which is our Just due.

    But the scripture reference says “…the one that does not work but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly…”  Faith in the Cross, faith in the Work of Jesus as the atonement for my sin (not what I do as sinful acts but what I am-sinful man) is what is counted as righteousness.

    He did it, He did it all.  I did nothing but acknowledge He did it.  I cannot add one thing to His work on the Cross for my behalf.  The work on the Cross is so deep and thorough and is impossible for me to contribute to.  I cannot belittle Him by even having the attitude of “I helped by doing XXX.”  I cannot boast except in the mysterious and incredulous impossibility that He should have love and consideration so much that salvation would come to sinful man.  Halleluiah.


    Lord Jesus: the song comes to mind-“I can’t comprehend this fathomless love; I’m gripped and amazed at what you have done; Why would the Adored become the Despised to bear all the furious wrath that was mine?  How awesome this mystery of Your fathomless love for me.”

    Amazed and astounded at this Mystery-the Mystery that will be contemplated for all of Eternity.  AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – Romans 3


    Romans 3:21-23 But now apart from the law the righteousness of God has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify. This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God 


    Paul just finishes telling us how sorry everyone’s spiritual condition is. Paul lets us know we are all sinners.  “But now” he tells us how we can become right with God. The “but now” part is through one act and one act only. I remember someone telling me we should insert “after the cross” to the sentence. It would read “but now, after the cross, …”

     God promises to save us. He also promises to judge us. God is justified in our condemnation. He declares us not as innocent but as guilty. ALL of us are guilty. However, when we trust Jesus as our savior, we are free because Jesus paid the price for our sins. Although we are totally unworthy, we are redeemed through Christ on the cross. A gift given to us if we accept it.


     I must accept His gift. This is humbling because I am not worthy to accept it. And this is a gift I can never repay. Ever had a friend who bought you a Christmas gift but you didn’t buy them one? Totally awkward and embarrassing. Even if you go buy them something, it doesn’t feel right. The gift Jesus gave us, however, is different. It is called grace. There is nothing we can do to repay it. Nothing we can do to match it. We must humble ourselves and accept it.

    I must follow the playbook.  Team sports have playbooks and coaches call plays to run during a game. When a coach watches game film, he judges his players on how they performed on the plays that were called. Players must know the playbook, know the routes, assignments, etc. to perform well.  Players also must run the play that is called.  Similarly, God has given us a playbook to follow. He has given us laws and rules to follow. I can’t worry about how others will perform if I am not following the plays and doing what I am supposed to be doing.  I must live my life accordingly. All of us will fail. I will fail even though I don’t want to. Even though I have studied the “playbook”. When a player fails on one play, they shake it off and try again the next time. When I fail in life due to my sin, I must keep going and keep referring to God’s plan and his rules.  


    I realize God that you seek me. You seek me even though I am not worthy. It is humbling. In my daily life that I fill with all kinds of really, really important stuff that is important only to me, I must take the time to reflect on your gift. I must reflect on the parts of my life that should change in order to follow the path and laws you have provided for my life.