Category: Good Life Journal

  • Good Life Journal – John 12


    John 12:26 – If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and, where I am, there will be my servant also. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him.


    Jesus is speaking to some Greeks who were seeking him when he tells them not to care for their life in this world to gain eternity. Jesus follows by saying that to serve him we must follow him. To follow Jesus we must be where He is. Whoever serves Jesus will be honored by the Father


    I must submit to and follow Jesus in order to serve Him. The thought that this is “my life” and I can do with it what I want are far from the truth of Christ. I have to recognize that my life was bought with a price and it is not my own. To be with Jesus we need to follow his example of servitude, sacrifice and love for others. However, whatever role I play should be to glorify Him.


    Thank you for your love and grace in sending Jesus to pay for my sins so I can have a relationship with you. Let your Spirit guide me to follow Jesus by serving, loving others that points towards y


  • Good Life Journal – John 10


    John 10:17-18

    “For this reason the Father loves me because I lay down my life that I may take it up again. No one takes it from me but I lay it down of my own accord.

     I have authority to lay it down and I have authority to take it up again. This charge I received from my Father.” 


    This section of Scripture is plain spoken and yet puzzling to the hearers. Why? It is because their frame of reference is skewed. The words are plain but without understanding to their ears. It can be the same with my ears…



    Today we are celebrating Easter. He is risen; He is risen indeed!

     I don’t ponder, wonder about this enough. This whole time doesn’t capture my attention, my imagination, my sense of awe like it should. There is a part of my mind that is just used to the holiday.

    And that is the way many identify with this time-it is holiday. Not a bad thing, I am certainly not entering into any kind of condemnation to those that do-I would have to condemn myself, the face in the mirror as well.

    But I wonder: Does the Subject of this holiday move me? If I am reminded I quickly shift into Christian gear and say “Yes!” But what if I am doing the dishes? Mowing the lawn? Getting the grill ready for the Final Four? Probably not if I am being fiercely transparent.

    Review the scripture reference above. Jesus is plainly saying that He has authority to die on his own volition, to resurrect on his own volition. There are reasons this is significant: 1) He is a wiling sacrifice; 2) He is not a victim, nor is He dependent on another hand to do the dirty work (think about Abraham and Isaac); 3) He will raise Himself up; 4) All this through the Plan of the Gospel from before Time began.

    If I think about this more, Jesus suffered triumphally. Every lash, every stone, every blow on the nails, every wave of Eternal Wrath meant for me He accepted and meant that the Plan was proceeding as designed-Creation would be redeemed, the price of Sin would be paid for, God’s righteous Justice and corresponding Wrath would have appeasement, and Men, through faith in the Work of Christ would have redemption, adoption, and release from the chains of Sin. But also, not to forget, that those that don’t have faith in the Atonement would be subject to the same Wrath Jesus did.

    So what will I do today? I will take frequent time to steal away for a moment of reflecting on the Atonement. I will open my mouth in praise and especially thanksgiving. I will reflect on this with my wife in morning devotions. I will be triumphally humbled today, knowing that I don’t deserve His work, and will be so very grateful for His Work. Grace, grace, marvelous Grace!!


    Triune God, be praised forever! Your Name is above all names. There is absolutely none like You; No works are greater than Yours, Your ways are so far above anything imaginable. You are Good in such a way as cannot be fathomed.

    Thank you for the Cross. Thank you for the Resurrection. Thank you for the Gospel. Thank you for the Holy Spirit.

  • Good Life Journal – John 11

    Scripture :

    John 11: 25-26 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?”

    Observation :

    Jesus arrives to the home of Lazarus after he has already been dead four days. The family is mourning and Lazarus’ sister Martha is frustrated with Jesus saying “if you had been here, my brother would not have died.” Jesus teaches that he is the resurrection and life then displays this as he raises Lazarus from the dead.

    Application :

    Jesus is life. In light of Easter Jesus shows not only that he can raise Lazarus but He himself is the resurrection. In the same way my hope for this life and more importantly the next is in Jesus. The reality is that those apart from Christ do not have life and it should change the way I see this life and my need to reach others for the gospel.

    Prayer :

    Thank You Lord that you are life, the resurrection. Show me opportunities today to share your life with others.

  • Good Life Journal – John 9


    John 9:20-23  20 “We know he is our son,” the parents answered, “and we know he was born blind. 21 But how he can see now, or who opened his eyes, we don’t know. Ask him. He is of age; he will speak for himself.” 22 His parents said this because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders, who already had decided that anyone who acknowledged that Jesus was the Messiah would be put out of the synagogue.23 That was why his parents said, “He is of age; ask him.”


    Jesus heals a man that had been blind since birth. Rather than marvel at the miracle or the one that performed this miracle, the Pharisees were more concerned about the details surrounding the event. Rather than believe that Jesus was sent from God and that Jesus had healed him, they doubted if the man had actually been blind and focused on when this miracle occurred (on the Sabbath). They went as far as questioning his parents and questioning the former blind man twice.

    The parents, while speaking basic facts about their son, failed to honor Jesus for fear of being ostracized and thrown out of the Temple. Being thrown out would have meant hardship with both social and economic consequences. They chose worldly priorities over spiritual priorities.   


    I need to choose God over the world. I am closer to the parents than I care to admit. Do I speak up at my office if I see something that could be construed as non spiritual or do I let things slide since this is an business and not a church? Am I careful in what I say in order not to offend anyone?  Do my emails reflect me as a Christian or me as a person? Do I go to a holiday party or a Christmas party? I once had a colleague named Ron. Ron was much older and a devote Christian that took every opportunity to spread the Gospel. He did it with peers, customers, etc. He and I knew that he lost promotions because of his views and his stance. Ron didn’t care. He kept preaching and reaching. I need the same confidence and “I could care less what happens” attitude as I spread the Gospel to others.  

    I need to focus on pleasing God, not man. The parents were rightfully concerned about their situation. They could have lost everything. But, that would have been every worldly thing. They choose to let their son speak the truth instead of shouting and praising God for what He did.  God does not promise us that life as a Christian will be easy. We do, however, still have to remain faithful and have a Godly perspective, not a worldly perspective.


    Father, I am often too concerned with what others think of me if I don’t conform. Help me to realize that you can use anyone or anything in any situation to bring people closer to you. Give me a spirit of boldness and confidence to do your will, no matter what.  Thank you for your patience with me.

  • Good Life Journal – John 8


    John 8

    2 Early in the morning he came again to the temple. All the people came to him, and he sat down and taught them.

    27 They did not understand that he had been speaking to them about the Father.

    28 So Jesus said to them, “When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am he,

    29 And he who sent me is with me. He has not left me alone, for I always do the things that are pleasing to him.

    44 You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires.


    Jesus is again teaching at the temple. He is telling them that he is the one they’ve been waiting for. He is the Messiah sent by the Father. He distinguishes himself from everyone else, especially the other teachers in their midst.
    He is of his Father, God. They are of their father, the devil.
    Not everyone is able to accept this hard truth.
    In fact, even though he is telling them the good news, some wanted to kill Jesus after hearing this.


    Everyone has a father, whether they know him or not.
    Everything I do will please a spiritual father, either God or the devil.
    Jesus said He “always does the things that are pleasing to God”.
    Jesus tells his listeners that their “will is to do the things your father (the devil) desires.”
    I will please one or the other.
    I will fulfill ones desires.
    But who? Who am I pleasing? God or the devil?
    I say my will is to always please God the Father. But is it?
    Jesus said their “will” was to do the devil’s desires.
    And these were people at the temple!
    Jesus was telling the “good” people, the “church going” people that they willed to do the desires of the devil. Ouch!
    Religious people need to be cautious.
    I need to be cautious.
    Even the people wanting to hear what Jesus had to say, often didn’t really want to hear it.
    I can fool myself. Maybe I can others. But I can’t fool God.
    Am I walking in the light? In the Truth? Is my will to please the Father?
    And then, do I actually do it?


    Thank you again God, for your word.
    Help me know your will.
    Give me strength and courage to live it.
    Keep me from the devil.
    Thank you for the cross.
    Thank you for experiencing a death that I never will.
    Thank you for your forgiveness.
    In Jesus name


  • Good Life Journal – John 7


    John 7: 40-43
    40 When they heard these words, some of the people said, “This really is the Prophet.” 41 Others said, “This is the Christ.” But some said, “Is the Christ to come from Galilee? 42 Has not the Scripture said that the Christ comes from the offspring of David, and comes from Bethlehem, the village where David was?” 43 So there was a division among the people over him.


    Jesus has people discussing what they believe about the Christ from the prophecy. They have placed the expectations of the Christ on what they have read and interpreted and in some manner assumed. Yet, they have the Christ in front of them fulfilling the prophecy they claim and deny him. Wow, this is being shown to me clear.


    People don’t believe and follow based on what other have said they follow because Jesus by his Spirit has met with them and by his grace saved them. The Gospel must be preached and things of God Spoken, but it is God who saves through his Son and spirit.There are many that claim Jesus but don’t know him. People won’t follow Jesus because of things they assume or have Heard about him that though may be true misinterpreted. The Christ was to be from Bethlehem, and Jesus is from Galilee? They don’t know him and his whole story so they reject him. Jesus loves us and was supposed to stop the pain some may say? Where did they get that? From a person who read something and misinterpreted or didn’t know they whole story??? We must share the Gospel, we must share our testimony, but we must let people speak to Jesus. We must lead them to the cross and let them be redeemed and radically changed by his love and his voice. Their is power is testimony, share it. Their is power in the Gospel and takes people from death to life, because Christ encounters them. We can’t let people go off everything that Others have said and lead people to him and his Word so HE CAN SPEAK TO THEM.


    Father help me see that it’s you that changed hearts. Help me lead people to you not me. Help me point people to what you have said not me.

  • Good Life Journal – John 6


    When many of his disciples heard it they said, “This is a hard saying, who can listen to it?”  But Jesus (knowing in himself that his disciples were grumbling about this) said to them “Do you take offense at this?  Then what if you were to see the Son of Man ascending to where he was before?  It is the Spirit who gives life-the flesh is no help at all…”  After this many of his disciples turned back and no longer walked with him.  John 6:60-63a, 66.


    This is a chapter of scripture that can be confusing, a number of subjects being woven around.  It can be that way at times in the Scriptures.  It is a reason to pull things gently apart (unpack them) and find out what is truly meant.   Sometimes the Scriptures sound offensive-they can be truly “hard sayings…”  And what is shown as the result?  Grumbling.


    Confession: I am down in the dumps today.  Don’t know why, don’t really have any reason, and at the same time I don’t see any way out. What I am doing is putting one foot in front of the other.

    With that in mind I am thinking about this and wondering what hard sayings do I grumble about?  I am sure I do, you know.  We probably all do.

    In the above passage, Jesus was explaining that in the Flesh and the Blood salvation is found.  Jesus was talking about eating and drinking Flesh and Blood of His.  Probably sounded like….well, you know.  Set the (general) disciples on edge.  “What are you talking about, Jesus?” and then they started talking (grumbling) among themselves about what thy heard.

    What is the difference then about these guys and the Berean brothers (Acts 17:10-11) who went off to verify what Paul and Silas were teaching?  In a word: Attitude.

    These disciples around Jesus perhaps had a different perspective of what they wanted to see/hear as a result.  Unlike the Bereans, they only talked about Jesus among themselves and (implied by this scripture reference) did not go and see what was what according to the Scriptures.  They didn’t even hang around and hammer out understanding with Jesus.  What they did do was to grumble.

    Grumbling has a distinct negative taste in the Spirit’s mouth.  In a real sense, grumbling is directly questioning God about His doings, but not to God in prayer.  Grumbling has to do with talking to each other about God’s working in a negative and questioning way.  “I can’t believe God is doing such and such?  I thought He was a good God.  If it were me I would have thought it would go (this way).”

    Grumbling is such an issue with God that in Genesis the sons of Korah grumbled and God opened up the ground and swallowed 5,000 of those guys.

    So what now?  Am I not allowed to complain?  It all comes down to Attitude.

    If I take my cares to my Lord, that is good-trusting in His Goodness to answer my plea for understanding.  If I moan and groan to others-well, whom am I serving?  Answer: myself and, moreover, making exhibition of original sin, rebellion against God.

    See the last part of the reference: “The Spirit gives life…the flesh is no help at all.”  Hard saying, isn’t it?  “Death and life are in the power of the tongue”, “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks…”

    Today I am in the dumps.  Therefore I must draw on my “circuit breakers” to not sin with my mouth or in my attitude.


     Father, you can see my insides and outsides.  You see my struggles, complaints and, yes, my tendency to grumble.  Please strengthen my resolve by You, Holy Spirit not to grumble and complain.  Even in my doldrums I want to please You in every respect.  Bring light to my eyes and spring to my steps. AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – John 5


    John 5:14 – Afterward Jesus found him in the temple and said to him, “See you are well! Sin no more, that nothing worse may happen to you.”


    Jesus healed the man by the pool at Bethesda who had been an invalid for 38 years. However, his physical healing was not his greatest need. Jesus sought the man and told him that he was well and to sin no more. Jesus was calling the man to live a life changed by his healing.


    As a follower of Christ, I have been saved from a life of death and brought into life. My response should be to live a life where I recognize and live out the underserving grace that was shown to me. This does not mean that I am going have a perfect, sinless life the rest of my days on earth. I will live with His love and grace and choose to follow Christ in a new identity through Him.


    Thank you for your love and grace in sending Jesus to save me. Let me recognize this was and is my greatest need. May I live life to follow you in response to the gospel.

  • Good Life Journal – John 4

    Scripture :

    John 4:34 – Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work.

    Observation :

    Jesus and the disciples had been busy traveling and doing ministry. The disciples were urging Jesus to eat and be sustained but Jesus replies “I have food you do not know about.” After the disciples were puzzled by the response Jesus corrects them that doing the will of the Father and accomplishing his work is what satisfies him.

    Application :

    In life I wouldn’t accomplish much or get very far if I was constantly on a “fasting” diet. In the same way I can not stand strong spiritually if I am not in the will of God and accomplishing His purposes. Moments before this story Jesus has a conversation with a Samaritan woman by a well of water where He says “everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will become a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” In my life I desire to not be consumed on the fleeting things of the world but the true sustenance that my spirit needs, relationship with Jesus, the will of God, accomplishing His purpose.

    Prayer :

    Thank you Jesus that you satisfy. Help me to be someone who is sustained through your will and your work. I don’t want to be going back to the fleeting water of the world, hold me firm on your truth.

  • Good Life Journal – John 3


    Nicodemus speaking: “Rabbi: we know that you are a teacher come from God (for no one can do the signs you do unless God is with him).” Jesus answered him “Truly, truly I say to you: Unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” Nicodemus said to him “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb?” John 3:2b-4



    This is a section of scripture that is widely referenced. The phrases are familiar. Just about everybody has heard “Be born again” as it applies to Christianity. But what does it mean? Can it be explained? Does it need to be explained one…more…time?



    In every generation this is a phrase that brings the question just like Nicodemus: “What’cha talking about, Willis?

    I think about this. What does it mean “to be born again?” What is it, anyway? Is it part of the Christianese we believers speak? Is it in our Christian “shop talk?” Secret language? Example (sound snooty here): “Things of the Spirit are revealed by the Spirit. Not revealed to you? The Spirit is not with you….” or something like that.

    Point is I can lapse into Christianese at the drop of a hat and sound oh, so holier than thou. And, without being nudged about it, not give it a second thought. What a Pharisee!

    I have taken to describe being born again as having my operating system (like a computer) overwritten. That is the point of Jesus’ statement: Want to see the Kingdom? You have to start all over again from the core of you. The “old man”, the sinful man that is a prisoner, needs to have a condition that is freed from the shackles of Sin.

    Lo and behold: The Atonement! Jesus’ propitiation work on the Cross created the conditions that we can be set free and redeemed. How? Through the miracle of regeneration, basically re-writing our operating system. “Sin no longer has dominion over us…” Paul writes in Romans. Describes it beautifully.

    “Would you be free from the burden of sin? There’s power in the Blood!” Today, every day, bow your head, heart, and mind to the Gospel. Do not let sin have dominion in you no more.


    Lord God: Interesting I should write about this today. After being reminded about it anew this morning, what a wonderful privilege to testify about it one more time. I have to talk to the man in the mirror about it, let it be on my lips in some fashion, reference it in my every action. My heart has been changed! I have been overwritten. I am rebooted. I am starting over, born again. Nifty keen, O God. AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – John 2


    John 2:5

     His mother said to the servants “Do whatever he tells you.”


    Jesus had traveled to a wedding with His mother and His disciples. Wedding in those days were big deals. They often lasted days and to run out of food or wine would have been a major embarrassment for the host family and close to an offense of hospitality in the Jewish culture. Mary’s request to Jesus implied she expected Jesus to perform a miracle.  Her request to the servants indicated the same.    


    Mary’s expected Jesus to perform some type of miracle.  I should expect the same. Not necessarily changing water into wine but expecting Jesus to perform miracles in my life.

    I should do whatever Jesus tells me as well. In this story, the servants physically did everything Jesus asked. I should too. Doing everything He asks should always be my response to His will whether it is physically or spiritually doing something.

    Mary did not tell Jesus what to do or how to do it. She just expected something to be done. I should expect the same type of change in my life when I listen and obey Jesus. I should not tell God how to do things or what to do, I should allow Him to change me based on His desires not mine.  


    Father, you are an amazing God. You are a loving God that has shown compassion on me. Thank you for your patience with me.  Allow me to listen to you always and obey your words. Remove distraction and “noise” from my life that is not being delivered by you so I can hear you speak and you can guide my ways.

  • Good Life Journal – John 1


    John 1

    Vs 1 … the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

    Vs 2 He was in the beginning with God.

    Vs 10 … yet the world did not know him.

    Vs 18 … God… has made him known.

    Vs 31 (John the Baptist said), “I myself did not know him, but for this purpose I came baptizing with water, that he might be revealed to Israel.”

    Vs 48 Nathanael said to Jesus, “How do you know me?”



    John wants his readers to know God.

    Even more importantly, John wants us to know that God, Himself, wants us to know Him.

    Jesus has always been, but the world did not know Him even when He came into the world.

    John the Baptist fulfilled a role in helping to make Jesus known.

    Even when the world does not know Jesus, Jesus knows the world.

    Nathaniel was shocked when Jesus acknowledged him personally.



    I can know God by knowing Jesus.

    I can also help reveal God to others by sharing Jesus with them.

    Understanding that God wants us to know Him is a breakthrough to me understanding the character of God.

    God does not want to be hidden. God wants relationship with me.

    Jesus came and “dwelt in the world”. He did not need to do this.

    He could have come to the world for a day, been crucified, and rose.  

    He could have saved the world in a moment. But He chose to live among us for 33 years.

    He was flesh. God wants to be known … by me.

    I cannot get over how incredible this is. God wants me to know Him.

    And, just as incredible, God knows me.

    I can understand the shock of Nathaniel’s question, “How did you know me?”

    But I can’t have the same shock today. This, again, reveals the character of who God is.

    God wants relationship … a loving, caring relationship. 

    And if I have this understanding of who God is, how could I not want to reveal Him to others?

    As privileged as John the Baptist was, I now share this same privilege!

    I am known by God, and I know God, and I can make Him known.



    Thank you, God, again for your Word.

    Thank you for becoming flesh and dwelling with us.

    Help me to know you more.

    Help me see opportunities to make you known

    In Jesus name


  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 53


    Psalm 53:3

    3 They have all fallen away;
    together they have become corrupt;
    there is none who does good,
    not even one.


    David is just getting started in his plea for God to take care and heap judgement on his enemies. We learn later in the psalm that it is men who used to walk with. He says is verse 13 and 14 of Psalm 55; 13 But it is you, a man, my equal,
    my companion, my familiar friend.
    14 We used to take sweet counsel together;
    within God’s house we walked in the throng.
    This verse is what I was led back to with a very clear question from God……


    Who do I spend my time with? Who is the majority of my time, heart, mind, and spirit invested In? I know I have to be pouring into the lost and spending time with people who don’t know Jesus, but have to be getting poured into and spending time with men of like mind and heart. It says “they” have fallen away, and the key word, “TOGETHER” “They” have become corrupt. It is easy to follow a crowd and do what everyone else is doing. In our world where the crowd is going is not where we want to be going. Where do the people I spend the majority of my time going? If it’s down a path of unrighteousness and sin am I with them? Do I get into the things they are? Am I trying to speak of Jesus yet walking with them in darkness? Or am I engaging the darkness with the light but not following them in? Crowds went to Jesus for what they could get but only a few followed…..who am I?

    Do I go to Jesus with the crowd to get what I want?
    Or do I go to Jesus to follow him for who he is?

    A couple things:
    -Who are the people I spend most of time with? Are they going in the same direction I am?
    -Make sure all my relationships are intentional with the Love of God and we are going somewhere together for God and in Christ.
    -Engage the darkness (evangelism) but don’t go in.


    Father help me see who you have called me to be together with. May the be people to spur me to obedience in you and lead me to people who don’t know. Lead me not unto temptation and may I only engage the lost but not follow them. I need your help Lord. Give me wisdom and guidance. In Jesus Name.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 51


    “Have mercy on me, O God, according to your steadfast love—According to your abundant mercy blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin!

    For I know my transgression and my sin is ever before me. Against you-You only-have I sinned and done what is evil in Your sight so that you may be justified in Your words and blameless in your judgment.” Ps 51:1-4



    Is this statement by the Psalmist a cry for help? A cry for release? A cry of desperation? Or could it be a sober reminder of the reality of his state before God? Is this the beginning of the Gospel for folks like you and me?



    When I sit down to a meal I look the plate over and invariably I take a bite out what immediately looks good. As I have grown older my tendency is to eat things I like, not necessarily what is good for me. I do eat what is good for me but often the thought comes through “How much better this would be with bacon.”

    I point this out because most of us, many of us, all of us, are drawn to good stuff, appealing stuff. We don’t necessarily like to think about what came before the good stuff. Many do this with the Gospel even today…

    The song goes “Thank you for saving me: What can I say?” Saving from what? And why?

    I want a deeper walk with God; I want to understand what can be revealed. By thinking and studying hard about the Gospel, from the very beginning or conception and going through as many steps of the Gospel I can think of, the richness of God’s mercy toward Man deepens and broadens; it soars to the heights and fills the deepest valleys.

    Ps 51 can be thought of as a part of the beginning of the Gospel. The Psalmist makes a difference on God’s abundant mercy and the spoken realization that he doesn’t deserve it. “Against You I have sinned, done evil so that You are justified and blameless in anything You do.”

    This is the basis on why we can give praise to God: He did something that we do not deserve. We don’t deserve it now-we will never deserve it. The Redemption that we mercifully enjoy is all of the Triune God-nothing we have done, nothing we do, nothing we will do will change that the Triune God planned and executed the Gospel from before time began.

    The Gospel is a mystery. An amazing and wonderful mystery-but a mystery just the same. Why would He do this? His testimony says for Love. He loves the unlovable traitors to the Creator of the Universe.

    How absolutely cool is that?



    Father: I don’t ever want to take the Gospel for granted. I don’t want to massage it into just talking about the neat things, the bright things, and the good things. I need to remember just what the Psalmist wrote. “Against You and You alone have I sinned”, and yet, with my despicable sin before me-You redeemed me; You saved me from experiencing Your righteous Wrath, and so much more. When I preach the Gospel to myself, let me remember from here…and praise You forevermore of Your Unfathomable Grace. AMEN.

  • Good Life Journal – Psalm 50


    Psalm 50:23 – The one who offers thanksgiving as his sacrifice glorifies me; to one who orders his way rightly I will show the salvation of God!


    By giving thanks and being grateful to God brings Him glory.  Follow God’s path and he will reveal His salvation.


    Every day I must be thankful for everything that God has provided for myself and my family.  Most importantly I must recognize and be grateful for the grace he has given me through the substitutionary death of Jesus to save me.  When we give thanks to God, this gives the glory to Him and points others towards Him.  As one who is grateful for my salvation and in response to that, I need to walk along God’s path for my life.  Apart from Christ, I am nothing and only one wrong turn from slipping off God’s path.  Therefore, I need to submit and make a conscious decision daily to be in the word, in prayer and follow the Spirit’s prompting in my life.



    Thank you for your grace and mercy.  Let me be someone who recognizes this and gives you thanks to bring you glory and honor.